Chapter 116  

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The main tasks are as the following:

The prerequisite in this life.

Eat a full meal for every meal and must be on time; Sleep soundly every night and must be on time; Never do needlework embroidery again; Can marry anyone except the crown prince.

【…Haha hahaha! 】 After seeing the Lord God’s task, Xiao Yiyi couldn’t help laughing out loud.

【Host hahaha, god host haha! Isn’t this task too easy to accomplish ba? What kind of ghost is this? Is this really not a joke made by the Lord God?】

Xi Ying didn’t think there was anything ridiculous about this task.

Judging from the details of the mission, Chu Ruyu was a female No 3.

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No, she can’t even be counted as the female No 3. If it weren’t for her status as the first daughter of the Chu family, she really had no sense of existence at all.

Coupled with her own silly and naïve character, when the Lord God’s release this kind of task, it was indeed helping her to counterattack.

In the previous life, she was starved to death and being forced to do heavy-duty needlework until she was worn out. That’s why she had the first, second, and third tasks of the Lord God. As for not marrying the crown prince, it was because all Chu Ruyu’s sources of nightmares were because she married the crown prince.

However, the prerequisite for this life means… Was she going to stay on this plane until death?

【Host, do you think the crown prince loves Chu Qing? 】Xiao Yiyi asked curiously.

" "

“Love.” Xi Ying closed her eyes and continued, “If he  didn’t love, why he did not accept any concubine after her death, wanting to make her a queen and be lonely forever?”

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【Then why did he watch Chu Shishi bullying Chu Qing and he didn’t react at all! 】 Xiao Yiyi was furious.

“The power behind Chu Shishi is powerful. The prime minister was her father and she had Tang Huofeng’s military power. If the prince wants to stabilize his position and successfully ascend to the throne, he must not provoke her.”

【Didn’t expect the crown prince to be really vile! 】Xiao Yiyi concluded.

“No, it’s precisely because the prince loves Chu Qing and wants to fulfill his promise to Chu Qing, that’s why he willing to bears so much humiliation.”

【Host, I… don’t understand. 】

Xi Ying opened his eyes, “Just from the details of the mission, I can feel the fierce battle for the throne. It can be seen that the crown prince had been struggling to where those princes are not a vegetarian. This is a cruel age when if you don’t kill me and I will kill you.

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The reason the prince was indifferent to Chu Qing after Chu Shishi entered the East Palace was probably because he was afraid that if he cares about Chu Qing, Chu Qing would be attacked by Chu Shishi, but he didn’t expect that he would still harm Chu Qing if he did nothing. ”

【So, the prince wanted to borrow the power behind Chu Shishi to successfully ascend the throne, and then kick the Chu Shishi away and live with Chu Qing? 】


【But he didn’t expect Chu Qing to commit suicide! 】


【Ah! Host! After Chu Qing died, the prince did those kinds of things like didn’t accept any concubines, Chu Qing after rebirth didn’t know at all! 】

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“She should not know.”

【Suddenly, there was a flash of divine light in my mind! 】 Xiao Yiyi’s tone is full of pride.

Xi Ying: “?”

【Host, I think the side mission is likely to let you match up the lovers and make sure they will eventually get married! 】

“Don’t you see Chu Qing’s hatred for me?” Xi Ying said casually.

【What?】Xiao Yiyi looked dumbfounded, 【Why does Chu Qing hate Chu Ruyu? Chu Ruyu is a pitiful cannon fodder! 】

“Because without Chu Ruyu, she would not have married into the East Palace as a dowry concubine in her previous life, met and fell in love with the prince, and experienced such a tragic life.”


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