Chapter 168

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Xuanzang didn’t react at all, letting his face being pulled into various shapes by Xi Ying.

After verifying that his face was real, Xi Ying’s heart banged and sped up.

Although she knew that the man in front of him was not Shen He, but Xuanzang.

Since the two of them look exactly the same, does that mean there must be something else in this plane?

Then, can she look forward to it a little?

Xi Ying let go of his face, and Xuanzang said: “Little girl, where do you live? Why are you trapped in the swamp?”

Xuanzang’s voice sounded like the water flowing in clear spring, clear and sweet.

There was not a trace of displeasure in his eyes because of Xi Ying’s action of pulling his face.

It wasn’t because he had any other feelings for Xi Ying, but because he didn’t care about this naïve behavior that didn’t hurt his body at all.

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This indifference caused Xi Ying’s heart to feel uncomfortable.

“This good-looking elder. I don’t remember what happened before I met you. I don’t know what my name is, where I live, and I don’t know who else is in my family. I think you are all are good-hearted people, can you take me in? Although I don’t know how to do anything, I definitely won’t cause you trouble when I eat!”

“Puff ha ha ha!” Xi Ying’s words made Zhu Ganglie laugh.

“Little beauty, just look so good at you… Oh, I mean, just talk to you is so funny, my master will definitely let you stay. Is that right, Master?”

Xuanzang didn’t respond immediately.

He stood up, his indifferent eyes swept up and down Xi Ying’s body.

He didn’t speak for a long time.

Sun Wukong felt tickled all over his body.

“Wujing, you can take care of her.”

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After that, he left Xi Ying.

Then his figure disappeared from her eyes.

He stepped into the stirrup and got on the horse lightly.

This scene made Xi Ying squint slightly.

Xuanzang has some basic skills?

But in her impression, shouldn’t Xuanzang be a timid monk?

He is a timid monk who has read a lot of scriptures.

But from the time she came to this plane, Xi Ying’s observations of Xuanzang and his three apprentices did not seem to be the case.

This Xuanzang…

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She always felt that Sun Wukong and Zhu Ganglie were a little afraid of him.

【Reporting to the host, the Lord God task has been received, when can I convey it to you? 】

Xiao Yiyi’s voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Xi Ying’s thoughts.

Sha Wujing walked towards Xi Ying and reached out to her.

“Come on, little girl, you are so small, just sit on my shoulders!”

He is tall and stronger than ordinary people, so even if Xi Ying sits on his shoulders, he doesn’t weight much.

This is the best way he came up with.

He can’t hold this little girl all the time.

" "

“Thank you elder.” Xi Ying smiled sweetly at Sha Wujing and climbed onto his shoulder.

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Five of them continued to move forward.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Ganglie and Sha Wujing are not ordinary people.

To put it nicely, Xuanzang was escorted to the west to learn the scriptures. To put it bluntly, Tathagata 1 found three underworld bodyguards to protect Xuanzang.

After all, what they have to face along the way is not ordinary rogue, but monsters who have defected from bodhisattvas and even Tathagata’s.

If they change to a righteous person such as a normal heavenly envoy, they will definitely not dare to fight.

After all, the layer relationship is placed here.



Tathagata (Buddha’s name for himself, having many layers of meaning – Sanskrit: thus gone, having been Brahman, gone to the absolute etc)

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