Chapter 193

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“What kind of doll, it’s a real person, a living beauty! Hey, my vision was amazing at the beginning, and the little beauty has become a beauty!”

Zhu Ganglie’s words made Sun Wukong’s eyebrows lifted, “]you mean that the little girl is back?”

“I don’t know the specifics situation. Anyway, I can be sure that it is the little girl. It is estimated that the Master has been asking about the little girl all these years.”

Xuanzang took Xi Ying to a hillside without touching the ground.

Xi Ying’s waist was embraced by Xuanzang. The distance between them was so close.

It was like riding a white horse and being embraced by Xuanzang.

The tip of her nose darted into the faint Buddha incense smell.

Still the familiar taste and the familiar person.

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She doesn’t know if his mind is still the same. Will it change quietly?

Xuanzang released Xi Ying.

The soft grass was filled with the earthy smell of sunshine. Xi Ying sat down directly and lay down on her back.

A few white clouds are floating in the blue sky, and two birdsong can be heard from time to time.

It’s like a quiet atmosphere of the years.

“Where have you been these years?” Xuanzang continued to repeat the question that had not been answered just now.

“Master, obviously we can say in the post shop, why are you taking me outside? It’s so comfortable here, so comfortable that I really want to sleep…”

As she said, Xi Ying yawned.

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From the corner of her eyes, she caught a white robe spreading out on the grass, and in the next second, that delicate and familiar face came to her face.

Only in a distance on one hand.

“Have you not seen Wuneng wanting to pounce at you.”

Xuanzang’s black eyes were like a bottomless vortex, which deeply attracted the people who looked at him.

In six years, Xuanzang also grew up.

He became more confusing, and he could disturb people’s thoughts without knowing it.

However, Xi Ying didn’t know that Xuanzang like this hadn’t appeared for six years.

“Listening to what Master said, Master, I also feel that the second brother has gained weight. If I was really knocked down by him just now, I might have become a pool of fleshy mud by now.”

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Xi Ying was a bit afraid and she patted her chest.

Xuanzang couldn’t help but follow her movements through his gaze.

This time, Xi Ying was no longer the little girl who was indistinguishable from male and female six years ago.

The gender characteristics that women should have been brought to the fullest in her.

The plump beauty adds a bit of femininity and coquettishness to her.

Xuanzang withdrew his gaze indifferently, but the fingers holding the puppet tightened slightly.

Xi Ying didn’t notice any difference in him. She folded her hands behind her head, looking relaxed and happy. “Master, maybe you don’t believe it. At that time, I fainted after being covered by Tiger Vanguard’s palm then I wake up. After coming here, they told me I am the king of the Nu’er country, and my memory is slowly recover in the past few days.”

“I am the king.” Xi Ying smiled and looked up at Xuanzang.

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Although this answer was somewhat outrageous, Xuanzang chose to believe it.

He also lay on the grass like Xi Ying.

The hillside has a curvature, so they are not lying flat.

“Master, although I have restored my memory, I don’t think it’s interesting to be a king. Why don’t you come to be a king? Well, I’ll just barely be a queen.”

【Host, don’t you do any research? Is it really okay to go directly to the topic like this? Would Xuanzang leave in anger? He is a monk! 】


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