Chapter 416

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“This is delicious. I still want to eat it,” she said with a warm, large smile.

Feng Bo had no time to respond when he saw Xi Ying rise from her chair, wrap her arms around his neck, and pull him down, kissing his lips.

Xi Ying has already seen the thin soul due to the dragonfly’s kiss.

The red mark on the soul’s shoulders can also confirm that Feng Bo is the previous life’s lover.

So, how could she pass up such an excellent opportunity to test Feng Bo?

Furthermore, because he had just wiped his lips with a napkin, there was no pasta sauce on his thin mouth.

So if Xi Ying kissed him, she wouldn’t be able to taste the pasta sauce.

So she has several reasons for a more intense kiss.

The small fragrant tongue smashed open the thin lips and teeth, rampaging through the mouth.

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Xi Ying sucked and licked slightly stiffly as if trying to absorb all the pasta sauce flavors.

Feng Bo was taken aback.

His eyes were wide open, and his entire body appeared frozen.

Wanwan kissed him?

Not only are you kissing him, but you’re also licking him?


Feng Bo felt as if he were dreaming!

The delicacy’s warm and soft sensation is genuine!

He and Wanwan had a real kiss!

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Xi Ying stopped moving suddenly, just as he had finally come to terms with this fact and was about to respond to her.

She frowned as she loosened her grip on Feng Bo.

“It doesn’t have that taste anymore.” She appeared to be talking to herself and telling Feng Bo something.

Feng Bo could not respond to a series of changes for a time.

Despite having a high IQ and a high level of emotional intelligence, he has never experienced love.

He had no idea how to handle the current situation.

He was taken aback!

He finally mustered the courage to kiss back, but he didn’t expect Xi Ying to play cards outside of the routine, and she abruptly evacuated.

When Xi Ying noticed that Feng Bo was silent, she raised her eyes to look at him, raised her fingers in distress, and asked him: “This taste, I like this taste. It’s obviously the taste in your mouth, but why hadn’t I discovered it earlier?”

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Feng Bo:…

She actually said it!

How could a simpleton like Wanwan kiss him for no apparent reason?

And she keeps licking…

It was for the pasta sauce.

Feng Bo’s heart was suddenly relieved, but a tinge of disappointment crept in.

Wanwan seemed to like him as well.

But Feng Bo realized something after hearing Xi Ying’s words.

“Wanwan, what are you now?” he asked.

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“Wanwan,” said Xi Ying.

She overheard Ning Jun say that she would be mentally normal in the evenings, so she decided to be normal.

Otherwise, her feelings for Feng Bo might never have improved in the eyes of those who watched them from behind the surveillance.

Feng Bo was both nervous and excited after hearing Xi Ying’s words.

He is nervous because he wants to express his feelings for Wanwan.

What’s exciting is that he can communicate with Wanwan face-to-face and get to know her better.

But the most important thing to remember right now is –

“Wanwan, who caused the injury on your hand? Do you remember?”

Feng Bo took up the bowl, ready to ask about Xi Ying’s situation as he fed her porridge.

She can’t eat by herself, whether she’s a normal or abnormal Wanwan.

How could she eat with scars on her palms?

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