Chapter 452

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After Feng Bo and Xi Ying confessed to one another and established their relationship, Yin Yi repeatedly appeared in the room as Feng Bo’s “closest friend” with various explanations and excuses.
As a result, his relationship with Xi Ying is now somewhat better than that of the average person.
It can be referred to as a more familiar person.
When Xi Ying observed Yin Yi and the gathering of people around the corner, she had already planned how to respond to Yin Yi afterwards.
Tonight is crucial for both her and Jian Sisi. She can’t stop midway, giving Jian Sisi a second to breathe.
So she had no intention of returning to the room.
She wouldn’t come over and ask what the younger boys were doing if she wanted to return to her room.
As a result, when Yin Yi’s remarks were said, Xi Ying’s expression grew slightly ashamed.

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This kind of shame is like the embarrassment that comes from a secret being found out.
With a tinge of shyness.
Yin Yi looked at Xi Ying with interest, raised his eyebrows, and watched as her face changed.
“It’s getting late; you should go back to your room and get some rest!”
After stating this, Xi Ying moved past the crowd to the open-air balcony at the end of the passageway.
The younger brothers initially wanted to follow, but Yin Yi’s words stopped them.
“She seems to be in a bad mood. So you go back to your room to sleep first, and I’ll talk to her later.
Tomorrow I’ll tell you what’s going on. Okay, let’s go.”
Yin Yi lost interest in these small boys as soon as Xi Ying appeared.

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Xi Ying is more interesting than they are!
Yin Yi is not stupid either.
When he first heard Jian Sisi say that the Wanwan would whip her late at night, he thought it was a fantasy.
Furthermore, Jian Sisi insisted on having whip marks on her body, but no one could detect them.
But suddenly, at such a late hour, Wanwan came out of the room.
Yin Yi began to have doubts in his heart no matter what she said, no matter how absurd it was.
Did Wanwan do something to Jane Sisi?
Whipping is impossible, or is it some other lesser thing?

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After Yin Yi dispersed the younger brother, he followed behind Xi Ying.
He believed he was acting discreetly, but it was already within Xi Ying’s expectations.
Xi Ying exchanged a cigarette and a lighter with Xiao Yiyi.
The low cost, half a point, and limitless supply.
From the corner of her eye, Xi Ying looked at the door after arriving at the open-air balcony.
When Yin Yi appeared, she lit a cigarette with a lighter and placed it in her mouth.
“Wait!” Yin Yi’s voice could be heard.
He dashed over and touched the lighted cigarette in Xi Ying’s fingers.
“Wanwan, do you know what this is?” Yin Yi’s face was serious.

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Why didn’t he notice when Mu Wanwan smoked a cigarette?
I know it’s a cigarette. I also know that when Uncle Wang gets upset, he will smoke a cigarette.” Xi Ying stated with innocent eyes and a dissatisfied expression.
Yin Yi realized something was wrong with her.
“Are you in a bad mood right now?” he inquired.
Xi Ying averted her gaze and placed her arms on the railing to gaze at the starry sky in the distance.
“Yeah.” She answered flatly.
“What’s wrong with you?” Yin Yi approached her and struck the same position as she did.
“Because I like Feng Bo.”
“What’s wrong with liking Feng Bo? Isn’t it good that he likes you too?” Yin Yi wondered.

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