After sipping the ginger tea, Xi Ying went back to sleep.

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People feel extremely drowsy throughout their menstrual cycle.

When she awoke again, the room was already dark, the curtains were entirely drawn, and only a warm orange glow remained.

Xi Ying got out of bed and switched off the air conditioner blanket.

Xi Ying sensed the fragrance emanating from the kitchen after leaving the bathroom.

It smells like preserved eggs and lean meat porridge.

[Fuck! Is it true that cooking porridge increases favorability by 10%?

Could cooking for someone you like be such a wonderful thing?]

Xiao Yiyi knows nothing about “love,” so she has no idea why people who fall in love have such strange thoughts and behaviors.

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The heart will be filled with inner delight and satisfaction as long as one believes that the other person can taste the delicacies prepared by oneself.

Xi Ying had already stepped to the kitchen door when Xiao Yiyi was speaking.


“Senior Brother…” she murmured.

“Are you awake, Zuo Xiyan?” After seeing Xi Ying, Sang Yu glanced up and grinned a bit silly.

He hid his left index finger by discreetly curling it up.

He assumed Xi Ying didn’t notice.

But who is Xi Ying, who can detect even the smallest movement?

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As a result, she can also find the Band-Aid on Sang Yu’s left hand’s index finger.

When Xi Ying sees the preserved egg and lean meat porridge and the band-aid on his finger, she naturally wonders where the cut came from.

“Sit for a bit, and I’ll serve you porridge.”

“I’ve been lying down for too long; I need to get up.” Xi Ying raised her head.

Sang Yu blushed and asked Xi Ying, “Do you want to go to the toilet, that, ahem, auntie had already bought it when she came before, and there are all types of it, she put them in a more visible area, so you can see it when you walk in?”

Xi Ying had been sleeping for three hours.

The aunt told Sang Yu to request that Xi Ying replace the sanitary napkin every three hours.

Sang Yu’s apartment contains two bedrooms, two living spaces, and two bathrooms, with one bathroom in each room.

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As a result, he was unaware that Xi Ying had gone to the bathroom.

“Thank you, Sang Yu.” Xi Ying did not address him as a senior brother this time.

This gave Sang Yu a surge of satisfaction in his heart.

He wants to be addressed as Sang Yu by Zuo Xiyan rather than as Senior Brother.

“No, thank you…”

Sang Yu pulled out two bowls and prepared porridge for himself and Xi Ying.

“Let’s eat at the table.” He addressed Xi Ying.

They approached the table and sat.

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Xi Ying ate a spoonful of porridge.

“How is it?” Sang Yu glanced at her with anticipation.

This is his first attempt at making porridge.

He meticulously recorded what the aunt told him.

Auntie prepared the shredded pork, but he prepared the preserved eggs himself.

He also sliced his hand by mistake because the preserved egg was too slippery.

“It’s delicious. “But I seem to smell a little bit of blood,” Xi Ying said, raising her lips and smiling at Sang Yu.

“Huh?” Sang Yu couldn’t believe it and drank a spoonful.

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