It was her first friendship after falling in love.

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Although Sang Yu said he liked her, he also said he never wanted to be with her.

If Sang Yu were stalking, Xi Ying would never befriend him and even despise him.

But such a self-aware Sang Yu will fill Xi Ying with sympathy.

Xi Ying felt compelled to protect their bond.

She didn’t respond to Xiao Yiyi’s statements.

She still has some questions for someone.

Sang Yu was taken to the emergency room, and Qin Shengyan, Xin Zeyi, Lin Jun, and Sang Yu’s manager waited anxiously for the results.

Zhan Mo slumped on the ground outside the emergency room, his head in his arms, clearly in pain.

Xi Ying went over her footsteps as silent as a kitten.

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“Mo Zhan.” Xi Ying yelled out his name quietly.

Zhan Mo lifted his head slowly and stared at her.

Zhan Mo’s eyes, which had been black and white before, were now bloodshot.

His crimson eye sockets were burned by hot tears.

“Do you regret it?” The lightness of Xi Ying’s voice made Zhan Mo feel surreal.

“What regret?” He needed to comprehend what Xi Ying was saying.

“I regret not accepting Sang Yu’s request to travel around the world with him.”

Zhan Mo bowed his head again when he heard this.

He hid his face behind his fists and covered his head.

Xi Ying continued.

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“I regret that I have had less and less touch with Sang Yu during the last three years.”

“You should feel bad that you turned away your good brother so often to avoid scandal and keep your self-respect.”

“Enough, stop talking, stop talking!” Zhan Mo shouted.


There was a trill in the voice and a sobbing tone.

“I’m sorry, I’m very sorry… If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would not reject him…

Sang Yu, my best brother… I’m really sorry…”

Zhan Mo realized he was mistaken.

He should not be afraid that people would assume he hugged Sang Yu’s thigh because of his popularity, and he should not repeatedly reject Sang Yu’s goodwill.

He didn’t miss Sang Yu’s disappointed look and didn’t miss Sang Yu’s disappointment when he came here to take advantage of his excitement.

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He is too selfish.

“Mo Zhan.” Xi Ying called his name once and said, “Do you know what my name is?”

Of course, Zhan Mo knew.

“What do you want to say, Zuo Xiyan?” He asked in a nasal tone, lowering his head.

“My name is not Zuo Xiyan.”

“Remember, my name is Xi Ying, Zhan Mo.”


You may call it whatever you want if you don’t divulge anything about the Lord God’s space.

Zhan Mo was taken aback.

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“In this world, there is no such thing as having the best of both worlds. I hope you understand that you cannot have both.”

Xi Ying turned and walked away after speaking.

Zhan Mo didn’t care about his personal relationship at this point, and Sang Yu was still in the emergency room, so he wouldn’t leave.

He assumed that Xi Ying had simply gone somewhere else and would return.

He was, however, mistaken once again.

Xi Ying left the hospital.

[Host, reviving Sang Yu will cost you 200,000 points and your life on this plane.

In other words, once you agree to resurrect Sang Yu, Zuo Xiyan will die, and you will be sent back to the Lord God’s space.

You can only wait in the Lord God’s space for the outcome of the Lord God’s mission.]

This is what Xiao Yiyi told her.

That is why Xi Ying spoke to Zhan Mo in that manner.

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