Chapter 534: Cutting Zombies? I’m ok!

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Sang Yu was severely ill when she finally got time, and she had to die early.

She has not been able to spend time with her beloved on this plane.

Then let’s make amends on the next plane.

“Xiao Yiyi, don’t look at it; proceed to the next plane.”

[Ah? Why don’t you calm down, Host? Do you feel sorry after seeing it?]

Xi Ying took a peek at her.

[All right, you’re the Host, you’re amazing, listen to you.]

Xiao Yiyi eventually pulled out a handkerchief, blew her nose hard, rose, and approached Xi Ying.

[The total reward for finishing the mission on this plane is 20,000. After subtracting the points for exchanging items, there are still 10,000 points available.

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After deducting the 200,000 points for the resurrected Sang Yu from the total points, the remaining points are now 85199.5 points.]


[Host, you have a week off; are you sure you want to give up and go right to the next plane] Xiao Yiyi said, [Giving up is an irreversible action; please consider it carefully.]

“I’m sure I’m giving up.”

[Well, the plane of the last days has been opened, the Host must pay attention to safety!]

For a long time after hearing Xiao Yiyi’s comments, Xi Ying felt disoriented.

This dizziness from the depths of the brain can never be halted.

“…Yuan Bai, Yuan Bai?!”

Xi Ying was startled awake by the harsh voice.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that everyone in the classroom was staring at her.

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“You sleep during class, so what are you doing when you should be sleeping? Were you partying last night?”

The math teacher’s statements caused the entire class to bust out laughing.

Xi Ying straightened her back without emotion.

She caught a glimpse of the sunny weather outside the window out of the corner of her eye and then looked around the classroom, which was smiling merrily.

Xi Ying is confident that the world’s end has not yet occurred.

The current world is safe.

However, a few good days should not pass.

When Xi Ying woke up, the math teacher stopped focusing on her and returned to teaching the class.

As soon as she heard his talk, Xi Ying realized that the original owner, Yuan Bai, was a high school senior studying for the college entrance exams.

She has already completed her second year of high school courses.

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She can do these things with her eyes closed, and listening to them is pointless.

As a result, she began to go into a trance.

Others saw her as appearing in a daze, but she was talking to Xiao Yiyi.

“Mission specific details?”

[Host, you’re already aware of the information I can obtain…

But I can tell you the precise time: the end of the world will occur at 3 pm this afternoon.]

Xi Ying looked down at her wristwatch.

It’s 11:25 am.

Yes, she can still have a meal.

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[Host, you have 10,000 yuan on your bank card; would you like to go out and buy goods at noon and put them here with me?]

“Why do you want to buy it?” Xi Ying raised her eyebrows.

[Isn’t that what the novels say!? Purchase goods and store them in the area so that there will be food available when the world ends!]

“Can’t you exchange it?”

[… Yes. ]

“How much does it cost to exchange points?”

[…One hundred points, unlimited food, and it is permanent.]

One hundred points?

Xi Ying was skeptical.

Why is the Lord God being so kind this time? Not to mention the points, but how about marking the permanent system directly?

“Yuan Bai, please come here and answer this question.” When the math instructor noticed that Xi Ying had been distracted once more, he yelled out her name.

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