Apart from changes in pupils and nails, zombies and humans haven’t changed much.

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Those are human beings whose intestines have been ripped apart and are now coated in blood; it’s no surprise that a middle-aged guy feels terrified after witnessing them.
After swinging the chair around, the math teacher discovered that fighting zombies was easier than expected.
He beat some zombies to the ground around him.
He smiled as he turned and wanted to see the scene from Xi Ying’s side.
Seeing this nearly scared him to death.
Yuan Bai fought zombies with her bare hands?!
In fact, Xi Ying dodged the zombie rather than fighting it.
She intended to crush the glass cover with the fire axe using the zombie’s painless fist.
Her hand bones would almost certainly be damaged if she broke them herself.

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The zombie’s hand shattered the glass cover with a loud crack.
Its arms were wounded by glass fragments, yet it did not respond.
The zombie yanked his hand from the glass cover and continued to strike Xi Ying.
Xi Ying also took advantage of the chance to remove the fire axe from the glass cover.
“Yuan Bai, hold on, I’ll come and save you right now!” said the math teacher.
“Just look after yourself!” Xi Ying responded.
Gradually and steadily grasping the fire axe with the five fingers of her right hand, her eyes turned icy and bloodthirsty, and her entire body was filled with a deadly aura.
A math teacher from a peaceful era couldn’t tell what Yuan Bai’s murderous intent was, but he could tell that her entire personality changed when she obtained the fire axe.

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“If you’re afraid, close your eyes.”
Xi Ying began her act after stating this coldly.
Xi Ying, who used light work, arrived at the place from where she had been standing in less than 10 seconds.

Every zombie Xi Ying passed by had their heads rolled off their bodies ten seconds later.
The teacher’s pupils dilated, his breathing became shallow, and her stomach roiled.
He threw up right away.
Xi Ying turned away from him and went downstairs by herself.

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She also killed other zombies in the corridor, one by one.

Xi Ying’s classroom is on the second level; therefore it is the connecting hallway between the teaching buildings once you come down.
The school gate is on the left, while the large playground and gymnasium are on the right.
Yet there were shouts of anguish, whether on the left or right.
“How should we proceed now?” The math teacher followed Xi Ying as if he were a younger brother.
“I used to not care about you, teacher. I forgot what your name was.” The math teacher wanted to follow Xi Ying.

Therefore Xi Ying can’t always refer to him as “teacher.”

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“Hu Zhe, this is my name. I’m 35, married, and have a five-year-old kid!” Hu Zhe quickly explained his situation.
[Reporting to the host, respecting the elderly and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue, so saving small children and the elderly will double your reward points.]
Xi Ying’s pupils constricted.
Respect the old and love the young, traditional virtues?
What the hell?
Man is such a hypocritical animal.
Did they ever consider respecting the old and loving the young when they slaughtered her ancestors and wanted to kill her?
“To your right.” Xi Ying raced out, holding the fire axe securely in her hand.
Before following Xi Ying, Hu Zhe walked to the fire hydrant on the first level, broke through the glass cover with a chair, and pulled out the fire axe inside.
Although he lacks the mental capacity to chop off the zombie’s head, it’s still a guarantee.

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