Kong Ming’s friends gazed at her when she made a sound.

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“Such monsters are zombies, corpses that have lost their humanity.”
Anybody who witnesses zombies cannibalizing humans will be convinced. They can’t see and can only tell where people are by hearing and smelling.
They are unable to sprint. They couldn’t catch up to Hu Zhe and me as we rushed over.
All of this, however, is just temporary. Can you ensure that they will not upgrade within the next few hours?
As a result, we should leave here as quickly as possible and move to the military region to seek protection from the army.”
“Isn’t that Yuan Bai?” The eldest sister’s scornful voice arrived when Xi Ying finished speaking.
“How did you suddenly become such a great speaker?”
Do you believe your classmates would follow you to the grave if you said that?
I didn’t see any energy fluctuations in your body, so you don’t have any awakening abilities.

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You’re an ordinary high school student. What strength do you have to safeguard the safety of those who follow you?
Running with only one pair of legs?
Do you accept responsibility if someone falls and is eaten by zombies before they can rise up?!”
After the elder sister’s words, the student, shaken by Xi Ying’s words, abandoned the intention of following Xi Ying.
Kong Ming had reawakened his fire ability, but Yuan Bai had nothing, so how could they be safe?
The eldest sister’s strong comments helped Xi Ying understand a crucial point.
“Are you also awakening your abilities?” She asked.
“Of course! My supernatural ability can cure wounds!” said the eldest sister confidently.

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“Oh?” From the corner of her eye, Xi Ying lifted her brows and caught a glimpse of the blood-clotting wound on Hu Zhe’s shoulder.
“How could such a heaven-defying skill exist?” she said provocatively. “I don’t believe it.”
“Oh! You’re envious, jealous, and hostile!
You’re also aware that this skill works against the sky? Let me tell you, I have such a divine skill!”
The elder sister raised her eyes and spotted Hu Zhe’s wound as she spoke.
“Come on, you!” She arrogantly pointed towards Hu Zhe.
Hu Zhe cast a glance toward Xi Ying.
Xi Ying blinks.
Hu Zhe only then approached the eldest sister.

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The eldest sister reached into the air and covered Hu Zhe’s shoulder wound with her hand.
“I’ll show you what it means to be against the sky and what it means to smack your face!”
The eldest sister’s palm radiated greenness and energy.
Hu Zhe felt a brief blast of cold on his shoulders, which was wonderful.
The eldest sister removed her palm ten seconds later. Her face was pale.
Hu Zhe lowered his gaze.
Wow! ! ! !
What about the shoulder injury? There’s nothing else!
The flesh has grown back as well, and there is no discomfort!

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“Yuan Bai!” Hu Zhe excitedly returned to Xi Ying and pinched the flesh on his shoulder.
“Are you convinced by this wave of slaps in the face?” the eldest sister challenged Xi Ying.
“I’ve believed your words from the beginning, so there’s no shame in that,” Xi Ying said, the corner of his lips twisted into a fox-like smile.
“What?!” The eldest sister was taken aback.
“I dug a hole to lure you into jumping down, but I didn’t expect you to be that foolish, so you fell down.” Xi Ying’s eyes were deep, and she had a sarcastic expression.
“As a human gifted with supernatural abilities, do you realize that using those abilities drains energy?”
“Are you fatigued and dizzy now?”
The symptoms reported by Xi Ying are precisely what the eldest sister is experiencing right now.

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