Chapter 82

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Xi Ying was welcomed into Wen Shan’s house.

Judging from the villa’s price and the exquisite decoration, Wen Shan’s family has no shortage of money.

At first glance, her room looked very similar to He He’s original room. The room has a very cold nature.

But unlike He He, there are some small and exquisite dolls everywhere in Wen Shan’s room.

On the contrary, these dolls are not cute at all; they are all made into hideous looks.

Seeing Xi Ying looking at these dolls, Wen Shan did not explain.

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The nanny brought a cup of hot tea and a cup of milk tea. The hot tea was given to Xi Ying while the milk tea was given to Wen Shan.

“Thank you, Mother Yang.” Wen Shan took it and smile at the nanny. The smile looks sweeter than the milk tea.

Mother Yang smiled briefly, then turned around and wiped her hands on the apron in front of Xi Ying for a while and said: “Forensic Investigator He, our lady is very kind! She treats me very well, you say, how a child like her who are very good to me be able to do such cruel things could!”

Xi Ying stood there holding the tea, nodding thoughtfully, “I understand what you said, and I know what to do.”

“Okay, go talk ba, I won’t bother you.” Seeing Xi Ying’s attitude is good, Mother Yang left the room.

“Wen Shan, I’m sorry.” Xi Ying said almost as soon as Mother Yang closed the door.

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Although Wen Shan was mentally prepared, when she really heard Xi Ying’s apology, there was still unimaginable flash in her eyes.

“I shouldn’t be stalking you. It is because of my persistence that led to the tragic fate of my last life.” Xi Ying continued.

“Last life?” Wen Shan couldn’t stop frowning when hearing these two words.

“Yeah, you may not believe it, I was reborn again. After waking up getting buried in the soil in the suburbs, I found that I had gone back to where I was before!” When it came to this, Xi Ying was a little excited.

【Host, are you really okay with this kind of loophole…?】Xiao Yiyi was ashamed.

The Lord God regulations only said that nothing about the Lord God space could be exposed. The host is really good. She directly said that she was reborn from the original owner.

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She doesn’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse to encounter a host with such a high IQ and good acting skills.

“You…reborn?” Wen Shan put down the milk tea. She stared at Xi Ying with her round eyes and asked.

“Well, I know why you became like this, and I know that you were not malicious to me. If it were not for my last life’s dedication, it would not have ended like that.”

Xi Ying raised her head, her clear black eyes looked at the shocked Wen Shan, “So, when the heavens give me another chance, I choose not to be your enemy.”

Wen Shan opened her mouth but made no sound.

" "

She didn’t know what to say.

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She is a rebirth herself, now He He is also reborn again?

This sentence is very convoluted, but it means that what Wen Shan can know, Xi Ying can also know, and Xi Ying may know more than Wen Shan.

“You won’t check me?” Finally, Wen Shan could only ask such a sentence.

“I won’t check it. From now on, you and I will only mind our own business. However, suppose the next time I encounter a case I am responsible for, and I find out that there is an obvious relationship with you. In that case, I will still perform the duties and obligations of a forensic investigator.”

Xi Ying said this not only to make Wen Shan decrease her aggression towards Xi Ying, but also make Wen Shan feel that Xi Ying is the real He He.

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