Chapter 84

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He hasn’t finished speaking yet, why did white radish hang up the phone?

She doesn’t think he is in *** ba?


The raw also has the ***.

The raw text: 该不会是以为他在******吧?

Thinking of this, Shen He reluctantly opened the text message interface, edited a text message and sent it to Xi Ying.

On the other side, Xi Ying got in the car, fastened her seat belt and heard the mobile phone’s text message.

She glanced at it.

Director Shen: There is a case in the suburbs, come here quickly.

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Initially, when Xi Ying heard Shen He inexplicably asked her to go to the suburbs and said such abnormal things, she would never go.

But now.

Xi Ying stepped on the accelerator and drove to the suburbs.

The wilderness area in the suburbs was blocked by a cordon, and several policemen were checking the situation.

Forensic investigators headed by Shen He were taking pictures of the dead body and doing simple statistics.

A black Volvo drove from the end of the road and quickly stopped near the scene.

Xi Ying, who was wearing a lake-blue sleeveless dress, walked out of the driver’s seat with a bowl of snacks in her hand.

Her skin is snowy, her eyebrows are delicate and picturesque, her arms are as white as lotus roots, and a faint fragrance will remain behind wherever she passes.

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The police and forensic investigators at the scene were dumbfounded.

Is this woman actually Sister He?!

【Reporting to the host, the side mission points have reached 600.】

With Xiao Yiyi’s prompt tone, Xi Ying came inside the cordon.

Shen He raised his head at this moment and walked over quickly after seeing her.

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Xi Ying raised her eyebrows and held the stinky tofu, watching Shen He’s facial features return to his original appearance.

He was putting on the human skin mask again.

“Xiao He, why did you come here in this way?” Shen He looked at Xi Ying carefully from top to bottom, and his eyes swept across her bare shoulders and collarbone.

From the angle he is standing now, others cannot see the extreme possessiveness flashed in his eyes.

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“Director, didn’t I take a paid vacation? Is it weird for me to dress like this?” Xi Ying said while poking a piece of stinky tofu with a toothpick.

The police officers who secretly looked at Xi Ying and Shen He heard He He’s words. They secretly wondered whether Sister He was stimulated ah?

It’s only been a few days since they haven’t seen each other. Not only did her dressing style change, her hair was dyed perm, and the perfume was used, but she also dared to confront the director in person?

Was Sister He planning to switch careers and quit forensic investigator job?

But Sister He looks good in dressing up.

If they were strangers, they would definitely look at such a Sister He on the road!

No, a few glances!

Wait a minute!

What is Sister He eating?

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Because of the corpse at the scene, the whole area was filled with a strong stench.

Even for a forensic investigator, it is impossible to eat in this situation.

However, Xi Ying ate the stinky tofu bite after bite, without any discomfort on her face.

Seeing that Xi Ying could eat energetically, Shen He, who had never liked the food on the roadside vendors, suddenly began to drool.

“Give me one.” As he said, he reached for it.

Xi Ying quickly changed the direction of the stinky tofu to avoid his hand, “Why do you ask me to come here? If there is nothing wrong, I will leave.”

The police officer who was silently paying attention to the situation here was almost shocked by Xi Ying’s words.

Is this still the Sister He who regards her job as her life?

Did Sister He really change her personality?

Seeing that he couldn’t get Xi Ying’s stinky tofu, Shen He pointed to the place surrounded by several forensic investigators with interest, “Go and see the condition of the corpse. Also, you can already resume your post.”

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