Chapter 91

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Two days passed unconsciously.

This week, Xi Ying earned up to 5000 points for the side task. She also had learned a lot about the corruption and the weaknesses of senior officials in various countries on this plane through Xiao Yiyi.

What left is to find a breakthrough and to kill them.

Question: Why did Xiao Yiyi give Xi Ying the information of these people when she clearly knew that Xi Ying wanted the information in order to cause a world war?

【Because the host is so despicable! She threatened me with suicide! You know, if the host dies before completing the task of the Lord God, it is really dead! What should I do when the host died? What about making me the Main God of the plane? The host is dead, I’m still a Fart God of the plane! What can I do, I am also desperate! 】

At midnight on the eighth day, Xi Ying’s cell phone rang.

In the dark, she touched the ringing cell phone and answered it.

“White radish, I have killed the man.” Although it is an unknown number, she can know who the other party is when she hears the tone and how he addresses her.

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“Well done.” Xi Ying is not stingy to praise for the obedient.

“To cause greater confusion, I will transport this corpse to the police station overnight, and they will find it in the morning.”

Shen He’s voice was always hoarse, but Xi Ying could hear something different.

She frowned slightly, “You are hurt.”

It was not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

“Heh.” Shen He laughed lowly, and the laugh was mixed with wicked aura, “There is an extra hole, I can handle it myself.”

According to Shen He’s abnormal degree, the hole that came out from his mouth is definitely not the kind of needle pierced.

“The corpse will be placed in his house first, and you will come over to me immediately.” The commanding tone of Xi Ying cannot be refused.

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“Murder under the moonless night, White radish, aren’t you afraid that I will chop you?” Shen He sighed lightly.

Before thinking about it, Xi Ying hung up the phone.

Shen He took the phone away from his ear and smiled helplessly.

He was kneeling in the middle of the living room of the mayor’s villa.

He was holding the phone in his right hand and covering his abdomen with his left hand.

A steady stream of blood flowed from his fingers.

Shen He closed his eyes and licked his dry and pale lips.

Then he looked at the man who fell in a pool of blood not far away.

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The man threw a black and shiny pistol from his hand.

Shen He didn’t expect that the mayor actually had a pistol.

It is clear that China’s control of firearms has reached a frenzied point.

He made a mistake.

After calming his mind and taking a break, Shen He struggled to stand up from his kneeling state and turned on the central air conditioner to maintain the living room’s temperature and prevent the body from decaying.

Then he stumbled and took the elevator to go to the garage and drove his car away.

At one o’clock in the morning, Shen He was lying halfway on Xi Ying’s house sofa, with his upper body exposed.

There is a first aid kit on the coffee table and a bloody bullet in a white porcelain plate next to it.

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Xi Ying is neatly helping Shen He disinfect the wound.

“White radish, because you helped me, I won’t cut you off today.” Shen He’s lips were white.

Even though he was so weak, he was still stubborn.

So, what he got was–

Xi Ying poked the medical cotton dipped in alcohol into the wound hole in his abdomen.

“Hiss—Sister He, I was wrong.”

Shen·Abnormal·He’s daily kneeling and licking. √

“Why are you so stupid, why don’t you buy a bulletproof vest.”

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