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The Ye Family did not change a lot these past few years. They remained as prestigious and wealthy as before. They were still as influential in the aristocratic circle.  

However, those who didn't have an idea of what happened to them in the past few years and only knew of Ye Xingya's relationship with Jiang Li would ask in their minds, how come they only remained like before?

It was weird because the first miss of their family was already engaged with Zuckerberg's son who had even become a Huaxia denizen for her. When the dating scandal about them flew about years ago, it had become a huge topic and was linked to the Yes rising into prominence, becoming a true hegemonic family in the capital.

So here was the question again. How come they only stayed as a second rate family despite being future in-laws with Facebrick owner's family?

The answer was simple. Reputation. That one word was the key.

It had to be said that there was a reason why a family like the Jings was too mindful of that. While reputation seemed to be an intangible thing remaining only within people's mind, it actually had the power to make or break people or even a whole clan. Ye family had just tasted what would happen once bad reputation got mentioned at the same breath as their name.

It all started five years ago, when the family was dragged into scandals that the fourth son of the master, Ye Jing, had gotten himself into. Drugs, prostitution, sexual harassment, child abuse...

Apart from these were the mess he did to the family businesses entrusted to him, including but not limited to, corporate fraud, embezzlement, extortions, briberies, bankruptcy fraud, tax evasions...

The list goes on, and so was the number and names of his victims. Who would have ever thought the fourth branch's head would be a person dabbling in all of these? Had he no shame or moral sense?

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The father and his brothers, including the dead first son who was Ye Xinya's father, were all good people and principle businessmen, who the hell did he take after then?

Alas! Maybe it was true that apart from the usual infighting for resources and fortune, a black sheep would always appear in every large family.

When the matter about the internet rehabilitation institution for young people got brought to light, all hell breaks loose in the whole Huaxia. All the evildoers were punished and sentenced to prison. Their crime seemed to have extended to those dear to them because even if their families were innocent and not dragged into the court or prison cells, because they had blood relationship with the criminals, people viewed them as evildoers too. They began having a hard time outside.

'Son, oh my son. Didn't I tell you not to play with that evil spawn? Do not associate yourself with that person's kid, his father is a drug dealer! Do you hear me, stop being friends with him!'

'Come, my kids. Note in mind everything I'll say, okay? See that house? That is where bad people live. Help throw eggs or anything on their door once in a while. That will definitely help drive them out of our subdivision!'

'Go away! Terrorize other towns! But here, we don't need an immoral family in our community!'

'My daughter, listen to me! Like father, like son! I'm sure that young man is also raised to do horrible things to other people! If you see him, avoid him! And if he shows any untoward intention to you, shout and run away!'

These were from five years ago, toward the loved ones of those caught by the police back then. That much time already passed, but who knows whether this kind of remarks toward the innocent family members had already stopped.

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As said, reputation could make or break. When those people involved with both Ye Jing and the Department Secretary did all of those immoral and nasty deeds, did they ever see themselves getting their comeuppance one day? How about the part where with their punishment their loved ones would also be affected? Worse even, killed socially, judged, and discriminated?

Anyway, one of the families severely affected was the Ye family. They got branded as a household who had produced a drug and syndicate lord. Not only that, in the video sent by Jiang Li to the police, that drug lord, Ye Jing, also got recorded doing something unspeakable to a few of the young girls of the rehabilitation school.

He was that vile. It was hard to believe that this person was a member of the Ye family. And from the looks of it, he never thought of what would happen to his family, immediate and extended, once all his evil deeds were brought to light. After all, if he ever did, he should not have stooped this low.

Now the damage was done. Even when the Yes cut ties with Ye Jing and the whole fourth branch, the bad impression of the people did not completely go away. Even if they were now clean, how many would care or believe?

As said by one wise dude from the old times, reputation, once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was. 

Very few retained business and political partnerships with them as the majority feared their own image and brand suffering.

It had been quite hard. If not for Grandfather Ye being capable, and Ye Xinya , his granddaughter, and her supporter, Jiang Li, sending monetary support and paving way for the Yes abroad, they would probably have been buried under pressure and attacks already, especially since apart from the victims of Ye Jing, the Ye family themselves had lots of enemies.

Opportunists were everywhere too, waiting to strike directly on the Yes' stocks and main businesses. Also, it had to be mention too that Ye Jing's victims were not only common people. Some were from prestigious and wealthy families. With the criminal jailed and apprehended, the people naturally looked for another target for venting, them.

"Ye family is lucky to have you, Old Man." Reading through the reports and records he had in hand, Jiang Li gave Grandfather Ye, whose hair had now turned all white, a gaze of admiration. At a glance, it could be seen how much this person went through. But here he was, alive and kicking, the whole Ye clan as well.

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"Shouldn't you be saying it's been hard on Grandpa?" The voice came from the doorway to their northeast.

When the men turned their heads, they saw a woman with peerless grace and appearance taking huge strides towards them. Her hair that was braided at the sides then styled into an elegant updo had many little shiny pins on it. She was wearing a white sleeveless blouse and mocha-colored layered skirt that was fitted near the waist and thighs yet flared outside near the hem. A pair of white strappy stilettos adorned her delicate feet.

Her neck was bare, but on her wrist was an expensive-looking white wristwatch. Gazing head down to her right hand, an elaborate diamond ring was on her ring finger, shining conspicuously there with or without light being reflected on it. It was this sophisticated and accomplished-looking woman's proof of her engagement with the person she loved.

"Welcome back, my always beautiful Xinya."

For this granddaughter that he would be seeing personally for the first time in five years, Grandfather Ye automatically rose to his feet and met her with a warm hug.

"I miss you, Grandpa! I'm glad you're not thinner than I expected." Laughingly, the 21-year-old villainess returned the hug.

"What thinner? I'm doing very well and can eat whatever I want. Girl, you have now turned into a woman. Yet it seems you're still as mischievous." The old man shook his head then led Ye Xinya into a vacant seat near his, engaging in pleasant small talks with her as he probed how she passed her days in the western states.

"Did you take care of her well?" Since Ye Xinya's father had already died, Grandfather imposed it on himself to be the bad old guy roasting the prospective son-in-law his treatment of his daughter.

The guy pretended to think before replying, "Well, I think I didn't?"

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"Oof." The girl loved the look her fiance had as he said that.

"Xinya, why are you laughing? Did he bully you? Don't be afraid to tell me, I'll get justice for you!"

"No, no, grandpa. He's been very good to me."

Jiang Li by then had already raised his cup of tea, bringing it to his mouth while giving the girl a glance.

It was then that the woman lowered her head shyly.

"Ah Li might seem like that, but I don't think there's any better guy out there or somebody who will treat me better."

"Pfft." Upon hearing what she said, he almost choked. He even widened his eyes at her a bit. However, the shift in his expression only stayed for a few seconds before going back to normal.

Funny thoughts then started to run in his mind.

'Even though a failure one, she's still a heroine who can see the good points even of a bad person.' He laughed.

Jiang Li would never admit that he felt pleased how despite his odd personality which none of his previous lifetimes could correct, she still thought highly of him in her mind, and most likely in her heart.

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