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When tomorrow came, Selena Tang went to the set and copied what she did yesterday. Of course, the result was an unexplainable satisfaction from watching her enemy once again repeat his scenes a few times more than necessary.

Was he enjoying it? What was the feeling of seeing the director always switching ideas or his colleagues failing to enact some parts?

'He must be thinking it's not his fault. It's either mine, the director's, or his co-actors.' She laughed secretly.

The woman was aware that she was being petty and childish, that she was proving herself narrow-minded to the guy. But so what? The embarrassment she experienced that day would never be explained through words. And the heaviness in her chest would never be alleviated unless she gets back at him! 

"Let's call it a day! Pack up!" The afternoon quickly passed and the sun on the west was already partially hidden by the mountain ranges. Selena felt her throat dry so she twisted the cap of her bottle of mineral water and chug on it.

The weather in the province where they were shooting most of the outdoor scenes was quite odd. Since the place used to be at the top of a mountain, the temperature was pretty low and moist.

Even if it was sunny and one put on a jacket to protect themselves from the painful rays of the sun, they would not sweat since the wind was very cold. For those used to the warm climate, it would be easy to get chapped lips and crave for water or anything that could alleviate thirst. It sounded bogus, but it was real. Selena and the others were wrapped up in their jackets, however, even though the sun above hours ago was quite intense, they barely perspired. Those who claimed that they did exclaimed that the sweat instantly cooled.

As the woman recalled some of the crew reporting to that to the Director, her cold face crumpled a bit.

"Good work, Miss Tang." Came a voice to her left.

She turned her head to the middle-aged man and nodded, "Likewise. My assistant already told me the details I missed yesterday. The modifications will take a day or two."

'Wouldn't that be okay?' The words did not leave Selena's mouth.

She was the type to only inform, not solicit opinions.

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"No problem for me. The part needing some changes will be for next week so you can take your time," replied the other.

The woman nodded again and then turned around. Yet before she could walk away, one of the producers reminded something to the director.

It turned out that after she left yesterday, the rest of the crew members that stayed behind jokingly pestered the leader to treat everyone for a successful start. The middle-aged guy reluctantly agreed. He was evidently reluctant because if one of the producers did not remind him, he would have conveniently forgotten about it.

"Miss Tang, please join us. It won't be an every day chance to have Director Fu treat us," asked the brave producer who seemed to be in his late thirties.

Selena narrowed her cold hazel emerald eyes at him for a while. At that moment, the rest was wondering whether she would reject the invitation in a 'creative' manner.

She failed their expectations when she asked, "Are all the actors, producers and staff members going?"

"Yes." With a forced smile, the director nodded.

The woman thought for a moment and decided to come too. She was in a good mood so it would be okay to go with them. Her only worry was if the food would reach her standards. "Since everyone's in, I don't want to be called killjoy for not going."

"Great!" The assistant director hurriedly made arrangements with the middle-aged man.

Selena saw some of the staff scattering around and she had a hunch that they were already announcing the news. The others left to deal with the several pieces of equipment and props hastened their movement and were almost sprinting as they carry everything towards the vans and trucks nearby.

"Unbelievable. Is free food that attractive?" The woman heard Director Fu complaining.

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Including Selena, many gave the man a disdainful glance for asking something extremely obvious.

A large group of people was ushered into a local but reputable restaurant. The director opted for unlimited pork and beef which they had to marinate and fry by themselves. The drinks and various side dishes were also unlimited. The time limit was two hours, and around ten stoves were provided.  

If not for the delicious and appetizing smell of the meat, everyone there would have complained to the director that he was too stingy or inconsiderate.

Selena was among the select few not fighting hard over pieces of meat that were still sizzling in the pan. Her assistant constantly cooked for her and there were also people eager to cotton up on her that kept piling up food before her.

She was graceful as she ate. Even though she had not had the opportunity to learn etiquette until she was in college, amongst the pretty ladies that were still observing manners at the table, she stood out. Her beautiful face that showed no change of emotions strangely further enhanced her elegance. 

Time passed by in this matter. She rarely spoke throughout the meal even though the others tried their best to make her join their conversation. 

A couple of minutes later, while the others were still chatting warmly and merrily eating, the woman stood up and told Director Fu that she already had her fill and would be going back first. She casually turned to the short-haired girl who rose to her feet with the intention to escort her back.  

'Silly.' She raised a hand and told the other to stay to have her fill. After all, the assistant had been needlessly too considerate of her boss that she forgot to stuff her own mouth.

Selena walked out of the restaurant with her right hand clutching on her black gold purse. But then, she had to pause her steps at the second rows of parked cars outside upon encountering someone she quite disliked. Her face automatically turned sour, eyes narrowed.

'I didn't notice this guy leaving before me.'

A few steps in front was Jiang Li talking with somebody on the phone in a good mood. The man was standing near her car, in front of a pillar which had a trash bin next to it. Since his sight was in the opposite direction, he did not see her. However, the angle made it convenient for her to see how happy he was about whatever he was talking with the other party.

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Her steps resumed, with her pitch-black strappy high heels echoing crisp click-clack sounds against the floor. The man promptly distanced the phone from his ear, making her think that he finally noticed that somebody else was within the vicinity.

'If he greets me, I'll make sure to ignore him.' She huffed and quietly told herself.

What happened next was quite not within her expectation though. 

Who would have thought the reason the man put away his phone was actually to pull up his handkerchief?

Coughing sounds ensued. A brow of her rose up as she reached for the handle of the car door. With a bit of force, she pulled the door open. However, before getting in, her eyes momentarily went to the man only a meter away from her. His body was bending a bit over the bin as he coughed. And when he finished, he threw the piece of cloth with some bright red blood on it into the trash can.

A moment later, she looked away, indifference was on her face as she placed her clutch bag on the passenger seat. Yet, it did not take long for her to stiffen on place when she realized something.

She saw blood! On the handkerchief recently thrown in the trash bin was fresh blood that was scattering, or 'blooming' on the white surface! The man coughed it out!

So this Jiang Li was ill? Wait, so was this guy the type who should not be exhausted so as to not relapse?

It took her quite a while to calm down. Afterward, she crossed the distance between them and officially appeared in front of the man. "Are you sick?"

It seemed her appearance had been very abrupt so the other had been a bit shocked. A couple of seconds, he seemed to have recovered and flashed a polite smile at her. "Good eve. Miss Scriptwriter. I'm okay, just caught some cold."


Selena would have believed him, if not for noticing from the corner of her eyes that he pulled out a few wrappers of candies that he specifically threw towards the red spot.  

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A frown appeared on her face. And the stares she gave the man became more ice-cold. "If you're ill, you should not have accepted the job. I would be blamed if you suddenly collapsed or vomited blood on the filming site!" She said in a voice restrained in volume yet not in the intensity of annoyance and anger.

She was really angry. After all, it was her who essentially commanded the person to enter the crew. Her antics for the past two days might also have pushed him too much when he was supposed to not get that tired.

'Damn idiot with no brain. I'm sure the staff under Director Fu did not demand medical certs from the actors and actresses!'

'And this idiot is more than happy to be tortured with tiring battle scenes so he didn't complain.'

'He deserves to suffer then.' She coldly told herself. The words she let out sounded heartless even to her.

However, what she acted was different from her thoughts. Before she knew it, she had already pushed the guy on her passenger seat, planning to take him to the nearest hospital. She reasoned to herself that she had to do this to ensure there would be a problem with the shooting. Or if there would be, it must be settled it as discreet as possible. There was no way she would allow herself to be held responsible later.

'Gosh! This is so troublesome!' She complained inwardly. 

Seating next to her, the dumbfounded expression on Jiang Li's face did not disappear for some time. He was unaware of what was running in her mind. Yet a couple of seconds later, there was a well-concealed playful glint in his eyes.

The woman's personality was not the same, leaning towards coldness. However, there were still several aspects that stayed the same apart from her appearance, for example, her love for jumping to a conclusion.

He turned his head towards the other side to hide his expression lest he suddenly broke into a grin. After a minute, he lowered his head and checked his phone that vibrated. One of his acquaintances, a college student from a famous university was calling, but since it was inconvenient to speak right now, he simply pressed the red button there.

He was quite familiar with the city due to his previous travels so when he looked up, he already knew they were already near the hospital.

'I wonder how she'll react if she learns that I really only have a mild cough and that I just accidentally bit the inside of my cheek,' he amusedly asked himself.

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