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Everyone was waiting for the response of the woman with endless charisma and powerful presence, therefore, no one commented, even though many of them started sporting awkward faces and apparently wanted to speak up.

Zhu Li nodded and said.

"Miss Bai has seemingly implied earlier that the talk is now over. Does it mean you're already done telling her about this?"

Bai Qing's face burned in shame.

Actually, those around them who jumped into conclusion against Xia Xinyue also felt embarrassed since, like the beautiful campus belle, they also didn't hear out the other girl before judging her.

Now, they knew the part of the one they thought was villainous. The stares they directed to Bai Qing turned quite weird.

The world's female lead noticed that hence she tried to justify,

"I repeatedly told everyone that she didn't bully me... I, I didn't know things will escalate this way..."

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Her face appeared pitiful and innocent.

Her facade irritated Zhu Li's eyes so much.

This was why when she noticed people subconsciously nodding and falling for Bai Qing's performance, she frankly and smilingly said,

"I think it's because Miss Bai didn't clarify from the start. Or maybe you just didn't let my friend here explain her side. You also seemed to have put her in an uncomfortable situation under the public's scrutiny. But thankfully, everything is clear now. If it's alright, let bygones be bygones. Let this just be a lesson to each of us."

Zhu Li walked forward in her pink killer high heels and pulled Xia Xinyue's hand to lead her away.

When she passed by Bai Qing, she whispered in a voice so emotionless and completely opposite of what she let the others heard just a minute ago, accompanied by a momentarily but freezing glare,

"So fake and distasteful..."

"Simply an eyesore."

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Bai Qing froze and stayed to where she was for some time, even when her Senior Feng called out her name thrice.

At the fourth call, the campus belle finally regained her senses.

Then when she recalled what just happened, utter humiliation and hate washed over her.

She was the rich, beautiful, and well-loved Bai Qing.

The other was just in a more elegant dress.

How dare that woman looked down on her?

'That woman! I can't let this slide! I must show her I'm the real queen of this university!'

Apparently, the girl thought Zhu Li was just another student in the campus.

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As someone from the second generation and a sophomore girl, the female lead had little knowledge yet of the current business world.

If she knew who Zhu Li was, she would have chased after the woman to apologize and fawn over her instead of chasing her for the sake of arguing about her innocence.

Unfortunately, right now, Bai Qing didn't know. And thus no wonder she did the latter.

The great bystander slash eavesdropper Jiang Li had a good laugh as he watched this female lead's series of actions.

Hao Gang who sat across him gave him a suspicious glance.

The other man was not aware that Jiang Li was laughing at Bai Qing's foolishness and naivety while wondering if right from the start, he had been really given the wrong script for this scenario.

A few seconds later, the man put away his earphones, eyes twinkling in excitement and craziness.

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'It's been a good trip. I saw so many boring things. But there's also some that are funny. Damn. This female lead seems easy to finish off. I hope she annoys me so I can justifiably begin to remove her from this world!'

And then the system hidden mutely inside his brain just suddenly shuddered at the hair-raising laughter he let out.



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