The car drove into the villa, Shen Bu locked his eyes in the rearview mirror, then slowly lowered his eyes to hide all his emotions until he could not see the tall and straight figure of the man.

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Although he couldn’t hear the conversation between the two, he could see Su Ruojing’s expression clearly just now.

The forbearance and restraint in his eyes made him feel very annoyed.

Siblings? Is that the way a brother looks at his sister?

Shen Bu seemed to be immersed in his emotions, until he returned to the villa, he did not make a sound.

Wan Tong has been observing his mood, she is a little worried whether he is in a bad mood because of the secondary card.

“A’Bu, are you unhappy?”

Shen Bu raised his head to look at her, his dark pupils reflected the cold white light of the crystal lamp, and the coldness that was revealed in an instant made her slightly startled.

“…A’Bu?” Wan Tong subconsciously took a step back.

In a split second, Shen Bu hid the darkness in his eyes, moved the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked, “Will you eat again later?”

“…” Wan Tong was stunned for a moment, then nodded, “Eat, what do you want to eat?”

Shen Bu has been eating more and more recently, and his appetite is twice as large as when he was injured. The most enviable thing is that he will not gain weight!

Wan Tong had already eaten, but she still ate some more with Shen Bu.

Shen Bu swept all the four dishes and one soup into his stomach before he stopped, and Wan Tong next to him had already felt her bloated stomach and started to feel sleepy.

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“A’Bu, I’ went’ll go to take a bath and sleep first, don’t work too hard.” She yawned and got up.

In addition to the recording studio, the original owner’s villa also had a gym. She knew that Shen Bu would stay in the gym until exhausted every day after coming back.

“Well.” Shen Bu nodded and watched her go upstairs.

After taking a bath, Wan Tong became more refreshed, and she swiped her mobile phone for a long time without falling asleep.

She has been busy with work recently, and has not updated her Weibo for a long time. When she logged in, she found that her fans had increased a lot, and it has exceeded 20 million.

There is still talk on the Internet about her being squeezed by her former employer and murdered by her mother, but the heat has dropped.

And because of her popularity this time, her previously published songs were turned over by netizens and became popular again.

Most of the fans feel sorry for her, and they are being cute on Weibo every day.

When Wan Tong brushed her mobile phone and her eyes were dry, the door was knocked twice.

She got up and went to open the door. She just stuck her head out because she didn’t wear inner clothes.



Shen Bu had already taken a bath, wearing the dark gray pajamas she bought, his short black hair was a little wet, his bangs covered his handsome eyebrows in a messy way, and his fair and handsome face was amazingly beautiful.

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“Are you looking for me?” Wan Tong tilted her head slightly, her long hair leaned to one side softly, her delicate and fair skin was so tender that seems like water could be squeezed out, and her small mouth was pinkish red.

Because she slightly shrunk behind the door, she looked a little pitiful and cute.

“En.” Shen Bu nodded lightly, and then asked in a hoarse voice, “Starting tonight?”

“What starts tonight?” Wan Tong was a little stunned, her jet-black eyes shining brightly.

Shen Bu pursed his lips slightly, his black pupils turned deeper, and only three words came out of his mouth after a while, “Sleep with you.”

“Cough cough cough…” Wan Tong seemed to be frightened, her eyes widened, and her face flushed red from coughing.

At this time, Shen Bu had already stepped in, walking slowly and calmly towards her bed.

From Wan Tong’s point of view, the back figure didn’t look like he’s forced!

Wan Tong regained her senses, followed quickly, grabbed Shen Bu’s arm, “That, that, A’Bu, A’Bu, listen to me, I didn’t mean that, I didn’t want you to sleep with me…”

Boss, there is a big misunderstanding! She really just simply wanted to give him money!

Shen Bu stopped, looked down at her small white hand holding his arm, and slowly spit out two words, “I can.”

Wan Tong waved his hands repeatedly, “No, no, I’m definitely not that kind of person!”

Shen Bu: “It’s okay, I got the card, I know what to do.”

Wan Tong: “No no no! I really don’t need it!” For the sake of a secondary card, the boss completely folded his waist?!

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Shen Bu moved his gaze to her cheeks, which were even pinker due to anxiety, and was silent for a while, his eyelashes drooping a little, and his clear voice was full of disappointment, “You despise me.”

His small expression made Wan Tong a little worried, she shook her head, “I don’t!”

The boss is very tender and delicious, but she really can’t destroy flowers!

Wan Tong pushed Shen Bu onto her bed in two or three push, covered him with her own quilt, and then quickly said, “A’Bu, you are still young, you don’t understand some things, you rest well, I’m going to the guest room!”

After speaking, Wan Tong ran out quickly, even forgetting that she didn’t wear inner clothes.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Shen Bu looked back from the door, stared straight at the ceiling, a fragrance that made him dizzy lingered in his nose, and the corners of his thin lips half-covered under the quilt slightly outlined a soft arc.

The soft quilt wrapped him, his body seemed to be ignited by something, and even the blood began to boil.

Like an addict, he carefully held the quilt tightly, sniffing the breath that didn’t belong to him, his fair cheeks were stained with an abnormal blush, and his pupils became darker and deeper.

If it was her who was holding him…

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, his breathing became uncomfortable, and he wanted to get some kind of vent, but he was psychologically tortured.

He is like a humble and dirty person who has desecrated the unattainable figure in his heart…

With a “click”, the door was pushed open again.

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Shen Bu froze instantly, his hot breathing almost stopped.

Wan Tong held the door handle, probed in, and looked in the direction of the bed.

Shen Bu hugged her quilt, curled up all over. He turned his head sideways so she couldn’t see his expression clearly, only saw his two thin lips, which were abnormally red and pursed.

She froze for a moment, then whispered, “A’Bu, there may be a heavy rain at night, remember to close the window…”

The figure on the bed moved slightly, but buried half of his face in the pillow.

“Hmm.” The single voice that slipped out of his throat was unusually hoarse.

Wan Tong paused for a moment, the boss wouldn’t be… quietly crying, right?

She stared at Shen Bu twice before closing the door.

After a long while, Shen Bu slowly got up, a strange breath mixed in the faint fragrance, his face was taut, sweat slid down his forehead and temples, he took a deep breath, the dark eyes showed a wave of self-loathing.

But secretly, there was a hidden satisfaction and madness in his heart.


Author’s Note:
Wan Tong: I just simply want to support you!
Shen Bu: I just simply want to sleep with you.

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