After Wan Tong posted that Weibo, there were various mocking statements online, claiming that she was jealous of new talent.

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The tone of these statements was uniform, and it was easy to tell that someone had paid these people to intentionally defame Wan Tong.

Wan Tong’s fans were not happy with this, and immediately spoke out against those marketing accounts and media outlets who spread rumors. Some fans even dug up dirt on “Little Wan Tong” Wang Luoluo from the past.

When Wang Luoluo was a internet celebrity, she intentionally imitated Wan Tong, but those videos now seem a bit contrived. In addition, she met with fans on the tipping list in private, and photos of her entering and leaving hotels were exposed.

This information damaged the gentle and pure image that Wang Luoluo had been packaged as, and many fans unfollowed her.

As the saying goes, “Little Wan Tong” cannot compare to even one finger of Wan Tong. If Zhongheng Entertainment wants to maintain its face, it should stop trying to ride on the wave of attention.

It was under these circumstances that Su Ruojing came to find Wan Tong.

It was unclear how he found Wan Tong’s studio, but a strong man full of hormone was blocking the door to the recording studio, causing the assistant Xiao Yu to be afraid and shy, hiding in a corner and peeking out.

Wan Tong came out of the recording studio and gestured for Su Ruojing to enter the small but cozy lounge next door.

“Brother, how did you come over?” When Wan Tong spoke, she sat on the sofa farthest from Su Ruojing, and her tone also had some distance.

Su Ruojing was wearing a suit, and his masculine energy made him look imposing, but he couldn’t hide the fatigue between his eyebrows.

It seems that he has been busy with Su Fang’s affairs recently.

“I heard about the online situation, do you need any help?” Su Ruojing spoke in a deep voice, but did not mention Su Fang’s affairs.

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He had always kept his distance from Wan Tong and never took the initiative to learn about her situation. This time he returned to China and saw the strangeness and estrangement in her eyes. He felt as if his heart was caught by a sharp stone, and he felt suffocated.

Wan Tong was a little surprised, but did not show it on her face, and simply said, “It’s okay, I’m used to it.”

She didn’t have a backstage or a professional team, and it was easy for others to target her. She had also been worried, but so far there had been no uncontrollable situations.

After Wan Tong finished speaking, there was a long silence in the room.

She was thinking about work, so she stood up and said, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll go back to the recording studio first…”

Su Ruojing lifted his gaze and looked at her, saying, “Can I sit here for a while?”

However, he didn’t mean it as a question.

Wan Tong nodded and turned to leave.

Su Ruojing watched her figure leave for a long time before he stood up and followed her out.

The door of the recording studio was only partially closed, and he peered inside.

Wantong and two foreign men were discussing something. He vaguely heard a few professional words coming from her mouth, seemingly discussing the adaptation of a song.

When it came to music, his sister’s eyes shone.

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Since a long time ago, he knew that in her world, there was nothing besides music.

He forced himself to look away, gathered his thoughts, turned around and left.

Three days later, Wan Tong flew to city B to participate in the recording of the semifinals of “Great Singer”. She came from being a challenger and had been ranking in the top three, making her very hopeful to win the championship.

After the competition ended, Wan Tong flew back overnight and had to participate in the recording of “Idol Training Camp”, with a tight schedule that made her feel a bit breathless.

She was watching the straight beat video of the theme song for the trainees and was so bored that she felt drowsy. She propped her chin up with one hand and stared straight at the screen. The voice of Zhuang Yu seemed to be ringing in her ears. After a while, she finally realized it and turned to look at him, “What’s wrong?”

The voice even had a hint of a nasal tone.

“Do you know that yawning is contagious?” Zhuang Yu asked again with a serious tone.

Jessica next to her yawned and nodded in agreement, “Wan Tong, do you know how many times you’ve yawned?”

Wan Tong: “…” She blamed herself.

In the end, Zhuang Yu suggested that she take a break first.

Wan Tong felt as if she had been granted amnesty and took a nap in the rest area for a while.

In Class A’s training room, everyone had their own area to practice when suddenly Chen Jiexiu walked in from the door, excitedly exclaiming, “I just heard some news that the mentors have all returned. There might be other activities planned for today!”

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“Wow, can I go ask the mentors some questions?” someone asked eagerly.

“I think they will come over, so we just have to wait for them.”

As everyone discussed with great enthusiasm, in the corner, Shen Bu, who had been dozing off, suddenly got up and left without a sound.

In the mentor’s personal rest room, Wan Tong slept deeply as if it was the end of the world.

Xiao Yu was quietly scrolling through her phone next to her when she heard a knock on the door. She quickly walked over and opened the door.

A staff member wearing a mask was standing there. Before Xiao Yu could say anything, he spoke, “Shen Bu.”

Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly stepped aside to let him in.

As Wan Tong’s assistant, she was naturally familiar with Shen Bu, but she couldn’t figure out why he had come here so casually.

“Wantong just finished recording last night and only slept for two hours at the airport. She flew back early this morning and couldn’t hold on any longer, so she slept for an hour. She even told me not to call her for lunch…” Xiao Yu whispered.

Shen Bu pursed his lips and glanced at the figure slumbering on the couch. He then turned to Xiao Yu and said in a low voice, “Go get her some food. She has to eat.”

Xiao Yu was the same age as Wan Tong, but every time she faced Shen Bu, she felt overwhelmed by his presence. She nodded and quickly ran out.

Shen Bu locked the door, walked lightly to the sofa, bent over and knelt down. It was rare for him to have the opportunity to look at her so closely.

Shen Bu leaned his elbow on the couch and unconsciously leaned in closer. Under the brim of his cap, his deep black eyes were full of waves.

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He lowered his head and could even feel her breath gently brushing against his face.

He clenched his hand on the couch tightly and restrained himself. Finally, he lightly rested his head on her fragrant and soft neck.

His high and straight nose pressed against her delicate skin, and a hint of fragrance entered his nose, causing him to lose his mind instantly. The color in his eyes became even more intense.

When Wan Tong’s consciousness was heavy, she faintly felt the presence of someone beside her. Due to her alertness, she struggled to open her heavy eyelids.

In her blurry vision, a tall, black figure appeared first.

She was startled and quickly sat up from the couch. The next moment, the man across from her lowered his mask and spoke softly, “It’s me.”

Wan Tong blinked her eyes and stared at Shen Bu’s face for a while before coming back to her senses. “Abu, why did you come over here?”

He wasn’t wearing a uniform, but a low-key black outfit with a duckbill cap, and he had a work ID with him.

He didn’t answer, but instead crouched down in front of her, fixed his black eyes on her, and asked, “How was the competition last night?”

Wan Tong reached out and pulled up his mask, blocking the handsome face. She slowly spoke, “The finals are in ten days, and it will be live broadcasted.”

After speaking, she tilted her head and revealed a slightly proud smile.

Under the mask, Shen Bu’s mouth also slightly curved up, and he responded in a deep voice, “Okay.”


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