“Hey, bro, there’s a little flower and a small white rabbit at the bar in the northwest corner.” The hippie-looking boy with dark red hair patted Gu Chenyue’s shoulder and winked, indicating with his eyes.

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Spending all day in nightclubs, he has seen a lot of mature women with revealing clothes. Now that he sees two delicate girls deliberately dressing up to look mature, it’s hard not to feel a little excited.

Unfortunately, Gu Chenyue didn’t even glance at them, instead lowering his head to look at the screen of his phone, with the blue light reflecting on his deep and handsome facial features.

Hu Tiankan leaned over and took a look, only to find that he was looking at a post on the Nineteen High School’s online forum, which also featured his photo.

However, it was evident that he wasn’t looking at himself.

Among the dense crowd of onlookers, Hu Tiankan scanned through with a glance, but couldn’t make sense of what was going on. “Hey, did you beat up another student again? What was it this time?”

Gu Chenyue quickly put away her phone, and just as Hu Tiankan caught a glimpse of one of the photos, he spoke up in surprise, “Hey, these two girls look a bit familiar.”

Now, Gu Chenyue’s black pupils finally turned towards him, frowning slightly.

Hu Tiankan immediately swore to the sky, “I really just thought they looked familiar— Oh, right, it’s those two girls who just entered the nightclub earlier!”

He suddenly remembered something and slapped his own head while shouting.

Upon hearing this, Gu Chenyue’s expression changed slightly, and then he strode away with his long legs.

As Hu Tiankan watched his slightly anxious figure disappear, he was somewhat surprised and puzzled. “Huh, is Gu Chenyue in love?”

But, was he interested in the little flower, or the little white rabbit?

But Gu Chenyue only walked a distance and then came back, pulling Hu Tiankan over. “Go and kick them out,” he said.

“What? Yueyue, I don’t have the authority to do that. If the manager finds out, I won’t be able to stay here,” Hu Tiankan shook his head repeatedly.

Gu Chenyue didn’t care and when he saw the two figures at the bar from afar, he tightly pursed his lips.

He pushed Hu Tiankan and said one word, “Go, they’re underage.”

“Ah, you know?” Hu Tiankan rubbed his chin and stared at him suspiciously.

Gu Chenyue lifted his foot and lightly kicked him on the leg, urging him to act quickly.

Hu Tiankan then walked towards the two girls with a smile.

“Hi, two beautiful girls~” Hu Tiankan sat down next to Lin Zhiwen and greeted the two girls familiarly.

He glanced at Lin Zhiwen, and then his gaze landed on Wantong’s face, and he tried hard to suppress a laugh.

At first, he didn’t notice from afar, but as he approached, he saw that the makeup on the little white rabbit’s face was quite funny. Her eyeshadow looked like it had been punched, but you could still see her originally exquisite features.

What a cute face, why did she have to make herself look like a spotted kitten.

Lin Zhiwen didn’t want to pay attention at first, but under the light she saw the other person’s decent face and smiled politely, “Hello.”

Wan Tong didn’t speak and her gaze even seemed a bit wary.

“Our store doesn’t serve minors, can you girls please leave first?” After Hu Tiankan’s smiling voice fell, both Lin Zhiwen and Wan Tong were stunned.

They thought he was here to hit on them, but he turned out to be someone from the nightclub?

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Zhiwen crossed her arms and lifted her head, saying, “I’m already an adult. Do you still need to check my ID?”

Seeing her so confident, Hu Tiankan’s smile remained on his face, but he cursed in his heart at Gu Chenyue. “Well, could you please take it out and let me have a look?”

Suddenly feeling nervous, Wan Tong pulled on Lin Zhiwen’s arm. If he was going to check her ID, she was not yet 18 years old!

At this moment, Lin Zhiwen seemed to have just realized and felt a little uneasy. “Who are you? Why should we show you our ID? How do we know who you are?”

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“Most of the people who come here know me. Otherwise, shall I bring the manager over here?” Hu Tiankan narrowed his eyes. He had plenty of ways to deal with this kind of young girl.

However, since it was someone that Yueyue knew, Hu Tiankan had to be gentle and careful in his approach.

“I didn’t bring my ID card,” Wan Tong whispered.

Lin Zhiwen immediately took out her ID card and said, “Here, this is mine.”

Although she was in her twenties, Lin Zhiwen had never been to a place like this before, and at most had only seen it on television. As a result, she was still a little nervous.

Seeing the attitude of the two, Hu Tiankan immediately guessed that the little white rabbit who didn’t show her ID must be underage.

“If you don’t have an ID card, then you’ll have to leave,” Hu Tiankan handed the ID card back to Lin Zhiwen and tapped his finger on the bar counter.

Wantong gritted her teeth secretly. She didn’t expect someone like Cheng Yaojin1 to show up halfway through. At this moment, Lin Zhiwen quietly pinched her hand and gave her a look, indicating that she should act cute, stay for a while and see what happens.

“…” Wan Tong had no memory of having this skill before.

She bit her lip and looked at Hu Tiankan, speaking softly, “Big brother, I am really an adult. We just want to come and have a drink to celebrate, and we will leave soon…”

Her overly cute expression, with big watery eyes, and a slow and gentle tone, made her seem like she was coquettishly pleading.

Hu Tiankan felt like his heart had been hit hard, he looked at her blankly for a few seconds, then cursed under his breath and got up and left.

Wan Tong and Lin Zhiwen looked at each other and calmed down a bit.

“Wenwen, let’s go over there,” Wan Tong pointed to a seat in the corner, “so that he won’t come back and chase us away.”

Lin Zhiwen nodded, then looked at her saying, “You’re good at this, Tongtong…”

Wan Tong : “….”

At this moment, Hu Tiankan had already quickly returned to Gu Chenyue’s side and said, “Yueyue, it’s not working. That big-eyed cute girl was even acting coquettish to me, you know I can’t resist that!”

“Big-eyed cute girl? Acting coquettish?” Gu Chenyue repeated his words with a subtle expression. He had indeed seen her saying something to Hu Tiankan from afar, but he didn’t expect it to be acting coquettish.

“Right, and she even called me ‘big brother’. Who could bear to drive her away? How many underage customers do we have in our store anyway? Let’s just leave it at that.” When Hu Tiankan looked back towards the bar, he realized that the two figures had already disappeared from sight.

Tsk, they ran pretty fast, but as long as they are still in the store, it’s easy for him to find them, right?

Gu Chenyue didn’t speak, and only then did Hu Tiankan notice that the look in his eyes towards him was somewhat strange, chilly even.

He felt a bit scared and quickly took a step back, “Uh, I’ll go to the door and have a look. If you want to kick them out yourself, go ahead!”

After speaking, he quickly ran away.

Wan Tong didn’t drink any alcohol, and after half a cup, Lin Zhiwen suddenly leaned on the table.

Wan Tong : “…” She really overestimated her alcohol tolerance.

She looked around and noticed that more and more people were coming in. The dance floor was crowded and the sound of the DJ’s music was pounding in her ears.

Even she, let alone the original owner, couldn’t bear it. Her heart seemed to be pressed by something, making it hard for her to breathe.

But with Lin Zhiwen drunk and lying on the table, she didn’t know what to do for a moment.

She looked towards the direction of the bar and decided to go over and get a glass of plain water for Lin Zhiwen to help her sober up.

However, while she was waiting at the bar, two young men suddenly came over to strike up a conversation with her.

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“What are you doing in a nightclub if you’re just drinking water?”

“Did you come here alone, little sister?”

As they spoke, the two of them freely scrutinized Wan Tong with their eyes. Her facial features were very delicate, her skin was so tender, and her legs were also quite nice…

Wan Tong didn’t respond and remained calm in her heart, but her body involuntarily tensed up, after all, she was like a sheep entering a wolf’s den.

Seeing that Wan Tong didn’t even glance at them, those two men seemed to become interested and approached her, one from the left and one from the right.

“Little sister, do you want big brother to buy you a drink?”

“It’s okay if you don’t drink, how about chatting with us big brothers?”

As he spoke, one of them who had a center-parted hairstyle even put his hand on her shoulder!

Wan Tong dodged away, “I don’t drink, don’t touch me.”

With those large and spirited eyes and thick eyebrows, when her long eyelashes lightly trembled, it made people have the impulse to bully her even more.

Therefore, the two men exchanged a glance and continued to approach her with playful and smiling faces.

But this time, as the center-parted-hair man’s hand reached out towards her, it was intercepted by a hand.

Wan Tong followed the hand and turned her head to see Gu Chenyue’s face, which appeared ghostly in the dim light, looking particularly mysterious.

She was stunned for a moment, then took a step back in surprise, grabbed her water glass, and quickly ran away.

Gu Chenyue saw her reaction and unconsciously exerted a bit of force with his hand.

The center-parted-hair man cried out in pain, thinking that his wrist was about to be broken.

“Who are you! Let go of me!”

“If you want to stay here, don’t cause trouble.” Gu Chenyue left behind a sentence, then turned around to leave.

The center-parted man was so angry that he wanted to catch up and argue, but he was pulled back by the man beside him. “Forget it, don’t argue. That guy is a regular at the nightclub and he’s very fierce. The club’s boss even has a special appreciation for him.”

After Wan Tong returned to her seat, she looked back only to find that Gu Chenyue was nowhere to be seen.

She sighed regretfully in her heart. If only she had chatted with him earlier. However, the original owner had a deep psychological fear of people like Gu Chenyue, and in that moment, she couldn’t control her body and ran back in panic.

Aahhh, she doesn’t know how the boss will think about this.

Wan Tong leaned over to Lin Zhiwen and reluctantly fed her half a cup of water before saying, “Wenwen, let’s go first. You’re drunk.”

When Lin Zhiwen heard this, she pinched her thigh hard.

Afterward, Wan Tong saw Lin Zhiwen’s eyes instantly clear up, probably because of her system.

“Tongtong, I’m fine. I was just feeling tired earlier!” Lin Zhiwen smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the system’s help.

[Shishi, look how well other people’s system works.] Wan Tong said.

Shishi: [Shishi will try to help Tongtong.]

Wan Tong couldn’t help but laugh.

Lin Zhiwen glanced at her, “What are you laughing at, Tongtong?”

Wan Tong shook her head and said, “It’s my first time coming to a nightclub, and I find it quite interesting.”

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Lin Zhiwen nodded casually and didn’t focus her attention on her anymore.

As more and more people came to the nightclub, more and more people came to strike up conversation with Wan Tong and Lin Zhiwen.

When Wan Tong saw Lin Zhiwen was going to the restroom, she quickly got up and followed. She had already experienced the danger of being alone earlier.

While still in the restroom, Wan Tong heard Shi Shi’s warning that there was trouble in the dance hall and Lin Zhiwen had already run out.

Wan Tong also quickly walked out, but Lin Zhiwen’s figure was already gone.

She ran along the corridor and came face to face with a tall figure. The dim lighting made it difficult for her to see his face, so she instinctively avoided him and walked past.

Unexpectedly, as she passed by him, the man suddenly reached out his arm and lightly grabbed her waist, lifting her up!

Wan Tong froze, only reacted after hanging in the air for a while, “Let me go!”

However, the man’s footsteps were fast, and in just a few steps, he had taken her into the restroom!

With the help of the lighting, Wan Tong finally saw the man’s profile clearly, it was Gu Chenyue!

What is he up to?

Gu Chenyue pushed her into a small compartment at the end, and whispered, “This is the men’s restroom. There are all kinds of people here. If you want to be eaten, scream.”

Wan Tong immediately swallowed her words and covered her mouth, revealing only a pair of big, watery eyes.

Gu Chenyue hesitated for a moment before letting go of her and slamming the door shut.

Wan Tong was stunned, why did he lock her up here!

However, from outside, only hurried footsteps could be heard, followed by the sounds of drunken men vomiting or crying hysterically, as well as the muffled screams of women and banging on the door panel…

Wan Tong : “….”

It’s true, there are all kinds of people here!

She reached out to open the door, but found that Gu Chenyue had locked it from the outside, and she didn’t dare to make a sound.

[Shishi, what’s happening outside now?] She asked anxiously.

[It’s very chaotic.]

In the plot, a guest brought drugs into the nightclub and was caught by the people there while taking them. It was stopped in time, but it turned out that the guest also had connections and he was drunk. As a result, a fight broke out.

Many customers were accidentally injured, and someone called the police. The nightclub wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible and send the person who brought the drugs away. However, the person accused the nightclub of providing the drugs. Before the police arrived, the two sides fought again, and some of the people on the other side even had knives. It’s unclear how many people were injured, but the entire hall was almost destroyed, and there were numerous casualties.

After about half an hour, Wan Tong heard the sound of police cars arriving, and then several couples who were doing their business in the restroom hurriedly left.

In the hall, Lin Zhiwen pulled hard at Gu Chenyue’s arm and said, “Gu Chenyue, the police are here. Don’t get involved anymore. Go to the hospital first!”

Gu Chenyue had a gash on his waist, and with his black t-shirt torn open, one could clearly see the wound that was as long as a palm, which was quite shocking to behold.

“Get out of here!” Gu Chenyue’s patience has been exhausted. This woman has been shouting in his ear since earlier. If she didn’t get in the way, he wouldn’t be so helpless right now.

“Yueyue, you’re injured!” At this time, Hu Tiankan also ran over.

Gu Chenyue pulled Lin Zhiwen into Hu Tiankan’s arms and said, “Drag her away!”

Hu Tiankan was stunned for a moment, watching as Gu Chenyue quickly ran off in a certain direction!

“Gu Chenyue!” Lin Zhiwen was about to chase after him, but Hu Tiankan remembered what he said and immediately held her back. “Little beauty, things are still chaotic here. Let’s not make it worse.”

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“Let me go, let me go, let me go! I want to find Gu Chenyue!” Lin Zhiwen struggled to break free, but she couldn’t, and stomped her feet in anger.

Gu Chenyue’s figure was like a ghost, swiftly passing through the quiet and dark corridor, and entering the men’s restroom.

Due to the commotion just now, there was no one left in the restroom at this moment except for a drunken man lying in the middle of the passage. With a swift kick to the side, Gu Chenyue made his way to the small compartment in the far corner.

Moving the “Under Maintenance” sign aside, he unlocked the door and saw a petite girl crouching on the ground, slowly lifting her head to look at him.

Gu Chenyue’s hand hanging by his side clenched, resisting the urge to touch her hair. He spoke indifferently from a few steps away, “Leave with your friend.”

After speaking, he turned around and walked away.

But after hearing a weak voice from behind him, he stopped again.

“Gu Chenyue, you’re injured…”

Wan Tong stood up, her small face turning red as she stared at the wound on his waist.

Gu Chenyue didn’t turn around, instead, he suddenly quickened his pace and walked out.

After a moment of hesitation, Wan Tong followed after him with a small jog.

However, she definitely couldn’t keep up with his long legs. After gasping for breath and running out of the hallway, she saw Hu Tiankan pulling Lin Zhiwen over.

“You two hurry up and follow me, otherwise you’ll have to ride in the police uncle’s car,” he said.

Lin Zhiwen felt somewhat unwilling, but at the moment, there was nothing else she could do.

Hu Tiankan led the two of them out through a small gate and onto the main street. It wasn’t until they got there that Lin Zhiwen asked him, “Did Gu Chenyue ask you to take us out?”

Hu Tiankan glanced at the quiet Wan Tong and raised a sunny smile, “Right.”

After speaking, he waved to the two of them and began to run back. “See you next time, little beauties.”

Lin Zhiwen suddenly felt better and waved to him.

Gu Chenyue is so reserved. Even at a time like this, he is still thinking about making sure she leaves safely. But why hasn’t his favorability towards her changed?

On the other hand, Wan Tong was staring at the tip of her own shoe, feeling somewhat worried about Gu Chenyue’s wound.

However, according to the plot, the main fault lies with the other party, so Gu Chenyue will not be held accountable. But judging from the wound he sustained just now, he will need to stay in the hospital for at least half a month, which will cost a lot of money.

Instead of going home right away with Wan Tong, Lin Zhiwen went to a hospital.

After waiting for about twenty minutes in the emergency department, Wan Tong saw two familiar faces, Hu Tiankan and Gu Chenyue.

Lin Zhiwen’s face lit up with excitement and she immediately ran over to them.

Wan Tong : “….”

Due to excessive blood loss, Gu Chenyue was already somewhat unconscious. Lin Zhiwen volunteered to register him, while Hu Tiankan helped him inside.

A wave of uncontrollable fear swept over Wan Tong’s heart. She trembled and leaned over, supporting Gu Chenyue’s other arm.

With his eyes half-closed, Gu Chenyue felt the strength of the hands on his arm and his body stiffened for a moment. His already hazy mind became even more chaotic with a loud bang.

A nurse walked towards them and helped Wan Tong and Hu Tiankan put Gu Chenyue on a mobile bed. At this time, Lin Zhiwen also ran over.

Seeing the blood on Wan Tong’s hand, Lin Zhiwen frowned. Wasn’t Wan Tong usually timid and easily frightened? Every time she mentioned Gu Chenyue, she was scared to death. How come she took the initiative to help him now?

1 This should be talking about someone who unexpectedly intervenes and changes the situation.

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