Gu Chenyue supported himself with both hands on the edge of the bathtub, leaning over towards Wan Tong with his upper body. It seemed that he wanted to kiss her again.

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His upper body is bare and when he exerted his arm, his muscles tightened and his strength erupted, making her feel even more embarrassed.

So she shrunk into the bathtub and said, “…you should go wash up quickly. We still have to go eat later.”

But Gu Chenyue was dissatisfied with her retreat. He used his palm to hold the back of her head and pushed her back.

He nibbled on her lips and touched her deep dimples, and whispered hoarsely, “I’ll come find you later.”

Wan Tong wrapped herself tightly in a small blanket and obediently nodded, “Okay.”

However, Father and Mother Zheng returned to the hotel earlier than expected, and Wan Tong and Gu Chenyue had to rush back in the middle of their meal.

In the middle of the night, when Wan Tong was browsing her friends’ Moments, she found that Lian Yi had posted a picture of her and Gu Chenyue in the evening. Although their faces were not shown, anyone familiar with them could tell it was them.

Wan Tong couldn’t help but chuckle at Lian Yi’s words.

Lian Yi: Young Master can’t pry anymore.

Can she assume that he came here on vacation just to pry the corner on her?

But he’s really bold, even revealing his location at the hotel. Isn’t he afraid of being kidnapped?

After browsing through her friends’ Moments, Wan Tong thought of Gu Chenyue’s pitiful figure from earlier in the evening, so she called him. As a result, he came knocking on her door, startling her and causing her to pull him inside the room.

“Why did you come over?” Wan Tong asked, but the boy frowned and lifted her up, placing her on the bed before lying on top of her.

“You ran so fast during dinner,” Gu Chenyue said, not pressing his weight on her body but just holding her close to him with his arm supporting him by her side.

His high nose was pressed against her neck, and eventually his entire handsome face was buried in her shoulder as he rubbed against her like a large dog.

“It’s ticklish,” Wan Tong laughed and pushed him away. “I’m afraid my parents will find out.”

Gu Chenyue was still lying on top of her, his voice muffled, “Let’s sleep together tonight, I won’t touch you.”

Wan Tong : “…” Can you first move your body away before saying that?

“Then you let go of me first.” She said in a gentle tone.

After a while, when the flames had died down, he reluctantly got up and went to the bathroom.

The sneaky feeling made Wan Tong feel a bit excited, but more of guilty conscience, because her parents were in the room next door.

Because it was a king-sized bed, Wan Tong didn’t ask Gu Chenyue to sleep on the couch, but let him sleep on the other side of the bed.

Perhaps it was because of the afternoon swimming activity, Wan Tong quickly fell asleep under the quilt.

Gu Chenyue turned over and scooped her into his arms, then closed his eyes again.

It’s not known how long it had passed when the sound of the room keycard beeped in the silence.

Gu Chenyue was jolted awake from his dream, then rolled over and quickly got out of bed.

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Uncertain whether it was Tongtong’s parents or someone else, he didn’t make a sound and just walked quickly towards the door.

The door was slowly opened by someone, and the yellow light of the corridor shone in. A man’s figure was cast on the ground, not someone wearing the uniform of the hotel staff, but a bald black man.

This intruder was hostile.

The next second, Gu Chenyue attacked the other person!

The intruder obviously didn’t expect that there would be someone else in the room. Although he was startled, he was good at fighting.

The sound of impact during the struggle was very dull.

“Ka-cha.” Suddenly, a black gun was pointed at the temple of Gu Chenyue.

After Gu Chenyue cautiously stopped his movement, the bald black man hit him hard in the abdomen, then quickly entered the room and closed the door.

Late at night, Lian Yi was drunk and stumbled back to his hotel room, drunk. In the elevator, his phone rang.

It was a call from Zheng Wantong.

He instantly sobered up a bit and cleared his throat before answering the phone, “What’s up, little sister? Why are you calling your brother so late? Brother doesn’t accompany people easily at night, you know!”

However, there was no response on the other end.

Years of vigilance made him realize something was wrong, and he didn’t say anything else but listened closely to the noise on the other end.

He vaguely heard a strange male voice speaking in heavily accented English, sounding frantic.

A cold smile crept onto Lian Yi’s lips as he took out another phone and dialed a number.

At that moment, the lights in Wan Tong’s suite turned on.

Meanwhile, Gu Chenyue lay on the ground with his eyes half-closed and his hands tied behind his back.

Meanwhile, Zheng Wantong had also woken up and had her hands tied. The bald man was on the phone with someone, discussing raising the reward.

With a gun in his other hand, he aimed in Zheng Wantong’s direction, preventing her from making any noise. Wan Tong bit her lip and looked towards the ground where Gu Chenyue lay, but his reassuring gaze helped her to calm down.

“Hurry up and give me an answer. I won’t care once it’s daylight,” the bald man whispered threateningly.

The employer had only asked to throw the girl into the sea, make it look like an accident, and send a video to Gu Chenyue.

However, they didn’t expect to meet Gu Chenyue directly in the hotel room.

The bald man glared at the girl with her hands tied on the bed, and said to the phone with an unclear meaning, “She’s underage. I’m afraid I’ll be in trouble if I kill her directly and get caught.”

“Two million. Do the woman in front of the man, record a video for me, and then throw her dead body into the sea. Haven’t you done this kind of thing before?” The voice on the phone was Chen Jun’s, with a tone of viciousness.

Chen Jun was now in the midst of a lot of trouble. Although he had scapegoats, if the police continued to investigate, he would definitely be caught.

With Lin Zhiwen’s reminder, he confirmed that the one who had driven him to this point was indeed Gu Chenyue.

So when he found out that Gu Chenyue and Zheng Wantong were traveling abroad and found out the address through Lian Yi, he was tempted to kill them.

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Gu Chenyue was so arrogant, wasn’t he? Let’s see how he acts later!

The bald man hung up the phone and skillfully set up a GoPro next to the bed, aiming it at the bed.

Wan Tong backed away to the head of the bed and exchanged a glance with Gu Chenyue, taking the initiative to communicate with the bald man in English, “I have money too. I can transfer whatever you want.”

She quickly dialed Lian Yi’s number and put her phone under the pillow. The bald man didn’t notice, and she didn’t know if Lian Yi could come in time. She could only save herself.

“How much money can a kid like you have?” The bald man grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards him.

A pungent odor hit her nose, and Wan Tong held back the urge to vomit and continued to speak, “My family is wealthy, and I have a lot of pocket money.”

“How much can you give me?” The bald man seemed to be persuaded.

With a trembling voice, Wan Tong said, “I’ll give you five million, let us go.”

The bald man reached out and touched her smooth and tender cheek, with an uncertain expression.

Gu Chenyue swallowed the bloody taste in his mouth, his hands behind his back were already covered in scars from the friction of the black tape, but he had no weapons, and could only rely on brute force to break free.

He stared fixedly at the figure on the bed, his black pupils filled with bloodshot veins, and he struggled harder and harder with his hands.

“Five million? It’s quite tempting, but I value my life more. Chen is not someone to mess with.” The bald man tore off the tape on Wan Tong’s hands and seemed to think she couldn’t escape anyway.

After all, his arm was almost as thick as her waist.

The bald man pressed her hands above her head and said something disgusting with his thick lips, “Eastern women, your skin is so tender. Have you played any positions with your boyfriend? Give me a lick first, and I’ll be gentle with you later, how about it?”

Wan Tong gritted her teeth, feeling nauseous and almost using all her strength to hit his vulnerable area with her knee as his body with a pungent odor pressed down on her.

“Ah!” The bald man’s voice changed as he released her from her restraints.

Previously, Gu Chenyue had seen that Wan Tong was always studying and doing study exercises all day long, so when she was idle, he would teach her the sixteen ways to hit the crotch.

Wan Tong didn’t study diligently, but he taught her earnestly, so her body still had some memory.

The bald man fell to the ground, clutching his crotch, and cautiously pulled out a gun. But before he could aim it at Wan Tong, someone kicked it away!

Gu Chenyue, who had been lying on the ground, was now standing ominously by the bed.

The gun flew up and hit the ceiling, then fell onto the carpet, and Gu Chenyue had already begun fighting the bald man. The bald man was half a head taller than Gu Chenyue, and his muscles were terrifyingly knotted. He was clearly accustomed to licking blood off a knife’s edge and quickly turned the tables in the fight. He tried several times to reach for the gun on the ground.

Wan Tong struggled to climb out of the bed and pick up the gun, but her shoulder was grabbed by the bald man.

In that instant, she screamed in pain, and the gun fell out of her hand again.

As the bald man bent over to pick up the gun, Gu Chenyue grabbed a chair and smashed it at him.

The bald man fell to the ground, and Wan Tong quickly picked up the gun and aimed it at him. “Don’t move!”

Her hand was shaking, and when her index finger touched the trigger, for some reason, the pistol suddenly vibrated and made a muffled sound. Then a bullet opened a bloody flower on the bald man’s abdomen.

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Wan Tong and Gu Chenyue were both stunned for a moment.

But soon, Gu Chenyue glanced at the direction of the GoPro, and took the gun from Wan Tong’s hand.

Then Gu Chenyue lowered his body, and his fists hit the face of the bald man fiercely.

One punch after another, the sound of the hits was dull.

Before Wan Tong could react, Gu Chenyue had already stood up and stomped heavily on the bald man’s lower body, aiming the gun at that spot as well.



This was the scene that Lian Yi and a dozen other people saw when they broke in.

The sound of the bald man’s voice, hoarse from the pain, made all the men’s scalps tingle, and they clenched their legs tightly.

“Yueyue, it’s enough…” It was only then that Wan Tong regained her senses, staring dumbfoundedly in the direction of Gu Chenyue.

Gu Chenyue’s exposed areas were almost all injured, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth. At this moment, he looked more like a ferocious beast, seeking revenge on his mortal enemy and seeking the opponent’s life.

Wan Tong wanted to step forward and embrace him, but found that her legs had gone weak and she couldn’t take a step.

Seeing him move the gun in his hand and aim it at the bald man’s head, Wan Tong quickly ran towards him. “Yueyue, that’s enough!”

“It’s okay, it’s just self-defense.” At this moment, Lian Yi suddenly spoke up.

He had been listening to the commotion here on the phone, and even if Gu Chenyue really killed someone, he could still get him out.

“Lian Yi, shut up!” Wan Tong shouted at him, tightly gripping Gu Chenyue’s trembling hand.

She was really afraid that he would pull the trigger.

Actually, the bald man had already been shot twice and was beaten to this extent. It’s unclear whether he can still survive…

Looking at the bullet hole on his abdomen, her palms began to feel cold.

Regardless, she didn’t want anger to cloud Gu Chenyue’s mind.

She turned to Gu Chenyue, embraced him with both hands, and her slightly cold cheek touched his tense arm. Her voice was nasal and weak, “Gu Chenyue, hug me.”

Hearing her fragile voice, Gu Chenyue’s tense face relaxed a bit. He looked down at her and hugged her into his arms.

Her soft body sank into his embrace and filled the emptiness in his heart.

He wanted her to stay away from all the filth and danger, but ironically, it was him who trapped her in this vicious circle.

Lian Yi rubbed his nose and signaled for the people behind him to take the bald man away.

Wan Tong insisted on going to the hospital with Gu Chenyue and didn’t return to the hotel until the early hours of the morning. She slept in his room.

Gu Chenyue held her tightly and seemed unable to break free from his tense emotions. Wan Tong also had nightmares all night, and several times she woke up and could hear his soothing voice.

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After daybreak, Wan Tong, looking exhausted, played with her parents on the island for another day.

The bald man’s GoPro recorded everything that happened in the room, and the video was edited to remove the footage before the shooting and the post-shooting footage was destroyed.

The bald man didn’t die, but his “egg” was broken, and he has been arrested by the local police.

Throughout the whole incident, Wan Tong did not show up, and everything was handled by Gu Chenyue and Lian Yi. Even her parents were not alerted.

On the way back, Gu Chenyue was also on the same plane, but his seat was separated from Wan Tong’s by a distance.

After getting off the plane, Wan Tong’s gaze kept scanning the crowd. Father and Mother Zheng looked at each other silently, both sighing.

Finally, Father Zheng asked, “Tongtong, who are you looking for?”

Intuitively, Wan Tong shook her head and lowered her gaze, looking earnestly at the revolving luggage.

“I just saw Xiao Gu go towards the bathroom.”

“Oh, so he’s—” Wan Tong’s voice trailed off as she suddenly looked at Father Zheng. “Dad…”

“When we boarded the plane, I saw him. Since you’re thinking about him, why don’t you go and talk to him? Your mom and I will wait for you at the exit.”

Father Zheng said so, but in fact, he had spotted Gu Chenyue’s figure yesterday.

Throughout the day, she had been absent-minded, and when he couldn’t find her in the evening, he went out to look for her and saw her taking a walk with Gu Chenyue on the beach.

Gu Chenyue seemed to have been injured, with red and purple marks on his face and hands.

Seeing their daughter in a daze all day long made them feel uncomfortable. It was better to let them meet each other properly.

Wan Tong’s eyes felt sore, she nodded and ran away.

Since the night before last, Gu Chenyue hadn’t been talking much, and she was very worried about him.

From a distance, Gu Chenyue saw Wan Tong running towards him.

He said something to his phone and hung up, then hugged her and kissed her forehead, “Why did you come, aren’t you afraid your parents will find out?”

Wan Tong looked up from his embrace and lightly poked his chest with her index finger, “It was my dad who asked me to find you…”

Gu Chenyue had a wound on his lips, but when he smiled, he was still very charming, “That’s good news.”

He knew that Father Zheng didn’t have any negative feelings towards him, and as long as he tried harder, he could gain his approval.

Wan Tong touched his bruised lips, “School starts the day after tomorrow, you’ll scare the boys and girls again like this.”

He held her hand in his palm, his eyelashes drooping, his voice with a hint of gravelly texture, “As long as I don’t scare you.”

After all, he wasn’t ruthless enough, and his ability to speculate on people’s hearts wasn’t accurate enough, which was why he was forced into this situation.

If he had been more cautious of Chen Jun, what happened that night would never have happened.

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