In front of a certain bank counter, Su Fang pointed at the staff and scolded, “Why can’t I transfer money? I have a bank card, an ID card, and my daughter’s death certificate, why can’t I transfer money? My daughter died, why can’t I withdraw the money inside?”

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The staff looked embarrassed, and just as she was about to say something, Su Fang cried to the people around her who came to work or came for errands, “You all come to judge, why is this bank like this, my daughter is gone, and they want to cheat her money!”

Seeing that she was pitiful, an uncle also interrupted and said, “Doesn’t she have an ID card and a death certificate? Since she has that, can’t you just put up all the money? Don’t embarrass others, she’s already sad enough.”

The staff tried to remain calm, “I’m sorry, our bank stipulates that just an ID card and a death certificate are not acceptable. The customer also needs to provide the bank password, otherwise they can only go to the notary department for notarization first and get the notarization certificate to inherit the property of the deceased.”

“My daughter is gone, how do you want me to give you your password? You have to get a notary certificate? You are going to toss me to death!” Su Fang covered her face and cried bitterly.

The dead girl ran out of the hospital, she must get the money early, otherwise the money will definitely fly!

“I’m sorry, this is our rule.” The staff looked at the ID card of the “dead” again, secretly surprised.

It’s Su Wantong. Yesterday there was news of her death. Today, her mother came to withdraw the money. Isn’t she too anxious?

“I don’t care. I won’t go to any notary office. It’s against the law for you to deduct money from dead people. I want to sue you. I want to find reporters so they can see your face!” Su Fang pointed at the person and yelled, her eyes turned bloodshot.

Finally, the lobby manager came up, looked at the materials submitted by Su Fang, and asked with a smile, “Auntie, is your daughter the superstar Su Wantong?”

“What’s your business?” Su Fang took back the material vigilantly.

The manager continued to maintain a decent smile, “Su Wantong posted on Weibo just now that she is still alive. If so, then we need to verify this death certificate.”

Su Fang’s heart skipped a beat, and she panicked, “What’s still alive?! This is a death certificate, issued by the hospital, are you blind? Can those on Weibo be trusted?” Although she said this, she held the information tightly, “What’s your bank’s service attitude? I won’t get the money today!”

That dead girl Su Wantong actually posted on Weibo??

Wouldn’t the whole world know that she was still alive?

She could almost get the money, she felt so mad!

Many of the onlookers were young people who were concerned about the dynamics of the Internet. At this time, they were a little surprised when they heard this conversation.

Seeing Su Fang hurriedly walked out, their expression became even more subtle.

Several people looked down at the video they had recorded, thinking, that woman wouldn’t be a swindler, would she? How could such a person be Su Wantong’s mother?


After Wan Tong’s Weibo post was posted, it caused sensation in the whole internet. Not only her fan base, but also the netizens who eat melons have already exploded.

Since last night, Su Wantong’s company has already issued condolences, and various media outlets have also reported her death. The marketing account has been popular, and fans have expressed their condolences under her Weibo. Su Wantong’s songs posted on various music platforms were all downloaded and exploded, how come it took only one night for Su Wantong’s Weibo to be updated!

And looking at her current condition in the photo, it’s clearly very good!

In her Weibo, it is written to Balls, Balls is her fan name, she is reporting safety to her fans! It shouldn’t be fake!

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#Su Wantong’s blog post still alive#

Under the topic, the fierce remarks of netizens are quickly refreshed.

“The mobile phone model is not what Tongtong used! Is this a prank? If it is a prank at this time, then the number thief dog can really die, mmp1!”

“God knows what I’ve been through. Are you sure this Weibo was posted by her? My eyes went blind2 when I listened to the song, and I thought I was dreaming when I saw the Weibo!”

“So what’s going on with the company and those media? Is it true that people haven’t received news that she’s alive? They’re just focusing on publicity, right? The new album is a masterpiece? What kind of slogan is this! If it’s hype, it’s really disgusting to me!”

“We saw Tongtong’s accident with our own eyes, but what’s going on now? The company started to sending out condolences when the person was still alive?”

“Hahaha, it shouldn’t be a prank, I remember that Su Wantong cut her waist-length hair into shoulder-length hair for the concert. She has slapped the face of a lot of media people on Weibo now. Although I don’t know what happened, she looks inexplicably cool, what should I do?”

It was not until two o’clock in the afternoon that Zhong Heng Entertainment’s official blog issued a notice announcing the miracle of Su Wantong’s death and resurrection. The notice also included the testimony of a hospital doctor, proving that Su Wantong was pronounced dead then woke up in the morgue more than four hours later.

However, obviously because of the urgency of time, the logic of public relations writing is full of holes, and netizens have found them one by one.

“Yesterday, Zhong Heng Entertainment still contacted fans to attend the funeral, why did they change their mind today and say that her family doesn’t want the company to intervene in the funeral? Since she woke up in the early morning, the hospital should’ve notified her family as soon as possible. Could it be that her family didn’t contact the company? It’s been a whole morning, and there is no news from Zhong Heng Entertainment? Where’s her agent and assistant? There is a conspiracy, I think the company should have known the news long ago, but they still want to delay the time and continue to stir up the heat!”

Zhong Heng Entertainment was scolded badly, but Wan Tong met Wei Qianxun in Shen Bu’s small rental house.

She doesn’t know how he knew it. As soon as she opened the door, Wan Tong saw him standing in the narrow and dark aisle. When he saw her, his eyes were extraordinarily calm.

Wan Tong frowned and stared at him cautiously, “How did you find me?”

Wei Qianxun glanced at her, and then glanced at Shen Bu sitting on the sofa in the small hall behind him, “Shen Bu is a company trainee, I have seen him.”

As long as he has seen the face once, he can almost remember it, not to mention, Shen Bu is very prominent, whether it is his appearance, temperament, or his eccentric personality.

He found Liang Zhou and asked for the address here.

Seeing that Wan Tong didn’t say anything, Wei Qianxun asked again a gentle voice, “Wantong, is it convenient to talk to me now?”

“What do you want to talk to me about? There was a chance in the hospital, but you don’t seem to be willing to talk to me.” Wan Tong’s mouth was dyed with a smile, but her eyes were full of sarcasm.

A dark look appeared in Wei Qianxun’s eyes, So she knew, no wonder she wanted to escape.

However, he still has to make a statement, “I didn’t want you to die.”

“Right, you don’t care if I’m alive, but you may sign a contract with me, let me hide and never appear in public, and you will push the word ‘Su Wantong’ to the top, right?”

Wei Qianxun stared at her quietly, without denying it.

In front of him, Su Wantong’s personality seemed to be a little sharper than before, and her eyes that were always dull before showed a hint of anger.

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“Now, I have other plans.” He asked calmly, “Which company do you want to go to, or do you want to build your own studio?”

Wan Tong’s mind couldn’t keep up with his thoughts. She was silent for a while before replying, “These have nothing to do with you. You will no longer be my agent in a few days.”

“But I want to continue to be your agent.”

“Do you think I’ll give you this chance?”

Wei Qianxun choked, but he didn’t force it, his voice was cold, “That’s a pity, I still really want to make you popular again.”

Wan Tong frowned, “You can go.”

“You have to come with me, at least go back to the hospital.” Wei Qianxun said, “Do you think you can get rid of the problems yourself by posting a Weibo? You still owe everyone an explanation, otherwise everyone will just think that you are just cooperating with the company’s hype.”

“I’m not going back.” Wan Tong shook his head, “I’ll take care of it myself.”

Wei Qianxun didn’t seem to be surprised by her answer, but he still wanted to take her back first, so he took a step forward and directly carried Wan Tong on his shoulders.

Wan Tong was stunned for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, her body was already in the air, “Wei Qianxun, let me go!”

Wei Qianxun turned around and was about to leave, but there was a crutch in front of him. The man had been silent just now, like a transparent man. Wei Qianxun didn’t know when the man leaned against the door, with his crutch in the middle, blocking Wei Qianxun’s way.

“Shen Bu, this is none of your business, no matter if you want to hype or for other reasons, please stop it.” Wei Qianxun warned coldly.

The straight line of Shen Bu’s thin lips evoked a mocking arc, and his cold face suddenly took on a bit of coldness, “Do you want me to call the police?”

“You—” Wei Qianxun moved the corner of his mouth, staring at Shen Bu displeasedly, “Then you can give it a try.”

The crutches in Shen Bu’s hand hit Wei Qianxun, but when Wei Qianxun was dodging, Shen Bu reached out and hugged Wan Tong who was on his shoulders.

He glanced sideways at Wei Qianxun, his thin lips moved slightly, and he said word by word, “Hug me.”

Wan Tong was caught off guard and was put into Shen Bu’s arms. As soon as she looked up, she saw his beautiful jawline. The words overflowing from those pink and white lips made her wonder whether to laugh or cry.

Indeed, hug him.

Wei Qianxun stared blankly at Shen Bu, his arm hit by the crutches went numb.After a long while, he looked at Wan Tong, “I will find you again, I hope you can think about it for yourself. After all, our cooperation in the past three years has been perfect, isn’t it?”

After Wei Qianxun left, Shen Bu let go of Wan Tong, and then silently turned back to the sofa, sitting very well, as if he was not the one who resisted Wei Qianxun and hugged her just now.

Wan Tong looked at his figure and felt a little warm in her heart. She thought about it and said to him, “Shen Bu, I’m going home.”

The original owner’s “relics” were all with Su Fang, and she has to go to get them back.

Shen Bu’s body stiffened slightly, and after a long while he responded, “Whatever.”

Wan Tong walked a few steps, then came back suddenly, crouched down in front of him, “Would you like to go home with me?”

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Shen Bu’s eyes moved slightly and calmly focused on her.

Wan Tong stretched out her hand and gestured again, with a voice that was unprecedentedly bewitching, softly, “My home is very big.”

It is also more convenient if she takes the boss back.

Before Shen Bu could answer, there was another knock on the door of the rental house.

Wan Tong turned around and looked in the cat’s eyes, and what she saw was a young woman with delicate makeup.

At the same time, Shishi in her mind also reminded, [Tongtong, the raider Lin Jin’er is here.]

[Ah, it’s her, so should I hide for a while? So as not to be regarded as a rival by her.]

Wan Tong really hid in the small room without saying anything.

There is only one single bed in the room, and there are no extra decorations. This is where Shen Bu lived before he was a trainee. Now he occasionally lives in the collective dormitory, but he comes back here most of the time.

So the daily necessities are all there, and they are neatly packed. It really doesn’t look like a place where a boy lives.

Shen Bu saw her get into his room, his black eyes widened for a moment, and he held the handle of the crutch tightly, until he saw Wan Tong’s eyes signaling him to open the door, he pursed his lips and stood up.

The person who came was Lin Jin’er. He suppressed the disgust in his eyes and blocked the door to prevent Lin Jin’er from entering, “Something?”

Lin Jin’er looked like a high-profile young lady, which was out of tune with this place, but there was no disgust on her face, “I heard that you forcibly discharged from the hospital, so I asked Liang Zhou for your address. I just come to look at you, and I bought you some supplements and fruit.”

“No need.” Shen Bu threw out two words.

Before Lin Jin’er could speak, the alert sound of the Raiders system rang, [Shen Bu’s favorability score is -5, and the current favorability value is -30.]

The corners of Lin Jin’er’s mouth froze, and she asked the Raiders system in her heart, [074, what’s going on?? Did I mess up?]

After he woke up, no one came to see him. She has come to the door in person now. He should be touched, right?

Ghost knows why he reduced his favorability to her as soon as he saw her!

074 replied, [The system believes that the measures taken by the host to the attack target were too bad, causing the target to be disgusted with the host now.]

[Tsk, what do you know? He has a boring personality, if I’m more boring than him, then I won’t be able to do anything.]

[The system has been taught.]

Lin Jin’er’s eyes showed concern, and she said softly, “Shen Bu, you can’t live by yourself even if you don’t want to be hospitalized. How can you take care of yourself? Why don’t you live with me for a while?”

After listening to her words, Shen Bu suddenly murmured, “Take care?”

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Seeing that his attitude has softened, Lin Jin’er’s voice has become a little playful again, “Yes, I’ll take care of you personally and apologize to you? But don’t worry, I won’t take advantage of you~ Last time, I drank too much and was a little impulsive, I hope you can forgive me~”

Together with the system, Lin Jin’er also reflected for a while, maybe it would be better to give him a stick and a carrot, or else Shen Bu would have a psychological barrier with her.

But she just finished speaking, and there was a familiar sound in her mind, [Shen Bu’s favorability score is -10, and the current favorability value is -40.]

Lin Jin’er: “…”

She suppressed her anger, but saw that Shen Bu didn’t bother to even say a word to her, and closed the door directly!

She was so angry that she wanted to kick the door, but in order to maintain her image, she held back, put down the things in her hand, and said a few words to the door before leaving.

Inside the house, Wan Tong heard Shishi reporting the situation outside to her.

[Shen Bu’s favorability towards Lin Jin’er is -40, this Raider is not very smart.] From Shishi’s voice, it seems it has become a little more pleased.

Wan Tong chuckled lightly. Lin Jin’er robbed Shen Bu’s debut opportunity, drugged him, and caused him to crash into a car. This method of attracting Shen Bu’s attention is indeed not very wise. I’m afraid Lin Jin’er has read too much sadomasochism stories?

But when the boss heard that Lin Jin’er invited him to her house, his favorability dropped by 10. He probably didn’t like others doing this.

Thinking that she had also let him move to her house just now, Wan Tong frowned in distress, hoping that the boss’ favorability toward her would not be negative, otherwise where would there be an excuse to approach him?

Hearing Lin Jin’er’s departure, Wan Tong came out of the room and glanced into the cat’s eyes.

Looking at the basket full of imported fruits, Wan Tong opened the door and hugged it in.

“…” Shen Bu silently watched her cat-like movements, while rubbing the handle of the crutch with his fingertips.

“Eat more fruit, supplement vitamins, they will help the wound recover earlier.” Wan Tong peeled him an orange and handed it over.

Shen Bu glanced at her right foot and then at the gauze on her forehead before reaching out to take it.

Wan Tong noticed his gaze and looked a little embarrassed. Her injury healed quickly thanks to Shishi, and it could even help her reduce her pain.

Wan Tong didn’t stay long, and after eating an apple, she was ready to leave.

When she walked to the door, Shen Bu suddenly made a sound, a frosty voice, strangely pleasant, “Won’t you take me away?”

Wan Tong: ???


1 It’s acronym for cursing words which basically means motherf*cker
2 presumably exaggeration for crying too much


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