Early in the morning, Yu Cheng dispatched his driver Jin He to the Bai family’s residence.

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The head of the Bai family is Father Bai, who was already sixty years old and had been in poor health in recent years. He had basically retired from the Bai Group and almost all affairs were managed by his stepchildren. His second wife, Chen Yun, took care of everything at home.

Yesterday, Bai Wanxin had told her family about Wan Tong’s situation.

Father Bai was also very angry that someone had been impersonating his deceased daughter after so many years had passed. However, he soon received contact from Yu Cheng.

Although Father Bai was old, he was still rational.

He had watched Yu Cheng grow up and knew that Yu Cheng did not like to get close to anyone except his daughter. Over the years, there had been many good girls who appeared, but Yu Cheng didn’t even spare them a glance.

Now that Yu Cheng cared so much about someone, it must be because she was special in some way. Or perhaps, she really was his daughter…

Father Bai didn’t dare to think about this possibility, fearing that his hopes would be dashed and he would have to endure the grief of losing someone again.

Father Bai’s legs were not very mobile, and after Jin He helped him onto the car, Chen Yun and his two children also wanted to get on, but they were stopped.

“Mr. Yu only allowed me to pick up Mr. Bai alone,” Jin He said expressionlessly.

Bai Wanxin looked at him unhappily, “How can we feel at ease with Dad going out alone? Moreover, if it really is my Sister who has returned, it stands to reason that we should go and meet her.”

“Yes, Jin He, with something like this happening, we also want to figure out what’s going on as soon as possible,” Chen Yun said, looking at Father Bai, hoping he would say something.

Father Bai waved his hand, “Ah Cheng has his own ideas, you guys just stay at home.”

Chen Yun and the others exchanged a glance, and of course, they didn’t say anything else.

After the car left, Chen Yun spoke angrily, “He really treats Yu Cheng as his own son, doesn’t he? A junior doesn’t come to meet him in person, and he doesn’t mind, even eagerly approaching him! Who would lower their own status like this?”

Over the years, although Yu Cheng had kept in touch with Father Bai, he never went to visit Father Bai in person, but Father Bai often went to see Yu Cheng instead.

This time was even more excessive, as Yu Cheng just sent a driver to pick up the person.

“Mom, Yu Cheng has always been strange, and you know it, but with this relationship with him, it’s beneficial to the Bai family, so you should say less,” Bai Ziyan spoke up. He really wanted to use this connection with Yu Cheng, but the man was always lukewarm to people, and a single glance could make one tremble with fear. Sometimes he didn’t even dare to approach him to talk, and it was his little sister who had the guts to become half-friends with Yu Cheng.

Chen Yun’s expression still wasn’t good. “Wasn’t it because I was afraid that your father would want to leave everything to Yu Cheng in his will? I’ve been hinting at him for a while, but I haven’t been able to get any useful information out of him. But I always feel like he’ll leave most of his estate to Yu Cheng. I’m worried that in the end, neither of you will be in his eyes. Moreover, now there’s suddenly a girl who looks just like Bai Wantong. Who knows if it’s Yu Cheng’s scheme?”

After she said this, Bai Ziyan became nervous and looked at Bai Wanxin. “Xinxin, did you get a good look at that girl yesterday? Could it be Bai Wantong?”

After all, when Bai Wantong jumped into the sea years ago, her body was never found. It’s possible that she didn’t really die.

Bai Wanxin shook her head. “She looks young and looks a lot like Bai Wantong in the photos, but I can’t be sure.”

Yesterday she received news from the Yu family that Yu Cheng had prepared a room and living supplies for that girl, and it seemed like he was going to let her stay for a long time.

After so many years, and she’s only been to Yu Cheng’s villa twice. Who would have thought that Yu Cheng would bring that girl back directly this time?

“So that means it’s very likely to be Bai Wantong?” Bai Ziyan asked.

Bai Wanxin furrowed her brows and couldn’t give a reason. In the world plot given by the system, Bai Wantong only committed suicide by jumping into the sea and became Yu Cheng’s unforgettable white moonlight and cinnabar mole since then.

After she entered this world, she basically did not hinder Yu Cheng’s development, she just took the opportunity to bring the Bai family to get closer to him. This celebration at sea was a spontaneous idea, and almost only young people were invited. She persuaded Yu Cheng for a long time before he agreed to go with her, but she still hasn’t figured out how Bai Wantong got on the ship.

After considering it, Bai Wanxin said, “Brother, I will continue to investigate this matter. If she is really Bai Wantong, we can just do a paternity test.”

“That makes sense,” Bai Ziyan nodded.

It was something that could be confirmed with just one test, and there was no use worrying about it here.

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Wan Tong slept soundly and woke up early. After washing up, she put on her coat and went out the door.

As soon as she reached the stairs, a young woman appeared in front of her.

The woman was dressed in a uniform-style shirt and a short skirt. Her hair was tied up high, and her makeup and accessories were all carefully matched.

“Why did you come out dressed like this? Mr. will be angry when he sees you later. Go back and change your clothes before coming out,” the woman was not at all polite and glanced at Wan Tong with some pickiness and disdain.

Wan Tong looked at her own outfit, which consisted of a pink-striped home outfit and a thin beige knit jacket. Everything seemed normal.

“What’s wrong with my outfit?” she asked back, then looked at the woman and said, “Who are you?”

“Who cares who I am? Let me tell you, the way you’re dressed is very frivolous. What’s with the half-buttoned shirt? And your hair, can’t you comb it properly before coming out?”

Since yesterday, the villa has been receiving a steady stream of women’s clothing and daily necessities. The few housekeeping staff below were discussing the possibility of having a new mistress.

But she didn’t believe it. Looking at the woman in front of her today, she was too sloppy and definitely not the type that Mr. Yu would like.

Everyone in the villa knows that Mr. Yu has both OCD and germophobia. He even ordered all the servants not to appear in front of him. However, her grandfather is the butler here, so she has some privileges.

The woman has already walked up to Wan Tong and even started to touch her.

Wan Tong dodged her hand, guessing that it might be because of Yu Cheng’s OCD that the woman made such a request. But that doesn’t mean Wan Tong will let others point fingers at her.

“Don’t touch me.” Wan Tong frowned and stared at the woman.

The woman became angry and approached her again. “Why don’t you listen? If you don’t tidy yourself up, do you believe I can have someone throw you out?”

“Throw who out?” Suddenly, a man’s voice interrupted.

The two looked over in the direction of the voice, and Yu Cheng was walking out of the adjacent room.

His gaze fell on Kong Jing’s face, with a touch of coldness in his black pupils. He repeated, “You said, throw who out?”

Kong Jing felt her hands and feet go cold under his stare. She knew she had crossed Mr. Yu’s line with her actions.

After a moment, she managed to squeeze out a few words, “S-sir, I was just checking the hygiene and happened to notice her being sloppy…”

As she said the word “sloppy”, Yu Cheng’s expression grew even colder and more ominous. He interrupted her, “Shut up and get out.”

Kong Jing was already trembling and unable to stand still. She stumbled down the stairs and ran away.

Wan Tong was momentarily stunned. Yu Cheng’s appearance was exactly what she had imagined as how the boss should be.

She didn’t dwell on what had just happened, but was still curious and asked, “Who was she?”

“Old Kong’s granddaughter,” Yu Cheng said, looking down at her. His tone had softened and become gentle again.

Wan Tong looked at his formal suit and thought about what Kong Jing had said. She furrowed her brows and asked, “Chengcheng, will you despise me?”

In the plot of this world, it was mentioned that after the original owner died, Yu Cheng was indeed plagued by OCD, and especially because of his germophobia, he lived his life in an extremely tense manner every day.

Although the original owner also had cleanliness habits, they were not as serious as his.

When Wan Tong spoke, a hint of darkness flashed in Yu Cheng’s eyes, and he grasped her hand, saying “Don’t overthink it.”

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The force was so strong that it made her feel a little pain.

Wan Tong felt his emotions were a bit unstable and changed the topic, “Are you going to work?”

“No,” Yu Cheng replied, seeing her relaxed expression, and he helped her straighten out her slightly messy hair. “What do you want for breakfast?”

“Will you make it for me?”


“Then I want the lean pork and preserved egg congee you make.” The most memorable thing in the original owner’s memory was the breakfast he made.


Yu Cheng agreed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he led her downstairs.

At this moment, Kong Jing panicked and sought out Butler Kong, “Grandpa, please help me! Mr. Yu might fire me!”

In that moment just now, she seemed to have read the message that she was going to be fired from Yu Cheng’s attitude, and the reason he didn’t say it might be because of the existence of that girl.

Butler Kong was taken aback and quickly asked what had happened.

Kong Jing explained everything in detail, and Butler Kong shook his head and said, “Jingjing, you’ve gone too far. Although Ah Cheng respects me to some extent, you must remember that both you and I are servants. Don’t always rely on Ah Cheng’s leniency to raise your value. Let me tell you solemnly now, Tongtong is Ah Cheng’s minefield. Don’t even think about approaching her. Pack up and leave later. If you wait for Ah Cheng to speak, the consequences will be different.”

Kong Jing listened to his words and didn’t respond for a long time. The work of cleaning the villa was not too heavy, and the salary was even higher than that of a manager outside. Sometimes, when Yu Cheng was not at home, she almost thought of herself as the mistress of the house. She also posted many photos online.

Now that she had lost this job, she had lost the source of her high-quality life!

It was all because of Bai Wanxin. She asked Kong Jing to test and cause trouble for that girl!

For a moment, she felt both fearful and resentful.

In the living room, Wan Tong sat on the sofa watching the morning news, while Yu Cheng was busy in the kitchen. After a while, he brought out the claypot, and the aroma of the food instantly filled the room.

After scooping out some porridge for Wan Tong, Yu Cheng went upstairs again.

When he came back, he had changed into a light grey home outfit with a faint scent of shower gel.

Wan Tong leaned over and took a sniff of him, “Did you go take a shower?”

She didn’t notice that when she leaned over, Yu Cheng’s body stiffened slightly before nodding and letting out a single syllable from his throat, “Mm.”

“Your cleanliness is even stricter than mine,” Wan Tong murmured, then lowered her head to drink her porridge.

Yu Cheng pursed his lips, his black eyes staring at her before quickly averting his gaze when she looked up.

During breakfast, Wan Tong asked Yu Cheng many questions about his entrepreneurial ventures, and he told her almost everything.

Wan Tong listened with great interest and then propped her chin on her hand, asking him, “Chengcheng, can you tell me about what happened to me? Why did I wake up in the sea?”

She had acted in front of him last night, saying she only remembered parts of her memory before the age of nineteen, and he seemed to have believed her without further questioning.

At this moment, Yu Cheng clenched his spoon and hesitated for a moment.

He softly said, “It was my fault.”

“What fault?” Wan Tong tilted her head and continued to ask, hoping to stimulate her lost memory.

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Yu Cheng met her bright and pure eyes and felt like something was stuck in his throat.

At this moment, there was movement at the entrance, and Jin He pushed Father Bai in.

Wan Tong looked over at the elderly figure in the wheelchair from a distance, and for a moment, she did not connect him with the father full of energy and vigor in the original owner’s memories. “Chengcheng, who is that?”

“Tongtong, that’s your father,” Yu Cheng whispered back, quietly clenching his fists again.

“Tongtong?” Father Bai had doubts in his heart, but the moment he saw Wan Tong, tears welled up in his eyes.

His daughter, whom he had raised for nineteen years, how could he not recognize her?

Hearing that familiar voice, Wan Tong suddenly got up and ran over, “Dad?”

She looked at Father Bai, who was much older than in her memory, and her emotions were infected, causing her to burst into tears.

Father Bai opened his arms, and Wan Tong crouched down and hugged him.

“Xiao Tong, it’s good that you’re back…” Father Bai’s emotions were stirred, and he lightly stroked her back with his palm.

Then he heard her sobbing voice, “Dad, why are all your hair white now, wuwuwu…”

Father Bai was stunned for a moment, exchanged a glance with Yu Cheng not far away, and then spoke, “Silly child, of course I have white hair as I grow older…”

Perhaps in a good mood, White Father propped himself up and stood up from the wheelchair.

Wan Tong helped him to the sofa and told him about her partial memory loss.

Father Bai seemed to be relieved, just patting her shoulder to comfort her, “It’s okay, don’t worry about your memory, what needs to be remembered will come back in due time.”

Wan Tong nodded, but sensed something strange in her heart. Both Father Bai and Yu Cheng clearly didn’t want her to remember the past.

Yu Cheng didn’t speak from start to finish, just quietly sitting beside Wan Tong. However, those who knew him well could tell that he was in a good mood now.

Father Bai’s mental state was not good. Before leaving, he found Yu Cheng and had a private chat with him in the study.

“It seems we have reached a consensus.” Father Bai spoke first.

When he met Wan Tong today, he noticed that she seemed to have forgotten a lot of things and had returned to her naive and innocent self at the age of 18 or 19.

It can’t be faked.

So he didn’t bring up the past, but he didn’t expect that Tongtong had really lost her memory.

Yu Cheng played with the edge of a photo frame on the table, and said with thin lips, “There is no more Bai Wantong in this world, she is my Tongtong.”

A hint of complexity flashed in Father Bai’s eyes, but he held back and nodded. “I don’t want her to be Bai Wantong again, but are you not afraid that she will remember the past one day?”

Yu Cheng remained silent for a long time, his lips tightly pursed.

“Have you looked into Tongtong’s experiences in recent years?” Father Bai asked again.

Yu Cheng shook his head. “I couldn’t find anything.” She seemed to have appeared out of thin air in the sea.

He regarded her appearance as a gift from heaven.

Father Bai fell silent for a while before saying, “Take good care of her.”

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In the garden, Wan Tong squatted on the grass, watching Butler Kong trim the branches of the potted plants.

Yu Cheng walked over and squatted next to her, mimicking her actions, but as he was tall, he still looked like a small mountain even while squatting.

Not far away, Jin He whispered with a hint of emotion, “I’ve never seen President Yu so relaxed before.”

Father Bai also looked at Yu Cheng and sighed, “He only acts like this in front of Tongtong.”

Wan Tong didn’t know what Father Bai and Yu Cheng had talked about, nor whether they had done a paternity test. Anyway, the two decided to let her continue to live here, and Father Bai never came back again.

She didn’t mind, of course. She needed some time to adapt to this body and the unfamiliar environment around her that was very different from the original owner’s life.

After a few days of living together, Wan Tong truly experienced the pressure that Yu Cheng’s OCD and extreme cleanliness brought.

He often took a shower, although he didn’t say it and even tried to hide it from her, but she could still smell the odor.

He was very strict with everyone else except her, requiring everything to be perfect, not even a single hair out of place, especially to himself.

Living in such a clean and tidy environment every day made Wan Tong feel comfortable, but she felt sorry and worried for Yu Cheng. Would he become mentally strained from being so tense all the time?

A few days later, a new headline suddenly appeared online.

#Yu Cheng and the Bai family’s daughter are getting married soon#

The leaked photo seems to have been taken by a guest on a cruise ship, with Yu Cheng holding a woman whose figures are somewhat blurred.

However, the woman’s figure looks quite similar to Bai Wanxin’s.

Yu Cheng, who has never been involved in any romantic scandals, suddenly became the subject of marriage rumors, and immediately received attention from various media outlets.

After seeing the news, Bai Wanxin finally found an opportunity to visit the Yu Cheng’s house.

She rang the doorbell, and the door opened soon after. As she walked through the garden, she heard a girl’s clear laughter.

She thought of the girl Yu Cheng brought back and followed the sound to take a look.

To her surprise, a swing had been erected in the colorful garden, and at this moment, Wan Tong was sitting on it, swinging her legs, while Yu Cheng held onto the swing chain and gently pushed her up into the air.

Bai Wanxin looked at the tenderness in the man’s mouth that he couldn’t conceal, and suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

She doesn’t believe that the person in front of her is the real Bai Wantong.

In the world plot, Bai Wantong had already had a lot of conflicts with Yu Cheng before her suicide. She clearly detested him, so how could she smile at him without any resentment?

“Ah Cheng.” Bai Wanxin called out as she walked towards the two of them, “No wonder Qian Le said he couldn’t reach you, you were having fun here.”

Yu Cheng didn’t let go of the swing chain in his hand, just glanced over, “What’s up?”

“There are rumors online about me and you, Qian Le can’t even suppress the hot search, so I came to discuss with you how to clarify things.”

As she spoke, she couldn’t help but glance at Wan Tong.

Father Bai’s attitude was a bit strange. After he came to Yu Cheng’s house that day, he didn’t say whether this girl was really the daughter of the Bai family, just told them not to mention this matter again.

“Rumors?” Wan Tong became interested and jumped off the swing.

Yu Cheng reached out to support her, but his eyes suddenly turned icy, and his sharp gaze shot towards Bai Wanxin.

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