When Yu Cheng put her on the bed, Wan Tong reached out and grabbed his hand, “Chengcheng, sleep with me.”

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As expected, the man stood dumbfounded by the bed, his pupils shaking.

After a while, he seemed to come back to his senses, took her hand and said, “Okay, Tongtong, wait a minute.”

Wan Tong thought he might go back to get the bedding and pillows, but it took him twenty minutes to return.

He only changed into a set of pajamas and didn’t bring anything with him. As he approached the bed, the scent of shower gel wafted from his body.

Wan Tong was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up and reached out to pull off his pajamas.

Yu Cheng held her hand down, “Tongtong?”

“Chengcheng, did you go take a shower again?” Wan Tong was even more worried that he might have injured himself again.

Yu Cheng held her hand and said lightly, “I was sweating and feeling uncomfortable.”

Wan Tong frowned. He would wash himself clean every time he entered her room, which reminded her of her childhood memories. Due to the original host’s minor OCD, Yu Cheng would always clean himself thoroughly whenever he saw her. But now, this problem seemed to have become even more serious.

She had wanted to stimulate her memories by letting him stay to sleep tonight, but the effect seemed to be not very good.

Yu Cheng lay far away, and she couldn’t reach his body even if she stretched out her hand. She blamed it on the bed being too big.

But what was with Yu Cheng’s anti-wolf posture…

Wan Tong made up her mind, closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. Then she turned over in Yu Cheng’s direction… but it wasn’t enough… she stopped for half a minute and turned over again…

This time, she landed in the man’s arms!

Unexpectedly, Yu Cheng was sleeping facing her direction sideways. She felt like her forehead was touching his chin, and her arm was draped over him…

But now that she was “asleep,” she couldn’t move. She thought she would turn back over in a minute.

But, but, Yu Cheng suddenly moved!

He pressed his hand on her waist and pushed her towards him. Their bodies were closely pressed together, and her face was pressed against his collarbone. The smell of him was so good that it filled her nose.

Wan Tong : Ah ah ah, I can’t turn over anymore, and I’m too scared to move!

As she considered whether to wake up because of “difficulty breathing,” the man’s throat vibrated slightly, and his deep voice rang out, “Tongtong, do you want to remember what happened before?”

He thought that she probably remembered something today, and the source of the stimulus was him.

Upon hearing his words, only then did Wan Tong realize that he knew she was pretending to sleep.

She retracted her arm that was resting on him and pushed his chest. “You did it on purpose, didn’t you?”

Yu Cheng also relaxed his grip, allowing her to move away slightly. “Tongtong, you threw yourself at me, and I can’t resist that.”

“…” Wan Tong was still embarrassed, so she skipped that topic and answered his earlier question, “Of course I want to remember what happened before. Otherwise, how am I supposed to live as a 29 years old?”

There was silence from Yu Cheng for a while, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze in the darkness.

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“Chengcheng, why don’t you tell me?” Wan Tong tentatively asked.

Yu Cheng asked her back, “What did you remember just now?”

“Not a good memory.” Wan Tong didn’t want to say more, lest there be any misunderstanding.

“Sleep, don’t try to remember what you forgot.”

“So, my past was not a good one?”

Yu Cheng was silent for a moment before replying, “You were unhappy at that time.”

“So you don’t want me to remember?” Wan Tong looked up at him and met his deep but gentle gaze.

Yu Cheng held her tightly again and replied in a deep voice, “Yeah.”

Wan Tong was surprised by his answer, and then heard him say, “Tongtong, can we just let it go? Don’t look for memories of the past.”

He held her so tightly that she had difficulty breathing and her mind went blank for a moment.

What was he afraid of?

After a while, Wan Tong pushed him away and said, “Chengcheng, you should go back to your own room.”

Anyway, she probably wouldn’t remember anything tonight.

However, Yu Cheng didn’t move.

“Chengcheng?” Wan Tong called out again.

Yu Cheng : “…”

Wan Tong: “… Are you pretending to be asleep?” Why are you so cute?

Yu Cheng: “…”

Wan Tong pressed her hand against his chest and struggled to break free from his arms, but to no avail.

She felt both helpless and amused. Hearing his breathing become heavier, she stopped moving to avoid further sparks between them.

“It’s like inviting a wolf into the house…” she sighed softly.

In the dim light, a curve appeared at the corner of Yu Cheng’s mouth, and he slowly closed his eyes.

The next day, when Wan Tong woke up, she found the other side of the bed empty. After washing up, she went to Yu Cheng’s room, but didn’t find him there. Instead, she overheard a conversation between him and Qian Le in the study.

Qian Le had come over early in the morning because Yu Cheng had made headlines.

The news was filled with reports about his serious mental illness, including videos of him throwing things in a fit of rage and photos of him going in and out of a mental health clinic.

The previous posts by netizens alleging that Yu Cheng had severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and was a cleanliness freak had also resurfaced and were now being exaggerated as signs of mental illness.

The information about Yu Cheng’s psychologist, Zhou Jiang, had also been exposed, and it turned out that his area of expertise was schizophrenia, which only fueled speculation that Yu Cheng might have that condition.

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This thing happened quite suddenly, and those media even released the news without notifying the Yu Group, which shows that they must have received some benefits and want to target Yu Cheng.

As the person in charge of the Yu Group, such a thing naturally has a significant impact, and the internal people of the group are naturally uneasy, but they also know Yu Cheng’s management ability. Although he is strict with people, he is definitely a good leader.

The Yu Group’s PR department did not hold back and sent legal letters to several media outlets and industry colleagues that used extreme language. They quickly prepared a statement.

The reason why Qian Le rushed over was to tell Yu Cheng that the PR department planned to release his high-definition photos and asked for his opinion.

Combined with the last scandal, the PR department felt that netizens were very concerned about his appearance.

However, there were only blurry photos taken secretly on the internet. If the photos were released this time, it would definitely shift some of the public opinion’s attention.

But Yu Cheng didn’t have this plan. He didn’t like seeing unrelated people discussing his photos.

Qian Le had no choice but to contact the PR department when he saw Wan Tong at the door.

“Miss Wantong.” He called out to her like he saw a savior.

While listening to their conversation, Wan Tong had already looked at the steretyped news online and was annoyed by the sharp and vicious words. Some of them said that the Yu Group was led by a mental patient, which made her angry.

Upon hearing Qian Le calling her, she walked in.

“I think Qian Le is right. It’s obvious that someone is targeting you and deliberately leading the public opinion,” Wan Tong approached Yu Cheng. “Chengcheng, we need to control the situation first.”

The majority of online reviews are negative, which annoyed her greatly.

Yu Cheng listened quietly, his previously indifferent attitude suddenly changed. He gently pinched her puffed cheek and said, “Good.”

Qian Le: “…” His half-hour persuasion earlier was not as effective as the little sweetheart’s few sentences.

When Ding Rui contacted Wan Tong, Wan Tong refused and spent the whole day observing the trend of public opinion online.

After the PR department of Yu Group sent the lawyer’s letter and released the statement on their official website, their strong attitude immediately won the trust of some people. However, what caught the attention of the netizens was the high-definition image of Yu Cheng released on the official website.

Judging from the background, it was the lobby on the first floor of the Yu Group building. He was walking, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with broad shoulders and long legs. He was slightly tilting his face, highlighting his sharp and chiseled facial features. He seemed to be looking at something, his deep gaze revealing a gentle tenderness.

Compared to the blurry pictures taken by some passersby, the high-definition image was much clearer. Under the critical attack of his handsome face, it drove the face control netizens crazy.

In fact, the comments on the internet have become increasingly biased, and even pushed Yu Cheng to Weibo’s hot search.

[Who doesn’t have a temper? So what if he throws things? Being young and owning a multi-billion-dollar estate, he has the right to be proud and demanding! Lastly, he is so damn handsome!]

[This person who is so glamorous, isn’t OCD and cleanliness mania a perfect match for him? Are those unethical media outlets insinuating that he has schizophrenia and attacking him in various ways going too far? Besides, even if he does have a condition, what does it have to do with you? The huge conglomerate is still operating normally under his management, isn’t it?]

[I’ve known that Yu Cheng was handsome before, but I didn’t expect him to be so handsome! Suddenly I feel like Bai Wanxin is not good enough for him! Ahhh, his OCD is kind of cute!]

[I also have advanced-stage OCD and severe cleanliness mania. I take three showers a day and change my bedding every two days. Can I have a godlike man like Yu Cheng?!]

[In modern society, the pace is fast, and there are many people who need psychological counseling due to the pressure. These media outlets that speculate on others’ schizophrenia and violent tendencies based on pictures and speech are disgusting. I support Yu Cheng in suing them.]

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The power of netizens is formidable, and soon the few media outlets that maliciously speculated on Yu Cheng’s mental illness were scolded mercilessly.

Those who tried to tarnish Yu Cheng’s reputation by using “mental illness” could only grind their teeth and bear it.

In just a few days, several media outlets publicly apologized to Yu Cheng and even compensated him for mental distress, which can be said to be a great loss for them.

And Yu Cheng’s surroundings also became lively.

He gained many fangirls, some of whom would appear around the Yu Cheng Building just to catch a glimpse of him. Some even attempted to sneak into the building, but they were always caught by the security guards.

Pictures of Yu Cheng have been gradually spreading online.

Every time there was a new photo, Ding Rui couldn’t help showing it to Wan Tong.

In a milk tea shop in the mall, Ding Rui placed her phone in front of Wan Tong and pointed to the photo on it.

“Wantong, look at this one. Oh my god, they really dared to go to the Yu Group, and they took the picture right beside the revolving door. It’s so clear.”

Wan Tong, lacking interest, took a glance and said, “Oh, it’s quite clear.”

“On my engagement day, I only got a brief glimpse of him from afar, and in an instant I felt like my future husband isn’t even worth one of his fingers. Tsk tsk, but someone like him, I don’t have the guts to try and seduce him for the rest of my life.” Ding Rui spoke with a bit of emotion.

Wan Tong stared at her suspiciously, “Are you thinking of cheating?”

“Pfft, no no no, I just appreciate him. Even if my husband isn’t good enough, he’s still the one I love the most.” Ding Rui rolled her eyes, “Hey, aren’t you interested at all? He’s such a handsome man, and you don’t even want to have a little bit of him?”

“If you look at the real person every day, how could you be interested in the photos?” Wan Tong pushed the phone away nonchalantly. She had been staring at her phone for the past few days, and her eyes were almost strained.

“Right.” Ding Rui replied, but then felt that something was wrong. “Wantong, what do you mean by ‘looking at the real person every day’?”

“Hey, haven’t I told you before? I grew up with Chengcheng,” Wan Tong blinked as she said so.

“…” Ding Rui was speechless.

“Wait, you guys have a big age difference, how could you grow up together?” Ding Rui asked.

“I’m 29 this year,” replied Wan Tong.

Ding Rui was stunned for a moment.

After two minutes, she leaned in mysteriously and asked, “So, what skincare brand do you use?”

For the next half an hour, Ding Rui bombarded Wan Tong with questions about skincare.

She felt a bit uneasy, but at the same time, she felt lucky to be able to make friends with Wan Tong.

Bai Ziyan once said that there was a woman in the Yu Cheng’s house that no one could touch.

It was probably Wan Tong.

After parting ways with Ding Rui, Jin He drove Wan Tong to Yu Group to pick up Yu Cheng.

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When they arrived, Yu Cheng was in a meeting and asked her to wait for him in his office.

As soon as Wan Tong entered the elevator, a woman walked in midway and kept staring at her as if absent-minded.

Since there were only two people in the elevator, Wan Tong felt embarrassed and asked, “Why are you looking at me?”

Li Ruotong smiled and said, “Sorry, I thought you looked like a high school classmate of mine, so I took a few more glances.”

Wan Tong was taken aback for a moment, turned to look at Li Ruotong, and searched her memory. It seemed that there was such a person.

Li Ruotong, the deputy class leader in high school.

However, they didn’t have much interaction.

“I see.” Wan Tong casually replied and lowered her head to look at her phone. It’s better not to have contact with unrelated people.

“You look so alike, but you still look very young.” Li Ruotong thought for a moment and added, “My classmate and President Yu had a good relationship back then, and we all thought they were a couple.”

“What happened later?” Wan Tong asked with interest.

“Later, I heard that the girl died. Do you know the one who was rumored to be with President Yu, Bai Wanxin? My classmate is her sister, and President Yu has a good relationship with the Bai family,” Li Ruotong said.

Just as Li Ruotong finished speaking, the elevator door “dinged” and opened.

Yu Cheng stood at the door, and it was unclear whether he had heard anything. His dark eyes glanced at Li Ruotong, and his forehead furrowed slightly.

Li Ruotong was startled to see him suddenly and took a step back, looking flustered. “President Yu.”

Wan Tong walked out without paying attention to Li Ruotong and asked, “Chengcheng, aren’t you in a meeting?”

Yu Cheng took her wrist and his gaze returned to her. He spoke softly, “I came to pick you up.”

As the elevator door closed, Li Ruotong hurriedly walked out and calmly entered the secretary department as if nothing had happened.

She had actually intended to go downstairs, but she inexplicably walked into the elevator when she saw Wan Tóng in it.

To prevent both of them from becoming suspicious, she had to make a detour to the secretary department.

Before entering the department, she glanced through the glass wall at the two figures and thought of Yu Cheng’s caring and gentle voice just now, feeling heartbroken.

It was like being back in high school.

Whenever Yu Cheng waited for Bai Wantong at the door, his beautiful eyes seemed to only have her in them.

At this moment, Wan Tong followed Yu Cheng into his office and spoke, “Chengcheng, just now there was someone who seemed like my high school classmate. Do you remember her?”

Yu Cheng’s hand paused as he closed the door, and he turned to look at her. “No.”

“Oh, then I’ll talk to her more next time.”

“Okay,” Yu Cheng nodded, but Wan Tong caught a glimpse of hostility in his eyes.

Why did it feel like Li Ruotong was a thorn in his side?

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