“En.” Wantong nodded. Thinking about the past half month when she and Mo Xing, the two weaklings, stuck together, her eyes felt a bit sour.

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Although Mo Xing was a young boy, he was thoughtful. She had already started to see him as a little brother.

Huoyi Ming’s expression became even colder, and his eyes were unfathomable.

He didn’t like her being like this, as if she would burst into tears the next second.

All for someone unrelated.

“Heh.” He just sneered, his voice filled with mockery.

At that moment, Wan Tong had the impulse to throw herself into his arms, but his reaction made her hesitate.

Huo Yiming seemed to not like Mo Xing?

Wan Tong pursed her lips, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and lowered her head to continue eating.

Men’s minds are really hard to understand.

She had originally wanted to cling to Huo Yiming’s thigh with Mo Xing, but now it seemed that it wasn’t so easy.

“Cough, cough…” Perhaps they were standing too close to each other, and the smell of smoke kept irritating Wan Tong’s nose, making it difficult for her to even eat a bowl of sweet bean curd.

“Huo Yiming, can you move away a bit?” Wan Tong couldn’t help but speak up.

Huo Yiming glanced back at her with a sinister meaning in his eyes. “What did you say?”

“I don’t like the smell of smoke.”

As if finding an outlet for his frustration, Huo Yiming extinguished the cigarette, grabbed her small leg, and pulled her in front of him. His black eyes looked down on her, and his voice turned colder. “Li Wantong, haven’t you realized the reality yet? This is the apocalypse. No matter what I do to you, you have no resistance at all. You don’t like the smell of smoke? What qualifications do you have now to make me cater to your every whim? Or… because I slept with you, you think I’m still your slave?”

Huoyi Ming bit out the last two words, and a blazing anger ignited in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Wan Tong was stunned for a moment. The original owner had indeed said a sentence like “Huo Yiming, if you can’t bear to break up, are you planning to be my slave forever?” when she forced Huoyi Ming to break up before.

At that time, Huo Yiming had almost shot the gun with her in a hotel, but she had cried so much that he ultimately couldn’t bear to do it.

Now Huo Yiming was using that sentence to confront her, showing that he really cared about it.

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She opened her mouth, unsure of what to say for a moment. She had planned to repair her relationship with Huo Yiming, to make it easier for her to stay by his side. But what if he wasn’t interested?

Should she beg him with a swollen face?1

That was impossible.

She was also proud by nature.

After a moment, she spoke, “Huo Yiming, what do you want then? Was last night just a one-night stand?”

Huo Yiming looked at her calmly saying such words, and a cold smirk appeared on his thin lips. “Do you want to break up like this?”

Wan Tong: “…”

She had no experience with breakups, but if they had already fought to this extent, what was the point of not breaking up?

Seeing her innocent stare, Huo Yiming sneered again, not sure if he was angrier at her or at himself.

After filling her stomach, Wan Tong yawned and couldn’t resist the sleepiness that overcame her. She leaned against the head of the bed and fell asleep.

By now, it was already bright outside. Huo Yiming stood by the bed, staring at her with his black eyes for a long time.

After a while, there was a bucket of water and a clean towel by Huo Yiming’s feet, along with women’s clothing.

Half an hour later, Liu Ting knocked on the door.

When the door opened, Huo Yiming walked out holding the sleeping figure. His face was dark, but there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

“Boss, are we going back to the manor?” Liu Ting asked, subconsciously looking at the person in his arms, but unfortunately, she was almost completely wrapped in clothes.

It seemed that last night was quite a battle, and the Boss didn’t seem to be very considerate towards the beauty.

“Yeah.” Huo Yiming glanced at him coldly, his eyes containing a warning.

Liu Ting held back a smile and stepped aside.

—So petty.

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When they reached downstairs, Qiu Jiji approached. At first glance, she saw Huo Yiming carrying someone, and a flash of jealous resentment crossed her eyes.

But in the blink of an eye, she disguised herself again.

“Brother Huo, is Wantong okay?”

Qiu Jiji was an ice-type ability user and had relatively fast progress in the team, so she had never been refused when she requested to go out with Huo Yiming.

In the eyes of others, Qiu Jiji naturally had a different status.

But…that was only true when Li Wantong wasn’t around.

Normally, Huo Yiming might have exchanged a few words with Qiu Jiji, but this time he just nodded and carried Li Wantong into the car.

Qiu Jiji looked in that direction, not showing any angry or resentful expression for being ignored, just a sense of loneliness.

Liu Ting touched his nose and ignored her, quickly taking the driver’s seat.

Qiu Jiji was good-looking and capable, so she was quite popular in the team. The remaining three men looked at her with some sympathy, and comforted her before getting into another car.

The Boss has the person he likes with him now, so Qiu Jiji’s feelings for the boss are probably useless.

But that also means that maybe they have a chance to pursue Qiu Jiji now…

After all, there aren’t many women of her caliber now.

Wan Tong was awakened by the jolting of the car. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a fierce face leaning against the car window, which startled her and immediately cleared her mind.

She was sitting on Huo Yiming’s lap, leaning against his chest the whole time. Because she was covered with a coat, her back was sweaty from the heat.

*Bang, bang!* The car hit two zombies and sent them flying.

The car ran over the zombies, jolting a few more times.

Wan Tong tightened her grip on Huo Yiming’s arm and half of her face hid in his embrace, trying to avoid looking at the zombies outside the car.

Huo Yiming noticed her movements, but just glanced down and ignored her with a cold attitude.

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“Boss, there are a lot of zombies in the outskirts now. They were attracted by the survivors who came here. We can’t go on like this,” Liu Ting said as he accelerated the car.

The temporary safe base was set up in a manor in the outskirts of S City. It had currently accommodated many stranded survivors, but their arrival had also attracted a lot of zombies. The security of the manor would need to be strengthened in the future.

The problem was, since the Boss had found Li Wantong, he probably wouldn’t stay here for long. This mansion would only be used as a resting place for passing survivors.

“Then let them come out and clean up,” replied Huo Yiming coldly.

He didn’t build this base to provide shelter for anyone. A few hundred people couldn’t rely solely on his team for protection.

As Wan Tong listened to their conversation, she felt suffocated by the heat and wriggled out of Huo Yiming’s embrace.

Liu Ting watched through the rearview mirror as a girl in a beautiful red dress peeled herself away from the Boss’s embrace, and found it pleasing to the eye, but also funny.

Although the Boss had a stern expression and seemed angry, he doted on Li Wantong a lot. It was a post-apocalyptic world, so why did the Boss let someone dress like this…

She looked beautiful, but it wasn’t practical for mobility, and she would surely be the envy of many when they returned to the mansion.

Wen Tong lowered her head and looked at the red dress she was wearing, and she was stunned.

She shifted her bottom to the side and realized that she felt refreshed, as if the dress had been cleaned. She was even more surprised. Huo Yiming, this guy… he still couldn’t be completely indifferent to her.

In fact, this outfit was in line with Wan Tong’s aesthetic, and the shoes on her feet were adorned with crystals, which looked very beautiful.

But why did he make her wear a dress? It’s the post-apocalyptic world now, they should focus on escape and survival…

She glanced at Huo Yiming, who had tightened the corners of his mouth and was staring straight ahead, seemingly unwilling to acknowledge her. She swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

“Boss, last night we encountered a zombie that moved extremely fast. Qiu Jiji said she had also encountered a zombie that could teleport. Do you think zombies have abilities too?” Liu Ting spoke up, breaking the tense atmosphere.

“Teleport?” Huo Yiming’s eyes flashed with a hint of darkness. “Could she handle it?”

Liu Ting hesitated for a moment, “This… She came out unscathed, so she should be able to handle it.”

The news had been too shocking at that time, so he forgot to ask her how she escaped the danger.

Zombies that could teleport were terrifying.

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“I’ve also encountered the zombie that can teleport,” Wan Tong suddenly spoke up weakly.

The gazes of the two men turned to her, and she continued, “It was Xingxing who helped me escape from it.”

Mentioning Xingxing, she looked worried again. “Is Xingxing in the car behind us? Is he okay?”

No one responded to her, and the temperature inside the car suddenly dropped, making Wan Tong feel a bit uneasy.

In the end, Liu Ting awkwardly coughed twice before speaking up. “We went to the restaurant you mentioned yesterday, but there was no one there. We looked around nearby, and he must have left.”

Wan Tong was dumbfounded. How could that be possible? With Mo Xing’s small stature, he wouldn’t have been able to move the heavy objects blocking the door…

But she quickly realized that Mo Xing, despite his young age, was very cautious. He might have hidden himself when he saw strangers approaching…

Does that mean he’s still waiting for her at the restaurant?

He had a burning fever last night, and she didn’t know how he was doing now.

Wan Tong looked at the side of Huo Yiming’s face and reached out to tug at his clothes, asking aloud, “Can I go back to the restaurant to check on him? I’m a bit worried…”

“Stop the car!” Huo Yiming suddenly yelled at Liu Ting.

Liu Ting reflexively slammed on the brakes, and the car behind them also came to an urgent stop.

“If you want to go find him, then go back on foot,” Huo Yiming said with icy coldness in his black eyes, enunciating each word clearly.

Wan Tong hadn’t expected such a strong reaction from Huo Yiming, and she felt embarrassed. She was also getting angry now.

However, she had some self-awareness. The car was already approaching the outskirts, and there were still so many zombies along the way. It would be difficult for her to safely return to that restaurant.

She calmed down her anger, then without saying a word, she opened the car door and got out.

She was taking a gamble. She was sure that Huo Yiming would never let her walk back alone.

Seeing her dark hair, red dress, and determined back, Liu Ting couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity. He thought Huo Yiming was being too harsh, treating someone he liked with such an attitude. He reminded himself to be careful in the future, lest he end up in the crematorium2.

Author’s note:

Absolutely, the crematorium!!

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