After clearing the food in their backpacks, Wan Tong and Mo Xing were getting ready to pack up when the emergency alert sounded.

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[Tongtong, Qii Jiji released two Level 2 zombies from her space, be careful!]

[What do you mean? She released zombies in the manor?]

[More precisely, in this building.]

[…What abilities do the zombies have?]

[Teleportation and fire manipulation.]

Mo Xing, seeing her serious expression, smacked his lips and asked unclearly, “Sister, what’s going on?”

“There are zombies in the building, Xingxing, grab your weapon.” She had been in the room all this time and didn’t know what was happening outside either.

“What?” Mo Xing didn’t react at first, his eyes widened, looking somewhat cute.

“I’ll go check what’s going on.” Wan Tong pinched his cheek and just as she reached the door, she heard a series of screams coming from the corridor!


“Zombies, it’s zombies!”

The residents of this floor are all girls, and their high-pitched screams are terrifying, making Wan Tong’s scalp numb.

Judging from the commotion, it seems like the zombies can break through the door, otherwise, the vibrations wouldn’t be so intense.

Mo Xing also snapped out of it, quickly got up from the floor, grabbed his backpack and slung it on, tightly gripping his… kitchen knife.

During the few days in the manor, he hadn’t found many usable weapons, after all, everyone had come here for refuge.

Wan Tong now regrets not swallowing her pride and asking Huo Yiming for more practical weapons.

She took a deep breath and gripped the watermelon knife tightly.

As soon as she opened the door, several women rushed past like mad, creating a gust of wind.

At the end of the corridor, a ragged male zombie was pinning a woman down and biting her, the woman hadn’t died yet, and her painful screams were coming from her mouth.

But the next second, the zombie bit through her neck, and the corridor fell silent for a moment.

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The sound of Wan Tong opening the door caught the attention of the zombie, and its grotesque face suddenly turned towards her, its pale eyes sending shivers down her spine.

At the moment when Wan Tong stepped out of the door, the zombie suddenly appeared in front of her with its teleportation ability, which was terrifying as it could appear anywhere, catching people off guard.

As a reflex, she raised the watermelon knife and swung it towards the zombie!

However, the shadow disappeared in an instant, and the watermelon knife missed!

Then the zombie’s figure kept circling around Wan Tong, appearing and disappearing intermittently. Wan Tong gritted her teeth, focusing on the zombie, waving the watermelon knife in her hand.

At a certain moment, the zombie’s legs seemed to be struck hard, and its body suddenly fell. Wan Tong seized the opportunity, and with a swift motion, she chopped the zombie’s neck with the knife.

*Clang* The blade made a strange sound as it cut through the bones.

Mo Xing’s invisibility ability allowed him to conceal his presence and launch close-range attacks on zombies.

Previously, Wan Tong and Mo Xing had teamed up to kill a teleporting zombie in a similar way.

However, neither of them expected that the Level 2 zombie in front of them had undergone enhancement, and the watermelon knife got stuck in the zombie’s neck, making a cracking sound as the zombie turned its head.

Wan Tong didn’t have enough strength to pull out the knife, and the zombie’s black claws reached out towards her!

As Wan Tong considered her unique physical condition, she endured the nauseating feeling without flinching when the zombie’s iron-gray long nails scratched her arm. Finally, she took down her knife and swung it towards the zombie’s head.

“Sister!” Mo Xing yelled loudly, coming out of stealth mode, staring at her arm that had been scratched by the zombie, his eyes turning red with anger.

The watermelon knife didn’t manage to bring down the zombie, and the zombie seemed to be provoked, redirecting its attack towards Mo Xing who had suddenly appeared.

Wan Tong reached out and pulled Mo Xing, sprinting towards the stairwell. The edge of the watermelon knife was already damaged from the impact, and she didn’t dare to confront the zombie head-on.

“Hehe!” The zombie’s teleportation ability seemed to be ineffective now, and its movements were slowed down due to its legs being struck hard by Mo Xing.

When they reached the stairwell, chaos ensued.

Especially when the people fleeing saw the zombies chasing Wantong and Mo Xing, their screams became even more ear-piercing.

“The first floor is on fire! Go upstairs!”

“There are zombies! There are zombies on the first floor! They can breathe fire!”

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Amidst the noise, everyone rushed towards the upper floors, not knowing how many people died at the claws of the zombies due to excessive panic along the way.

In this building, almost everyone is just ordinary people. Faced with two mutated zombies with supernatural powers, they have little choice but to wait for death.

Wan Tong and Mo Xing searched around for weapons, but they found that those who were initially caught by the zombies had stood up again, their faces pale gray, and they lunged towards the living humans.

The infection spread too quickly!

To make matters worse, Wan Tong and Mo Xing got separated. Thick smoke filled the air, and a fire-type mutated zombie appeared in front of her.

[Tongtong, hold on. The ability users are coming.] Shishi’s voice rang out.

Wan Tong gritted her teeth and evaded a burst of flames. Instead of going up to the top floor, she led the zombies to the fourth floor corridor.

Qiu Jiji wanted her dead, even if it meant sacrificing about a hundred people in this building. How could Qiu Jiji let the ability users catch up so quickly?

“Where is Huo Yiming?” Wan Tong asked directly.

[He’s almost here.] Shishi replied truthfully.

Wan Tong breathed a sigh of relief, locked herself in a room, and retreated to the balcony.

However, in just a few seconds, the room’s door was broken down, and a fire-type zombie rushed in, approaching her.


But when the zombie approached Wan Tong, it stopped attacking and its pale eyes were sluggish, staring in her direction.

Wan Tong looked at the black bloodstains on her arm that had turned black due to the infection of the zombie virus. Because of the infection, she felt cold all over her body, and her complexion was definitely not good.

The zombie seemed to be discerning whether she was the same kind as it…

After this thought flashed through Wan Tong’s mind, she picked up a dagger that she had just picked up and swung it at the zombie!

Several floors of the building were simultaneously engulfed in flames, screams and cries for help filled the entire building.

In the distance, several figures rushed towards the small building, with Huo Yiming at the forefront.

“D*mn, why is everything on fire!”

“The main door seems to be locked, and people are on the top floor!”

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“Is that Li Wantong?!” someone pointed in the direction of the fourth floor and shouted, “And there’s a zombie!”

Everyone’s gaze turned to Huo Yiming all at once.

Huo Yiming stared towards the direction of the fourth-floor balcony with a look of fury in his eyes.

“Liu Ting!”

After cooperating in battle for over a month, Liu Ting almost immediately understood what Huo Yiming meant. He controlled the metal railing of the fourth-floor balcony, turning it into a net-like iron wire that enveloped the zombies!

Then, purple lightning exploded above the zombies’ heads, sparks flying.

On the balcony, Wan Tong turned her head to avoid the dazzling sparks. When she opened her eyes again upon hearing an exclamation, she saw Huo Yiming standing just inches away from her, with a two-meter high blue-purple crack behind him.

His expression looked anxious, with storms raging in his black pupils.

“Ah Ming…” She barely managed to speak before Huo Yiming tightly embraced her.

At this moment, the people downstairs were stunned by the sudden appearance of Huo Yiming on the balcony.

There was also a crack in front of them, emitting a glowing blue-purple light, as if it had forcefully split open the space.

Huo Yiming had disappeared from there and appeared out of thin air on the fourth-floor balcony.

After Liu Ting was shocked, he swallowed his saliva and reached out to touch the crack before it disappeared. In the blink of an eye, he appeared on the balcony.

—It’s f*cking magical.

Next to him was a fire-type zombie trapped by a lightning iron net, as well as a pair of embracing men and women.

“Go save the other people, there’s another zombie.” Wan Tong leaned to the side in Huo Yiming’s arms, letting his body block her injured arm.

Huo Yiming had already noticed her abnormality. He looked down and saw the black-blooded wound on her arm. Her calm face instantly cracked. He suppressed his surging emotions in his chest and whispered to Liu Ting, “You go take care of it.”

Before Liu Ting could react, he opened another blue-purple crack and disappeared with Wan Tong.

“Oh my god.” Liu Ting rubbed his eyes and looked around, but he didn’t see the figures of the two people, and he didn’t know where they had gone this time.

Did the boss’s space-type ability just leveled up during the emergency just now?

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In a corner downstairs, Qiu Jiji, who had been watching the whole scene, had a sudden change in expression.

She deliberately lured some zombies into the outskirts of the manor to attract the ability users to clean up, and then released the two zombies that she had kept for a long time into the building. But she never expected that Li Wantong could hold on for so long, and Huo Yiming would arrive so timely.

The plot mentioned that besides his thunder and lightning ability, Huo Yiming also had a high level space-type ability. As he upgraded, he would uncover more practical combat skills related to space-type ability.

Unexpectedly, the recent situation allowed him to learn space teleportation ahead of time…

As more and more ability users rushed towards the building, Qiu Jiji also mixed in with the crowd and rushed into the small building.

What worried her even more was that just now, from her perspective, it seemed that Li Wantong’s arm was scratched by a zombie, leaving a long black wound. Would she turn into a zombie?

By that time, even if she didn’t go to kill her, there would be plenty of people who would want to. Qiu Jiji thought this way and felt relieved. Today, she would finally get rid of the troublesome existence of Li Wantong.

The spacious bedroom was quiet. Huo Yiming laid the person in his arms on the bed, his handsome face tense. “Tongtong…”

“I’m fine…” Wan Tong’s consciousness was a little hazy as she blankly stared at the ceiling, breathing lightly.

She knew that her body was currently purging the zombie virus, but she didn’t know how long it would take, and she didn’t have the strength to explain now.

She watched as Huo Yiming’s face turned grim and he disappeared, only to reappear with a man in his thirties in tow.

This person is named Xu Qing, a good friend of Huo Yiming. He used to be a doctor, but after the apocalypse, he awakened healing ability.

“Heal her,” Huo Yiming struggled to speak, his heart felt like it was being squeezed by a tremendous force, on the verge of bursting.

Xu Qing looked at the long black bloodstains on Wan Tong’s arms and panicked. He saw that her complexion was pale and she seemed to be losing consciousness. He quickly said, “Huo Yiming, are you crazy? Her wounds were scratched by zombies, I can’t heal her. Moreover, she has already been infected. Even if we cut off her arm, it won’t save—”

“She’s fine!” Huo Yiming interrupted Xu Qing’s words angrily, half kneeling by the bedside, gripping Wan Tong’s hand tightly, trying to calm himself down. “Heal her, Xu Qing, she’s still alive.”

Wan Tong’s pupils moved slightly and focused on his direction. The muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly, and bloodshot veins were visible in his eyes, making him look somewhat frightening.

“Based on her wounds, she will turn into a zombie in less than ten minutes. Ah Ming, just kill her…”

“Shut up! I said she’s fine!” Huo Yiming lost control of his emotions and became somewhat hysterical.

Xu Qing was frightened by the overwhelming pressure of Huo Yiming’s abilities and took several steps back.

The oppressive air made Wan Tong feel like there was a stone pressing on her chest, making it hard for her to breathe, and her complexion became even paler.

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