Wan Tong felt her body was about to become depleted, so she absorbed the two crystal nuclei left by Huo Yiming, and then fell into a deep sleep.

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In the end, it was Yuan Xiaobai who woke her up.


Yuan Xiaobai was squatting by the bed, pointing to the steaming noodles on the table. “Eat quickly, Boss Huo asked me to bring it to you personally.”

“What about him?”

“Due to the incident this morning, Boss Huo postponed his departure for two days. He’s currently searching frantically for someone in the base.”

“Who?” Wan Tong had a bad premonition.

“A child. It’s said that Liu Ting rescued him from the building, but he disappeared from the medical room later.”

“Why is he looking for that child?” Wan Tong couldn’t help but glance towards the foot of the bed.

“To kill him.” Yuan Xiaobai shrugged. “I’m just guessing, Liu Ting didn’t tell me either. It’s all very mysterious.”

Wan Tong sighed.

—Poor Xingxing.

“About Boss Huo’s intention, does he want you to stay here?” Yuan Xiaobai thought that Boss Huo deserved it. If he had put aside his pride earlier and brought Wan Tong here, she wouldn’t have been hurt. Men, they only learn from bloody lessons.

This morning’s accident resulted in the burning down of the small building, and only about twenty people survived, all of whom were moved to other places. Yuan Xiaobai happened to be staying at Liu Ting’s room, so she avoided the disaster.

“He left in a hurry and didn’t tell me anything,” Wan Tong shook her head.

“I’ll be in the room next door, come find me if you have time to play, okay~” Yuan Xiaobai sighed and waved her small hand as she skipped away.

After the room quieted down, Wan Tong heard a childish “humph”!

She hesitantly spoke up, “Little Xingxing, I think there might be a misunderstanding here. I’ll ask Huo Yiming later…”

“He’s a bad guy, picking on a child like me. Sister, don’t be too nice to him. He’s the type who cares about his face, talks tough, and has a bad temper. You can’t rely on him.” Mo Xing’s tone sounded like that of an experienced person, leaving Wan Tong speechless.

“Alright, I won’t be too nice to him. Come out and eat noodles.”

Huo Yiming was indeed sensitive and liked to dwell on things, and she didn’t like to explain herself all the time, so their relationship had become so strained.

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She had originally planned to reconcile with him first, but now it seemed that she had to deal with Qiu Jiji first.

After summarizing the three previous worlds, she believed that the best way to get rid of the Raider was to psychologically strike her and make her leave on her own.

In the current post-apocalyptic world, there are no constraints of order and rules, and it seems easier to break someone’s psychological defense than in peaceful times.

While sharing the beef noodles with Mo Xing, Wan Tong evilly calculated in her mind.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mo Xing suddenly disappeared, causing Wan Tong to panic and quickly wipe off the soup splashes.

“You’re back.” Wan Tong instinctively stood up due to her guilt.

How alert was Huo Yiming? He noticed her unnatural behavior at a glance, but didn’t sense anything unusual.

“Did you investigate this morning’s incident?” Wan Tong slowly sat back down and picked up her chopsticks.

“Yeah.” Huo Yiming sat across from her, watching her eat the noodles in small bites. “Is there anything you want to say now?”

Wan Tong lifted her head, her bright eyes shimmering with moisture. “I know who brought in those two zombies.”

Huo Yiming looked at her, frowned slightly, and waited for her to continue speaking.

She continued, “I saw Qiu Jiji come by, and after she left, the zombies appeared and the gate was locked. I think she’s suspicious.”

In fact, she didn’t see anything, but it was the truth.

Qiu Jiji was so eager to kill her, so Wan Tong wanted to see if Qiu Jiji had given herself away in front of Huo Yiming even a little bit.

“What else?”

Wan Tong thought for a moment and continued, “She seems to have a space ability, and she has hostility towards me.”

Qiu Jiji’s position in the team was quite important, as she used the plot to give advice to Huo Yiming, and the original owner had also argued with her because of Huo Yiming before.

So Wan Tong didn’t dare to speak too conclusively, afraid that Huo Yiming would think she was just jealous and deliberately framed Qiu Jiji.

Sure enough, after Wan Tong said this, Huo Yiming’s intentionally stern expression softened, and he asked with a vague meaning, “You don’t like her?”

“…” Wan Tong remained silent for a moment, then nodded heavily, and lowered her head to eat the noodles.

She felt like he was being a bit arrogant.

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Feeling a poke on her back, Wan Tong prepared herself before asking, “Ah Ming, why do you want to kill Xingxing?”

Huo Yiming’s gaze instantly turned cold. “Who told you?”

“Never mind who told me…” Wan Tong replied.

“Have you seen him?” Huo Yiming interrupted her, his dark pupils fixed on her.

Him wanting to kill that man, Liu Ting and the others wouldn’t tell her, then the only person who could have told her about it was the man himself.

—When did that man enter the base? Did they meet again?

When he thought about her being involved with another man in private, Huo Yiming couldn’t control his erupting anger.

Wan Tong knew that it would anger him, but she still nodded. “Huo Yiming, I’m telling you straight up today, you’re not allowed to hurt him.”

Huo Yiming sneered coldly, lifting the corners of his lips. “Just because of what you said, I’ll make sure he dies.”

With that remark, he walked out with a gloomy expression.

“…” Wan Tong sighed. It was too tiring to spend a lifetime with such a man. She didn’t want it anymore.

“Hmph, jerk,” came Mo Xing’s slightly indignant voice from beside the bed.

Wan Tong was afraid that Huo Yiming would come back to sleep at night, so she went to the next room to find Yuan Xiaobai.

“Oh, you want to sleep with me? I don’t want to. It’s more comfortable to hug Liu Ting than you,” Yuan Xiaobai shook her head frantically. She didn’t want to touch Boss Huo’s woman.

Wan Tong was speechless. “No, I just want to sleep on the floor in your room.”

“You want to watch the show?”

“No, I just want to sleep on the floor,” Wan Tong repeated stiffly.

She didn’t believe that Liu Ting’s face was as thick as Yuan Xiaobai’s.

In the end, Yuan Xiaobai agreed.

At night, when Liu Ting entered the room, he was frightened and quickly retreated, then quietly entered Huo Yiming’s room.

Seeing Huo Yiming sitting by the bed with a black and gloomy face, Liu Ting quickly turned around.

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“What did she say?” Huo Yiming’s voice came over.

Liuting recalled for a moment. “She’s already asleep and didn’t say anything.”

The atmosphere in the room became even more oppressive for a moment. Liu Ting touched his glasses frame and quickly left.

The boss was being rejected.

As he had said, it was the Boss’ own fault.

Women, just need to coax them, right?

Wan Tong had been avoiding talking to Huo Yiming, pretending not to see him when he approached.

When he tried to coax her into bed in the middle of the night, she slapped him with a sanitary napkin.

Two days later, the group was ready to set off.

Huo Yiming’s team only had twelve people and four cars. Including Wan Tong, there were only four women.

After they set off, three more cars followed from behind, carrying other ability users who didn’t want to stay at the manor.

After all, they were aware of Huo Yiming’s team’s strength. The manor’s security seemed fine for now, but if the zombies really upgraded, it would definitely be breached. Those with some courage wanted to leave.

Wan Tong was a bit worried about how to bring Mo Xing along in the car.

After seeing Huo Yiming get into the first car, she quickly climbed into the front seat of the last car, which was being driven by Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu trembled with fear when he saw Wan Tong. He didn’t dare let Huo Yiming’s woman sit in his passenger seat!

—Please, go away!

Ignoring his pleading gaze, Wan Tong hugged Mo Xing tightly in her arms.

Mo Xing felt a little uncomfortable, but he understood the situation and didn’t move.

Afterward, Qiu Jiji and another short-haired woman sat in the back seats. The two of them had a good relationship and had been chatting and laughing all along. But when they saw Wan Tong in the front seat, they suddenly stopped talking and exchanged a silent glance.

Xiao Liu had a bitter expression on his face. He had originally planned to wait for Huo Yiming to come and take the person away, but Huo Yiming didn’t pick her up. He could only slowly follow the group.

In the first car, Liu Ting, who was driving, felt immense pressure. There were only him and the Boss in the car, and there was obviously a seat reserved for Li Wantong, but she had run off!

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Seeing this, Liu Ting thought that he should’ve brought Yuan Xiaobai onto this car earlier, that little girl might have livened up the atmosphere…

After driving for over an hour, they encountered several waves of zombies, but didn’t need to take action to deal with them. They stopped at noon to clear roadblocks and have lunch.

The members of Huo Yiming’s team were all capable individuals, and each person had abundant supplies. Due to different tastes, they rarely ate communal meals. If the environment allowed, they preferred to solve their own food and nutrition. This time was no different.

People gathered in groups of twos or threes, and Wan Tong glanced at the four people in Huo Yiming’s group before finding a corner to squat down in. If it weren’t for fearing suspicion, she would have preferred to eat alone, considering Mo Xing was still with her.

Due to her menstrual period, she had little appetite, so took out the unfinished instant noodles from the morning and continued eating.

Liu Ting looked at her with some sympathy, “Boss, it seems like Wantong doesn’t have much to eat. Do you need to give her some?”

Huo Yiming glanced in Wan Tong’s direction and then withdrew his gaze indifferently, “She doesn’t need it.”

Although he said so, the chopsticks he was holding had already been bent…

Liu Ting: “Uh…” She clearly needed it.

Wan Tong was not enjoying her meal because Qiu Jiji suddenly walked over and brought her a bowl of porridge.

“Wantong, why are you sitting here? Instant noodles alone won’t do. Come and drink some porridge.” Qiu Jiji smiled kindly.

Qiu Jiji knew that there was a conflict between Huo Yiming and Li Wantong, and she was happy to see it.

However, although Huo Yiming was ignoring Li Wantong now, he must still be concerned about Li Wantong, otherwise why would he be unwilling to even look at her?

“I don’t like porridge.” Wan Tong refused, continuing to nibble on her instant noodles.

“Ji Ji, come back and eat quickly, so you won’t be criticized for meddling in other people’s business again.” The one who spoke was a short-haired girl who was a fire-type ability user. She couldn’t stand how Huo Yiming kept chasing after Li Wantong.

“Don’t be angry, it’s not good to be hungry.” Qiu Jiji put down the porridge and left.

Wan Tong didn’t even look at her, but her hand was poked by someone.

Hmm, Xingxing wants to eat.

Author’s note:

Xingxing holds the bowl: “Xingxing wants to eat.”

Li Wantong kicks over the bowl: “Xingxing doesn’t want to eat.”

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