Wan Tong placed her wrist near Shi Yue’s lips, and gestured for him to take a bite.

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The drugs from the Hunter’s Guild have an impact on the vampires, and only human blood can alleviate it.

With bloodshot eyes, veins bulging on his arms, Shi Yue dragged Wan Tong into his embrace and hoarsely asked, “What are you doing?”

Doesn’t she know how tempting she is to him?

However, upon second thought, he suddenly bit her wrist lightly.

Her skin was delicate, and the blood that seeped out was taken away by his tongue.

He leaned close to her ear, exhaling a cold breath, and seductive words flowed from his lips. “Good Tongtong, don’t let Shi Yi touch you, okay?”

Amidst Wan Tong’s confusion, his palm lightly pinched her waist, while his other hand held her chin, embracing her in an ambiguous posture.

Right before her eyes, Shi Yue suddenly lowered his head and rested his forehead on her shoulder. But in an instant, he abruptly lifted his head.

This innocent appearance… is it Shi Yi?

It finally dawned on Wan Tong that Shi Yue knew that Shi Yi would take control of his body?

Or was his earlier actions intentionally provoking Shi Yi?

At this moment, Shi Yi seemed somewhat uncomfortable with the state of his body. After separating from Wan Tong, he curled up to the side and let out a low growl.

He knew that Shi Yue was doing it on purpose, wanting him to experience the power of this drug.

“Tongtong, go back to your room, okay?” He turned his back to Wan Tong, his voice still unbelievably gentle.

Wan Tong crawled to the opposite side of him and gently patted his shoulder. “Shi Yi, it’s so uncomfortable like this. Don’t do this next time, okay? It’s your body, after all, isn’t it?”

This was the first time she saw Shi Yi controlling the vampire state of his body. The ferocity in his eyes and the grimace on his face due to pain couldn’t hide his vulnerability and tenderness as a human.

But in Shi Yi’s eyes, Wan Tong’s words were actually defending Shi Yue.

“You like him more, don’t you?” He curled up his body and his voice became barely audible.

Looking at his pitiful appearance, Wan Tong felt a twinge of sadness and quickly said, “No, in my eyes, both of you are the same.”

Shi Yi placed his palm on the ground and propped himself up.

Wan Tong helped him up, but he suddenly lowered his head and quickly pecked her lips, like a dragonfly skimming the water—a fleeting kiss.

“Is this the same?” he asked.

Wan Tong pursed her lips, Completely different, she thought.

One is like an experienced player in love, while the other is incredibly pure-hearted.

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However, she still nodded her head. She had already started accepting the fact that every boss in each world falls in love with her.

Little did she know, after hearing her words, Shi Yi’s expression changed. “So he did touch you. How dare he.”

Wan Tong : “…”

Just as Mu Zheng had said, Shi Yi was disgusted by the vampire state of his body. The occasional appearance of sharp fangs and claws drove him to the brink of collapse several times.

She could tell that he wanted to regain control of his body, but in the end, he couldn’t resist the overwhelming self-loathing and fell unconscious.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already became Shi Yue.

Shi Yue moved his hands and feet, absentmindedly touching her neck and wrist. After confirming that only his bite marks remained, he smirked faintly and forcefully pulled her into his embrace. “Tongtong, you’re such a good girl.”

At night, Shi Yi had never contested for control over this body with him. Before, Shi Yi couldn’t fight, and now, well, Shi Yi couldn’t win against him.

Wan Tong yawned, unable to bear seeing the boss tormenting himself any longer. She silently offered her wrist again. “You’re the one who should be good. Hurry up and drink, I want to go back to sleep.”

Shi Yue chuckled softly, holding her tighter. Drinking her blood and getting close to her were both a provocation to Shi Yi. He might come out, so Shi Yue had no intention of actually harming her.

Even if he just held her like this and slept for the night, Shi Yi would be furious tomorrow.

“Not drinking?” Wan Tong asked.

“Save it for later, when there’s a chance,” Shi Yue endured the discomfort in his body and carried her back to his own room, placing her on the bed.

Then he lay down as well, and his magnetic voice reached her ears. “Good girl Tongtong, stay with me tonight.”

Never before had he felt such a strong desire to completely control this body.

“Hey, it’s not right for you to do this,” Wan Tong spoke up.

Shi Yue turned over and scooped her into his arms, naturally saying, “You’re my girlfriend, aren’t you?”

Wan Tong couldn’t help but smile. In order to prevent Tian Zhizhang from openly pursuing Shi Yi, she had claimed to be his girlfriend, but…

“I am Shi Yi’s girlfriend,” she corrected.

Shi Yue furrowed his brows slightly, pressed against her soft lips, and endured the dryness in his throat. “Don’t mention him, and besides, what’s his is mine.”

He couldn’t clearly say whether he craved her blood or her body more, but a burning sensation constantly enveloped him.

“Fine,” Wan Tong gave up resisting and agreed with a sigh.

However, shortly after her voice fell, Shi Yue… disappeared again.

When Shi Yi noticed the ambiguous and intimate position they were in, a flicker of anger passed through his eyes.

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When Wan Tong saw him, she changed her tone and asked softly, “Shi Yi, do you know who I am? How do you know me?”

She was too close to him, her breath spilling onto his face. He seemed somewhat at a loss, tilting his head back and giving a deep, muffled response, “Hmm.”

“Then… how were you transformed back then?” Wan Tong asked tentatively, her eyes fixed on him, observing his expression.

Shi Yi’s face remained unchanged, but a hint of heaviness flashed in his eyes. With a tinge of resentment, he said, “You don’t remember me.”

Wan Tong : “…”

Suddenly, she felt a bit guilty.

Throughout the night, Wan Tong watched as Shi Yue and Shi Yi alternated in controlling their bodies. As dawn approached, it was Shi Yi who had control. He gently held Wan Tong’s hand and fell into a deep sleep, seemingly exhausted.

So, why does he have to do this?

The school reopened. Even though public opinion has been suppressed, discussions about vampires among classmates remain lively.

After realizing they had wrongly accused Shi Yi and apologizing to him, the classmates in the class still couldn’t get close to him.

On the other hand, Wan Tong easily mingled with all the classmates.

Tian Zhizhang took a few days of sick leave and when she returned to school, she came over to establish a friendship with Wan Tong and Shi Yi.

Before long, rumors started spreading in the school that Tian Zhizhang liked Shi Yi and wanted to be a third party, causing everyone to look at her with unfriendly eyes.

Tian Zhizhang didn’t know who spread the news, and she was furious but couldn’t defend herself, so she could only explain it to Wan Tong.

Otherwise, she would never have a chance to get close to her and Shi Yi again.

In a corner of the playground, Tian Zhizhang gently held Wan Tong’s hand and said, “Tongtong, don’t listen to those people’s nonsense. I really don’t have any other intentions towards Shi Yi…”

“I know very well what your intentions are.” Wan Tong smiled at her. “Tian Zhizhang, stop pretending. If you like him, then go pursue him. If you succeed, I’ll give you credit.”

Tian Zhizhang choked, feeling nothing but anger when faced with Wan Tong’s smile, but she didn’t show it. “Tongtong, why would you say such things? I haven’t even had a few words with Shi Yi…”

As she spoke, she glanced at the approaching figure and shifted her position slightly.

Wan Tong guessed her little trick and let go of her hand before she could make a move, causing Wan Tong herself to fall down the stairs.

Tian Zhizhang froze for a moment, surprised that Wan Tong had done what she intended to do!

Wan Tong didn’t fall but was taken into Shi Yi’s arms.

The exclamation of classmates also reached their ears, “Ah, are you okay?”

“Tongtong, you…” Shi Yi stared at the innocent-looking girl in his arms, unsure of what to say for a moment.

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Did she have any self-awareness as a human? Falling from such a high staircase was very dangerous.

“Shi Yi, where did you come from?”

Feeling his cold body, Wan Tong quickly realized that he now had the physique of a vampire, otherwise he wouldn’t have been so fast.

She turned her head and glanced at the classmates surrounding her, but didn’t notice anything unusual about their expressions, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Tian Zhizhang, you’ve gone too far. Why do you bully Tongtong?”

“Yeah, just talk if you have something to say. Why push someone?”

“And they have a good relationship. Why do you meddle for no reason?”

Tian Zhizhang was surrounded by a barrage of words, stepping back with each step. Inadvertently, she missed her step and fell down the stairs.

However, she was a werewolf, agile and skillful. After a few somersaults, she stood firmly.

Watching her strange movements, the nearby classmates swallowed their screams and instinctively took a few steps back, exchanging terrified glances.

Could Tian Zhizhang be… a vampire?

Otherwise, why would she hide herself and pretend to be so weak among them…

Thinking that Tian Zhizhang and the vampire heartthrob were in the same class, everyone thought they might have guessed correctly, so they scattered in fear.

Tian Zhizhang hadn’t figured out what was happening when she saw everyone running away, and both Wan Tong and Shi Yi were nowhere to be seen.

On the rooftop, Wan Tong was pressed against the wall by Shi Yi and felt somewhat uncomfortable.

This action of leaning against the wall was something that only Shi Yue would do.

But the person in front of her was clearly Shi Yi.

“Tongtong, Tian Zhizhang is a werewolf,” Shi Yi whispered as a reminder.

“Eh, when did you find out?”

“Last time when she attacked us.” His nose was very sensitive, and Tian Zhizhang had always had a scent that he found repulsive, and that wolf had the same stench as her.

“So you couldn’t possibly have any good feelings towards her, right?”

Shi Yi frowned upon hearing that. “I dislike her, and I like you.”

These two consecutive sentences honestly expressed his inner feelings.

“Tongtong…” He suddenly called out.

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Shi Yi lowered his head, and his slightly cool lips brushed against the corner of her mouth. “You just ate blueberry jam.”

Wan Tong : “…”

Shi Yi was corrupted by Shi Yue and took advantage of her.

But compared to Shi Yue, he was still innocent and cute.

Shi Yi pursed his lips, slightly displeased with her distraction. He reached out and gently caressed her cheek. “If Shi Yue disappears, will you be sad?”

In fact, the totem on his body was about to disappear, and Shi Yue was appearing more and more frequently.

“I told you, you are one entity,” Wan Tong replied.

Shi Yi was clearly not satisfied with this answer and continued to ask, “Do you like me?”

Wan Tong nodded.

Shi Yi’s Adam’s apple rolled, seemingly resentful. “You’re just appeasing me.”

Shi Yi’s face approached hers again, and it seemed that his lips were about to touch hers.

Wan Tong was about to speak when he suddenly leaned over her, with half of his body weight pressing down on her. She quickly reached out and hugged his waist.

After a while, he finally stood up straight and buried his head in the hollow of her shoulder, chuckling deeply and somewhat recklessly.

Wan Tong’s mouth twitched. Every time it was a critical moment, they would switch…

After Shi Yue finished laughing, the corners of his lips still curved, and he raised her chin and asked, “Good girl Tongtong, tell me, why did he bring you here?”

“Nothing.” Wan Tong shook her head resolutely.

“Did he kiss you?”

“No.” She vigorously shook her head.

Wan Tong really didn’t want the boss to hurt himself.

“Ah, then should I finish what he didn’t do?” Shi Yue’s smile turned wicked, and there was a malicious glint in his eyes.

When Shi Yi was nervous and self-doubting, it was easy for Shi Yue to take over. Wasn’t that why he came out now?

Wan Tong : “…” He’s up to something!

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