When the two of them arrived at the school, the class bell had already rung. After explaining to the teacher at the school gate, they were allowed to enter.

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As Wan Tong and Shi Yi walked leisurely, Cong Xi suddenly appeared and followed them all the way, incessantly asking questions.

“Did you encounter anything strange on your way?”

“What strange thing?” Wan Tong asked back.

“I saw someone on the forum post a photo, saying that they saw Tian Zhizhang when the bus was on fire. Did she do anything to you?” Cong Xi spoke while continuously glancing at the two of them, observing their expressions.

Only then did Wan Tong remember that since Tian Zhizhang’s escape, Tian Zhizhang had been regarded as a vampire by many people. The current Cong Xi seemed to believe that Wan Tong and Shi Yi had become the same kind as Tian Zhizhang, hence the various probing.

“Do you think we are vampires?”

Wan Tong went straight to the point, and Cong Xi also had no intention of hiding anymore. “I am a hunter. Do you mind if I check?”

“I do mind.” Wan Tong pronounced the two words clearly, pulled Shi Yi’s hand, and continued walking forward, ignoring her.

Cong Xi watched their retreating figures, frowned, and her eyes were filled with suspicion.

She had previous contact with Tian Zhizhang. Tian Zhizhang doesn’t look like a vampire. It was only later that the association confirmed that Tian Zhizhang was a werewolf.

So, anyone targeted by Tian Zhizhang is definitely not ordinary human.

But Cong Xi couldn’t catch the two of them red-handed.

During lunch break, Wan Tong couldn’t find Shi Yi’s figure. Eventually, she learned from Shishi that he had gone to the school’s back mountain.

When Wan Tong went there, she didn’t see Shi Yi, but instead saw Cong Xi lying in a pool of blood.

She was seriously injured but not dead yet.

Not far away, there was also a dead werewolf.

Wan Tong called for emergency help and then used Cong Xi’s phone to contact the recent contacts. After she finished all this, Shi Yi arrived.

“Tongtong, why are you here?” He gently pulled her aside, as if afraid she would get dirty.

“I heard you were coming this way, so I came to check on you, worried about you.”

Shi Yi glanced at Cong Xi on the ground, with a gentle expression, but his eyes showed no emotion. He lightly replied, “Hmm, I’m fine.”

“So, what just happened?” Wan Tong asked.

“It was just a fight between a hunter and a werewolf,” Shi Yi said casually.

Cong Xi was too annoying, and the werewolf happened to have their eyes on him. So he let them target each other.

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Wan Tong instantly understood. After the incident earlier and Cong Xi getting injured, it would probably calm down for a while, which would reduce some unnecessary trouble for them.

Just as they were about to leave, Xu Xi, wearing a cloak, suddenly appeared in front of them.

He glanced at Shi Yi, then drifted away lightly. Finally, he remembered where he had seen that seemingly innocent face before.

Over a hundred years ago, he had seen the boy in Her Highness’s small castle.

Because the boy accidentally trespassed, he had bewitched Her Highness after being injured, leading to Her Highness indulging him, but it seemed like he was thrown out later.

“Your Highness, it’s not safe to stay with humans. Come back with me,” Xu Xi said coldly.

After he finished speaking, Wan Tong felt the strength of Shi Yi’s grip on her wrist increase slightly, indicating his nervousness.

In theory, it was indeed safer to stay within the vampires’ protection circle. However, Wan Tong didn’t want to be far away from the boss, and she also wanted to guide him back onto the right path.

“Eugene has sent someone to follow us, so there shouldn’t be any problems. Besides, Shi Yi is very capable.”

“I can’t see where he’s capable.” After Xu Xi finished speaking, he suddenly approached the two of them, swept Wan Tong into his arms, and disappeared from the forest with a few leaps!

Shi Yi only felt a gust of cool wind pass by, and several shadows disappeared before his eyes.

He stared in the direction where Xu Xi and Wan Tong vanished, tightly pursing his lips, but he couldn’t follow them.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of powerlessness and frustration weighing down on him like a heavy stone, making it difficult for him to catch his breath.

As a human, he was ultimately burdened with too many weaknesses.

Yet deep within his soul, he resisted the idea of vampires.

The vampire world was filled with danger and darkness, something he wanted to escape.

On the rooftop of a certain teaching building, Xu Xi released Wan Tong and spoke expressionlessly, “How could someone like him possibly protect you?”

Thinking of the distressed look on Shi Yi’s face just now, Wan Tong curved her lips and leaned against the railing as she replied, “I stay by his side not because I need his protection.”

Her words and her smile made Xu Xi momentarily stunned, and then he felt a hint of sourness. “Then what is it that you see in him?”

In his eyes, whether it was Shi Yi or Shi Yue, they were both useless, not even comparable to Fan Tianyi who cried and wailed all day long.

So, what is so good about that boy?

Wan Tong →_→ : “I think he is young, strong, and capable.”

Xu Xi : “…” Are you saying you dislike us because we’re old?

“Your Highness, have some conscience. You are over nine hundred years older than him.”

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“…” Wan Tong choked, realizing that might indeed be the case.

Xu Xi furrowed his brows slightly, then took a few steps closer and spoke in a serious tone, “Your Highness, I believe I’m also capable. Don’t you want to give me a try and compare me to him?”

Wan Tong’s face fell, and the corners of her mouth stiffened as she bit out each word, “No… need… anymore.”

Unexpectedly, Xu Xi turned out to be the kind of person who volunteers to offer a pillow for sleep. Compared to him, Eugene and Fan Tianyi were simply weak.

Xu Xi showed no expression when rejected, and then he voluntarily reported on the recent activities of the vampire clan.

They had already inquired with the werewolf and hunter’s association, but they didn’t find any clues about her heart.

“You don’t need to search anymore. I already know where it is,” Wan Tong said.

“Where is it?” Xu Xi asked.

Wan Tong smiled without saying a word. Nobody could be told to avoid any complications.

Tian Zhizhang’s death made the werewolf clan resent the hunters and vampires.

Because they found hunter-specific weapons in her body, and the vampires have been active in their territory recently, even trespassing into forbidden areas, they are undoubtedly accomplices.

However, the werewolves were severely weakened, and it was clearly unrealistic to deal with both factions, so they had to temporarily endure and attempt to recuperate before making any plans.

However, who would have expected that a reckless werewolf would actually harm members of the hunter’s association, shifting their focus from the vampires to the werewolves.

This situation was something Wan Tong was happy to see. The vampires had been busy finding her heart recently, so they didn’t have time to deal with racial disputes.

Late at night, when it was quiet, Wan Yong calculated the timing and entered Shi Yi’s room from Shi Yue’s room.

Shi Yue was a bit promiscuous, so Wan Tong couldn’t handle him. But when it came to Shi Yi, she was full of confidence that she would have no problem seducing him.

Shiyi seemed to be talking in the bathroom, but when she approached, she couldn’t hear any sound.

Soon, the door opened, and a boy walked out.

“Shi Yi,” she called.

“Tongtong, are you looking for me?” The young man wasn’t surprised to see her. He looked at her warmly with bright, black eyes, as if there were stars falling within them.

He was wearing pajamas, and only the ends of his hair were slightly damp, indicating that he had been in the bathroom for a while.

Wan Tong turned around, clasping her hands behind her back, and lifted her lips at him. “Just… want to chat.”

The boy lowered his gaze, concealing the brightness in his eyes, and replied, “Okay.”

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He actually wanted to see what she was up to.

Wan Tong followed him a few steps, imagining various ways to throw him down.

The boy seemed to notice something and turned back to look at her. “Tongtong, you’re acting strange today.”

As he spoke, his gaze flickered to her pajamas, the neckline… was a bit low, and her eyes seemed excessively intense.

“Is that so?” Wan Tong approached him, deliberately raising her voice, her voice as melodious as a warbler, even more enchanting. “What do you think is strange?”

The boy was forced to retreat step by step until he sat on the bed. “Tongtong, what are you doing?”

This way, it was more convenient for Wan Tong to make a move on him.

Wan Tong decisively pushed him down onto the bed, climbed on top of him, her small hands wandering around, and finally her fingertips ambiguously touched the corner of his lips. “What do you think?”

“So, you’re like this…” he whispered softly, then suddenly opened his mouth and lightly bit her finger.

Feeling her fingertips warm, she was startled. This wasn’t the reaction Shi Yi should have. He should have blushed shyly!

While she was still in surprise, he flipped her over and held her tightly, bringing his thin lips close to her ear, and said, “Naughty Tongtong, do you know what it means to play with fire?”

The tone, the expression…

Wan Tong : ???

He was clearly Shi Yue! He had appeared!

Shi Yue, provoked by her, was filled with anger. How could he easily let her go? First, he fiercely kissed her lips, dangerously narrowing his eyes, and asked, “Are you always this passionate with Shi Yi?”

But what Wan Tong was more concerned about was, “Shi Yue, when did you come out?”


Wan Tong rolled her eyes, and Shi Yue lightly laughed as he sealed her lips.

Indeed, Wan Tong was once again powerless to resist and was played with by him.

However, Shi Yue didn’t really eat her up. He realized his time was limited, and he had important matters to attend to. So he only tasted a little and then pulled her up, saying, “Let’s go. I’ll show you Shi Yi’s little secret.”


Wan Tong was quite interested, secretly looking forward to it, but also feeling a little guilty…

In the basement, Wan Tong followed Shi Yue’s footsteps into a dark room.

Shi Yue skillfully opened a hidden compartment and, while entering the password, glanced at Wan Tong, asking, “When is your birthday?”

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“Eh, who remembers that?” Wan Tong innocently shrugged.

Shi Yue chuckled lightly, “True, who would have thought you’ve lived for over a thousand years.”

“Since Shi Yi didn’t want you to know, he must have his reasons. Why are you so curious?” Although Wan Tong said that, her body involuntarily trembled.

She felt that what was inside the box was what she had been looking for.

She hadn’t told Shi Yi about her heart, and he seemed to be unaware of it.

Shi Yue sneered, “He’s got issues in his head, and you’re not unaware of it.”

“…” Wantong looked at his head, speechless.

Shi Yue glanced at her and emphasized, “I’m talking about Shi Yi.”

“Oh,” Wantong replied.

Shi Yue looked back at the password panel of the hidden compartment, saying, “I suspect this is the reason for our split personalities, so I want to know what it is.”

Wan Tong : “I suspect it’s my heart.”

“…”. Shi Yue was taken aback. How could someone put her heart here?

Wan Tong continued, “Aren’t you afraid that once you find the cause, you’ll disappear?”

Shi Yue looked at her with an ambiguous expression. “If I disappeared, would you be sad?”

Wan Tong thought for a moment and nodded. “Yes, but I have a terrible memory. I will forget quickly.”

Shi Yue stared at her with his dark eyes, grinding his teeth fiercely. Ignoring the password, he pressed her against the wall, and his deep voice came close to her ear. “Then should I do something to make you remember me forever?”

“Don’t joke around.” Wan Tong resisted his temptation and tried to change the subject. “Could the password be the day you turned into a vampire?”

Shi Yue pursed his lips and tried to recall. “I can’t remember what happened during that time.”

Wan Tong also felt a bit hazy. After two failed attempts, they continued to input the password for the third time, only changing the last two digits.

After a “beep” sound, followed by a clicking noise, the password lock was indeed opened.

The moment the box opened, Wan Tong felt her heart racing as if it was about to jump out. Then her mind started to blur, and her body seemed to lose all strength. The next moment, she collapsed to the ground.

“Tongtong!” Shi Yue rushed to her side, only to find her body cold.

He lightly pressed his fingers against her neck but couldn’t feel any pulse.

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