The ethereal Shixuan in white came out of the house through the wall and floated across the alley.

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  Shixuan lowered his eyes, it was a red thread tied with a bell, disturbed by the wind from his ankles. The revealing powder sprinkled on his face, Shi Xuan raised his face, covered by the moonlight, his colour was compelling. 


The ghost-eliminating Taoist who waited with bated breath was stunned! I've heard for a long time that there is a beautiful ghost here, who specializes in seducing women from good families, but I didn't expect it to be a character that even men can't control.


  Shi Xuan has experienced many battles, so he can tell what the person means at a glance, and said:


  "Wait a minute."


  The Taoists stopped.


  Shi Xuan tapped on the wall with his fingers, boom, boom, boom. The rhythm full of rhythm seems to have spirituality. Many bugs crawled away in the cracks of the ground, a few mice drilled out of the corner of the wall, and the violent wild cats on the wall flicked their tails and jumped away from the wall. After all the creatures in the alley had dispersed, he nodded at the Taoist priest.


  "You can do it now."


  The Taoist saw that Shixuan's "kind nature" was extremely beautiful, and his tone was slightly gentle, "Don't get me wrong, beauty. Now Taoism is difficult and all creatures are equal. I will not arrest you casually. I just want to ask you a few questions."


  Shi Xuan smiled gently and harmlessly, "I mean, I can do it now."



After the author finished publishing, he went to Weibo to browse the forum and came back to see that there was a message in the comment area.


Chapter reviewed: 18


Anonymous (not logged in): Da Da, I really like the male lead Shixuan, please write me in the book too! I want to be the second protagonist, and I have to become close friends with Shixuan since he became a ghost in the first chapter, and we have loved each other all the way... 


The author replied: ←_← Why don’t you go to heaven?


Netizen [I want to be all day long]: Be good~ Plus, brother will give you candy.


The author replied: Good your uncle!


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  60,000 serialized characters, let him overthrow and rewrite it with his mouth open, who is he playing? The author closes the comment page, slandering the double-digit collection in his heart and bumping into the top product, this shit luck is no one! Suddenly, ten deep-water torpedoes with a total price of one thousand yuan hit the backstage. The author, who was about to quit, said that he was knocked out and fainted.


  But when he scanned the front desk, he found the words "I want to be forever" on the thunder vest, and he was a little confused!


Netizen [I want to be forever]: Grandpa rewards you.


The author replied: Lord, you are my dear grandfather! Forgive the little one who didn’t know Taishan before, I will write it for you right away. It will be good and beautiful, and you will be satisfied ヾ(′▽`*)ゝ!!!


Netizen [I want to be all day long]: (^_^) Good grandson~



  The simple smile made the author feel cold, scratched his head, opened the document and changed it ...




  Shi Xuan never thought that this alley would be his burial place, and he died so easily at the hands of Taoist priests with low mana. In vain, he raised a question that shouldn't be there, how could he lose his ability? In a blink of an eye, the scene in front of him changed, and he went back to the moment when he just died on the oiran's bed, feeling extremely absurd!


  He floated behind the traitors, watching them carry his naked body on a bamboo mat and throw it into the mass grave. The body rolled out, but they left in a hurry without looking back.


  Shi Xuan floated in front of the corpse and wanted to cover it with a bamboo mat, but the soul body was not yet solidified, and the wind couldn't even lift it, let alone lift the bamboo mat.


  In the night, a boy carrying a lantern and a bamboo basket came from a distance and covered Shi Xuan's body. Shi Xuan had never seen the boy before, so he thought he was here to visit his family's grave, and he wanted to show kindness by the way. Seeing the boy digging a pit to bury the corpse and erecting a wooden branch as a monument, he felt grateful, and then left at ease, not finding that the food brought by the boy was placed in front of his grave.




  He wrote last night that the boy has yin and yang eyes and can see through ghosts so that the two can get acquainted, but before the boy was fed, Shi Xuan left with the thought of "repaying the favour in the future"! 


Click on the comment area, and sure enough, I saw the benefactor howling and failing to interact with the male god successfully!


Author's reply: Let's go to the next chapter, let's go to the next chapter.


  But shortly thereafter, he realized that since the original outline was overthrown, the content he wrote was still posted in the manuscript box every time, and it changed when it was published! It's as if the article has self-awareness, it's like hell! The author Xiu Wenxiu vomited blood, if it weren't for seeing Master Jin's stupid money and feeding deep-water torpedoes every day, he would have given up his burden and quit!


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  Every time he saw the gold master beeping, he would tighten his ass!


[I want to be all day long]: Hey, that village beauty is not good enough for my male god, change to a princess!


Author: ...


[I want to be forever]: Hey, why does the princess have more roles than me? Cannon fodder her quickly!


Author: …………


[I want to be all day long]: err…


Author: ……… Needless to say, if you always have any instructions, send them directly to Xiao’s mailbox, and Xiao’s follow orders.




  Shi Xuan originally came to find the boy to repay his favour, but he never thought that he would form an indissoluble bond. The boy cherishes him, respects him, admires him, does evil, buries the body, abuses him, helps him, pampers him unprincipled, and takes good care of him. As time goes by, Shi Xuan gradually cares about this boy who is always with him and protects him, Zi Yi.




  When the author saw the changes in the new chapter, his heart almost collapsed! He originally wanted to succumb to the gold master's despotic power, at most selling corruption and playing around the corner. But when he saw that the protagonist fell in love with Zi Yi and the stallion Wen galloped towards Danmeiwen, he couldn't help but want to smash the keyboard to the gold. The impulsiveness on the Lord's face, at this moment, two messages came.


News 1: Someone came to buy the game copyright of "Yin Hua Bao Jian"!


News 2: The funder had a drag racing accident and is now in a coma!


  Sparks burst out of the author's mind! He finally didn't have to beg for money anymore! The day after the copyright was negotiated, the author sharpened his sword and started to write Zi Yi, regardless of nostalgia...




  Zi Yi's mortal body blocked Shi Xuan Before, the flesh and blood exploded, Shi Xuan saw through the rain of blood that the Taoist priest who killed him in the previous life held up the second Thunder Talisman as if he wanted to drive away Zi Yi's soul! Shi Xuan's eyes were scarlet and bloody, and he rushed forward. The Taoists realized that something was wrong, and it was too late to escape!


  Shi Xuan blew up his hard-to-cultivate body, and the Taoist priest was blown out of his wits.


  Fortunately, there is the law of the protagonist’s immortality, and there are a few remnant souls left, looking down at Zi Yi who is in disarray...Dirty eyeballs, cracked lips, broken arms and legs... Shi Xuan knelt, wanting to put the corpse Gathering the corpses one by one, his fingers passed through the corpses again and again, Shi Xuan's eyelashes trembled again and again, but he couldn't even shed tears.

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  A wild dog was coming to eat, and he couldn't stop it, he could only watch helplessly, his eyes tearing open.


  At daybreak, Shi Xuan used his slightly gathered soul power to kill the dog and disembowel him, take out the undigested flesh, put the bones together, and put him in the ground for safety.




  For several years. Shi Xuan wandered around the world, looking for the reincarnation of Zi Yi's soul. By accident, he cultivated into a ghost fairy and was knocked out of most of his memory by a thunderstorm. When he ascended to the upper world, he had already forgotten about Zi Yi. The ray of light dissipated, and there was no fairy mist, only the vastness of the eyes.


  There is a strange ball hanging in front of his eyes, his mouth is open, and his voice is rigid.


  [Hi, welcome to the game login space of "Yin Hua Bao Jian", I am Fengyue Baobao. ]


  This place is not like the fairy world in the storybook. Shi Xuan secretly guarded and wanted to escape quietly, but the invisible barrier blocked him tightly!


  [Hello, your information is different, and you cannot connect to the external network for the time being.]


  Shi Xuan didn't understand, but his expression remained calm.




  It took a while, Shi Xuan and Fengyue Shabao became brothers, and finally figured out this absurd world! It turned out that he was just a fabricated protagonist in a "kinky" book, and the so-called upper realm was just a game adapted from the book! Ridiculous!!! 


He stood in the turbulent data flow of the game forum, peered at the prosperity of the world through the barrier of the dimensional wall, and was silent for a long time before the frustration gradually settled.


  From the advertisement banner of the page game, follow the familiar path of the Internet to a green door. The door sign reads:


  [Jinjiang Literature City Works Library]


  Inside the door is a mimetic bookshelf that you can't forget. Shi Xuan passed the bookshelves, brushed the spines of the rows of books with his fingertips, and stopped in front of the dim "Yin Hua Bao Jian"! All the dusty books on the shelf cannot be opened. Since Master Xuan Fei was promoted to the game, the original work was automatically locked, and both the author and the website were at a loss.


  As an Internet ghost, it is very difficult for Shi Xuan to cross the dangerous Internet torrent and reach the prosperous world outside.



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  He raised his eyes, occasionally a few of the books in the library would emit an ambiguous pink light.


  It is gorgeous.


  He is a seductive ghost, and he takes Fengyue as his way, so why doesn't he collect all the obscenity and continue to practice, so that one day he can break through the shackles?


  Thinking about it this way, I casually took down the colourful original novel, broke the barriers of the small world, and searched for all the dying bodies with my spiritual sense (the law of the small world will repel intruders, and you need to seize the characters in the original text to avoid the sky). Eyes and ears, both are creatures in the book, he does not bother to take away the lives of living people).


  The content of "Mr."


  It is difficult for the residents of Blue Star to give birth. The reason can be traced back thousands of years ago. The ancestors of Blue Star - in a certain distant star system, the parent star entered the end of the world. All the weaker women died, and the few remaining men separated their yang and yin bodies to oto continue their offspring.


  For all yin bodies, the energy of conception has been exercised since childhood to give birth to offspring as a lifelong goal, but limited by the body, very few of them can naturally give birth to offspring. 


Fortunately, with the prosperity of science and technology, Blue Star will help the genitals with insufficient pregnancy gas to cultivate test-tube babies in batches, but the talent of artificial babies is far inferior to that of viviparous children.


  Archaeologists discovered the allusion to "Lanmeng": there was a concubine in ancient times, and she grow an orchid in her dream, so she gave birth to a son.


  Ma Liang, a god-man, once made a "Lanmeng Picture" with the finishing touch pen, and hung it in the dormitory to help a wealthy family of seven generations to spread its branches and leaves. 


Full of hope, Lan Xing sent people back to her mother planet to search for a map, but she dug up the tomb robber, Yan Lan, who was trapped in a coffin in the ancient ruins. 


The young man slept in the tomb for thousands of years by accident, full of yin, carrying the blue dream picture hidden in his arms, and followed him back to Blue Star. He was regarded as a national treasure because of his superb physique for pregnant women, which is rare in a century.




  Shixuan's soul came out of his body and entered the dead body along the gravitational force. Just after half of the soul body settled down, there was another wave that fit better. 


The unskilled Shixuan lost his stability for a while, and some remnants of his soul were sucked away. It is manifested in the soul body, that is, the head full of black hair has been shaved clean. He solidified his soul, ignored the whereabouts of the remnant soul, and searched for information on the skin with his spiritual sense.


  As the fusion of body and soul became higher and higher, unspeakable pain also hit. His eyes were clouded with blood and he couldn't see the surroundings. When he stretched out his arm and touched the soft wall, his fingertips touched it, like the folds inside the intestinal wall.


[Fog Township: Negative. He lost his father and mother in childhood and has an elder brother, Wudu (now one of the new generation of Blue Star generals). Wuxiang's substratum is inferior, because he lacked the training of his elders to train his qi when he was young, and his pregnancy qi was thin. Because of his extremely beautiful appearance, he was ranked the first vase of Blue Star. When he was an adult, the ambitious third prince Leo entered into a marriage contract with Wuxiang to win the support of General Wudu, regardless of the matching rate of less than 50% and his difficult-to-conceive physique. Half a year ago, the old emperor announced that the prince who was the first to have a naturally conceived male heir would succeed him! Li Ou cheated on the national treasure Yan Lan, Wuxiang was designed to die at the age of 21. 】


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