Dawn was just beginning, and it was misty.

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Water vapor floated aimlessly, following the lazy morning wind, lazily falling on the grass, leaves, and branches, dyeing the lush grass on both sides of the road a fresh green.

“Da, da …”

It was originally an ordinary morning, but with the melodious sound of a bell coming from afar, the densely packed crowd on the street automatically opened up a path.

The sound of galloping hooves was clear and melodious, dragging the shining carriage slowly. With a long neigh, it stopped directly in front of Guan Fu’s door.

It was currently early morning, and Guan Fu was also in the most bustling and bustling period. There was an endless stream of people coming and going. In this Xuanji Continent, everyone respected martial arts, and the people’s customs were strong. There were already people who liked to watch from afar, standing on their toes to look around.

This carriage that had come from afar was entirely made of white jade, and the window frames were inlaid with dazzling and translucent white crystals. Mysterious Dao patterns quietly flowed on the outside of the carriage, and the two steeds that were pulling the carriage had little wings under their feet. Their long manes glowed with a faint green light under the sunlight.

The carriage came to a stop, and then the curtain was lifted. A hand stretched out from the carriage.

Slender and Fair Complexion, well-proportioned knuckles, and the skin color was better than the best porcelain glaze. The Dawn of Dawn was not stingy, and it was as if a strand of morning light had been picked up by the fingertips, dazzling the eyes of the onlookers.

In the distance, someone poked his head out and asked in a small voice, “Who is it?”

“You ask me, who should I ask?”

“Shh … … lower your voice. Look at that horse, that’s a Xuan Lin Horse. It’s sentient. Last time I met one in the mountains, and I almost lost my old life. The one that came must be a noble person, a xiuzhe from some place. ”

While the onlookers were whispering, the person inside the carriage stretched out her upper body. Her inky black hair slid down her shoulders — — Her brows were long and narrow, her eyes clear and bright. Her skin was congealed, as clear as snow.

The thin lips of the “young lady” were dark red, her expression cold, but her naturally upturned peach blossom eyes faintly had a watery light flowing. Her brows were slightly heroic to a woman, but it was diluted by a faint red mark on her forehead.

The icy blue air circled around her, and occasionally condensed into tiny icicles that floated in the air, reflecting the light. The people nearby subconsciously raised their hands to cover their foreheads. They felt uneasy, and didn’t dare to look directly at the face of the “young lady.”

It wasn’t just xiuzhe, even the fairies that had descended to the mortal world weren’t much more than this!

Xie Ziyou held on to the door frame and carefully got off the carriage — he wasn’t used to skirts. He had just tripped over the hem of the skirt, and his forehead had hit the door frame. Although it didn’t hurt, it was slightly numb.

He raised his eyes to look at the tall mansion with the vermilion door and jade steps. His gaze moved around the two characters “Guan Fu” written on the black golden-threaded board. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, “So imposing.”

The System said in his mind, “I’m going to be down and out soon.”

Xie Ziyou’s heart shook slightly. His eyelids slightly drooped, and he didn’t speak.

Indeed, he had come today for this reason.

Thinking like this, Xie Ziyou lightly waved his sleeves, indicating for the maid beside him to knock on the door.

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Just at this moment, a handsome young man, drenched in sweat, squeezed into the center of the crowd from the outside.

He carried a huge boulder that was half the height of a man on his back. Beads of sweat flowed down his back like flowing water. He panted as he shouted, “Make way, make way … Damn, why are you all surrounding my door? Are you playing a monkey show? ”

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Countless gazes gathered on the young man.

He didn’t know that he didn’t have time to make a move, so he rubbed his head sideways and wiped the sweat on his face onto the cloth on his shoulder.

“Excuse me, excuse me, I can’t stop using this technique. If I stop, it won’t work today …”

The thin brown cloth had long been soaked through by sweat, revealing a heavy, thick black color.

Someone in the crowd sneered and said bluntly, “Prince Guan, why do you have to make things so difficult for yourself? This kind of vulgar martial arts technique can’t possibly break through the barrier between Heaven and Man even if you practice it your entire life. If you can’t practice it, then just admit that you can’t. What’s wrong with being an ordinary person? ”

Guan Heng wiped his sweat and pursed his lips. Not only was he not angry, he even chuckled softly.

The sunlight swept across the young man’s sturdy, healthy, wheat-colored skin, and landed on the cute little canine teeth that were revealed when he grinned. His bright eyes were filled with high spirits.

“I don’t mind.”

He blinked, then shook his head and sighed, “I’m afraid that my wife, who hasn’t married yet, won’t be happy.”

The person who ridiculed him immediately shut his mouth.

Guan Jia’s engagement was known to all in Luo County.

The reason why the Guan Fu Family was able to prosper until now was because of the engagement with the young Master Guan.

More than ten years ago, the Patriarch of the Guan Jia Family had saved a young man surnamed Xie. The young man felt indebted to the Patriarch for saving his life and left behind a marriage contract, betrothing his daughter, who was less than a month old, to the youngest son of the Guan Jia Family. The two families agreed to form an alliance and be friends forever.

It was supposed to be an act of the two weak family clans to keep each other warm. Unexpectedly, just three years later, the young girl surnamed Xie was found to be completely spiritual and had all the acupoints in her body. She was a natural born talent for cultivation. As soon as she was sent to the Central Academy, she was snatched over by the instructors. In the end, she was accepted into the Central Academy’s Principal’s tutelage and became the Principal’s last disciple.

On the path of cultivation, when a person achieves the Dao, the chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven.

With this woman, the Xie family leaped into the circle of the aristocratic families. Even the Guan Jia Family became rich and powerful, barely managing to gain a foothold in Luo Ling County.

However, humans are born by nature. They can share hardships, but they cannot share happiness.

Guan Heng took a deep breath and lifted the huge rock on his back up. There was a turbid air in his chest and he could not relax. Otherwise — —

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The young man burrowed into the crowd and saw a figure in the middle of the crowd.


Guan Heng’s calf suddenly trembled and his feet became sluggish. The huge rock in his hand smashed down with a loud bang, creating an earth-shattering sound.

Guan Heng was used to seeing the big red sedan chair carried into the manor non-stop throughout the year, as well as the number of beautiful concubines whose names and names were so many that he could not tell them apart, so he thought that the beauties in the world were nothing special.

But he had never seen such an extraordinary beauty in front of him. Her eyes were as blue as ice crystals, her temperament was extraordinary, her white dress was spotless, and she did not wear any makeup. She only wore a blue Ice Spirit Flower on her temples, yet she was more beautiful than ninety-nine percent of the beauties in the world.

Xie Ziyou also curiously sized up the young man in front of him.

At the age of the Dancing Elephant, his brows and eyes were already showing some sharpness. His facial features were handsome, and his obsidian eyes were as bright as the stars. Sweat rolled down his wet hair and flowed across his sturdy, wheat-colored skin.

The System said in his mind, “It’s him, the main character, the future number one expert of the continent.”

Xie Ziyou clicked his tongue in amazement, “He’s a little handsome.”

He subconsciously raised his lips and was about to smile when the System reminded him in his ear, “Persona!”

Xie Ziyou: “… Got it.”

The corner of his lips that had been raised was only half hooked up before it immediately fell down. The young man’s lower jaw was slightly raised, revealing an arrogant and indifferent face that rejected people thousands of miles away.

In order to ensure the success of the cross-dressing villain mission, Xie Ziyou had specially spent points to have the System make slight adjustments to his appearance. The bridge of his nose was thinner, his skin whiter, and the color of his eyes had also changed to the deep blue of a winter night, cold and indifferent.

At this moment, the “young girl” stood with her hands behind her back. Her white clothes fluttered in the wind, making her look more and more cold like an immortal.

“Are you from this Guan Jia?”

Xie Ziyou purposely lowered her voice and said in a clear and cold voice, “Please help me inform them that they are looking for … Guan Heng.”

The beauty’s eyes were clear and cold. Although her gaze was directed at him, there was a thin mist in her light pupils, as if nothing in the world could enter her eyes.

However, Guan Heng’s eyes were sharp, and he keenly caught the half-smile on Xie Ziyou’s face that had been abandoned halfway through. He was stunned by the beauty that was rushing at him, and for a moment, his heart was beating like a drum.

What a beautiful person.

As the youth thought about it, he said in a daze, “Guan Heng? I am. Miss, you … ”

This was exactly what Xie Ziyou was waiting for.

His long eyebrows raised slightly, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly. He said without any surprise, “That’s just right.”

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“I think you also know that you have an engagement with my Xie family. I came here today because …”

The word “engagement” was like a bucket of cold water that instantly extinguished Guan Heng’s restless heart.

The youth’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and he immediately interrupted, “Wait a minute!”

His boiling blood calmed down. Through the slight teasing tone of the beauty in front of him, Guan Heng was acutely aware of a clue. A thought flashed through his mind — in an instant, his hands and feet turned cold.

The morning light was light, and a cool breeze blew gently.

Although the beauty was beautiful, she was afraid that … she had come with ill intentions.

Guan Heng raised his hand to rub his face, and suddenly laughed, “Excuse me, Miss, I’m not Guan Heng. I was just joking with you just now. Don’t worry, I’ll go in and help you report. If there’s anything, come in and talk … ”

As he spoke, he rubbed oil on the soles of his feet, turned his head, and dashed into the mansion’s gate. His steps were nimble, and his posture was vigorous, like a swift little beast.

However, a slender jade-like hand reached out silently, and her fingertips cut through the wind, as fast as lightning.

With just two white fingers, she gently pinched the back of Guan Heng’s shirt, and in an instant, the youth was pressed to the spot, unable to move.

Xie Ziyou stopped the youth, and gently curled her lips, “Stop pretending. Since I’m here, how could I not ask for the details?”

Guan Heng’s struggling movements instantly paused.

With his back facing Xie Ziyou, the youth sighed, and after a moment of silence, he turned around.

Being exposed, he did not panic. He smiled and bowed to Xie Ziyou, and said calmly, “Alright. Miss, you have good eyesight. I’m Guan Heng. ”

The pompous smile disappeared from the corner of the youth’s eyes and the tip of his brows. His sharp eyebrows and straight nose were instantly highlighted, and a calm temperament unique to an aristocratic family was about to emerge.

Xie Ziyou thought to herself, This guy sure changes his face quickly.

Guan Heng’s face revealed a look of concern as he invited, “The journey is long and arduous, and the journey is long and arduous. Before we talk, why don’t you come in and have a cup of tea to moisten your throat? ”

“We don’t have anything else in Luo County, but this tea is the best. Among them, the spiritual tea that has just been picked has the best taste. Miss, why don’t you come in and try it?”

“…” Xie Ziyou swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

His throat was indeed a little dry …

No, no, he couldn’t say yes!

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Right now, he was the last disciple of the number one expert in the academy, a golden branch and jade leaf, living a comfortable life …

Xie Ziyou’s eyelids drooped slightly. Xuan Li quietly circulated, condensing a faint, frost-like white fog around his body. Although it was inconspicuous, it imperceptibly brought with it an oppressive pressure.

Guan Heng, who was very close to him, was blown by the white fog. He swallowed a mouthful of bone-chilling coldness and couldn’t help but shiver. He had no choice but to take half a step back.

Xie Ziyou said coldly, “I’m used to drinking tea brewed with Tianshan Snow Lotus. I’m afraid your coarse tea won’t taste good.”

“… That’s right, that’s right.”

Guan Heng softly agreed.

His lacquer-like eyes rolled, his eyebrows raised, and he changed his tone, “Then … Miss, do you drink?”

“My family’s Pear Blossom Wine is the most mellow and long-lasting. Miss, come in and have a rest. How about I accompany you to drink a cup or two?”

The eyes of the young man in front of him were lively. Although he was forced to retreat by the cold air, his smile became even more passionate. The corners of Xie Ziyou’s mouth curved into a smile, and he almost couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

He raised his white sleeves, blocking his expression that was about to collapse. In his mind, he sighed softly to the System, “This main character is so cute.”

System: “Persona, persona!”

“I know, why are you acting like an old woman?”

Xie Ziyou muttered softly. With a wave of his delicate hand, a maid immediately took out a brocade box from the carriage, bowed her head, and handed it to him.

Xie Ziyou’s crow feather-like thick eyelashes slightly drooped, and her Fair Complexion finger lightly tapped on the brocade box.

With a soft “Bang!”, the lid of the box quietly opened, and the gaps between the cinnabar wood instantly burst out with a bright light. The fluorescent light circulated, and it almost blinded the onlookers’ eyes.

The onlookers were shocked, and they all retreated. After a short while, they got used to the fluorescent light in the box, and without any fear of death, they surrounded the box and stared at it with their eyes wide open.

They saw that the brocade box was covered with silvery silk, and in the center was a sparkling and translucent medicinal pill.

There were flowing cloud patterns on the surface of the medicinal pill, and the bright flowing light faintly flashed along the cloud patterns. The moment it was opened, a mist gathered around the medicinal pill, making it seem as if it was floating in the clouds when placed in the box.

“Fifth-level Breakthrough Pill.” Xie Ziyou’s voice was clear and cold, like a pearl falling on a jade plate.

He gently waved his sleeves, and with the help of a gentle breeze, he delivered the brocade box to Guan Heng’s feet.

“This pill is hard to find with ten thousand gold, and it can break through the barrier between Heaven and Man. Anyone, regardless of their aptitude, can use this pill to embark on the path of cultivation.

“Now, I will give it to you. The engagement between you and me … is over.”

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