“Jinjiang main god system has been successfully upgraded.”

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“Congratulations to the host for completing the second stage task assessment and earning 100,000 points.”

“The 2.0 version of Jinjiang main god system is here to serve you wholeheartedly.”

The mechanical voice of the system 867 awoke Jian Nan from her slumber. She sat up, yawning as she opened the system interface, and immediately looked at the one hundred thousand points lying quietly inside the safe. The points she used to earn before the system upgrade didn’t exceed 10000 points, but now the amount jumped directly to 100000, really generous.

She looked at the points she had yet to earn in order to buy a rebirth ticket, and sure enough, the number decreased from ten millions to one million.

In this way, it wouldn’t take long for her to go back.

Jiang Nian originally thought that rebirth was indefinitely far away, but now it seemed to be right in front of her, but after she had traveled through these hundreds of years, her memory of the real life was a bit blurred, but she still wanted to go back.

Jiang Nian first spent 9,000 points to buy 30 star fruits. The power of this star fruit was really extraordinary. For a moment, she felt that her originally illusory body seemed to condense, and she could feel the biting coldness of the space she was in, but just for a moment… What if she condensed her soul completely?

This star fruit very much toughened the soul, but if she really wanted to condense hers completely, she was afraid that the points needed would be much more than those she’d use for her rebirth.

Jiang Nian looked at the system mall again. As expected, there were a few new props on the main panel, such as “A Day in the Hell” and “Beauty in a Dream”. Of course, the most important thing was not the props, but:

“867, Where’s my storage button? Didn’t it come back with me?”

867: “The storage button has been recovered by the main god system.”

“Can you return it to me?”

“According to the main god system, no.”

“… ………………………” QAQ


When Jiang Nian woke up, the sense “life is hopeless” was still lingering in her heart. She just opened his eyes and immediately faced a large number of beauties. There were men and women, men dressed in various suits, and women in low-cut evening dresses. The jewels worn on their bodies were glittering, with a goblet in their hands, they walked leisurely and elegantly, chatting and laughing.

This was a dinner party.

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Jiang Nian was also no different from them. She was wearing a red tube top and fishtail skirt. She stood outside a group of people and listened to her agent saying, “Wait for a bit, Mr. Meng will be here later. He has always valued you. You must seize the opportunity, as long as he is willing to give you a hand, will you ever be afraid of not acting? Jiang Nian, you also know how bad your reputation is now, you can’t be as high as before. Now those who are looking for you for scripts and endorsements have given them to Wang Jingjing. If you don’t have a backing, it will be difficult to stand up again!”

The agent was telling the truth. Half a month ago, Jiang Nian was still one of the four newly promoted flowers. The future ahead of her was boundless. But after just half a month, she became the first person to receive the netizens’ “get out of the entertainment circle”.

The cause was a video of the original host Jiang Nian beating someone, and the one who was beaten was, unsurprisingly, Wang Jingjing.

At that time, the original host Jiang Nian and Wang Jingjing were filming in the same “Love in the Allure” crew. The original host Jiang Nian was the female lead and Wang Jingjing was the female supporting lead. The two had a dispute. The original host pushed Wang Jingjing in anger, and Wang Jingjing fell down. As the latter fell from the stairs, her injury was serious, and things broke up. The crew originally wanted to smooth things over and hide it from the public, but the video of the original host Jiang Nian pushing Wang Jingjing downstairs was unexpectedly posted on the Internet, arousing widespread attention. The netizens went to Jiang Nian’s Weibo to accuse her, insult her, and ask her to get out of the the entertainment industry; then they went to Wang Jingjing’s account to express their love for her, encourage her, and comfort her. They even went to the crew of “Love in the Allure” to make trouble, and some people even threw eggs, hindered filming, all to “resist the dramas made by such bad actors”!

When the company reacted, Jiang Nian’s reputation was completely stinking, while Wang Jingjing became so popular that she finally took over the position of Jiang Nian directly, became the heroine of “Love in the Fallen City” and replaced Jiang Nian’s endorsement. Jiang Nian was so desperate that everyone was screaming and beating a mouse crossing the street. Besides, Jiang Nian and Wang Jingjing belonged to the same company. Whoever can make money and who is more popular will be favored the company, and the original owner would naturally be abandoned.

As for today’s dinner, the agent who took Jiang Nian for a few years couldn’t bear to watch her fall so miserably, so she especially found her a golden thigh. Mr. Meng, according to the agent, was a fifty-year-old short fat man. The wife of the family has just been pissed off by him, just because he was a more well-known investor in the circle, so even if he was lustful, ugly, and corrupt, many people still wanted to curry favor with him.

Jiang Nian glanced at her good manager with a bitter expression and replied, “Didn’t you say that Director Liu is coming, you are taking me to meet him and find a chance to interview him for his new movie?”

The agent persuaded her painstakingly: “Jiang Nian, who would dare to use you without looking at your current reputation? But you are my artist after all. Now that you are in trouble, I will naturally not give up on you easily. Of course, you also have to work hard. Seizing this opportunity depends on yourself. Don’t forget, in Director Liu’s new movie, Mr. Meng is an investor! If you get with Mr. Meng, will you be afraid of not filming? ”

Jiang Nian sneered in her heart. The original owner didn’t know, but Jiang Nian knew. This agent was bought by Wang Jingjing a long time ago. What she said seemed good for her, when in fact, she just wanted to see her fall into a deeper abyss.  After all, President Meng was not only lustful, he was also a man who liked to use sexual violence, weren’t there a lot of women in and out of this circle who had been ruined by him?

The agent pushed her to Mr. Meng. At first glance, he was not at ease, and she didn’t know how much benefit he had received from Wang Jingjing.

In the last life, the original owner had followed the way of the agent and Wang Jingjing, thinking that the agent was really kind enough to find her an audition opportunity, but he didn’t want to be a pimp, so the original owner immediately said that she wanted to leave. How could the agent agree ? Shee coaxed her to a room to persuade her, but in private, the water she drank was drugged and she was sent to Mr. Meng’s bed. Someone took a sex video showing only her face and posted it on the Internet, so the original owner’s reputation fell down a hill without a possibility of recovery. What’s even more terrifying is that, after she told her boyfriend Sun Xu what she had experienced, what she got was not her boyfriend’s distress and understanding, nor did her boyfriend stand up for her to tell the truth, but only looked at her with disgust and disdain in his eyes. At this time, the original owner knew that Sun Xu and Wang Jingjing had already hooked up together. Wasn’t her whole misery then designated by them?

At the beginning, she had a dispute with Wang Jingjing, wasn’t it because Wang Jingjing showed her close photos of her and Sun Xu?

Sun Xu was one of the more popular little fresh meats nowadays. At the beginning, he and Jiang Nian were in love with each other. The two secretly dated for half a year. Because it was a period where his reputation was rising, he didn’t dare to tell others about his relationship with her. after Wang Jingjing’s incident, the original owner Jiang Nian went to confront Sun Xu and asked him why he betrayed her, but Sun Xu replied simply that he and Wang Jingjing didn’t know each other at all. He must have been used by some schemer to dig a pit against both of them, so that they would hurt each other! Therefore, he resolutely refused to show that Jiang Nian and him were in a relationship, so that both of them would not be hurt…

The original owner believed that it was true, and blamed herself for not believing Wang Jingjing’s words, otherwise, why would all these things happen?

But what she didn’t know until the end that Sun Xu actually hooked up with Wang Jingjing long ago. It was not Wang Jingjing who wanted her and Sun Xu to fall, but both Wang Jingjing and Sun Xu who wanted her doom!

It’s a pity that the original owner woke up too late. When she was angrily trying to tell everyone the truth, she died because of a car accident.

She probably didn’t know all her life why Wang Jingjing and Sun Xu treated her like this.

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This is of course because Wang Jingjing was reborn, and in her previous life, she also hooked up with Sun Xu. When the two were cheating, they were caught by the original owner, and everyone knew about the matter. Wang Jingjing and Sun Xu became the one everyone shouted at and beat. After Wang Jingjing became a shameless junior, she lost several roles. Sun Xu’s career was also hit hard, but Jiang Nian received sympathy, understanding and support from everyone. Jiang Nian became more and more popular, and not only did the TV series she acted in explode, even the movie she starred in got a good box office. At the age of 30, she won the Golden Image Award and became the biggest winner!

Wang Jingjing was not reconciled to obscurity. She hugged President Meng’s thigh, but President Meng was not just a simple fat man. He was a pervert on the bed, and extremely abusive at that. She was played to death by him. After drinking Meng Po Tang, she was reincarnated and reborn before everything happened.

Wang Jingjing didn’t want to repeat the tragedy of her previous life, so she took the initiative to prevent Jiang Nian from turning over.

Seeing Jiang Nian resisting, the agent couldn’t help but say: “Jiang Nian, President Meng is very generous, you see how beautiful Cai Yinghou is now, didn’t she hook with President Meng when she was young? There is nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s common in this circle. Walk with me, Jiang Nian, let’s find a place to have a good chat.”

She pulled Jiang Nian, but saw that she didn’t move and instead simply smiled: “Sister Chen , Of course I believe what you said, but… let me think about it again.”

Sister Chen immediately replied: “What is there to think about , don’t worry, sister, I will arrange it for you.”

Jiang Nian bowed her head helplessly, and said nothing more.

Sister Chen smiled, thinking she had convinced Jiang Nian. She then called the assistant next to President Meng and asked him to take President Meng to the room upstairs, saying that everything was arranged. Mr. Meng over there has long been interested in Jiang Nian. He had used both the carrot and the stick on her before, but Jiang Nian was very high and dismissive of him. Now that she has sent herself to his door, how could he let the beauty go?

“Let her wait in the room obediently, I will naturally go when I’m done.”

Sister Chen naturally nodded and said yes, and then took Jiang Nian to the side: “Be obedient, after tonight, Wang Jingjing will return everything that she stole, and you will step on her with the soles of your feet!”

Jiang Nian took a sip and seemed grateful, “Sister Chen, you’ve worked hard.”

Wasn’t this great agent indeed working hard? Jiang Nian was very hard-hearted, and except for Gold, there was nothing that could make her knee soft. This sister Chen was going to harm her. How could she not retaliate?

What’s more, her heart was now occupied by the despair of losing her big gold. Where could she have so much time to deal with such an insignificant agent?

Jiang Nian followed Sister Chen upstairs, far away from the glorious banquet hall, and the surroundings became quiet. Sister Chen took Jiang Nian directly to the hotel room. Jian Nan saw that the agent came prepared, handing her a glass of water: “Hey, just relax here, and Mr. Meng will be here later. Don’t forget, this is your only chance to make a comeback.”

Jiang Nian held the glass and nodded: “Sister Chen, I’m a little hungry, can you see what’s in the refrigerator?”

Sister Chen cursed inwardly, muttering in her heart ‘why should I serve her like an ancestor’, but still got up and went to the refrigerator to take a look. Only a few bottles of beer and beverages remained, so she placated, “Please bear with it for now. You won’t be hungry after a while.”

Jiang Nian was helpless. With a cry filled with despair, she picked up the water glass and handed it to Sister Chen: “Then let’s drink a toast, to wish me a comeback soon.”

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Sister Chen saw the paleness on Jian Nan’s face that could not be hidden with makeup, an well as the helplessness and pain on her face, so she felt relieved, “Don’t worry, with me and President Meng, you will definitely be able to regain the position you lost.”

Jiang Nian hummed, and took a sip from the water glass. Sister Chen saw Jiang Nian looking at her, she also took a sip in a concealed way, anyway, she was not afraid, there was no medicine in her glass.

“Then you just wait here, I’ll go out and have a look first.”

Jiang Nian said, “Sister Chen, can you stay with me for a while and tell me what should I pay attention to?”

Chen wanted to say that she was busy, but seeing that things are about to succeed, how could she refuse? She told Jiang Nian a lot of Mr. Meng’s hobbies at the moment, but as she kept on talking, she suddenly felt that the air was very hot and her mind became confused. Jiang Nian in front of her has become two, three, four…

Jiang Nian looked at her, stood up, and said, “Sister Chen, I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do it, I’ll go first, you tell Mr. Meng that I said no.”

Sister Chen was dizzy and couldn’t hear Jiang Nian. She was a little anxious when she saw Jiang Nian was going to leave, but she didn’t even have a trace of strength on her body, so she could only watch Jiang Nian go. After she went out, her dazed consciousness finally dissipated, she fell on the sofa and succumbed under the power of the drugs.

Jiang Nian left the room and returned to the glorious banquet hall again. Those who came here were all big stars or or those who had popular traffic nowadays. Wang Jingjing was naturally here. At this moment, she was surrounded by the stars in the center. Sun Xun was still standing beside her, and Jiang Nian’s appearance did not arouse anyone’s attention at all.

Sun Xu guarded Wang Jingjing like a prince, drawing everyone’s attention.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the banquet: “I heard that Xue Shao is here!”

Who is Xue Shao? Xue Shao who can cause such a sensation in this circle can only be Xue Hang, who is a big figure that can’t be matched by the combination of hundreds of Sun Xu and Presidents Meng.

I just didn’t hear that Xue Hang would come to this charity dinner?

Because of Xue Hang’s arrival, everyone became more excited, and even Wang Jingjing became very excited as well, staring intently at the the banquet gate with shinig eyes.

After being reborn, how could she not know the character Xue Hang? Xue Hang was a low-key person, and there were not many people who knew him, but he was not only handsome, but he was also powerful, which was rare. When she was with Mr. Meng before, she could see it with her own eyes. President Meng nodded and bowed to Xue Hang, respectfully.

If she could hold Xue Hang’s golden thighs, couldn’t she become the queen of the entertainment industry?

Not to mention Wang Jingjing wanting to hug Xue Hang’s golden thighs, even the great Director Liu, who was in Sister Chen’s mouth, walked to the door excitedly at this moment and wanted to meet Xue Hang in person.

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Xue Hang finally appeared, under everyone’s expectations.

He was wearing a black suit and white shirt, the neckline without tie was slightly open, the bridge of his nose held in place a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, and his hair was meticulously combed, but he was only in his thirties.

His face was extremely handsome, but also extremely indifferent, and his brows were pulled in a frown; he seemed to dislike the approach of others.

There were all kinds of sounds in his ears.

“Young Master Xue is so handsome, he is so rich and powerful, why come here suddenly? If I can catch his attention, then I am not going to be successful? Such a handsome figure must be very good, and I am willing to be his lover.”

“This Xue Hang will pretend, if it weren’t for Mr. Xue’s greatness, where would he be today? He’s full of bullshit!”

“If it’s not because he has money and power, who would be willing to pay attention to him…”

(T/N: oh, our ML can read thoughts…)

Ming disdained Xue Hang in his heart, but he was very much sought after: “Xue Shao, your arrival really makes us shine…”

“Xue Shao, sit down, I am so happy to see you!”

“What happened so that Xue Shao suddenly came over? ? ”

“Come sit, let me please show you, this is our movie …… ”

Xue Hang had long been accustomed to the hypocrisy of these people. As long as he got close, he would involuntarily hear the inner voices of these people. Because of this situation, he was still far away from the crowd for a while, so that he wouldn’t hear these dirty voices. .

But today, he suddenly heard a particularly strange voice.


He turned his head and saw a woman in a red dress. There was no sound in her heart, nothing but despair.

Particularly deep despair.

He had met many people, but he had never felt such a deep despair. He wondered, what she had experienced that would make her so desperate?

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