Where is my 5 million?? (11)

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After getting the check, Jiang Nian’s first thing to do was to run into the toilet. She touched the check again and again, and then the baby was hidden in the wallet. She then hid the wallet in a bag after which she put the bag in her little school bag.

This is probably the trouble of being a rich man.

As for how to go back, Jiang Nian thought it and pictured what would happen if she had to squeeze in a bus as much as she did while coming here. There are too many people in there, probably all thieves. She feared that her money would be stolen the moment she let her guard down.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Nian decided that taking a bus would be idiotic. So, she ran back to school while tightly clutching her little school bag in front where she could see it at all times.  

When she was back, Lin Xiaoyue was reading a magazine on her bed: “Jiang Nian, look at how beautiful this bag is. I will buy one after getting paid.”

“Then you should wait for a few months. It is better to go back home and ask for one. Your family spoils you endlessly.”  

“But there is a certain sense of accomplice from buying it using my own money! For a beauty like this, these hardships are nothing!”

Jiang Nian stretched her neck to look at it. It was an international brand bag, costing only a few tens of thousands. Even she could afford it now.

Lin Xiaoyue saw that Jiang Nian was clutching a bag with death grip and was surprised, could not help but ask: “Where have you been? It took you so long to come back.”

Jiang Nian said: “A little thing. I went to meet a person, but now it is okay.”

While saying this, she rushed to her bed, took out the wallet from the bag and then took a closer look at the check to see if it was safe. She then put it back in the wallet which she hid in a pillow with two layers of cotton over it. This location should be safe. Hiding it in a cabinet would be too conspicuous. This ordinary and secret place is the safest!

Lin Xiaoyue looked at the whole operation with confusion, watching Jiang Nian act as restless as a little squirrel. Who knows what she was doing, but Lin Xiaoyue decided to not risk asking. (T/N: smart. I feel like she would have been murdered as a witness xD ) Though if she didn’t know any better, she would think that Jiang Nian was addicted to the wallet.

Jiang Nian who finally had her check, couldn’t help but relax on the bed. It’s so good on sleep on the money!!!

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Of course, Jiang Nian did not forget to have dinner with Shen Ming that night. They will soon go from the sweetness to the abuse of love. When eating, she will break up and try to make the male lead hate and abuse her!

In her mind, she pictured the whole thing until she was sleepy and started dreaming about the five million instead.

In the evening, Jiang Nian put on a pretty black dress and was ready to go out. Lin Xiaoyue looked at her and frowned: “Why wear this black one?”

 Of course, it is because it indicates that she has blackened[1]!

Lin Xiaoyue: “Your red dress is way better, perfect for going on a date. It makes you look sexy, just what you need to attract the attention of Shen Ming!”

Jiang Nian waved at her carelessly and said: “I am going. Goodbye.”

Lin Xiaoyue: “…”

Today Xu Chao came to pick her up. Xu Chao said that Shen Ming has something, so he asked him to pick her up.

Jiang Nian nodded, and did not care too much. After all, this situation has happened several times before.

Xu Chao sat in the driver’s seat and turned back to look back at her. He said: “The boss is not in a good mood today.”

Jiang Nian blinked and asked him: “Is Shen Ming feeling unhappy? Why?”

Xu Chao recalled for a moment and shook his head. “I don’t know. I guessed it. The specific reason is not clear. Miss Jiang, you know that Shen Ming can be unpredictable, how can we, mere mortals, guess it casually? ”

Jiang Nian thought that the person who can make Shen Ming angry is definitely not an ordinary person. However, since Shen Ming’s mood is not good, will he be completely blackened when she starts to stimulate him??

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Jiang Nian looked at her small body. Her body is very fit. Running 800 meters in Physical Education class paid off. It should be able to stand the abuse!

When she arrived at the restaurant, Xu Chao disappeared after giving her a deep look, and the waiter took her to a table near the window. She had to wait for a while. Shen Ming was late.  

His whole being seemed shrouded in darkness. His black suit lined his body perfectly.

He walked up to her, took off his suit jacket and handed it over to the waiter. The shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He then sat down freely in front of her; the movements were like smooth like water, naturally chic and handsome.

Jiang Nian stared at him and suddenly, she got nervous.

Shen Ming is not angered easily. He is used to being quiet and almost never displays his emotions on his face. It is often difficult for outsiders to guess what he is thinking. But once angry, he can be terrifying…

She coughed, and decided to wait until after dinner to break up.

Shen Ming looked at Jiang Nian. She wore a small black dress. Her black hair was long and silky and her skin looked white and tender. Her eyes were bright and lovely. She looked beautiful.

He took a sip of his red wine and asked, “What did you do at noon?”

Jiang Nian quickly said: “You should have told me earlier that you wanted to eat with me at noon. If you had, I would have made it possible.”

He glanced at her and pulled his lips into a straight line.

Good food will make people feel happy and wonderful music can make people feel relaxed. Soon, Jiang Nian stopped being nervous, she looked at the man. His elegant way of eating with the knife and fork was a feast for her eyes.

“Shen Ming…”

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He looked up at her: “Yes?”

Jiang Nian seriously said: “Shen Ming, I have thought about it carefully. We should break up.”

Shen Ming’s eyebrows jumped up. He put down his knife and fork, took out his handkerchief and wiped his lips, “Jiang Nian, what did you just say?”

Jiang Nian looked at Shen Ming’s calm face. She couldn’t help but gulp. Her heartbeat accelerated: “I said, let’s break up.”

She also stressed, “I am serious. This is not a joke.”

Shen Ming’s eyes were slightly narrowed, and his gaze was full of exploration.

Today, he was in a bad mood because his grandfather came looking for him early in the morning. He asked him when he was going to break up with Jiang Nian and informed him that it was time to get married. Not only his grandfather, but also his parents kept on urging him to break up. They have asked this too many times. Shen Ming had repeatedly said that he doesn’t want to hear these questions again but his family even refuses to accept his girlfriend.

His grandfather has always been overbearing and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Shen Chongshan has the essence of the old man and Shen Ming is also independent. Once the opinions of these three people become different, they each refuse to bow down to other. The world could end tomorrow and yet they would stick to their own opinion.

However, in the matter of Shen Ming’s marriage, his grandfather and father have a unified front.

Shen Ming can fall in love with and date Jiang Nian, but his marriage must be with a woman they approve of.

“Jiang Nian, don’t talk so casually about breaking up.” Shen Ming said, “If there is any problem, we can discuss it together. If I have done something to make you unhappy, you can also tell me that. But if you directly say that you want to break up, I will be very angry.”

Jiang Nian licked her lips: “No, you are very good; there is nothing that makes me unhappy.”

“If so, then why do you want to break up?”

“Because I- ”

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“Of course it is because Jiang Nian took five million from your mother! With that money, how can she still be willing to stay with you? She is a vain woman! Shen Ming, you were cheated by her!”

Yang Huiling suddenly appeared, (T/N: Oh DAMN. Even I was surprised by how suddenly she appeared. xD ) directly interrupted  what Jiang Nian was going to say, and also exposed transaction between her and Ms Yao Shuqin!

Jiang Nian was observing Shen Ming’s face.

Yang Huiling looked down at Jiang Nian contemptuously and said: “Shen Ming, you should leave a woman like Jiang Nian.”

…very well, someone came to ignite her, this love-hate route can finally be on track…

Shen Ming coldly said: “Miss Yang, hasn’t anyone taught you not to interject when others are talking? It is very surprising at your level of education.  And please, do not interfere in our private matters ever again.”

Yang Huiling came here to watch Jiang Nian get humiliated. She wanted Shen Ming to finally know that Jiang Nian is a despicable woman so that he would regret treating her badly before. However, she didn’t expect Shen Ming to insult her instead. Her face became white. Finally, she glanced at Jiang Nian with her eyes seething in hatred and strode away.

Shen Ming stared at Jiang Nian, his face was blank and his eyes were deep, making it difficult to guess what he was thinking at the moment.

“Jiang Nian, you tell me.”

Jiang Nian stared back at him. She was silent for a long while and then said: “What Miss Yang said is true. I received five million from your mother and promised her that I will leave you.”

[1]Blackened: No, she is not about to become charcoal or the colour black. They say that a person has blackened when their personality becomes distorted or cruel. In the Chinese novels that I have read, it can be caused by something as small as a break up or something as big as a family member being murdered.

I just noticed how everybody, especially Yang Huiling, keeps telling Shen Ming that Jiang Nian is vain when in fact he probably knows that by now xD She never actually tried to hide it lol

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