Jiang Nian almost fell, and the timing was almost deliberate as she was secured in Xue Hang’s arms thanks to the trip. Everyone present was shocked silly. For a long time, they all looked alternatively at Jiang Nian then at Xue Hang, each one holding different thoughts.

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Not to mention Jia Ping, even Xue Hang’s little assistant couldn’t stand the tension and covered his eyes, waiting Jiang Nian to be thrown out. The photographer, lighting technician and makeup artists were naturally prepared to watch the show unfold, their eyes bright with anticipation.

After all, Xue Hang was notoriously indifferent and unresponding to female charms. There was a time when a woman actually knelt in front of him and asked for a chance, but she couldn’t move him in the slightest, let alone embrace him. There are a lot of people who had similar thoughts and wanted to climb Xue Hang’s bed through various means. Those who had better luck only met with ignorance and a cold face, then got permanently blacklisted by Xue Hang, as if they were never part of the entertainment circle. The ones who had it worse got thrown out on the spot, without any regard to their “self-respect” and face, and got shamed in public, losing their image. After all, it wasn’t like this never happened before. A certain filmmaker received this treatment when she was shooting a promotional film a few years ago. At that time, people gossiped about it in the circle, finding his behavior strange.

Over time, no one really dared to play tricks in front of Xue Hang, and even if they did they didn’t dare to be too blatant.

Unexpectedly, this silly and bold woman dared!

Who doesn’t know that Xue Hang hates people take advantage of him the most? Jiang Nian’s move might be in order to have better welfare and status for herself. This was a good way to be ambiguous with Xue Hang up in public, all while using the beauty trick to seduce him.

And this method happened to be what Xue Hang hated the most.

Thinking about it this way, everyone else looked at Jiang Nian’s eyes with pity and sympathy. Didn’t you see Xue Hang’s expression on a shocked face and a little hard to say? He must have never expected that he helped Jiang Nian but she still tricked him. Look at how angry he is!

Just when they thought Xue Hang would throw Jiang Nian out, Xue Hang’s attitude was unexpected!

He hugged her, neither throwing her out nor taking a step back. He didn’t even show any of the indifference or impatience he used to in such circumstances. Instead, his body stiffened, and he unexpectedly found that the girl’s body was very soft, and her waist was slender, delicate and fragile. When she leaned against his arms, he could smell a faint fragrance, warm and sweet. He frowned and thought about it, remembering There doesn’t seem to be the smell of this perfume in it. He looked down and happened to see the girl round white shoulders, and loose strands black ink gently swaying against her creamy skin ……

He coughed lightly, helped Jian Nian stand firmly, and quietly asked, “How is it, it doesn’t hurt, right?”

Jiang Nian stepped back, then shook her head and said gratefully: “No, I am not hurt, thank you, Mr. Xue, you saved me again.”

Everyone was stunned:…..Cough? What’s with this development?

The assistant stepped forward and the hem of Jiang Nian’s skirt under the chair was rescued. The skirt was quite strong, but it was not torn. Of course, fortunately, Jiang Nian didn’t wear a long skirt in the style of a tube top. Otherwise, the skirt would definitely fall off, and it would seem like a real “throw oneself and do the beauty trick”, and with that she must be able to make a sensation in the entertainment circle again.

Xue Hang gave a reserved hum, put both hands in his trouser pockets, and said with a little reproach, seemingly indifferent: “Why are you so careless, look where you’re going.”

Jiang Nian answered seriously: “Well, I know. ”

Xue Hang smiled, this silly girl looked very good, of course, it would be better if the thoughts in her heart could also be good.

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The crowd: “…………!!!”

……This is simply a miracle on earth!

Jia Ping couldn’t help but want to give a thumbs up, this Jiang Nian was really amazing, making Xue Hang the unfeeling block do this! Not to mention that the little assistant was also completely surprised. So it is not Jiang Nian unilaterally seducing him, but his boss also secretly poking and waiting for the hook? The photographer, lighting technician, etc., ‘s opinion toward Jian Nian immediately took a 180 degree turn, becoming even more enthusiastic and welcoming.

Filming was temporarily suspended because of Xue Hang’s arrival, the director let the photographer rest for a while, and Jia Ping asked the assistant to buy coffee and desserts.

The makeup artist was applying makeup to Jiang Nian. Xue Hang was sitting on one side. He sat cross legged, clasped his hands on his knees, and tilted his head slightly to look at Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian turned to meet his eyes and promised, “Don’t worry, Mr. Xue, I will work hard and will not let you down.”

Xue Hang raised his eyebrows but stayed quiet, looking at the makeup artist as he tried to reduce his presence. The latter’s hands shook in nervousness.

Xue Hang didn’t stay long either. He drank a cup of coffee then left with his assistant after Jiang Nian started shooting again. As soon as Xue Hang left, the entire studio’s atmosphere became lighter and everyone gathered in twos and threes to talk in whispers.

” It can’t be that Mr. Xue and Jiang Nian really have nothing between them, right?”

“Maybe, maybe not. You see, except for Jiang Nian nearly falling down and Mr. Xue helped her, they didn’t have any intimate behavior after that, and it looked normal. ”

“But when did Mr. Xue pay attention to a female celebrity before? I think there is something fishy about it!”

Let alone outsiders, even Jia Ping couldn’t help asking Jiang Nian and Xue about their relationship in private. “Mr. Xue came to visit you today. I was quite surprised. There’s really nothing between you and Mr. Xue…?”

Jiang Nian explained seriously, “The polite excuses I said today are not just for fooling others. To me, Mr. Xue is really a very good, good person. I don’t want these messy things around me to affect him. Brother Jia, if you hear any bad gossip about me and Mr. Xue, please help me explain, okay? I don’t want to cause him unnecessary trouble. Good people must not be a subject of malicious gossip.”

Jia Ping’s gossipy heart broke. It seemed that Jiang Nian and Xue Hang are really not lovers, at best they’re considered close friends? At least Jiang Nian did not seem to hold any special thoughts toward Mr. Xue.

After Xue Hang returned to the office and dealt with some official duties, the assistant pointed to his chest in surprise: “Mr. Xue, your clothes…”

Xue Hang glanced at him and looked down. There was a faint lip print on his white shirt, right on his chest.

It should have been left at that time, but he never noticed it.

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He suddenly thought of Jiang Nian’s lips… they actually kissed his chest… His scalp became numb, his ears hot, and his breathing became heavy.

The little assistant knew that although Xue Hang didn’t have a serious obsession with cleanliness, he still liked to be clean. Besides, it’s not very good to have a woman’s lips printed on the clothes. He immediately offered, “Mr. Xue, you take off your clothes, I’ll send them to be washed.”

Xue Hang waved his hand coldly, “Okay, you can go out.”

The assistant could only say, “You put the clothes aside, I will pick them up later.”

After the assistant left, Xue Hang took off his shirt and looked at it. His nose seemed to faintly pick up the scent on the girl’s body earlier.


After filming the promotional film for Xue group, Jiang Nian went to the film and television city to shoot the new drama “Before Dawn”, which is a TV series with the theme of the Republic of China. In addidtion to Jiang Nian playing the female lead, the male lead’s role would be played by the Emperor Xiao Qian of Baihuashi. Although the second and third male lead did not have many fans, they were capable entertainers with polished acting skills.

Jia Pingdao, the director of this drama, was quite stubborn and nitpicky. Originally, he was a little reluctant to make Jian Nian the female lead, but after watching her Weibo and the video of the interview that day, this changed his mind, because he saw Jiang Nian had the tenacity and unyielding determination of Song Chengcheng.

Jiang Nian thought this was an opportunity to prove herself. She would also let the director know that not only she had the resilience and unyielding nature of the heroine Song Chengcheng, but she was also as skilled in martial arts and as powerful as her!

As one of the covert agents, Song Chengcheng used the identity of a teacher to disguise herself. She looked weak, but in fact, she had experienced a special and rigorous training, so she was good at fighting. Fighting Jiang Nian is good enough, few are those who could match her in the world!

Jiang Nian entered the crew with confidence, thinking about the bright future awaiting her. When she becomes more and more famous and has more and more money, will there be less big gold? She will always meet Xue Hang’s entrustment and expectation. She will always only depend on herself, because only herself is reliable.

Jiang Nian joined the crew for several months. Every day, she was very busy, but he didn’t forget to send a message to Xue Hang every one or two weeks. Anyway, she remembered all the great help she received from him, and she didn’t have to talk about it all the time.

During this period of time, Wang Jingjing didn’t cause any ripples because she was hidden by the company. Sun Xu tried to show his face to the public once, and then was boycotted and scolded, forcing him to come out of the station. He made a statement and was criticized by the Communist Youth League and became a joke of the whole network. He could only hide again.

When Jiang Nian heard his news from Jia Ping’s mouth, there was no fluctuation in her heart. Sun Xu’s end was the punishment he deserved.

She continued to read the script. The main part of the filming today is the emotional scene, that is, the kiss scene.

During a mission, Song Chengcheng and Du Wei were almost spotted by the enemy. They pretended to be secretly intimate young lovers. Du Wei kissed Song Chengcheng, and they barely got away with it and escaped. As the protagonist of the play, Du Wei’s identity was the wandering young man of Du Mansion, so it was not surprising at all that he was unruffled and travelled through the flowers. (T/N: In short, he was a playboy.)

And at this time, Song Chengcheng and Du Wei had come to cherish each other under their rivalry. Although they were implicitly sentimental, they did not break through the thin paper because of the current situation. Although this kiss was compelling, it was also a catharsis of each other’s feelings.

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Thus the highlight and the importance of the scene.

In order to film this kiss scene, Jiang Nian especially brushed her teeth and ate chewing gum.
(T/N: omg hahaha guess who’ll be jelly?)

Xue Hang was dragged by Zhou Zhi to visit the crew. Zhou Zhi recently fell in love with a young artist. Whenever there was nothing to do, he just talked to them about how cute, beautiful and gentle the girl was. The only bad thing is that she always refused his pursuit, which made him very discouraged.

And now, he heard that the little artist came to the film and television city to film. Zhou Zhi fell ill with lovesickness and was still dying. He dragged Xue Hang, Zeng Kai, and Zhao Cheng to accompany him to death. Originally they could not move Xue Hang to join them, but surprisingly, he actually tagged along. Xue Hang knew that Jiang Nian was next door. He looked at the assistant a few times, but the assistant didn’t react.

Xue Hang coughed: “I heard that the crew of “Dawn” is next door, I don’t know how it is going?”

The assistant said that the producer was watching, the director was in charge, and the actor he was looking for was also powerful, so everything went well: “Mr. Xue, don’t worry!”

… Is he worried?

Xue Hang looked at his assistant and said nothing.

The assistant scratched his head and tentatively said: “Jiang Nian has been in this crew for almost three months. I heard that she is dedicated and serious. The director likes her very much!”

… Is the fact that the director likes her really the point? Xue Hang said indifferently and politely: “Let’s take a look then.”

The assistant finally understood, and said with a smile that he would make arrangements immediately.

When the production assistant director was waiting to lead Xue Hang to the crew, the director was taking the filming process extra seriously. In a dimly lit aisle, a tall man in a black tuxedo, bow tie and back, hugged petite woman in the evening gown. Her face was taut, her eyes wary, she grabbed the hem of his clothes and pressed her side face slightly against his chest, revealing a little nervousness.

Such an atmosphere, as if danger is imminent!

She whispered: “What should I do?”

“Listen to me.”

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This may seem warm and ambiguous, but the dark tide is raging.

Suddenly, a question reverberated in the air: “Who is there?!”

Du Wei suddenly raised his hand. He held Song Chengcheng’s cheek, covered her thin lips, and hugged her slightly to the side. The enemy over there was already approaching. Du Wei raised his head with a cynical and wicked smile on his face. He pressed Song Chengcheng to his chest and raised his eyebrows with a look of dissatisfaction, perfectly acting like a drunkard: “What are you doing? Don’t you see that I am busy?”


Suddenly, the little assistant seemed to hear a crisp sound.

He turned his head to look at the boss next to him, but the latter didn’t change his expression. It seemed that the click just now was just his hallucination, he thought and shook his head.

The deputy director laughed and praised: “Jiang Nian playing Song Chengcheng and Du Wei are a match made in heaven. They look good together, and they match very well!”

The producer also agreed: “Yes, it was right to pick Jiang Nian, Jiang Nian will never disappoint the audience! This spy movie, adding a little love element is like the cherry on the cake!”

Xue Hang hummed coldly: “Is that right, I think it’s average.”

With a few word, he almost made the assistant director and producer kneel!

The boss seems unhappy and dissatisfied, what should they do? ? ?

The two of them stared at each other, then looked at the little assistant next to Xue Hang. The little assistant was also very surprised. Xue Hang was kind to Jiang Nian. Isn’t it just right for them to flatter Jiang Nian? What’s more, they visited the crew just to see Jiang Nian, why did her acting become “average” in his eyes?

The director seemed to have heard it too, the boss thinks that the scene is not done well? With a strong desire to survive, he immediately ordered: “Prepare, let’s reshoot!”

Xue Hang: “………………???”


Sorry for the wait! As of now, I won’t be accepting any donations (I can’t even login to my Paypal account ’cause their code doesn’t even reach me so yeah). Enough with that, I had 3 exams todays and I’m sooo tired. Good night~

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