(Before reading this chapter, please refer to the comment at the bottom of the last chapter to understand who Jiang Yu and Jiang Yong are)

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Jiang Nian was about to go downstairs after receiving the call. Jiang Yong pulled her suspiciously and said, “Why are you going? Do you want me to accompany you?”

Jiang Nian simply rejected his kindness. She and Xue Hang had been together for half a month. So nope, she didn’t want a lightbulb to follow her at all. She put on her coat and went to the door to put on her shoes. When she passed the living room, she took the opportunity to grab a few big white rabbit toffees. Zhou Shanshan looked up, rolled her eyes, and snorted. She lowered her head and continued to play with her phone.

Jiang Yu followed Jiang Nian to the door, shook her head speechlessly at Zhou Shanshan, and asked Jiang Nian how long she would be out and when would she come back.

It depended on how much Xue Hang missed her. If he was reluctant to leave her, there was nothing she could do. “Not sure, call me when the time comes?”

Jiang Yu glanced at Jiang Nian a few times, and suddenly had an epiphany in her heart. She leaned into her ear and whispered, “Niannian, it’s not a man who came to you, right? Your new boyfriend?”

Jiang Nian smiled, and said softly and ostentatiously, “Yes, it’s Xue Hang.”

“Silly!” Jiang Yu pushed Jiang Nian’s shoulder, waved her hand, and said, “You are paranoid because of Zhou Shanshan’s anger, face the reality and don’t think about those messy things. Okay, go ahead, call me if you need anything.”


Jiang Nian wrinkled her nose, very heartbroken, and walked away with her fluffy snow boots, how could there be no trust between people?

She ate the big white rabbit toffee and ran all the way to the gate of the community. Sure enough, she saw the familiar Rolls-Royce parked quietly on the side of the road, standing in the ice and snow. She trotted over and knocked on the window. As soon as it was turned on, the warm radiator rushed in.

Xue Hang looked at Jiang Nian who was sitting in the car. She was wrapped in a down jacket, a scarf, and a hat. Now, she tore them down one by one and put them aside, revealing a clean and beautiful face without makeup. Well, she was rounder than before. Quite a few circles at that…

Jiang Nian smiled and looked very happy, saying that she didn’t expect him to come over: “Wow, is this a New Year’s surprise? I’m so happy!”

He raised his eyebrows, and Jiang Nian leaned over and hugged his arm with a delightful smile on his face. Xue Hang didn’t speak, just turned slightly to the side, his eyes wandered on her face, Jiang Nian shrank in the seat and looked up at him, secretly thinking that she gained five pounds when she weighed herself this morning!

Her face seemed to be rounder, her double chin was about to come out, and she had eaten a lot at noon, and of course her stomach was a few circles rounder… Xue Hang looked at her for a long time, then slowly pinched Jiang Nian’s round cheeks and said suspiciously, “Well, miss me so much that you can’t eat?”

Jiang Nian blinked her eyes, grabbed his clothes and said, “Actually, I also ate white rabbit toffee, do you want to try it?”

At such a critical moment, we can only sacrifice the ego to seduce the big boss!

Xue Hang: “…”

It was also the first time he heard someone talk about seduction in such a refreshing and righteous way. But he couldn’t stand the temptation at all… His Adam’s apple moved, and his eyes fell on her lips.

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Jiang Nian raised her hand and hooked Xue Hang’s neck. He bowed his head, clasped Jiang Nian’s waist with one hand, and brought it toward him. His thin lips kissed her fiercely, holding the tip of her tongue between his teeth as a punishment, and looking at her with his deep eyes, watching her snow-white cheeks blown by the cold wind turn into pink like petals.

She responded to him with all her might, thinking that her beauty was so powerful.

The man pinched her waist, and suddenly slipped his hand and put it on her stomach again. It was round and soft. Jiang Nian exclaimed and pushed him away. He let out a pleasant low laugh, pressed her on the seat, and pulled her toward him once more. A fire ignited in his body, his breathing was messy and heavy, and the warm breath in the air was sweeter than a hundred white rabbit toffees.

“You will be punished for lying, you know.”

“I didn’t lie, I just exaggerated how I miss you!”


“…Is the toffee sweet?”


So sweet, sweet to the point that his heart melted.

Jiang Yu was half lying on the sofa eating melon seeds and watching TV. Zhou Shanshan was bored. It seemed that without Jiang Nian, she no longer wanted to read or report gossip.

In fact, Jiang Yu could understand why Zhou Shanshan had such deep hostility toward Jiang Nian. Zhou Shanshan was an art student in high school, and she studied acting. Her dream was to get into the Didu Film and Television Academy. Unfortunately, she did not have enough marks, so she finally went to a three-class art school and worked as a teacher in a training class before getting pregnant.

She was jealous of Jiang Nian.

Zhou Shanshan does have some thoughts on Jiang Nian. Obviously both Jiang Nian and her are girls from ordinary families. Why could the other easily live the life of her dreams? She heard that something happened to Jiang Nian before, and she was secretly happy for a while. Who knew that Jiang Nian wasn’t depressed when she came back this time. Instead, she was full of vigor and radiance. Compared to her who became ugly because of pregnancy, and still grew with stretch marks, her belly was so flowered that she didn’t want to take a second look.


In her opinion, Jiang Nian was good-looking, but she was not bad herself. Many parents and children praised her for singing and dancing beautifully. How could Jiang Nian enter the entertainment industry, act and shoot TV? Walk the red carpet and be sought after by fans, while she can’t? Instead, she’s busy bearing a child for a stinky man!

If it wasn’t for Jiang Yu’s good family background, and the fact that his family owned a small company, with several apartments and several cars, and with the company’s annual profit being several million yuan, she, being twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, wouldn’t spend so much time hooking up with married man, let alone one who looked so ordinary.

The more she thought about her, the more annoyed she became, so she started tossing Jiang Yong out, saying that she was uncomfortable and wanted to eat roast duck from someone in the north of the city. All the Chinese New Year’s Eve went home to celebrate the New Year. Which store would still be open? Even if he went there, he had nowhere to buy it, but Zhou Shanshan didn’t listen, and started to make trouble, saying that Jiang Yong didn’t love her or the child, which made Jiang Yong’s head swell!

Jiang Yu just wanted to laugh when she saw it, and she said unabashedly, with the attitude of eating melon seeds*: “Tsk tsk, you deserve it!”

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(*with the attitude of watching a show gleefully)

“What are you talking about during the Chinese New Year?” Jiang Yong glared at her: “Can you persuade her?”

Jiang Yu innocently said: “What can I do? This is someone else’s family business. How can I possibly get involved?”

When Jiang Yu scolded Jiang Yong for wronging his sister-in-law, that’s what Jiang Yong said to her, saying that it was his family business, so she should leave it alone, but now she is returning it as it is, which is really uncomfortable.

It happened that the couple over there was making a fuss, and Jiang Yu received a text message from Jiang Nian. She opened it and looked at it. She was stunned for a while, then she screamed, and she fell off the sofa, “Fuck!”

Jiang Nian didn’t send anything else, just posted a photo of her and a man leaning closely together, and wrote: “Introduce to you, my boyfriend.”

And that man was not the one Zhou Shanshan taunted Jiang Nian with?

…Xue Hang?

Jiang Nian’s boyfriend is Xue Hang? !

Jiang Yu was going crazy, screaming and spinning in circles, jumping back and forth on the sofa, seeing her whole family going crazy, they all told her to calm down, why are you crazy during the new year? Jiang Yu covered her mouth and didn’t dare to say it. She must not be the one to announce such a big event. She turned her head to look at Zhou Shanshan, and she imagined how angry Zhou Shanshan would be when she would see Jiang Nian’s boyfriend.

She was suddenly looking forward to it.

Over there, Jiang Nian had already gone to dinner with her boyfriend, and there were also two light bulbs that were frozen into dogs. Jiang Nian realized when he saw the assistant and the driver rubbing hands. For a long time, Xue Hang could hear nothing except their inner thoughts!

-They are such a beautiful couple! A match made in heaven! ^-^

Xue Hang: “…cough cough cough!”

Jiang Nian wondered: “Are you feeling sick? Got a cold?”

Xue Hang: “…No, I’m thirsty.”

The assistant was very attentive and immediately brought a thermos cup: “Mr. Xue, drink water.”

Jiang Nian was beside him and agreed with him to drink quickly. Xue Hang squinted and drank most of the glass under Jiang Nian’s supervision, then looked up at the sky with blank eyes and smiled.

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He lowered his eyes, helplessly rubbed his girlfriend’s head leaning on his shoulder, took out a small gift from his pocket, then pinned it on her fluffy white sweater. Jiang Nian looked down and found that it was a swan-shaped carving. The brooch was inlaid with golden diamonds, which made her eyes almost blind. Xue Hang said in her ear: “When I saw it, I wanted to give it to you. This is a pair, and I have it too. We’ll carry them together. Do you like it?”

Jiang Nian saw that Xue Hang’s black sweater also had a brooch of the same style pinned on it. She must have been so happy that she didn’t notice that it was very beautiful and designed for a couple. As for whether Jiang Nian likes it… Of course, her favorite is Big Gold! The status of the big gold is unshakable in her heart!

She raised her head, propped herself up and kissed Xue Hang’s chin: “I like it, thank you baby.”

Xue Hang: “…Oh.”

He only felt that there was a long way to go in the future.

This is the countermeasure he had come up with recently. Jiang Nian’s mind was full of big gold. Although he can give her gold as he pleases, he can’t give it every time. Isn’t the position of big gold still deeply ingrained? Then, on the basis of sending big gold, he will gift silver, jade, and diamond jewelry to shake the status of big gold in Jiang Nian’s heart… And the ultimate winner then will be himself.

The little assistant shook his head secretly, sighing about the terrifying power of love, and seeing his ruthless chief executive turned his fingers into soft hands, besides that little swan looks small, but the money is big, the brooch cost several million… But compared to the gifts that President Xue gave Jiang Nian before, this is not enough.

Alas, now his boss has completely fallen and become a slave of love. It’s really pitiful.

After thinking about it, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and glanced back, he saw Xue Hang staring at him coldly.

He smiled professionally, turned his head, and moved in one go.


Xue’s family also had properties in City C. The driver drove the car to the hotel owned by Xue’s family. Jiang Nian first accompanied Xue Hang to have lunch. Of course, Xue Hang ate and Jiang Nian watched. She was really too full before. Now she couldn’t eat anymore…

Xue Hang looked at her several times, and Jiang Nian finally got a taste of the lie being pierced. It seems next time she should say that she thinks about him and her heart hurts, the beauty can’t judge her heart, right?

What? Wait… the beauty? !

“Pfft…cough cough!”

Xue Hang choked on a mouthful of rice, he covered his lips and stared at Jiang Nian dumbfounded!

Jiang Nian was still quite puzzled: “Eat slowly, don’t worry!”

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Xue Hang: “……………………!!!”

This silly girl must be taught a lesson!

The two stayed in the hotel for more than two hours before Xue Hang sent Jiang Nian back.

When he arrived at the gate of the community, Xue Hang put on a long black down jacket and followed Jiang Nian out of the car. The assistant went to the trunk to pick up a gift, and Xue Hang handed it to Jiang Nian: “This time I’m in a hurry and I don’t have enough time, so wait. Next time, I’ll come to visit again. This is a New Year’s gift for my uncle and aunt.”

Jiang Nian poked him: “You think beautifully, I haven’t promised to let you visit!”

Xue Hang raised his eyebrows and smiled. After a while, he said, “Okay, I will prepare well to get you to promise me.”

Jiang Nian hugged him happily, and reminded him, “Xue Hang, do you know what I like most?”

Xue Hang’s heart skipped a beat: “…Okay, go back quickly.”

Jiang Nian pouted, took out a few big white rabbit toffees from her bag and hid them in his pocket: “This is for you, remember to think of me.”

Xue Hang:… His ears warmed up, and he hummed reservedly.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind, Jiang Nian looked back, and saw her cousin protecting Zhou Shanshan standing not far away. Zhou Shanshan was holding a steaming sweet potato in her hand, while Jiang Yong was holding several.

They went out because Zhou Shanshan was making a fuss and wanted to eat this and that. At home, Jiang Yong suffered from her nagging, so he brought Zhou Shanshan out to buy roasted sweet potatoes. How could he expect to see Jiang Nian and a man behaving intimately, at first he thought he saw wrongly, but when he got closer, he finally confirmed that the man was not someone else, but Xue Hang!

Who is Xue Hang? Who does not know Xue Hang? Xue’s companies are all over the country, and his small company can’t even begin to compare!

At this moment, Zhou Shanshan looked even more incredulous. She looked at Jiang Nian and the handsome man who held her in his arms in horror.

She couldn’t believe what she saw, because she had imagined countless times that seeing Xue Hang, Xue Hang would like her appearance…  (T/N: speak about delusions…)

But now Xue Hang and Jiang Nian are so close?

How can this be?

Zhou Shanshan just felt dizzy, she couldn’t hold the sweet potato anymore, and it fell to the ground with a thud!

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