Jiang Nian received a call from Jiang Yu at home. She learned that Zhou Shanshan claimed that she really had nothing to do with it, and that it was just a farce, but this time it was too much. Before, it was just a disturbance at home, and everyone closed one eye as if they didn’t see it. This time, the ambulance was called directly, and the doctor exposed her little trick in public. Now she is outraged, and many people in the family are dissatisfied with her, tsk tsk.

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Jiang Nian could see why Zhou Shanshan was making this up today. Firstly, she had every intention to attract Xue Hang’s attention. Secondly, even if she couldn’t attract him, she planned to deliberately set up a few stumbling blocks to provoke her relationship with Xue Hang and to make him think of her as a vicious woman. In general, this scene would be as she intended no matter what.

In fact, compared to Zhou Shanshan, Jiang Nian was more curious about another thing. She looked at Xue Hang, who was sitting on the sofa at her house, drinking tea and playing chess with her father. She didn’t say anything, he didn’t know anything about her family’s situation, and it was the first time he saw Zhou Shanshan, how could he see that Zhou Shanshan was acting at a glance? Obviously, even Jiang Yong, her husband, didn’t even see it.

Xue Hang couldn’t help but feel nervous. He knew that although his special ability allowed him to see the desires of everyone around him more clearly, it also allowed him to avoid countless precautions and calculations, but it also deprived him of a lot of happiness. .

The former friends looked down on him and calculated him in their hearts. His uncles and aunts wanted to get more shares of the Xue family. Countless women who approached him had their own plans. All they wanted was to borrow his name and ride his coattails to achieve more power. Many of those who were respectful and polite on the surface, fantasized about stepping on him and watching him beg for mercy…

This once made him very distressed, and he became unable to trust anyone. He dared not let people approach, dared not go out to meet people, and those mixed thoughts also caused him great pain.

Similarly, if others knew that he could hear what they think, they’d surely be scared and would regard him as a monster, because everything hidden on the surface would then be bare, and the ugly side of those who want to hide desperately would be exposed to the naked eye, with all the wretched calculations and rotten lies they weave to appear as someone they’re not.

Xue Hang did not dare to tell anyone his secret, for this might be a secret for him alone to bear, forever.

Now that Jiang Nian was suspicious, he was naturally worried that Jiang Nian would notice his pecularity. This silly girl could appear stupid sometimes, but her mind was fast and flexible, and she was quick to notice the slightest abnormalities, just like she quickly saw that Zhou Shanshan was acting.

Xue Hang was very afraid of what Jiang Nian would detect, and even more afraid of her fear and alienation afterwards.

He lowered his eyes and put a piece on the chessboard. Jiang Nian suddenly came over and hugged his arm, leaning on his shoulder and asked curiously, “Xue Hang, why are you so powerful, you can see through Zhou Shanshan’s tricks at a glance?”

Xue Hang: … You can think about it in your heart, why ask?

Before he could answer, Jiang’s father coughed heavily, glared at Jiang Nian and said, “This is someone else’s family business, don’t talk nonsense!”

Wasn’t it because his eyes are too strong, that he can run such a large industry and earn a lot of small money to buy her a lot of gold!

Wisdom is precious and must be taken care of carefully.

Xue Hang rubbed his forehead: … that’s great, I passed through a big crisis before I knew it. = =

Jiang’s mother was cooking in the kitchen. She was cutting some fruits, and glancing at her daughter leaning on Xue Hang’s arm, she said helplessly, “It was Xiaoyu’s call just now. What did she say, is Shanshan okay?”

Jiang Nian shrugged, and said indifferently: “The same old thing.”

Jiang’s mother understood, she shook her head helplessly, glanced at her husband who pretended to be calm in front of the big boss, then pulled her daughter and urged, “Okay, don’t be like this. Let them play comfortably, come and help me in the kitchen.”

Xue Hang rubbed Jiang Nian’s head: “Go.”

Jiang Nian followed Jiang’s mother into the kitchen, and Jiang’s mother no longer pretended to be calm, and said: “Are you eager to death, so you don’t tell us in advance when you bring your boyfriend home? Anyway, remember to tell us in advance, your boyfriend is still Xue Hang, he is from a wealthy family, we are ordinary people, and we are inferior. What if he looks down on you now that we didn’t prepare well?”

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Jiang Nian said that she didn’t expect Zhou Shanshan to make trouble like this. Xue Hang was about to leave, she had a stomachache, and the trouble was so big, so how would she know he’d stop by for a meal?

“Mom, don’t think too much. Xue Hang hasn’t proposed marriage yet, and I don’t have any plans to get married for the time being. Just take it as if I have a boyfriend and bring him back for introduction. Don’t be nervous.”

Don’t be too nervous? That was Xue Hang!

“What if the Xue family doesn’t agree? You didn’t ask? I’m afraid you will get hurt agin.” Didn’t the previous one hurt Jiang Nian badly? (T/N: I completely forgot about Sun Xu…)

Jian Nian didn’t care so much, after all, Xue Hang would not rob her of big gold. (T/N: gurl getting her priorities straight.)

She patted Jiang’s mother and explained to her that Xue Hang was a good person. He had helped her selflessly many times even before they were together. There was no problem with Xue Hang. As for the future, they’ll discuss it later.

Jiang’s mother was also afraid because of what happened in Jiang Yong’s family. Jiang Yong is the child she has grown up with. He usually respects the old and loves the young. He will help anyone who’s in trouble. He has a good reputation among the neighbors. Who would’ve expected that there would be so many things going on in the back? As the saying goes, we may know a person’s face but not his heart, and many things are kept in the dark.

“Mom won’t tell you what to do, but Mom also hopes that you can protect yourself. It’s better to rely on yourself than anyone else.”

“I understand, don’t worry.”

Jiang’s father was also playing chess and chatting with Xue Hang over there.  Jiang father’s face adorned a serious look, his heart was turning upside down, his thoughts were in disarray, he looked not only nervous, but also worried. Xue Hang could understand it. After all, Sun Xu had raised the red flags for the two elders before, so they were worried that Jiang Nian would encounter another bad person.

Dad Jiang stated, “I didn’t expect that my girl would have you as her boyfriend. I thought she would never trust a man with the things that happened before…”

Xue Hang replied, “It’s my honor, Jiang Nian is very cheerful and cute, I like her very much. As for what happened before, it’s all over, I’ll try my best to heal Jiang Nian’s inner injuries.”

Father Jiang shook his head, men, they appear sincere and promise earnestly when they like it, but when they don’t like it anymore, these words will naturally be forgotten. “I like watching the news very much. I know you are amazing. As a father, I have no other thoughts. I just want my daughter to be safe and happy, and not to be hurt in the slightest.”

Xue Hang assured: “I won’t hurt her, I will protect her, and I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

“…” Very good, he told him everything he thought.

Sweet words must be great too!

In fact, he didn’t have any ill will towards Xue Hang. When he read the news before, he sighed that he was young and promising, but it was not reassuring that Jiang Nian was with such a powerful person. But seeing that Xue Hang’s attitude was correct and his appearance was very sincere, not to mention that his daughter seems to like Xue Hang very much, he could only revise the matter again and again.

“I haven’t agreed to ityet. It depends on your future performance.”

Xue Hang replied gratefully, “Thank you, Uncle Jiang.”

Mother Jiang and Jiang Nian cooked together in the evening. They made a few vegetarian dishes, steamed bacon sausages, and made a large table full of pig trotters. Of course, the most important thing was that Dad Jiang took Xue Hang and drank a lot of wine.

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In the end, when Jiang Nian sent Xue Hang out, she could smell the faint aroma of wine on his body. This was the first time Jiang Nian had smelled such a strong smell of wine on him.

When they went outside hand in hand, Jiang Nian saw goose feathers and flying snow fluttering in the sky, dancing gracefully against the dim yellow street lamps. It was very beautiful. She held his hand and said with a smile, “It’s snowing again.”

Xue Hang nodded. The two of them walked on the gravel road and crossed a tree-shaded path. Xue Hang heard Jiang Nian humming a song in her heart. He could feel that she was in a good mood today, and that she was a little excited. Xue Hang stopped and Jiang Nian didb’t pay attention. She was in a good mood as she walked forward, and then was pulled back by him.


Xue Hang pulled her into his arms and looked down at her. Jiang Nian smiled and put her hands around his neck. The two stared at each other silently for a while. Jiang Nian asked, “Do you want some candy?”

Xue Hang smiled. The once calm and handsome man seemed to be in high spirits at this moment, and under the moonlight and snowy night, he looked even more handsome and elegant. He lowered his head to kiss her lips: “I’ll taste it, if it’s sweet or not.”

“Huh? Of course it’s sweet…”

“If it’s not sweet, you’ll be punished.”

Kisses in the middle of the night always have a different flavor. Jiang Nian felt that Xue Hang’s hand on her waist was getting tighter and tighter, and the air, in addition to sweetness, there also was a taste of wine hovering between their lips.

Xue Hang wrapped her in his warm down jacket, and Jiang Nian’s white and tender cheeks were smoky red. He kissed her, sometimes delicate and tender, sometimes intense and lingering, and their breaths were closely intertwined.

Suddenly, a childish voice came from a distance.

“Come on, I’m going to see the fireworks!”

“Brother, brother, wait for me…”

“It’s you who should walk quicker!”

“There seems to be someone in front of you? Wow! They are kissing!”

Xue Hang and Jiang Nian regained their senses. Xue Hang’s whole body froze, he reacted almost immediately, pulled her, and walked forward quickly. Jiang Nian blushed, covered her lips and wanted to laugh, running behind him very happily.

“Xue Hang, are you shy ?”

“No. ”



Jiang Nian laughed, her boyfriend is so cute!

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Xue Hang: “…” 

No, he is not cute at all.

At that moment, they heard the laughter of the children behind them as they talking shyly.

The couple walked faster as if they were running away.

The two were out of breath. Jiang Nian sent Xue Hang back to the car. She stood outside the car and waved her hands to say goodbye, but didn’t expect him to pull her into the car for a new round of kissing. The kiss was overwhelming, like punishment, fully expressing his annoyance. Jiang Nian burst into laughter in his arms and comforted him by saying, “It’s okay, I won’t laugh at you.”

“I’m serious!”

Xue Hang squeezed her face, very annoyed and helpless.

He whispered in her ear and said threateningly, “You girl, be careful or I will punish you.”

Jiang Nian blinked and whispered, “Then… I’m a little scared?”

… What does it mean to be a little scared? Also, very unprofessional.

He smiled in a low voice and whispered softly in her ear. Jiang Nian hugged his neck, half-closed her eyes, and breathed gently.

Xue Hang’s voice was pleasant, he raised his eyebrows and said deliberately, “Is it sweeter here?”

Jiang Nian found that Xue Hang, who had been drinking, seemed a little lazier than usual, bringing out the rogue in the man’s bones. He was so sexy, and he was also a genuine clothes rack, he looked good no matter what he wore. Especially when wearing a suit, he looked very abstinent, and his figure was also very good. Jiang Nian had restrained herself for a long time, but she still couldn’t resist the temptation and lifted his clothes…

The drunk beauty is too tempting!

…Jiang Nian sneakily grabbed the hem of his clothes, secretly glanced at him, and cautiously proceeded, because she was afraid that her mind would be revealed and the beauty would think she didn’t respect him.

Xue Hang rested his chin on her shoulder, rubbed her neck and said, “Niannian, you are so fragrant.”

Jiang Nian froze, wiped off her sweat, and was tortured both physically and mentally. Xue Hang could feel the hands on the hem of his clothes, and he secretly hooked his lips.

Suddenly, the phone rang in the quiet compartment.


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Jiang Nian withdrew her hand, and the corner of Xue Hang’s mouth collapsed.

Both of their faces turned pitch black.


The phone was still ringing, and the music that used to be pleasant in the past has now became a deafening noise. Jiang Nian reluctantly took out the phone and saw that it was actually Jiang Yu. She picked it up: “What’s the matter?”

Jiang Yu’s angry voice came over: “Niannian, do you remember? When you had an accident before, someone in your community broke the news anonymously as a neighbor, saying that you usually live in a disorderly manner, often returning home late, and saying that there is a gold master backing you… Anyway, it’s the bastard who deliberately smeared you, so that you can’t speak clearly, and now you are slandered with these words, do you know who it is?”

Jiang Nian could not think. At present, her mind was full of beauty!

Xue Hang: “…” You are really dying from peony flowers, and you are also romantic as a ghost.

Jiang Nian said, “Who is it?”

“It’s Zhou Shanshan! That bad woman, I caught her on the phone, and she actually broke the news that you hooked up with Xue Hang. If it wasn’t for her being pregnant, I would have killed her!”

Jiang Nian was slandered by Wang Jingjing, and there were so-called “neighbors” and “classmates” who testified that Jiang Nian was a bad girl. They went too far. They also said that Jiang Nian would ask the navy to find a backer to settle the matter… Such a mess, almost confirming Jiang Nian’s crime. During that time, the Jiang family received many dead mice maliciously sent by netizens, and they even splashed red paint on the door of their house, cursing the Jiang family to die…

At that time, Jiang Yu was so angry that she explained it online, but no one believed her. Instead, she was scolded as a dog. She also went to Jiang Nianzhu’s community to investigate who did the wicked thing, but unfortunately she didn’t find out, because she used a voice changer to break the news.

If Jiang Yong and Zhou Shanshan didn’t have a standoff this time, and the parents were so angry that she had to go to deliver meals to Zhou Shanshan who was in the hospital, how could she have heard such a big secret?

This Shanshan is simply not human!

“Sister, calm down for a moment. Although Zhou Shanshan has brought things too far this week, she is pregnant. Now we know the truth. Let’s talk about it after she gives birth.”

“That stupid brother. He doesn’t cherish such a good person as my sister-in-law, and insists on getting together with a troublemaker, well, very good! I see what a good life he will have in the future!”

Jiang Nian comforted Jiang Yu for a while, and heard that she was already returning, that she was on her way home and that her mood was almost stable, so she hung up the phone.

Xue Hang held Jiang Nian in his arms, distressed, he patted her on the back, and comforted her silently.

Jiang Nian was in a trance for a while, rubbed the man’s shoulder, and flattened her mouth.

… The beauty that has reached the mouth is flying out of reach again!


Xue Hang: Pfft!

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