Jiang Nian and Han Xiao were still on their way back, and the old man had been waiting at the door of his home, clutching his cane, looking forward to their return.

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He was old, and his back was a little emaciated. His wrinkled face had obvious concern and anger. Clearly, he already knew what Jiang Nian had encountered outside.

Aunt Wang stood at the side to persuade him.

“Lao Han, you go rest now. Wushao won’t let anything happen to Jiang Nian. It’s important to pay attention to your body, ah.”

Grandfather Han knocked his cane heavily on the ground twice, humming, and the bloody spirit of working in the battlefield for many years was undiminished.

“I’d like to see who is so bold to bully my family’s Niannian!”

Immediately after releasing the harsh words, he weakened again.

“If something happened to Niannian, I have no face to see Lao Jiang when I die! What can I do?”

Wang Aunt persuaded and persuaded but did not persuade away the old man’s discomfort. After all, Jiang Nian’s near abduction outside was such a big incident. Jiang Nian had no resentment with others, so this abduction was likely to be aimed at their Han family! Many Han family members eventually came over; even the second and third uncles who hadn’t shown up for a long time rushed back to persuade the old man to feel at ease.

“Isn’t everything all right? You should worry about yourself.”

The old man’s beard blew and his eyes glared.

“This is at the foot of the imperial city, and the kidnapping can be carried out blatantly. Do you guys eat dry rice?”1


“Dad what dad, Am I wrong? Am I wrong?!”

… No, you are always right.

Scolding so full of energy, there seemed to be no issues with his health.

The two big men who moved the wind and rain and played decisive roles in the nation’s operations turned into children who were obediently lectured in front of the old man. This scene naturally provoked the laughter of the Han family juniors.

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It happened that Han Xiao came back with Jiang Nian at this time, and the car stopped at the door. Jiang Nian saw the old man standing at the door immediately. She rolled down the window and screamed excitedly from inside, “Grandpa, Grandpa!”

Han Xiao looked at Jiang Nian’s excited back as she ran out of the car.

The old man over there saw Jiang Nian finally return, gave a happy cheer, and ran out with his cane.

“Niannian, Niannian!”

Han Xiao’s mouth drew back a bit, wondering why, somehow, he couldn’t shake the feeling the two of them were like, ‘See you once in a thousand years?’

After the millennium greeting, the two people had complained to each other for a while. The old man became distressed and the little poor Jiang Nian looked ready to burst into tears. Han Xiao rubbed his brows and interrupted, “Grandpa, Jiang Nian is fine. The doctor said it was a skin trauma…”

Acting this way, you’d think Jiang Nian is going to die!

The old man slapped his hand on Han Xiao’s shoulders.

“You have no conscience; you don’t know how to distress people!”

…Han Xiao was wronged and touched his painful shoulder, and he said that he had already felt bad for Jiang Nian and was ready to give her two little houses.

Grandpa Han: “No wonder Niannian is going to abandon you!”

Han Xiao: “………”

Anyway, in the end, Han Xiao took Jiang Nian back to the room. The old man was old, and he was so up and down in the night that his spirit was a bit ill. The two sons accompanied him to go back to rest. When he lay down, he also said that they must check the incident clearly! In the end, whether someone intentionally or unintentionally designed the incident, they must figure it out!

The second and third uncles glanced at each other, nodded, and promised to reassure the old man, they must give Jiang Nian an explanation. Anyway, under this pressure, and with Jiang Nian’s testimony, this matter would not be simply passed off as an accident. Even if the three of them quibbled2, the fox’s tail hidden behind them would eventually be exposed.

On the other side, Han Xiao hugged Jiang Nian back to the room. The aunt put hot water in the bathroom and arranged towels, pajamas, and underwear. Jiang Nian was rained on, sweated, and fell in mud, and her body was dirty. She couldn’t sleep without washing.

As soon as the bathroom was ready, Han Xiao hugged Jiang Nian inside where Aunt Wang was waiting to help.

He looked at Jiang Nian, who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Although frightened, her mental state was good. But he thought of Jiang Nian’s silence and sigh inadvertently, and wondered if she was just pretending to be strong in front of Grandpa…

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He pulled out his hair and walked out of the bathroom. He was a little irritable. His concern for her leaned more towards responsibility, but this time made him understand that, although he didn’t think he liked Jiang Nian in peacetime, he still cared for her like a younger sister.

Han Xiao wanted to go to the police station to inquire about the situation immediately, but he was afraid Jiang Nian wouldn’t be able to leave the bathroom if he was gone. The aunt wouldn’t be able to hold her; although she looked thin and small but was actually quite heavy.

Jiang Nian soaked up in a hot bath, and Aunt Wang sprayed her with some essential oils which smelled fragrant and pleasant. She immediately washed away her worries and relished the opportunity to be a queen.

After changing into pajamas, Aunt Wang called Han Xiao in, and he took her to bed.

The girl nestled in his arms, and the long hair just after washing was sweeping in his arms, leaving a strange numb sensation where it touched. He smelled a faint sweet taste, like honey, and he couldn’t help but hook his lower lip.

…Are little girls so sweet?

Han Xiao: “The medicine on my feet wasn’t washed off?”

Jiang Nian shook her head: “Relax, I’ve always been careful.”

“Well, that’s good, you’d better not move around in recent days. Find me if you’re going anywhere. Tomorrow I’ll let people send over a wheelchair, so leave any aftereffects.”

“Rest assured, I will be very careful. After all, my feet have to keep playing basketball in the future too!”

“………… Oh.”

Jiang Nian quickly rolled into the bed and lay down comfortably. Han Xiao also took a bath. When he came out again, he saw that Jiang Nian was still playing with his mobile phone in the bed. He frowned, “Not tired, go to bed quickly.”

“I was chatting with Liang Yu. She said that she was home and her feet were swollen. It may take a few days to recover.”

Han Xiao sneered invisibly, but he didn’t say anything to Jiang Nian. After all, there was No evidence yet. But his instinct had always been very accurate. From the moment he appeared at the scene, the woman named Liang Yu has always looked at him with a very implicit but ambitious look. He sees that look often so he wouldn’t be mistaken.

Coupled with Jiang Nian’s testimony, Liang Yu was inextricably linked to tonight’s events.

This was a far cry from Jiang Nian, because Jiang Nian is very straightforward. When it came to her small house, the yearning and love in her eyes were the same as when a dog saw bones. That was what real like looked like.

“Don’t talk, sleep.”

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As he was talking, his cell phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID: Zheng Kun.

Han Xiao took the mobile phone and went to the balcony outside the window and said, “Is it found out?”

Zheng Kun laughed: “You, Han Wushao, rarely ask for help, can I ignore it?”

Zheng Kun said, Xu Laosan, Guozi, and Lao Fu were good-for-nothing men. Their wives and children were forced to run away, their parents planted crops in the countryside to exchange for money, and the three still deceived that money away from them. There was no serious work, all day long here and there. Every one of them had a criminal record and had been jailed for robbery.

When recording the confession, Mr. Xu argued that he happened to meet Jiang Nian, and was temporarily decided to kidnap her. In the end, he not only failed, but was also kicked by Jiang Nian. He asked for compensation! The same was true of the dog brother. He had a finger broken, and now he whimpered for compensation. It was Lao Fu who spilled the beans, saying that they had listened to a friend and knew that Jiang Nian and Liang Yu would come out that day. They had been following for a long time and stepped out when they saw a chance.

As for why Lao Fu spoke up? That’s because he remembered Jiang Nian kicking Xu Laosan, breaking Guozi’s finger with one hand, and then knocking him out with a punch. He also said, “Jian Nian must be a ghost! Come to me to get revenge!”

Who knew what went wrong.

Han Xiao gave a cold sigh, and said, “Who is the one who told them?”

Zheng Kun: “Who else can it be? Your little wife’s good friend and her husband.”

Han Xiao said evenly, “It’s really them.”

“What are you going to do next? ”

“Commit a sin, of course must be punished.”

“Will you tell Jiang Nian the truth?”

Han Xiao hesitated for a while, and said, “There is no reason to hide this kind of thing. If I don’t say it, it will only make her suffer more.”

Zheng Kun spread his hand.

“Up to you. Remember, you owe me a favor.”

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Han Xiao raised his eyebrows and hung up the phone.

He returned to the room, Jiang Nian hadn’t slept, and immediately looked at him when he came in, and asked, “Is there any news from the police station?”

Han Xiao sat down and said, “Let’s go to bed today. Everything will be said tomorrow.”

Anyway, at this moment, he was afraid that after telling Jiang Nian the truth of the matter, Jiang Nian would not even want to sleep tonight.

Jiang Nian said, “I can’t sleep now, just tell me, otherwise I keep on thinking, but my heart is not solid.”

Han Xiao paused and could only tell Jiang Nian what he heard. He said the three people’s appearance was not accidental, but someone deliberately leaked the news that she would appear in the vicinity. She was followed from early on, so, when they saw a good time, they started. The only thing that was not expected was probably Jiang Nian’s strength was high, which made this abduction unexpected. Otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.

“These people have confessed that the person who told them about you was a man named Ma Dawei, and this Ma Dawei has a wife, that is, Liang Yu.”

“Now the evidence is conclusive, I have let the lawyers sue them.”

He paused and looked at Jiang Nian who was lying beside him.

“Don’t be sad. It’s not your fault. It’s their misconceptions. And they’ll pay for that.”

Jiang Nian snorted. She turned over and turned her back to Han Xiao and, in an old man’s tone, said, “I know, thank you.”

Han Xiao looked at the small hill beside him. He felt angry before, but now only feels distressed. He couldn’t help but pat her gently, saying, “If you’re upset, you can cry for a while.”

Jiang Nian was really upset because she suddenly remembered that she hadn’t had dinner yet!!!!!

No wonder so hungry.


1. Aren’t you too useless? ^
2.Xu Laosan’s group. ^

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