Two lines, she is pregnant.

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She is now a little rich woman with the ball of fate.

Jiang Nian thought about it. She’s already run with the ball but the female aura is still stuck at sixty, it only shows that something isn’t right.

But it may also be that she is thinking wrong. Perhaps the baby is too young to count as a “ball”?

Jiang Nian touched her flat belly, surely she definitely wasn’t wrong this time! So she continued to live in her small house happily and carefree. She would simply wake up to eat, drink, fish, eat fish, and looked after her world diligently every day. She loved this land deeply!

The only thing bad was that Han Xiao liked to roam outside her gate. Because the old man prevented him from coming in, so he often called to attempt coax her out. She really wanted to go; after all, this little pity was so handsome and charming. Not to mention, there were the powerful six pack abs, the long legs, broad shoulders, powerful waist, long fingers dangling a cigarette, and the irresistible look of melancholy as he spat smoke rings.

Fortunately, Jiang Nian had a firm mind. In order to protect her little world safely, she could only take a few peeks from far away.

It’s so difficult to bear the test of fate.

Before long, Han Xiao hadn’t seen Jiang Nian for more than a month- not counting glances across the iron fence.

So everyone in the company knew their president had a long way to chase his wife. Add in the grandpa guarding, he couldn’t even get past the gate!

The little assistant had been frightened recently. He was scared because he was too capable! The security system of that small house was done to the utmost. He even invited a domestic expert to copy the defensive system he made himself. The small house was completely protected with a seven figure system! If someone inside didn’t let them in, anyone who wanted to storm in would be running to their deaths.

The little assistant received the eye knife of his president every day. He lived on tenterhooks the whole day; he was afraid that his too strong ability would cause more trouble for himself. Luckily, he finally got sick as he’d been praying. He took a leave for himself and immediately went to the hospital for a checkup, otherwise he might have no life to marry his wife.

Of course, Liu Zhengyang and Li Fei also knew that the handsome and stylish Han Wushao had recently taking the melancholy route. The thing he did most every day was to look up at the sky at 45 degrees, thinking about his Xiaojiao wife, and planning how to defeat the evil grandpa. It looked really weird.

They wanted to plead with Grandfather Han not to press Han Wushao too hard. Any harder and a good Han Wushao would be forced into a their generation’s poet!

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It was just a pity that, because of the previous comments posted in the circle of friends before, the two of them were blacklisted by Grandfather Han. Not only did he not want to see them, even their own grandfathers didn’t want to see them.

……Sure enough, it really was a fantastic fishing quartet! As unloved boys, they were really sad.

Han Xiao was fighting with his grandfather, and Jiang Nian was not idle. As she lived each day, she would also introduced her world to the baby to her belly and share her happiness. Jiang Nian did it every day without fail, believing that this destined ball would soon be nostalgic for this place!
When she was almost seven weeks pregnant, Jiang Nian decided to go to the hospital for a check.

Although Han Xiao wasn’t drunk that night and she was also very awake, both of them had consumed alcohol—but she believed that the ball of fate was strong. This was definitely a healthy and intelligent baby with an IQ of 250!!!

It so happened that the old man had returned to the Han family that day. She woke up early and went out to the hospital after packing.

There were quite a lot of people in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Jiang Nian looked at the women lined up in front of her. Some were accompanied by their husbands, some were accompanied by their mothers or sisters. Jiang Nian who was alone stuck out.

Jiang Nian didn’t feel uncomfortable. After all, this was her test of fate. As long as she stepped through this barrier, she could bring housekeepers and bodyguards wherever she went in the future; it would be sufficiently extravagant enough for outsiders to take one look and know she was a happy rich woman! For now, her little cute could only be tortured by fate.

She took a seat and played with her mobile phone. She saw Grandfather Han posting in his circle of friends: “Niannian isn’t here to fish with me, I miss her.” A picture underneath showed three large empty buckets, three!

The fishing expert was not around, and sure enough he couldn’t even eat one fish.

How cute. Jiang Nian gave the old man a like and commented, “I also miss you.”

After a while, Han Xiao also followed up with a like and response to Jiang Nian saying, “wife, I miss you [grief]“.

Jiang Nian saw and wanted to respond, but when she went to press reply, it showed that the comment had already been deleted. When she went to look again, she saw Han Xiao angrily asking Grandpa Han if he was a reincarnated Dowager Empress?

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How pitiful.

Liu Zhengyang and Li Fei also quietly gave a like, and then watched the show quietly.

Before she could finish watching the excitement here, it was Jiang Nian’s turn to go in. She could only put away her cell phone and walk in, receiving a lot of sympathy and distressed eyes on the way. After all, how lonely and helpless could a pregnant woman be with no one accompanied to do the checkup, comfort her, or help her.

Jiang Nian felt okay. After all, she brought the passbook” from home, which gave her great support and comfort.

The test results were okay. The doctor said that the young seedling in her stomach had grown very well and would definitely be a healthy baby in the future.

Of course it would. It was the ball of destiny, after all. It is not only healthy but also smart!

However, seeing Jiang Nian coming in for the examination alone, the doctor could not help asking, “Are you married? Boyfriend? Does he want the child?”

Of course, Jiang Nian said yes, saying, “The child’s grandfather is just too strict with the child’s father. It’s impossible for his father to stand in front of our mother and child without running through a rain of bullets.”

Doctor: “…?”

Jiang Nian smiled and touched her belly, thinking, ‘baby, you’ll have to be tortured by fate before you’re born.’

The little assistant went to the doctor for some medicine to relieve stress. After all, he was immersed in the tense atmosphere being intimidated by Han Xiao’s eyes every day, so he must consider more for himself and prepare for the future.

However, he did not expect to see an acquaintance while taking the medicine. It seemed to be the President’s Xiaojiao wife Jiang Nian?

He was preparing to come forward to confirm, but the person at the window just called his name. When he looked back after a while, not even a shadow of Jiang Nian was left, as if it was his imagination? However, as far as he knew, Jiang Nian rarely went out to play and didn’t go to watch movies. After all, there were movie rooms and entertainment rooms in the small house. And she was so rich that she could simply order a full closet of name brands every season.

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The little assistant was very careful and cautious. Even if he suspected it was his imagination, he took the medicine and looked carefully in that direction, but there were many people coming and going in the hospital, and he did not see the shadow of Jiang Nian again. He could only leave with doubt.

Jiang Nian went home and ate a delicious meal. The chicken soup was drunk and the bird’s nest was eaten. She just hoped that the baby in the belly would grow up enough to be a ball. If the heroine aura didn’t not rise by then, then she ……then she could only travel around the world with a small book of deposits and deeds.

Jiang Nian told no one about the pregnancy, not even the old man. If the old man knew that she was pregnant with Han Xiao’s child, Han Xiao might have been beaten to death. If Han Xiao knew that she was pregnant with a baby, he really might be able to break in, even with the security system.

During this time, she was eating and drinking and inspecting her territory. The several old men said that she seemed to be much more mellow and as super cute as a blessing doll! (T/N: Blessing doll(福娃)is a really round doll with a really round face. There’s an image at the end of the chapter).

Jiang Nian held her face, and said to herself that her face was round as a ball yet her belly wasn’t rounded up at all, even a small ball would be great! And because the heroine aura had not broken 60, Jiang Nian finally admitted in despair that she may really have to say goodbye to her little house, farewell to her little garden, the people in her garden, and the new fruits and seedlings she planted. She might have to change locations and wake up in a different small room of two hundred meters…How sad.

Of course, Jiang Nian was even more reluctant to leave her magical four-fishing combination. Without her fishing talent and her team spirit as their core, how could their magical four-fishing shine on the road towards fishing God?!!

Destiny was so horrible that it wouldn’t even let go of someone as cute as her! QAQ

Jiang Nian opened the safes she had locked on several floors, put her passbook and deed in small bags, and then said goodbye to Grandfather Han.

The old man was surprised and asked where she was going. Did she not feel happy at home? Or had that stinky kid made her angry again?

Jiang Nian shook her head. She couldn’t be honest as this was the fate of her torment, only saying, “The world is so big, and I am so rich. I want to go out and see, play, and experience new things.”

……It made sense. He didn’t go abroad because of his special status. Later, he didn’t have a desire to go out again. Jiang Nian was still young now. It was better to go out and see more, so as not to be tortured by his abominable grandson every day.

The old man agreed very easily, and said that they would video chat every day to report on what she was doing, and he absolutely wouldn’t tell that stinky boy!

Although Han Xiao had performed well recently, the old man still felt dissatisfied. Who knew if that stinky kid would stick with it? Besides, who stipulated that someone would happily run back to you the moment you regretted? Stop dreaming!

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In order to send Jiang Nian off well, the Fantastic Four Fishing quietly gave her a farewell party, sang a tearful “Wish You A Good Wind”, blew candles, and ate a cake. Because the few old men had high blood sugar, they could only watch Jiang Nian eat it. The more she ate, the more she looked like a baby. So cute!

Jiang Nian had really gained a lot of weight recently. If you looked closely, you could see that her belly had a small curvature.

“Niannian, you have to pay attention to safety when you are alone, you have to come back early ~”

“Niannian, call home at any time, we all support you!”

“Niannian, we will miss you!”

Jiang Nian wiped away her tears and said, “Rest assured, no matter where I go, I will always be a member of the Fantastic Four Fishing!”

The three old masters: “…”

Han Xiao learned that Jiang Nian had boarded a plane abroad. When he desperately rushed to the airport, Jiang Nian was already in the sky.

She looked at the sky under her feet and clenched her fists.

She will return!


1. I wasn’t sure how to translate this line best but it basically means he’s so caught in his feelings he’s one step away from becoming an amazing poet. 
2. The  show he used a grieving emoji like:  
3. Think like a mean mother in law who loves to torture her daughter-in-law, but with the power and domineering of an empress. He’s asking this since Grandpa deleted his comment immediately. 
4. Shows your bank account info. 

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