……Jiang jie? What jie?

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Ji Yaling never expected that this would happen. A Zheng Qi came down, but how many more followed? One Bi Lei and one Chen Xin and one…it seemed to be Chen Qing? A little star who would catch fire with an idol drama in the future, who was originally an artist she was planning on signing for some time.

Her secretly proud expression completely stiffened on her face, her eyes widened, and she looked at Jiang Nian in disbelief like looking at a monster.

This…why was it different from what she thought?!!

Zhao Heng also looked somewhat unexpected. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled and said lightly, “Ji jie, we have been in the circle for so many years, and you should know that there are rumors from nonsense, and rumors from the truth. Just listening to the rumors and using this to stigmatize others before understanding the situation doesn’t seem like something for a smart and responsible person to do?”

Ji Yaling was replaced by President Wu because of a lack of ability and intelligence, and now she was be poked by Zhao Heng at this moment. She felt was embarrassed and annoyed, arguing, “Although there are many people, it can’t prove that Jiang Nian and Zheng Qi are nothing. Maybe those are her coverups? A Heng, don’t be fooled by Jiang Nian!”

Zhao Heng: “I have been with Jiang Nian for so many years, and I know better than anyone that she is not the kind of person you say, and I believe her no matter what. Even if she is, I am just as happy being deceived. And, after all, this is a private affair between Jiang Nian and me. Ji jie doesn’t have to worry about it.”

Ji Yaling looked at Zhao Heng for a while, hating iron for not being steel1. She didn’t understand why this man had been desperate for Jiang Nian in both lives. Was he still a man?

“A Heng, think about it, Jiang Nian has no talent at all, she just shoots a bad online drama. I heard that they couldn’t even find a decent sponsor. Is there any reason to get Zheng Qi’s help? Surely it’s because Jiang Nian’s doing something that can’t be seen!”

Zhao Heng looked cold, and his voice turned cold: “Miss Ji Yaling, don’t listen to a bit of gossip and think that you have seen the truth and can discredit a person’s efforts with a few words. Tread lightly!”

He didn’t get angry easily but, this time, his deep and handsome outline cooled down, his thin lips stiffed, and his face frowning. He was clearly angry. The coldness in his eyes felt as if it were substantive, which struck Ji Yaling’s heart with fear.

She froze for a while, panicking under that gaze, wondering what to say for a while.

At that moment, Jiang Nian had come over and was somewhat happy and surprised to see them saying, “Zhao Heng, Ji jie, you came back without saying anything. Why are you still standing here? What are you looking at?”

Ji Yaling turned back violently, only to see Jiang Nian had come behind her at some point, and Jiang Nian was also followed by Zheng Qi, Bi Lei, Chen Xin, and Chen Qing, looking at her with unfriendly eyes. Ji Yaling remembered that she had been caught by accident in the hotel before, and now she was worried about causing other incidents. She was a little flustered and straightened her expression, glancing at Zhao Heng before saying with a smile, “Nothing. Then, A Heng, I will leave first.”

This pair of people, anyone looking at them would think something was going on.

Jiang Nian couldn’t help watching Zhao Heng and looking at Ji Yaling again. Zhao Heng’s face was even more indifferent than before as he said, “Ji jie, our working relationship has ended, and I don’t like someone who doesn’t know right between wrong in my sight. Unless it’s necessary, don’t find me again.”

Ji Yaling looked at Zhao Heng in shock and did not seem to expect that he would say such a heartless words in front of so many people! How could he not show her mercy?

Zheng Qi fluttered a smirk and suddenly thought something like, “I thought of who it was. Isn’t this the big mouth I encountered when I ate last time?”

Bi Lei sneered and said, “Hmm, still secretly said that our Jiang jie was a dead weight and stumbling block.”

Chen Xin raised his glasses and curiously said, “The one with no ability to adjust the relationship between the actor and the crew and then pushed the blame to our Jiang jie. Is that her?”

Chen Qing: “…Eh?”

He didn’t know anything; he could only stand there.

However, Zhao Heng looked very surprised. He looked at Jiang Nian, who stood with an innocent face and looked at Ji Yaling more. He remembered the last time Ji Yaling solicited in his ears and said that he saw Jiang Nian and a group of rich second generations were in very close contact. It turned out that she even found Jiang Nian and talked to her about breaking up, but instead, she said that Jiang Nian and outsiders were in an unclear relationship.

Zhao Heng: “Ji Yaling, what they say is true?”

Ji Yaling was seen as a little confused and said helplessly, “I said that it was a misunderstanding last time. Why don’t you believe it? Ah Heng, don’t you misunderstand, we’ve been working together for so long, you know I’m not that kind of person.”

Zhao Heng was cold and unrelenting: “You are, you’ve just said a lot.”

Ji Yaling: “………”

Zheng Qi snorted, and Bi Lei couldn’t help but laugh before saying, “I felt it was weird before. I thought the agent was thinking about the future of the entertainers. Now we finally know the truth. She did this because she looked at our Jiang jie’s man and wanted to force Jiang jie to take the initiative to leave to facilitate her usurping Jiang jie’s position!”

They were not blind, and Ji Yaling was so explicit. Who could not see that she was interested in Zhao Heng? Badmouthing the original girlfriend and then trying to throw herself into Zhao Heng’s arms. Such women, they’ve seen plenty of.

Zheng Qi snorted twice: “Ridiculous, don’t look at herself in the mirror. Dare to grab Jiang jie’s man.”

Chen Xin: “Overconfident, really thick skinned, knowing Jiang jie’s man has Jiang jie, she rushes forward boldly. For a little three2 to be so straightforward, I’m afraid that she doesn’t even have the most basic quality of education.”

Chen Qing had been playing with these sons for a long time and found they were nothing like the rumors and quickly moved from the previous alienation to the current back and forth. Now, they played well with each other. Besides, he was still Jiang Nian’s classmate. Naturally, he couldn’t watch the bad woman who schemed to take his classmate’s boyfriend: “The Jiang jie’s man is really attractive and charismatic, ah.”

Zhao Heng: “………???”

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It’s true, but why does it sound more and more strange the longer he listens?

Ji Yaling: “………”

Jiang Nian coughed twice and applauded her younger brothers in her heart.

Ji Yaling was embarrassed with a red face and red ears, secretly complaining that Jiang Nian was too scheming. Otherwise, how could these rich sons who are arrogant to everyone treat her like a treasure?

“I said it was a misunderstanding. If you don’t believe it, then……I will leave first.”

Bi Lei said loudly, “Leave to where? If it’s a misunderstanding, let’s make it clear. Why are you running so fast?”


Ji Yaling walked hurriedly as if someone behind was trying to catch up.

Naturally, her purpose of coming to Zhao Heng was not achieved. Instead, she made it awkward and made Zhao Heng hate her. Without trust, even their previous relationship may be gone. But it didn’t matter, she was the lucky one with God’s favor. Without Zhao Heng, she had space to sign two more entertainers in the future. By then, she would still make money and still be a gold medal agent!

As for Jiang Nian, she was now guarded by Zheng Qi, Bi Lei, and Chen Xin. Once the young masters were bored with her, she would fall even worse! There was no hurry to deal with her. Not to mention, although Jiang Nian’s drama didn’t have hundreds of millions of dollars in the investment, so much effort was invested. When they really saw the losses, she did not believe that they would protect Jiang Nian like now!

Brothers still have a clear account. Only friends who make money are friends. 3 Once they lost money, we’d see if they fell into trouble! So she was not in a hurry, she waited to see Jiang Nian fall.

However, when Ji Yaling hadn’t noticed, the news of her inability to work had long passed out. For example, she had missed a good script several times when she worked with Zhao Heng. This time, she had no involvement in the role of Meng Tianwen in Zhao Heng’s “The Spy.” What could she do; she couldn’t even organize a simple work meal and told the company wait for the good news while leaving everything to Director Li Tang to deal with. It was also said that, because of her inability to work, she was replaced by President Wu, and Zhao Heng was handed over to Lao Wei, who had more qualifications and ability.

In this way, the artists who were slightly smarter and had any status would not sign with her. If Ji Yaling had resources in her hand, she could use it as capital, but she had few resources. After President Wu was dissatisfied with her, naturally she wasn’t valued as much as before. Her status in Xingxiu was worse than ever- she just hadn’t found it yet. And the two little artists that she wanted in the future were not stupid people who would listen to her luring words and bear huge compensation fees to cancel the contracts with their current companies.

Ji Yaling found that things were different from what she expected. Although she promised a lot of benefits, she still met with rejections. She wanted to sign another artist, but they were either unwilling to cancel their current contract or were still in school. Who knew how long she would have to wait!

However, these were words for later. At this moment, Jiang Nian was waving farewell to Zheng Qi, Bi Lei, Chen Xin, and Chen Qing. Being an elder sister was quite good. It wasn’t necessary to deal with villains like Ji Yaling directly; she only needed a look, and countless machine guns shot at Ji Yaling. She just had to sit and collect the fruits of victory. This gold worship was really good!

Said goodbye to the little brother gold masters reluctantly, and then only her man was left.

Zhao Heng crossed his arms in front of his chest and chuckled her with a smile, “Jiang jie? Jiang jie’s man? Miss, what did you do when I was away, eh?”

Jiang Nian looked at Zhao Heng, suddenly thought Grandma Zheng’s words: the little waiter is really handsome!

However, Zhao Heng, who was dusty from his travels, was still handsome while extraordinarily tired and, now standing under the mysterious moonlight, he had a lazily handsome charm.

She shrugged while saying, “I don’t know, maybe I’m too handsome and have an elder sister-like style, right?”

Zhao Heng snorted coldly and pinched her cheek.

“Elder sister style? Why didn’t I see it?”

She smiled and hugged his arm.

“Because you are the elder sister’s man.”

Zhao Heng: “…………” 

When the two returned home, Jiang Nian went to take a bath first. They ate hot pot for dinner and were full of the same hot pot flavor. When the several walking hot pots stayed in a car together, she felt they were big hot pots that could be sipped at any time. Now that she was home, she couldn’t wait to wash up.

Zhao Heng returned home and found that there was not much change in the home, just a little messy. He sat on the sofa for a while, cleaned the room, and cleaned the dishes that had been used in a hurry in the kitchen, but didn’t wash them. He finally took out the trash and, when he came back, he was pressed on the back of the door by a fragrant body.

Jiang Nian hugged his neck and looked at him brightly before saying, “I thought you suddenly rushed to work again.”

Zhao Heng felt her soft body and hugged her.

“The crew hasn’t turned on yet, Lao Wei didn’t arrange other work for me, just let me read the script more so I won’t embarrass myself in the crew when we start. Most of the actors who participated in “The Spy” this time are old actors. I also have some ideas, so I need to be prepared.”

Jiang Nian thought for a while and said seriously, “It’s really time to take a good look at the script and think about the role.”

She let go of him, but Zhao Heng turned around and pushed her against the door.

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He squeezed her chin, staring into her eyes, and his thin lips pressed down.

Zhao Heng and Jiang Nian had been separated for a long time, and they were very eager for each other. The thoughts in their hearts and the thirst of their body fiercely collided. Even if the sky started falling apart, they couldn’t be separated.

Come together, pull apart.

Jiang Nian hung on Zhao Heng, taking a bite of his shoulder. The man hissed and chuckled then kissed her soft hair.

He saw the shadow of their intertwined figures.

Being each other’s warmth and also each other’s stronghold. 4

There were hundreds of lights outside the window against the backdrop of the ink like the night sky. The house was brightly lit and full of love.

Jiang Nian already knew that Zhao Heng was very good at tossing people, but she experienced it for the first time that the big star’s sadistic streak with his little lover. He tossed her, as if still holding a grudge, deliberately asked her, “Am I Jiang jie’s man?”

Jiang Nian snorted. Aren’t you?

Zhao Heng asked again, “Niannian, isn’t there something that you haven’t honestly explained?”


“Why didn’t you tell me the words Ji Yaling said to you earlier?”

Jiang Nian blinked, “I didn’t take her seriously. If they weren’t mentioned today, I would have forgotten.”

Zhao Heng frowned deeply: “No matter what, next time, be sure to tell me first.”

Jiang Nian could only nod and urge him to hurry.

Zhao Heng kept silent and continued asking, “I actually only found out today, Zheng Qi and the rest call you Jiang jie, eh?”

Jiang Nian: “………”

Jiang Nian felt it, although this trick had some flavor of a sadomasochistic love affair with the ‘just say that you love me, that you will never leave me, or I won’t give it to you’ taste that made her very excited, it was uncomfortable after the excitement passed, ah. Fortunately, she still had the divine power she could show off.

She rolled over and pressed Zhao Heng under her body, lifting her perfectly contoured chin and raising her brows before saying, “Man, how dare you to be distracted? Give me some attention, huh?”

Zhao Heng: “………” 

He glanced slightly at her.

Very good, Jiang Nian almost didn’t get out of bed the next day, of course not because she couldn’t, but because she was so sleepy that she couldn’t keep her eyes open and almost fed her breakfast to her nostrils instead of her mouth.

Zhao Heng looked at her like that and drank the porridge leisurely. He was also a bit sleepy. After a while, he would take a nap and then deal with her again at night.

Of course, in addition to sleepiness, the physical and mental pleasure also made Jiang Nian work very hard.

Today’s filming was the scene where the hostess was forced to accept a check from Ms. Yao and was dragged to his family’s tiny mansion by the male lead 5. Today was still the day when the female lead worked hard for her five million.

‘Although the ending was a bit cruel, I’ve worked hard and won’t regret it even if I fail!’

……Although it is a famous saying, it doesn’t seem to be very comforting. = =

When the shooting was underway, Zheng Qi suddenly came to her and said, “A Lei called just now and said that he finally brought his brother over. We have to find a way to deceive Bi Zheng’s money!”

Jiang Nian: “……How is it deceiving, this is a serious investment.”

Even if she now had six gold thighs, Bi Zheng was a gold thigh thicker than her six gold thighs added together.

Zheng Qi nodded earnestly: “Jiang jie is right.”

Chen Xin: “Then I asked them to spread the red carpet.”

Jiang Nian: “Well, go. Be careful not to get it too dirty.”

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Last time, it was also used for Father Zheng. Although her “Five Million” crew was very poor, she was very enthusiastic about her investor fathers and always strove to make them feel like being at home. Although they had no money, they were sincere!

Because of poverty, there was only one red carpet used by the crew. When it was dirty, it was washed with water then dried in the sun for a while, so it was very useful.

This time, it would play a big role again with Bi Zheng.

In the beginning, Bi Lei was sent crying over three million yuan. But Bi Lei did not give up and continued to butter up to his brother, going to grind him down whenever there was a chance. He’d been grinding for more than half a month and finally softened him a bit.

Bi Zheng could no longer stand his brother and finally agreed to come over. Of course, this was only one reason. The second reason was the same as that of the Zheng mother and grandmother. For his good-for-nothing brother to set his mind on something and persist for so long, the sun must have risen from the west.

So Bi Zheng was really curious, wondering what kind of person the ‘Jiang jie’ in Bi Lei’s mouth was? What amazing things did she do to actually calm down the monkey boy in his family?

With all kinds of doubts, Bi Zheng could not help but came to look with his assistants.

When Bi Zheng and his party arrived, they saw a listless, washed out red carpet. Besides, the sparse celebration scene was a welcome party composed of several people, including an old aunt in her 50s who smiled like a chrysanthemum while clapping her hands. Bi Zheng could not bear to look. Bi Lei introduced her seriously as the crew’s chef, whose cooking was delicious!

Bi Zheng: “…… What’s the matter with your carpet?”

Bi Lei said, “Jiang jie said, our recycling is very environmentally friendly, and everyone is responsible for protecting environmental resources.”

Come on, selling poor is selling poor. Why make it sound so grandiose?

Anyway, this was a billion-dollar mansion. How could he feel a sense of abjection? Bi Zheng stepped on his delicate little leather shoes while asking, “Where is the filming? Take me there.”

Bi Lei’s dog legs were eager to please: “This way, the second floor.”

Just go upstairs, Bi Lei, also shamelessly self-promoted.

“President Bi, our script is very interesting. It can withstand scrutiny and will certainly be a hit with good production. Not only is the director talented, but the actors’ acting skills are also amazing. Although they are not well known yet, I believe, in the future, our “Five Million” will become a classic! It is a good product absolutely worth your investment!”

Bi Zheng kicked him: “Keep exaggerating. I really do not see what you said.”

Bi Lei covered his foot in pain.

“President Bi, it is wrong for you to look with colored eyes. This will make you blind, and you will lose your chance to become a great man!”

Bi Min rolled his eyes and patted the sleeve of his tens of thousands of dollar suit.

“Don’t pretend, lead the way.”

Bi Lei was instantly painless: “……This way, please, sir.”

When Bi Lei took Bi Zheng upstairs, he just heard Jiang Nian shouting ‘Cut’ because the female lead had a wrong attitude towards Ms. Yao.

“Hanhan, you must be very sincere, attentive, and serious. You’re standing in a united front with Ms. Yao. If you take five million, you must have a cooperative spirit. You must remember that at this moment, Ms. Yao is not the bad guy here to break up you and the male lead. She’s the God of Wealth come to give you five million! At this moment, you and Ms. Yao are comrades in arms! Do you know the friendship between soldiers?”

Song Hanhan blinked. She knew that the five million checks in mainstream TV shows were all torn. But here they were treated like a treasure.

“I seem to understand a little.”

Jiang Nian added, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. You have watched a lot of TV series, knowing that the heroine tears through fire and brimstone for the male lead to the point where life doesn’t matter, right? You just need to switch the male lead with 5 million; isn’t it easy to understand now?”

Song Hanhan: “………”


Bi Zheng was almost choked to tears!

He clenched his fist to his lips to hide his smile while he coughed. He wanted to say that the show really suited its title, “I and Five Million Love and Hate.”

Bi Zheng finally saw Jiang Nian for the first time. She was small and thin with a ponytail. She looked like a clean and beautiful little girl, a great deal different from the ‘Jiang jie’ in his heart.

What surprised him, even more, was that Zheng family’s little monkey, Zheng Qi, actually frankly took a light board and held it on the scene. Chen Xin was also memorizing his lines. He thought these stink boys came over to play but were they really here to work?

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The sun really rose from the west???

Bi Lei pulled his brother and walked over to introduce Jiang Nian. Zheng Qi and Chen Xin also came over.

Bi Lei said, “President Bi, don’t look at our Jiang jie looks, she is really very professional. She is not only a director but also a screenwriter and casting director. Most of the crew is her responsibility. Jiang jie, this is my brother Bi Zheng.”

Bi Zheng snorted, wasn’t this introduction too eccentric? 6

Jiang Nian paid special attention to her prospective gold master: “Hello, I’m Jiang Nian, the director of ‘Five Million.'”

Bi Zheng reached out and shook her hand, elegant and handsome.

“Hello, Bi Zheng.”

Jiang Nian laughed. Sure enough, Bi Zheng and Bi Lei were both good people and great gold masters!

Chen Qing, the male lead who was in the lounge, also came out to the set. He still wore a branded suit today, along with the full set of accessories, including the Vacheron Constantin. After wearing it every day, now he was very calm and casual, no longer walking with the same hands and feet.(T/N: Meaning he was so nervous before he was walking like a robot- moving the same hand and foot at the same time but now he’s calmed down enough to walk like a person)

Strangely, he suddenly felt chilly on his back.

Looking back, he saw Jiang jie staring at him with Zheng Qi, Bi Lei, and Chen Xin. There was also a tall and handsome man standing next to them. He was a brand name suit-wearing investor father who……seemed to be familiar???

By the way, wasn’t that Bi Lei’s brother Bi Zheng? Isn’t that the owner of his clothes?

Bi Zheng glanced up, and down Chen Qing, Chen Qing felt his legs soften inexplicably.

Bi Zheng touched his chin: “This suit, how does it feel a bit familiar, ah?”

Jiang Nian: “……!”

Chen Xin: “……!”

Zheng Qi: “……!”

Bi Lei: “…………”

Just at this time, another voice came from behind: “I also feel a little familiar?”

Zheng’s 2nd brother come out of nowhere. He had his hands in his trouser pockets as he walked over leisurely and lifted his gold-rimmed glasses, he looked like an abstinent elite.

Everyone looked at Chen Qing.

Chen Qing was crying, “I don’t know, I don’t know anything, I really don’t know anything???”

Jiang Nian: “………I don’t know.”

Chen Xin: “………Me neither.”

Zheng Qi: “…Me neither.”

Bi Lei: “Me neither!”

Bi Zheng & Zheng Hao: Haha 


1.Frustrated that someone is acting like an idiot/isn’t living up to your expectations.^
2.Man or woman who is a mistress or wants to be a mistress. Think 3 as in 3rd person in a relationship. ^
3.Idioms that basically say it’s difficult to mix business with relationships. I think the English version is never do business with your family? ^
4.NO idea what this phrase is trying to say. Seemed like some poetic phrases without a strong meaning, so I just sort of made up something that fit the lines before and stuck with the theme. ^
5.Lit. ‘1000 layer cottage’ XD. ^
6.Shows too much favoritism. Bi Lei sang praises of Jiang Nian but only introduced his brother’s name lol. 

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