Ji Yaling had a bad time during this time. One reason was that she did not expect Zhao Heng to be so ruthless and directly blacklist her. The second was that one of her favorite artists had not signed with her. The one who she finally signed was still a hairless kid in school; it was doubtful when he’d be able to bring her brilliant career achievements for hundreds of years. The third reason was that the idol drama that Jiang Nian had shot aired and occupied all kinds of discussions on the major websites!

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Jiang Nian’s fire broke out, and the fire broke out completely. With her little-known patched together team, she really made a hit idol drama!

Ji Yaling couldn’t believe it when “My President Daren” first premiered. She secretly watched one or two episodes, and thought that it was so-so. The shooting and production were indeed better than she expected, but there were a lot of people who were better than Jiang Nian in this circle, so she didn’t expect it to be too popular.

Just such a small net drama, why was it so successful? Looking at the compliments on the Internet, and even the emoticons (memes) made by some netizens, she would inevitably see it when she and the people around her sent messages, and she became even more unhappy.

In Ji Yaling’s memory, Jiang Nian didn’t make any web dramas at all. She should have parted with Zhao Heng early and been smothered by the mildew and odor in some unknown little corner. She shouldn’t be as popular as she is now, let alone let Bi Zheng and Zheng Hao call her older sister! What was she?!!

Ji Yaling couldn’t figure out what went wrong. Was it the butterfly effect brought about by her rebirth? Or was she too anxious when she first came back, always thinking that a little Jiang Nian was nothing to fear and too eager to drive her away, until it was finally counterproductive?

“Ji jie, this ‘My President Daren’ is quite interesting. Chen Qing and Song Hanhan have been on the eighteenth line for so long, but suddenly rose up after making this show. They are really lucky! By the way, this show is so hot now, should we aim for the second part while it’s hot?”

Yang Zhan was Ji Yaling’s newly signed artist. At this moment, he was still a fledgling kid. Even if he would become a popular kid in the future, he was currently immature at this moment, didn’t understand anything, and saw everything as novel. Most importantly, he had no reputation and no fans. Ji Yaling originally had high hopes for him but, every time she saw Yang Zhan’s silly look, she couldn’t help being imbalanced.

When Ji Yaling heard Yang Zhan’s words, she became angry: “This kind of small web drama can be shot by anyone, and Chen Qing and Song Hanhan are only on fire now. When the heat fades, they are still the eighteenth line. You watch these types of things less- the grade is still inferior. The director we went to see today is a real great director. As long as you can get his approval, are you worried about not being filmed or not getting a good role?”

Yang Zhan watched her without saying a word.

He sensitively found that Ji Yaling seemed to be very repulsive and displeased with the show. When speaking, she unconsciously brought a low look and disdain. Although he didn’t understand why, he didn’t mention it anymore.

After “My President Daren” was on fire, people around Yang Zhan went to see it because of curiosity, and then they couldn’t stop at a glance. Their defenses were breached by the mudslide-like plot and each episode seemed to break their psychological defense lines again. Every time they watched it, it was not ‘hahahaha’. It was a slump and a face palm as they cried “where are you five million, five million?”

Yang Zhan could n’t help but consider it, thinking that he signed an agent now, and Ji Yaling also promised she could train him into a future mega-popular film emperor. He naturally thought that Ji Yaling would also give him a work as fan sucking as “My President Daren”.

However, the director they’d met today was indeed quite famous in the industry and had shot a lot of martial arts dramas. If he could win a role from him, it could be regarded as decent experience.

When Ji Yaling saw Yang Zhan’s obedience, she felt much more comfortable. She secretly said that if Zhao Heng was like Yang Zhan, she would not have to bother with so many thoughts.

“You perform well today, as long as you listen to me, I promise you will be hot in the future.”

“Thank you, Ji jie, I know.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Jiang Nian was just lucky to have a web drama. Ji Yaling didn’t believe that her next movie could still be hot. The immediate task was to train a popular artist and make them regret.


Ji Yaling did not expect that she would meet Jiang Nian so soon.

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At that time, she had just arrived at a famous restaurant, and Jiang Nian seemed to also have just arrived. She was wearing a red sleeveless knee-length dress, her hair in fluffy waves rolled over her shoulders, her cheeks clean and beautiful, and the whole person was dazzling and radiant. As soon as she appeared, all the lights focused on her!

Ji Yaling frowned, covering the dissatisfaction and disgust under her eyes.

Jiang Nian was also very surprised to see Ji Yaling. Then look at the big boy of about 20 years old standing behind her. He should be her newly signed artist.

Ji Yaling opened her mouth first, with her usual pride, “Jiang Nian, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

Jiang Nian smiled, “Ji jie.”

Ji Yaling smiled and said, “Why, you come here for dinner too? Alone? Or with someone? If you are alone, it is better to be with us.”

Where was Jiang Nian thinking about Ji Yaling. She was now full of thoughts on her golden thigh: “No, I have an appointment with people. You go ahead, I will leave first.”

Ji Yaling watched Jiang Nian walk away dressed up like a flowery branch1 and wondered who she was meeting. If Zhao Heng knew……she turned her eyes and laughed coldly.

Yang Zhan’s eyes were stunned as he said, “Ji jie, who is she? Also an artist? Why haven’t I seen her? She looks so beautiful.”

Ji Yaling’s face changed, coldly replying, “You don’t need to know this kind of woman, don’t ask more!”

Yang Zhan: “……Oh.”

Ji Yaling looked at Yang Zhan, suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, and said, “Let’s go. Wait for you to behave well, I won’t treat you badly.”

Yang Zhan answered with a few words and didn’t say any more, but he was already dissatisfied. What did he say? He was just asking, wasn’t he? No matter who the woman was, as an agent she should explain to him lest he make mistakes in the future. What did it mean to kill him in one sentence?

Ji Yaling found an excuse to go to the bathroom, and then broke the news to a familiar reporter and asked him to hurry up to the restaurant to catch the scoop.

“My President Daren” was so hot. Now that its director Jiang Nian secretly met with someone, the news would certainly gain traction. When Zhao Heng saw it, how would Jiang Nian explain herself?

Ji Yaling wasn’t worried about who Jiang Nian was going to meet or if there really was any illicit relationship. Wasn’t that how gossip worked in this circle? As long as the news was written, outsiders would jump on it like animals on a hunt. Who cared if it was true?

Jiang Nian was really dressed well today. Knowing she was going to meet her golden fathers, she was timid and went to the beauty salon to do a skincare routine first, and also got her hair and nails styled by the way. Then she put on her beautiful skirt, sprayed perfume and left with her small bag.

Although it was a bit scary for master golden father to call and ask to meet, she had already thought about it. When necessary, she could offer her beauty and sacrifice her ego to complete her dream.

How can there be no setbacks on the road to success?

She only hoped that her golden thighs could spare her life on account of her beautiful face. It was also best to invest some money by the way. Then she would certainly be able to make real estate purchases globally!

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And, in order to avoid any awkwardness, she even thought about an excuse for the meeting this time- a thank you feast! As they said, you have to spend money to make money. The necessary investment was still needed.

The meeting time was seven o’clock but Jiang Nian arrived at six thirty, hoping the gold thighs would notice this and think well of her…but she never expected Bi Zheng to arrive before her!

The man seemed to have just arrived from work. His face was handsome and magnificent as always. His blazer was hung on one side of his chair and his body sported only a simple white shirt with the sleeves pulled to his elbows, revealing the glittering Patek Philippe watch on his wrist.

Looking at her mildly, his eyes glinted and he smiled.

“Jiang jie, come in and sit down.”

Jiang Nian: “………Okay, thank you.”

Bi Zheng hooked his lower lip. She really dared to respond.

In fact, Jiang Nian still had some guilty conscience, but quickly tried to dismiss it. Anyway, she had her glittering beauty to support her, which made her very confident. She walked over and sat down: “President Bi, I’m sorry I’m late.”

Bi Zheng sipped his tea: “Not late, I’m early.”

Jiang Nian also poured herself a cup of tea and flashed her wavy curly hair.

“President Bi has agreed to meet with me today. You should have seen the data of “My President Daren”. Your brother has very good vision, and your support has not been in vain. Our hard work in these months has finally paid off.”

Bi Zheng laughed and said leisurely, “My forced support is not free.”

Jiang Nian nodded immediately and said earnestly, “That’s for sure. I won’t hide it, President Bi. My next work plan has been arranged, my new work has been put on the agenda, and the script has been written. President Bi, you can take the investment right firsthand this time! I can give you first priority. Does this sound good?”

Bi Zheng coughed a few times, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch. He’d marveled that his younger brother’s skin seemed to be getting thicker. Clearly, he was taught by this good elder sister.

“Before talking about cooperation, I think we should clear up the previous things before.”

Jiang Nian blinked. Is this gold thigh asking for money?

……No, she has no money, she has only beauty!

“President Bi, I think we can have a good talk.”

Jiang Nian was thinking about how to use the beauty to cheat the money of the golden thigh but didn’t know that someone had taken a sneak shot of her and Bi Zheng.

The young reporter received a message saying that the director of “My President Daren” Jiang Nian was meeting with someone, and it seemed that the relationship between them was a little unsightly. “My President Daren” was so hot recently. If the director of this drama had any scandal, it would definitely be big news.

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So he came right away and hid on a small balcony opposite the private dining room. He only wanted to get a picture of Jiang Nian. Where did he know he’d get Jiang Nian and Bi Zheng on camera!

Who was Bi Zheng but the famous golden thigh inside and outside the circle. When he tweeted in support of the unknown “My President Daren”, it was amazing. Although it was said to be in support of the older sister but, now that they were eating alone, wasn’t it……anyway, it was best to take a picture and then talk.

This news, whether true or false, would certainly occupy a certain amount of heat. Just when he was thinking about his beautiful future, suddenly another person appeared in the private room. He took a closer look, Zheng Hao? Actually Zheng Hao? Why was he here?

Not only the young reporter was surprised. Even Bi Zheng, was very surprised upon spotting Zheng Hao. Of course, Zheng Hao was also very surprised.

Bi Zheng and Zheng Hao glanced at each other, totally did not expect to meet each other here.

Although they both arranged to meet Jiang Nian, because of the power of poverty, the organizer of this meeting somehow became Jiang Nian.


Jiang Nian held a teacup and shook her big waves, saying, “President Bi, President Zheng, this is a thank you banquet specially organized for both of you. Thank you for your strong support for the shooting of ‘Five Million’. Because of your support, we will have today’s success! My new work also needs the strong support of the two of you!”

Bi Zheng: “…………”

Zheng Hao: “…………”

They glanced at each other, laughing, holding up their teacups and taking a sip.

Jiang jie is really amazing.

Jiang Nian was very satisfied. Now that her golden thighs were both here, her beauty had finally come into play. She hoped she could cheat both golden thighs in one fell swoop.

Who knew, just as she was preparing to show off her mighty power, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open and Zheng Qi appeared at the door: “Jiang jie!”

His voice sounded panicked.

Jiang Nian was surprised. She didn’t expect Zheng Qi to appear suddenly. She hadn’t told them about Bi Zheng and Zheng Hao. Not only Jiang Nian, even Zheng Hao and Bi Zheng looked at the door with a little surprise.

Jiang Nian said: “…Qiqi, why are you here?”

Zheng Qi came to her, looked at Zheng Hao, and said in a protective gesture, “I knew that my second brother was uneasy, and avoided me to come to Jiang jie for trouble. Jiang jie, why didn’t you tell me you were going to see my second brother? I’ll protect you!”

Zheng Ershao: “………… ”:)

Bi Zheng fluttered a smile and glanced at Zheng Hao. His heart was filled with the excitement of watching a good show and inexplicable sympathy.

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Jiang Nian was quiet for a while. There were too many people to exhibit her beauty well……

“Qiqi, you misunderstand ……”

At this moment, the private room door was opened again, and Bi Lei ran in: “Jiang jie!!!!”

He suddenly appeared, walked straight to Jiang Nian, and said to Bi Zheng, “Brother, why didn’t you tell me you were going to see Jiang jie? You are too much!”

Bi Zheng’s smile stiffened on his face: “………”:)

Zheng Ershao laughed loudly, it was better to suffer together.

Chen Xin was the last one to come in. Everyone’s eyes turned to him. He scratched his head: “Jiang jie, I’ll protect you!!”

Jiang Nian: “………” No, no need to. 

Bi Zheng: “…………” 

Zheng Hao: “…………” 

……It’s impossible to invest. It’s never ever possible to invest.

Jiang Nian continued to shake her wavy curly hair, and insisted, “My new work, I still hope that President Bi and President Zheng can support it vigorously.”

Zheng Hao glanced at her quietly and said: “What is your new work?”

Jiang Nian: “My new work is a completely different theme from ‘Five Million’. This story has a higher focus and a much wider structure. I believe the audience will like it even more. Its name is ‘Xiaojiao Wife Runs with a Ball and Buys Property all Over the World’.

Zheng Hao: “………” *cough* *cough* *cough*

Bi Hou: “………???”

……What wife with a ball? What properties worldwide???

Bi Zheng didn’t hold back, and almost spit his tea in Jiang Nian’s face! He’d thought that the ‘love and hatred of five million’ was enough to be fascinated, but he did not expect that there would be something else that destroyed his world entirely!

Where did this sand sculpture with her mudslide come from?

……So, are they coveting their little houses now?

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