“My President Daren” was a weekly drama. It aired every Thursday to Saturday at 7 pm with an episode each day. It was completed in less than a month. In this month, the number of broadcasts exceeded 2 Billion, which may not have been much in front of major TV programs with billions and billions of views, but, with only eleven episodes, this was a very favorable result. Besides, its heat had not decreased during this time, but increased.

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And, a lot of sharp-eyed netizens had begun scrutinizing for a long time because there were so many places for “My President Daren” to be scrutinized. From costume props to extras, this close attention could not be stopped.

Now, the second part of the same series had entered the shooting. Although they were two completely different stories, but because it was the work from the same person, it was enough to look forward to.

Jiang Nian estimated that the shooting period of the property was longer than 5 million. After all, she had to go abroad. She was very realistic in her shooting. Using a green screen would simply be insulting her golden thighs. This was absolutely impossible.

So, after the domestic film was finished, Jiang Nian took her grassroots team to go abroad. At this time, Zhao Heng’s agent also found him a TV series and, because there was Director Li Tang in front, not to mention his good performance in “The Spy” was known both inside and outside the circle, Zhao Heng had a lot more scripts to choose from than before.

This separation would be more than a couple months. In addition, with the jet lag that may or may not be good to deal with, communication wouldn’t be as convenient as before.

Zhao Heng was very reluctant. Jiang Nian was really looking forward to her trip and was practically bursting with eagerness. Although she could only look at other people’s small houses, it was also good to see them. It would serve as motivation to stimulate her efforts. Sure enough, it was good to have a gold master dad. Nowadays, she no longer had to worry about poverty. This time, they also filmed in a mansion abroad, a large house with a quiet environment and a beautiful lake! She really wanted to go abroad immediately.

Zhao Heng was a little unhappy. He leaned on the bedside, holding the script in his hand, and glanced at Jiang Nian, who was packing her luggage like a hard-working bee. Her bright tone was quite different from his reluctance.

He couldn’t help but ask, “So happy?”

Jiang Nian nodded and said, “Of course I’m happy! I’m going to go abroad for the first time. After the filming, I still want to take a look around, just take a tour. I can’t go abroad for nothing.”

Zhao Heng remembered that he had focused on his career in the past few years. His rest time was really small. The number of outings could be counted with one hand, and he did yet to play abroad with Jiang Nian. This was his mistake.

“If you like, we can go out and play together.”

Jiang Nian said, “Okay.”

“Which country do you like?”

“It’s okay, I don’t like anywhere in particular. We’ll look at it later. Anyway, we’re not going now.”

When she finally packed her luggage, she tossed the box aside, took her pajamas and took a bath in the bathroom. Zhao Heng was thinking about which country was suitable for travel. His phone rang, and he took it for a look, but it was a message from Li Ru again asking what he was doing. She also said that, in the next few days, she’d be attending an event in the Imperial Capital. If there was time, they’d get together for a meal. After all, she hadn’t seen him since filming “The Spy”.

From time to time, Li Ru would send him messages, sometimes asking questions about acting, or asking if he had a good book recommendation, trying to find excuses to approach him. But he was also very clever and never got too close, instead opting to get along like friends.

Zhao Heng was not a fool. How could he not feel when a woman had an attempt at him, not to mention the fact that Li Ru never concealed her like for him.

He always followed the belief that there was no need to be too aggressive since they were in the same industry, so he did not say anything too ruthless. Besides, Li Ru did not do too much except to bother him occasionally. It was just that, this way, it was still troublesome.

He thought for a moment, and quickly edited a message. After sending it, Li Ru did not reply for a long time.

In fact, he didn’t send anything salacious. He only said that he was watching a news piece, saying that a woman was pursuing a man who had a girlfriend but, because they weren’t married, the woman claimed she was only seeking for true love and not destroying a marriage, so she was not a little three. Zhao Heng said that the woman may not be a little three, but her behavior was indeed a third party involved in the feelings of others. He then asked Li Ru what her thoughts were. Did she think that woman was right?

After seeing it, Li Ru’s face was reddened with shame, then turned white and green. Wasn’t Zhao Heng saying that she was a little three? She had never seen such a wooden man with such strange actions, and so willing to embarrass her! She was so angry for a while that she really did not have a face to pester Zhao Heng. She was also a person who valued her face, let alone many men also chased her.

Jiang Nian returned from the bath and lay directly in Zhao Heng’s arms to let him blow her hair. As she was lazy, he was used to doing her hair. The wet long hair quickly became dry and smooth under his hands, and the black silk scattered around her slender shoulders. At the back, the nightdress was already wet from her hair. And, because she was lying in his arms, even the clothes on his chest were not spared. It didn’t matter anyway; they didn’t have to wear clothes to sleep. So, he took off their clothes and threw them aside.

The two rolled into the quilt, and Zhao Heng bi Jiang Nian’s rosy earlobe and said, “You are leaving tomorrow, I will miss you very much. Will you miss me…”

“Miss, definitely miss.”

Jiang Nian touched the strong lean waist of her Tianluo girl. Ah, she was leaving, and for several days too. She would absolutely miss her Tianluo girl, so she must drain him first before she goes.

When Jiang Nian went to catch the plane early the next morning, the whole person was refreshed. Zhao Heng sent her. He kissed her forehead and said a lot of words before leaving. He let her pay attention to safety and not run around, contact him if she was free, blah blah blah. Probably because there was so much bad news in the country and abroad, he was uneasy.

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Sure enough, her Tianluo girl still loved her very deeply.

She also said goodbye to her younger brothers. This time the university was not on vacation. Naturally, as good students, they would have to stay and study well. They also lectured her a lot, as if really afraid she would be in trouble. Indeed, good younger brothers, very much thinking about their elder sister.

However, they looked down on her too much. After all, she once ran with the ball around the world.

Jiang Nian went through the airport easily, and there were more fans from Chen Qing and Song Hanhan to send the plane. This was real popularity. The two of them walking together was quite provocative. After all, handsome men and beautiful women were very eye-catching.

Jiang Nian was very happy. She also played a part in their fame. She only hoped they wouldn’t forget her once they made a lot of money in the future.


Jiang Nian finally set foot on a plane to go abroad to pamper her little house.

They stayed abroad for more than half a month, during which time Bi Zheng came to travel abroad to visit a class, and invited the crew to have dinner at night. Jiang Nian once again felt that the golden thigh she was holding was really good. She was going to hang onto this golden thigh for her next work.

It’s just…why was he always looking badly at her, with a very depressed and deep glare, as if he was gritting his teeth? Although Jiang Nian felt it was strange, who made him the gold master father. Of course, she had to pamper him by pretending she didn’t see anything. Soon, Bi Zheng took out a box of small vegetarian hot pot from his bag.

“A Lei said he entrusted me to personally hand this to you!”

Jiang Nian brightened as she took it over. She had previously complained in the Shen Li Group that she couldn’t get used to the food here. She missed the spicy hot pot taste. Bi Zheng bringing a hot pot naturally solved the problem.

“A Lei is so nice. I must thank him when I return home.”

Bi Zheng: “Ha ha.”

Bi Lei bought several boxes for him to bring. He didn’t agree. He wasn’t a courier; it was kind of him to agree to take a box. Bi Lei even had the nerve to call him stingy and to take a look at the bitterness of Jiang jie working abroad.

He felt that this brother could be laid off.

Jiang Nian saw Bi Zheng’s unwell look and laid on the flattery again: “President Bi, your brother is really filial. I really envy you for having such a caring and sensible brother. You must be very happy! Hey, what are you doing? No……why do you look at me like that?”

Bi Zheng : “…………” 

As she spoke, Jiang Nian felt that Bi Zheng’s eyes became strange, as if looking at her with very intensely. There was a very strong emotion brewing under his eyes, like a storm!

Jiang Nian felt that her back was chilly, as if she was being stared at by a wild animal.

Bi Zheng snorted heavily, tossed his sleeves, and turned away.

Jiang Nian grabbed her nose and didn’t understand why her gold thigh suddenly became proud. However, this did not affect her blind worship of him. She followed Bi Gold’s glittering back and chased after him: “President Bi!”

Bi Zheng didn’t understand how he got on the thief ship of Jiang jie and, as he moved with heavier and heavier steps, he became more regretful.

Was it that God thought he was too rich and so sent someone to protect the balance of the world? This God overestimated his wealth too much!

He stayed in country M this time for a long time. When he was finished, Jiang Nian also completed her filming and they returned to the country together. He also took the seat beside her. He happened to be curious about Jiang Nian. What was the drama she would shoot? Was it always going to follow the route of sand sculptures?

Jiang Nian thought seriously for a while. For the next work, she couldn’t shoot “The Big Star’s Little Lover; Gold Master Daddy, You Are Right”. If she wanted to shoot anything from this life, she would shoot “The Years I Become a Gold Director” to showcase her brilliant achievements! There was no need to let outsiders know the sadness behind, they only needed to remember her success.

Jiang Nian said, “I haven’t figured it out yet. The next one might not be an idol drama. I want to change the subject. I have to take a break first, the script hasn’t been written yet.”

“A normal drama”?

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“President Bi, do your words mean that I did not shoot normal dramas?”

Bi Zheng glanced at her and said, “Don’t you know that you have created a great new era of idol dramas, that media fans say that you are the originator of sand sculpture idol dramas?”


Jiang Nian: “………????” Is her audience the devil?!!

Bi Zheng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, “Why, you don’t like it?”

Jiang Nian nodded solemnly.

“Well, isn’t it enough to describe a talented director like me as graceful and subtle?”

Bi Zheng: “…………shut up, I’m sleeping.”

“Oh, sleep quickly. Sweet dreams.”


Jiang Nian’s face was bitter. Had she known, she would set up a beautiful genius director as her character!

Seeing Jiang Nian’s crest-fallen appearance, Bi Zheng was still a little bit proud. But, when he got off the plane, he could no longer be proud. As soon as he got off the plane, his blood related brother rushed up…and turned around Jiang Nian a few times, even saying warmly, “Jiang jie, you are thinner” and “Jiang jie, you have suffered” with distress, and did not even look at him, as if he did not exist. This relative was really picked up somewhere, right?

Not only Bi Lei, but also Zheng Qi and Chen Xin had expressions like Jiang Nian had gone abroad to suffer and not work. Anyway, in their eyes, Jiang jie was their real sibling.

In any case, he was also a golden thigh. Before, these people all bowed and scraped in front of him, running to and fro every few days to please him, vowing to hold his thigh tightly. Wasn’t it bad to ignore him now?

……Do you throw it away after using? 

He couldn’t help but grind his little leather shoes.


Jian Nian didn’t do anything after returning to China; she only spent time editing her film. She wasn’t relieved unless she handled the process personally. Even the soundtrack was also found by herself. Soon, two months passed. Because it was too busy, her Tianluo girl was not as close as before. After all, Zhao Heng was also busy, and time was not always easy to find.

Zhao Heng never felt that he was a clingy person, but being away from Jiang Nian for so long, he still couldn’t help but miss her. He was relieved after hearing that her new drama was about to air soon, and there would be a lot of leisure afterwards. He had already seen the promotional video sent by Jiang Nian. Like the previous drama, just the promotional video couldn’t help but make people ‘hahaha’. The effect likely wouldn’t be bad.

Jiang Nian also told him that she was very happy with this shoot. The only thing that made her unhappy was that “Xiaojiao Wife Runs with a Ball and Buys Property all Over the World”, although more in line with socialist values ​​than “I and Five Million Love and Hate”, was still too different and strange, and was still rejected, and was still changed to “President’s Wife Runs with the Ball”.

“I’m really upset. Global real estate is the core and climax of my entire drama! But it was rejected? Are you mortals too far behind my genius thinking and creativity?”

Zhao Heng breathed with relief; this name was much better than the global property! Of course, he couldn’t act too happy and said casually, “Niannian, you should trust your audience, they can definitely see the essence through the phenomenon.”

Jiang Nian couldn’t believe it because the readers in the previous episode did not see anything through the phenomenon. Her pain when she lost five million only received ‘hahahaha’ in response!

She pouted her lips: “When will you be finished over there?”

Zhao Heng said, “There is still another month. At that time, I will do propaganda when “The Spy” is about to air. If you are free, come to me. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

He missed her.

Jiang Nian missed her Tianluo girl as well, but there was no way. Life was to be scattered and work hard for their own dreams. Only a life with love and dreams was sufficient.

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Just as “President’s Wife Runs with the Ball” was about to launch on Apple Video, Zhao Heng suddenly received several photos from an unfamiliar number.

It looked like it should be a sneak photo. The picture only showed Jiang Nian and Bi Zheng. One scene was by the pool in front of a villa. The two stood side by side and seemed to be talking about something. The location was likely abroad. There were also a few photos of them coming out of the airport with suitcases in their hands.

Just as he was puzzled, he received another text message, “A Heng, you said that you maintained Jiang Nian and loved her, but what did you get? Are you sure she treats you as seriously as you do with her? I think you should see those photos. I accidentally got them from a friend and think it is necessary to show you. I don’t want you to be fooled by her. You should see what sort of woman Jiang Nian is and whether she is worth your love in the end.”

After seeing these words, Zhao Heng first thought of Ji Yaling.

In the past few months, he hadn’t paid much attention to Ji Yaling. He only occasionally heard that she took several contracted entertainers for entertainment but didn’t pick any good scripts. Naturally, there were no splashes. He soon forgot about it as time passed. After all, it was an irrelevant person. He did not expect that she would send him such photos now.

Zhao Heng thought for a moment, and made a phone call directly and was soon connected. As he expected, it was her.

Ji Yaling knew that as long as he was a man, how could he tolerate his girlfriend being too close to other men?

During this period, her career was particularly unsuccessful. One reason was that Yang Zhan didn’t fire. The other was that she invested too much in the stock market. It’s unknown whether her butterfly effect was mis-remembered. Not only did she not make a profit, she lost a lot. Especially when she heard that “The Spy” was about to start broadcasting, when she thought that Zhao Heng will fire in the future, even more so than Jiang Nian’s “My President Daren”, she became even less reconciled. Whether or not she could return to being Zhao Heng’s agent again, she didn’t want to make Jiang Nian feel better, let alone she heard that Jiang Nian had actually gotten Bi Zheng’s investment! As a result, she felt even more uncomfortable, so she asked Reporter Liu to take a secret photo of Jiang Nian and Bi Zheng. But she did not expect to actually take something useful.

So when Zhao Heng called, she immediately picked up.

“A Heng, have you seen the photos? Don’t be angry, as long as you can recognize the true face of Jiang Nian and stop the loss in time, this is better than anything, ah.”

Zhao Heng coldly hooked his lower lip, his voice was low and he couldn’t hear any emotions, and said, “Who did the photo originally belong to? I want to talk to him.”

Ji Yaling hesitated, “I can’t say this.”

Zhao Heng continued, “You ask your friend first, and tell me if you have an answer. I think the other party will be willing to talk to me since they agree to show me the photos.”

“Well, let me try it, but I can’t be sure.”

He said nothing more and hung up the phone.

Ji Yaling was not irritated by Zhao Heng’s indifference. Instead, she felt it was normal that Zhao Heng was in a bad mood. If he behaved too happily, wouldn’t that be a problem?

As for whether to tell Zhao Heng’s words to reporter Liu, of course Ji Yaling would not do so. She was going to wait for Jiang Nian’s new drama to begin broadcasting before sending out the news.

Of course, Zhao Heng would not be deceived by a few photos. Besides, he knew about Bi Zheng’s habit of visiting the class while on business trips. As for Jiang Nian’s return, he also knew about that. At the time, Bi Lei, Zheng Qi, and Chen Xin sent a circle of friends to celebrate the great reunion of their Shen Li gang, not to mention the news from the crew members. Just a few deliberately ambiguous photos could make him doubt Jiang Nian?

He always suspected that someone was targeting Jiang Nian, but he did not expect that it was the hand of Ji Yaling and her friends.

After hanging up, Zhao Heng called Jiang Nian in the past, and told her about just now, saying that Ji Yaling took her and Bi Zheng’s picture, and it could be suppressed while she hadn’t sent it. Maybe she was waiting for her new drama to be released and hit peak popularity, when public opinion will be even greater.

Jiang Nian was not surprised. After all, Ji Yaling had harmed the original female lead in her life.

Zhao Heng: “I asked Ji Yaling to contact her friend and talk about it. I don’t know what will happen yet.”

Jiang Nian responded, “I’m a small director and I don’t have any fans. Bi Zheng is not an artist. Even if there is any real news, it will just be lively for a bit, let alone those are fake. I am curious about her purpose? Why not give me the picture or give it to Bi Zheng? Although she can’t get anything from me, maybe she can change some money from Bi Zheng. But what’s the point of this now?”

Of course, Zhao Heng understood that Ji Yaling always wanted to dismantle him and Jiang Nian. But he did not expect that, even if she wasn’t his agent, this idea had not changed. Wasn’t this too persistent?

After that, he contacted Ji Yaling several times. Each time, Ji Yaling hung up after talking to him briefly. She also deliberately brought up their previous relationship. Zhao Heng knew that these were just excuses for her to approach him. He was afraid he couldn’t get what he wanted. He pulled her black again, giving Ji Yaling’s mouth a mad look.

It was just fake news. Would they be afraid?

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When Jiang Nian’s “President’s Wife Runs with the Ball” finally aired, it attracted widespread attention as expected, with the popularity of “My President Daren” in front, and it had very good results as soon as it was broadcast. Because it is the second one, although many people were looking forward to it, there were more people who weren’t optimistic. After all, there were not few examples of a sequel that ruined the first part.

However, this time disappointed some people. Those who came in with all kinds of skeptical eyes went out again, and they marveled that this second one was not one bit worse than the first! Even the laughter was just as unexpected; it turned out to be a qualified comedy!

Someone now praised Director Jiang on Weibo.

[Out of state little fool]: “Director Jiang deserves to be Director Jiang. I think she will leave a glorious stroke in the comedy world in the future.”

[Mr. Wuli]: “Right? I have come to expect Director Jiang’s future comedy movie. If she can insist on this road, she can definitely lay a solid foundation for the wonderful and strange sand sculpture genre!”

[One thousand sleep soundly]: “Yes, ah. There are few comedy geniuses like this.”

[Miss Yutang]: “Hahahaha, are you serious, upstairs? Isn’t this a Mary Sue love movie? Hahaha?”

The same was true for Bi Zheng, who had been hiding in the quilt for a long time. Although he had already seen the script, where could it match the final product? When he finished watching and came from under the quilt rubbing his cheek, he felt that Jiang jie’s brain was really genius and she was indeed the originator of the strange sand sculpture.

Then he was taken aback by the ghost that suddenly stood beside the bed.

“Brother, why are you hiding in the quilt and watching TV?”



Not only Bi Zheng, of course, the Zheng family was also sitting side by side and laughing together. Zheng Hao watched the familiar items in the video, looked at his grandmother’s toothless smile and teary eyes. Not to mention his grandfather slapping his leg beside her, the rest of his family was very happy ……


Thousands of defenses, thieves at home are difficult to prevent.1

He has pain in his head every day.


“President’s Wife Runs with a Ball” had a good beginning. After the first episode was broadcast, it was well received. Chen Qing and Song Hanhan naturally followed the fire, and their statuses rose a lot. The endorsements continued looking for them. And Jiang Nian naturally waited for the money to come to her wallet.

At this time, a group of photos of her and Bi Zheng exploded, almost rumoring that she had a gold father.

In fact, Jiang Nian was young, talented, and beautiful. Although Bi Zheng was a bit older than Jiang Nian, he was also the famous national gold master father, a verified diamond bachelor. If these two were really together, it was quite acceptable.

The strange thing was that not long after this news appeared, another news broke that Jiang Nian actually had a boyfriend, and her boyfriend was an unknown little star!

So, netizens suddenly realized: It turned out that Jiang Nian not only held Bi dad’s golden thigh, but also used the gold father’s money to support her little lover!


Jiang Nian was shocked!

Were all netizens this creative nowadays?


1. Chinese idiom meaning no matter how you try hard to prevent something, it’s hardest to prevent yourself or your own people sabotaging you. I kept the literal translation as ‘thieves at home’ has particular meaning here

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