Where is my 5 million?? (8)

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Nobody thought that they would see Shen Ming here.

Even the counsellor was shocked, not to mention Li Mei and others. They even suspected that maybe they hit their head too hard during the fight, causing them to hallucinate.  

… Shen Ming? How can Jiang Nian’s boyfriend be the famous Shen Ming?

Li Mei couldn’t believe her eyes!

She gaped at Shen Ming. She had once seen him give a speech at school. Unlike other rich second generations, he has been a genius from a young age. His ambitions have been so clear from an early age that he was already a man that ordinary people like her could not reach. She could only gaze upon him, never able to take a step closer.

She can still vividly remember how the Shen Ming on stage, was like a dazzling star. Even 10 of Xue Hao are nothing compared to one of him! This is someone she can only fantasize about.

So how can he possibly be Jiang Nian’s boyfriend?!

Li Mei’s heart started racing. She couldn’t help but look at the counsellor and then at Jiang Nian. Lin Xiaoyue who was beside her noticed her disbelief and smiled at her proudly. She was clearly gloating.

She clenched her fists, but at this time she couldn’t mutter a single word.

Shen Ming began: “we have been dating for some time. Because we didn’t want any trouble, we decided to keep it under wraps. I didn’t think that this would bring so much trouble to her to the point of her being accused and aggrieved.  

He saw the bruises on Jiang Nian and his face became even colder.

Shen Ming walked up to Jiang Nian, held her chin and observed the wound on her face. When he touched the wound on her lips, he frowned.

His tall and slender body carried its own invisible pressure. Lin Xiaoyue who was next to Jiang Nian couldn’t help but take two steps to the side.

Jiang Nianba glanced up at him and said, “Nothing, it just hurts a little.”

Shen Ming already heard from Xu Chao on the way. If someone hadn’t deliberately tried to harm her, this wouldn’t have happened. Shen Ming is already a person with a short temper, not to mention the fact that Jiang Nian is his woman.

His lips became a straight line while his eyes narrowed.

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Although he didn’t say or do anything, Li Mei could still feel a chill go down her back.

Shen Ming is not a man that she can afford to offend.

When the counsellor saw that the atmosphere was getting worse, he said: “Now, since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, then this matter can finally be dropped. After this, don’t mention it to others. Li Mei and others, go back and write a report on what you have done, then apologize to Jiang Nian and Lin Xiaoyue. This is your fault. You should learn not to spread lies about others.”

Li Mei and others kept their heads down: “Know it.”

By this time, they have lost all their previous arrogance. They had nothing to say in defence.

Counsellor also said: “Of course, Jiang Nian and Lin Xiaoyue are also wrong in this case. You should never use violence to resolve problems. You should have come to the teachers instead. The two of you should have been more rational, and then nobody would have been hurt.”

Jiang read and Lin Xiaoyue also nodded.

At last, this incident came to an end.

The counsellor secretly sighed.

Shen Ming suddenly said solemnly: “Mr. Zheng, I feel that the injuries Jiang Nian suffered are somewhat heavy. I want to take her to the hospital for an examination.”

…somewhat heavy? Isn’t it just a few scraps? Does she even need to go to the hospital? ?

Lin Xiaoyue burst out laughing. Jiang Nian was hurt even less than her. By now, her body had stopped hurting. In comparison, Li Mei’s face was full of scratches and she even had bruises that looked a bit blue and green.

Shen Ming said it too seriously. The counsellor almost believed that Jiang Nian was really seriously injured. He looked at Jiang Nian and nodded: “Okay, then feel free to go get a check-up.”

Shen Ming faintly said: “As for the perpetrators who injured her, I will personally hand over the matter to the lawyer. I think they should be responsible for their words and deeds.”

The counsellor was shocked but saw that Shen Ming was actually serious.

“Mr. Shen, I think Li Mei and others know that they were wrong. The school will punish them. Since they are first-time offenders, can’t you forgive them just this time?”

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Xu Chao said with a harmless smile: “Mr. Zheng, when the rumours started, they first posted a lot of comments insulting Miss Jiang for no evident reason. Later, when things had been clarified, they not only did not admit that they were wrong but also continued insulting the relationship between my boss and Miss Jiang. Moreover, they have physically attacked and hurt Miss Jiang. Lastly, they don’t even look remorseful. I don’t want to make things too ugly, but people should at least owe up to their mistakes, no? We should all follow the law to be fair, right?”

The counsellor had no way to refute. Li Mei’s face was even more distorted. She bit her lips with humiliation. Finally, she couldn’t help but mutter: “Jiang Nian’s boyfriend is Shen Ming, but she is hiding it. If she had said it before, we would not be in trouble right now…”

Jiang Nian looked at her strangely: “I said it.”

“What did you say?!”

“I said that if you knew who my boyfriend is, you would want to kill me. Moreover, who are you? You are not qualified to see him, just to prove your malicious speculations. You ask yourself, are you worthy?”

” …”

Li Mei opened her lips but was rendered speechless. She really is not worthy. Who is Shen Ming? Why should he bother to meet her, an ordinary college student?

Jiang Nian didn’t want to talk anymore with Li Mei. She looked at Shen Ming and said: “What should I do? I feel like I am in pain, it won’t be an internal injury?”

Lin Xiaoyue also nodded and agreed: “I am also in pain. They beat us both up. We are just two weak women. This is too much!”

Jiang Nian nodded with a serious face, it was too much!

Counsellor: …you can act so much J why don’t you go to acting school?

Shen Ming caressed Jiang Nian’s head in pity and then picked her up princess style in front of everyone. Jiang Nian leaned on the man’s shoulder and turned to look at the counsellor: “Teacher, I am going for a check-up.”

The counsellor suppressed himself from curling his lips and waved his hand.

Li Mei looked at Shen Ming’s back and saw Jiang Nian’s smug smile. Her heart filled with endless anguish. If she has known that Jiang Nian’s boyfriend was Shen Ming, then things would not end up like this.

It was not long before the talk that Jiang Nian’s mysterious boyfriend appeared in school spread. However, his identity was still a secret. People asked Li Mei and others when they came out of the office but they kept their mouths shut. That man is not someone they want to provoke any more.

Soon, lawyer’s letters were not only sent to Li Mei and the 3 other girls, but also to the people who posted insulting comments online. It wasn’t until the latters were in their hands that reality finally hit them.

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On the other side, Jiang Nian was still with Shen Ming. After she got on the car, she was happy to stay in Shen Ming’s arm.

Shen Ming cupped her cheeks: “…”

He laughed: “Are you so happy after getting hurt?”

She nodded, of course she was happy. As a female lead, she finally got to enjoy the treatment of one. This had been frustrating her countless times before! This time she feels even more motivated to act as a beautiful and delicate female lead!  

However, this is not something she can say, so “I am so happy that you came.”

Shen Ming took out a medicine box and put the medicinal cream on her wounds. He looked at her porcelain white face wrinkle into a ball due to the pain. He couldn’t help but regretfully sigh: “I’m sorry, I am late.”

Jiang Nian said: “It’s not too late; you were very handsome when you came!”

She recalled how shocked Li Mei was when she saw him. Her jaw looked like it had dropped on the ground!

Shen Ming patted her head gently, put aside the medicine box and pulled her into his arms. The voice was low: “Don’t be so impulsive next time. Tell me instead, I will handle it.”

“Wasn’t this a special case? I can’t wait for you to save me every time.”

“Then you absolutely cannot let yourself get hurt.”

Jiang Nian wanted to say that she fared pretty damn well in a two vs. four fight. The other side suffered a bigger loss than them, but then she thought about how she is supposed to be a delicate and elegant female lord so she shut up.

She tenderly leaned on Shen Ming and said softly, “Okay, I know.”

Shen Ming: “…”

Jiang Nian was really sent to the hospital for an examination. After taking pictures of the bruises as evidence, she got examined for any serious issues such as skin trauma.

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By the time all of this was done, it was time for dinner. Shen Ming first took her to eat and then was sending her back to the dorm. At that time, Xu Chao called to say that everything had been handled.

Jiang Nian: “Shen Ming, do you really want to sue them?”

Shen Ming’s eyes became cold and indifferent: “In this world, everyone must be responsible for their own mistakes. Even if the compensation is only just a dollar, this is what they should bear as punishment.”

Jiang Nian looked at him solemnly and nodded her head saying yes.

The luxurious black car stopped at the gate of the dormitory. He kissed her lips. Because her mouth was hurt, he could only touch it gently. They stayed like that for a moment: “Go up. Call me if anything happens.”

Jiang Nian licked her hot lips: “Okay…”

Jiang Nian got off the bus and felt like she was being stared at. She did not pay any heed to it and ran upstairs with a pleasant mood. However, just after taking a few steps she heard the sound of a door opening behind her.

She turned back with surprise to see a man standing in front of the car, with one hand in the pocket of his trousers and a cigarette in the other. Although only a shadow could be seen in the dim lighting, it could still be deciphered that it was someone with an outstanding temperament.

Jiang Nian stopped to stare. Shen Ming saw that she had stopped and motioned her to go upstairs.

Sure enough, it is a male lead. Even a simple motion is pleasing to the eyes.  

From today, no one will dare to say that Jiang Nian is being taken care of by an old man with a beer belly.

His tall and slender figure would make sure of that.

Jiang Nian went upstairs and could hear some people whispering. Lin Xiaoyue said with an elated face: “I saw Shen Ming send you back. When he got out of the car, I heard someone next door gasping!  They even said loudly, ‘Although I couldn’t see the face clearly but the figure was definitely not that of an old man.’”

Jiang Nian has some worries: “It seems that in the future, I will have to endure even more jealousy from others?! In addition to beauty and intelligence, I even have a super-rich and handsome boyfriend!”

Lin Xiaoyue: “…” Are you the devil? ? ?

Jiang Nian was in a pleasant mood even after all that mess. At this time, she once again received a call from Ms. Yao Shuqin. (Shen Ming’s mom. She was in chap1)

“Have you thought about it? But it seems from your recent performance that you did not listen to what I said before.”

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