Shen Ran really met Qin Yue in Xingfu Community. Two months ago, he was still the leader of a small team and led dozens of people. Now, he was only followed by Li Ming, who had a severed arm.

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Unexpectedly, Qin Yue’s parents were betrayed, and even Qin Yue could not avoid being betrayed.

He didn’t want to see Qin Yue very much. Before, he liked to wander around in front of Sister Jiang, and sent presents to please Sister Jiang. Every time he saw Sister Jiang, his eyes were bright. He was ill-intentioned at first sight!

It’s just that some people were blind to mix up with rubbish like Yao Xiaoyue. Of course, his brother was also blind.

Qin Yue didn’t expect Shen Ran to come to him in person, as he could have just sent Shen Dongming, his cousin. He was surprised and said, “Come in and sit down. Do you want to talk to me about something?”

Shen Dongming shrugged and looked at Shen Ran who had blank face, “Do you want me to go out?”

Shen Ran glanced at him: “You don’t need to avoid listening to our conversation, brother, anyways, you also have to grow your mind, don’t just grow old without your IQ getting any better.”

Shen Dongming stared: “… …What? Daring to talk to your brother like this!”

Even Qin Yue looked at Shen Ran in confusion, with a puzzled look on his face.

Shen Ran groaned in annoyance, he walked to one side, sat down, and said straightforwardly: “You both know Yao Xiaoyue, don’t you?”

Shen Dongming suddenly realized: “You are here to talk about Yao Xiaoyue’s business?”

Qin Yue nodded, frowning, and asked, “Do you know Yao Xiaoyue too? Have you had any enmity towards her? Yao Xiaoyue is a woman whose mind is not simple, but she is not patient enough to work hard and honestly. What have you suffered in her hands?”

Shen Ran looked at Qin Yue in surprise, he didn’t expect this man to have a bit of brains. Shen Dongming really didn’t understand: “I think Yao Xiaoyue is pretty good. We encountered a lot of dangers whenheading north. She helped a lot and she didn’t look like a bad person. Ah. And didn’t Yao Xiaoyue say that she also saved Qin Yue, you and Li Ming?”

Qin Yue chuckled slightly, saying disdainfully, “Yao Xiaoyue didn’t save me and Li Ming. Even without her, I could have handled those zombies just fine.” He then ignored Shen Dongming and asked Shen Ran, “You take the initiative only when it concerns Jian Nan. Tell me, does Yao Xiaoyue have anything to do with her?”

Shen Dongming is even more puzzled: “Why is Jiang Nian involved?”

No wonder Qin Yue thought of Jiang Nian. He and Shen Ran spent some time together. The little kid has a scrutinizing gaze towards everyone who is close to Jiang Nian, as if he wants to hide the sordidness in his heart. If he ever found something sticking to her, he would definitely remove it. What Shen Ran valued ​​most was Jiang Nian, so who could make Shen Ran think about him to this extent, besides Jiang Nian?

Shen Ran glanced at Shen Dongming as if he looked at an idiot, and said, “I told you that after the bodyguard hid me in the car, it was Sister Jiang who rescued me and brought me back to the imperial capital, right?”

Shen Dongming “Yeah, what about it?”

“So I hid in the van and saw Sister Jiang’s good friend stepping on her shoulders and climbing into the van. Then she, regardless of Sister Jiang’s life or death, deliberately threw her down, overcame the wall alone, and then ran away. What’s more interesting is that she didn’t feel any guilt at all. When she saw her former classmates, she cried bitterly, saying that Jian Nan sacrificed herself for her sake, and that she told her to live well. So that she would fulfill her death wish, she would cherish her life and see the world for Sister Jiang! Don’t you think it’s interesting?”

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Shen Ran smiled coldly: “If it wasn’t for Sister Jiang awakening her ability at a crucial moment , taking me to escape together, I’m afraid that both of us would have died in that van, eaten by zombies, without even an intact corpse, what will become as of today? Shen Dongming, would your ability have been as powerful as today? Qin Yue, even if you could reach the imperial capital safely, could your parents have lived until you came back? Besides, there are hundreds of thousands of people in this safe zone, and I don’t know how many people could have escaped alive!”

Shen Dongming and Qin Yue were shocked, they obviously understood that Jiang Nian’s good friend that Shen Ran was talking about was none other than Yao Xiaoyue!

Qin Yue clenched his fists, his face darkening, and he remembered that when he was still in City A, Yao Xiaoyue deliberately exposed her injuries to gain sympathy, saying that she was betrayed by a friend and luckily escaped. He felt at that moment that something was wrong, so he kept an eye on her, but he didn’t expect things to be way simpler than he thought. Yao Xiaoyue was not betrayed, she betrayed and tried to murder someone, and the person Yao Xiaoyue tried to kille was Jiang Nian!

He certainly knew what it was like to be betrayed by a trusted friend.

Qin Yue’s heart was throbbing painfully, and a cold sweat chilled his spine. If Jiang Nian really died in that small alley… He could hardly stand that thought. Without Jiang Nian, maybe he would have been a lonely man now.

“It turned out to be like this, but Yao Xiaoyue told us that her friend had escaped by betraying her…”

Shen Ran: “What? Her face is really thick enough to spout those lies!”

Shen Dongming’s heart sank. He had awakened his ability before, but it was thanks to Jiang Nian’s exercises that he made such a great progress, so he could survive on the road to the north. After he returned to the safe zone, he heard the uncle talk about Jiang Nian’s achievements, so he understood Jiang Nian’s greatness and admired her.

He also thought that Jiang Nian’s righteousness and help to everyone regardless of rewards was because she had a good heart, because she still had faith in humans and lived a life full of blessings and free of worries, that’s why she could act so selflessly. Guangming didn’t expect her to have experienced betrayal and faced a moment of life and death.

Shen Dongming shook his head and sighed: “I didn’t expect Yao Xiaoyue to be such a person. She was very active in helping us along the way. I thought she was a good person, but I didn’t expect her to be this venomous.”

Shen Ran laughed humorlessly: “That’s why I said you are old but you have a bird brain, anyway, this woman Yao Xiaoyue is terrible. She obviously killed someone but she still looks righteous. I will not let her approach Sister Jiang. I’m not telling you this because I expect your help, I simply don’t want you being used to implicate my sister Jiang!”

Shen Dongming touched his nose, feeling a little helpless: “Don’t worry, since I know that Yao Xiaoyue holds ill intentions, I won’t let her approach Jiang Nian. When I go back, I will ask her to leave.”

Qin Yue lowered his eyes. , In order to avoid future troubles, he should find an opportunity to get rid of Yao Xiaoyue.

He hadn’t taken her seriously before, so she had to jump around. Since it irked him and threatened his interests, she naturally couldn’t live.

Shen Ran saw that both Shen Dongming and Qin Yue understood, so he clapped his hands and stood up: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, as long as you don’t implicate sister Jiang, I’m going.”

Shen Dongming said helplessly: “Didn’t you arrive to the courtyard? Where are you going again?”

‘Where else to go? Of course I’m going to see sister Jiang!’ Unexpectedly, there were several idiots around him, and he actually knew them, it was the shame of his life!

And he couldn’t hide from her the news about Yao Xiaoyue heading to the imperial capital. He still had to tell her everything that the two stupid idiots Shen Dongming and Qin Yue did, so that she would be on guard. A man’s words were not credible!

Jiang Nian was not surprised by the arrival of Yao Xiaoyue. Yao Xiaoyue is a reborn person who has been in the last days for more than ten years. He not only has a clear understanding of China’s structure, but also has an understanding of the world structure. There is no problem with self-protection.

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“I’ll be ready when she comes. If she ever dares to provoke me, I will beat her to tears.”

“Okay Sister Jiang, I will beat her for you!”

At this time, he hated himself for having only brain evolution as ability, or else he could solve Sister Jian’s worries in private.

But no one in the world is perfect. Now the only two brain evolutions found in the entire safe zone were Shen Ran and Professor Yang. Therefore, when Professor Yang and other scientific researchers from all over the country return to the imperial capital, they would be allowed to enter the research institute to continue their studies, in order to develop a vaccine to solve the zombie virus within the shortest time possible.

Shen Ran also wanted to be a useful person, someone like Sister Jiang.

Qin Yue completely hated Yao Xiaoyue. The only thing he was fortunate was that he was smart enough to not be deceived by Yao Xiaoyue’s clumsy schemes, otherwise… as long as he thought of this possibility, cold sweat would break on his back.

Of course, he didn’t want Jiang Nian to misunderstand him. He didn’t believe that Shen Ran would keep this matter a secret from her, so after Shen Ran was dragged away by Shen Dongming, he came to Jiang Nian.

She didn’t seem to be any different , as if she hadn’t been affected by Yao Xiaoyue’s future arrival. Even the look in her eyes was the same as before, with warmth in her smile, a smile full of light and hope.

At this moment, he was inexplicably relieved.

“Jiang Nian, did you hear what Shen Ran said?”

Jiang Nian nodded, “Well, what about it?”

Qin Yue said seriously, “I met Yao Xiaoyue at the gas station in City A, she said that she was betrayed by a friend and wanted to go north with us. In exchange, she told us about the experience of stimulating supernatural powers. Later, I found out that she deliberately lied to me, so I drove her away. The encounter happened when Shen Dongming and his cousin Shen Ran were attacked by a mutant snake. At that time, Li Ming broke his arm and his injury had not yet healed. There was a healing ability in Shen Dongming’s team, so we went to Beijing together, although Yao Xiaoyue was there, but we were not in the same team, and we have no friendship with her.”

Jiang Nian was quiet for a while, smiled, and said, “Why are you explaining your relationship with her so earnestly?”

Qin Yue was stunned. “… I was afraid you would misunderstand.”

“What misunderstanding?” Jiang Nian shook her head, and said: “I have an enmity with Yao Xiaoyue. I also know her well. Don’t worry, she will calculate me later, and it will not be difficult to counterattack.” What Yao Xiaoyue wants is probably her space jade pendant, I’m afraid she hasn’t given up yet.

Qin Yue smiled slightly and hummed. He performed well in front of Jiang Nian and looked completely harmless. He turned his back and began to figure out how to make Yao Xiaoyue disappear cleanly and completely.

But the opportunity to do so was really hard to find. Shen Dongming succeded in making Yao Xiaoyue go back. Although she was extremely resentful in her heart, she was clever and did not make a fuss. Instead, she portrayed herself as pitiful in front of Shen Dongming, saying that it was just a misunderstanding at the beginning, and that she hoped that Jiang Nian could do it. Forgive Yunyun, since the military can’t accommodate her, she can only go elsewhere to make a living.

It made Shen Dongming feel guilty and think he had done something wrong, but when he thought that “I want to live well for Jiang Nian” was also said by Yao Xiaoyue, he shuddered and didn’t think further.

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After Yao Xiaoyue left the military department, she joined a squad of supernatural powers. The team leader is also one of the future powerhouses. Now there were hundreds of people under his team. Other than supernatural ability users, most of them were ordinary people. Yao Xiaoyue had a level 3 water ability, so she became the hottest figure in the team. She performed well, at least much better than the average women who were crying, trembling in front of zombies, and unable to hold their cries. No, she was even better than regular men. The strong naturally attract attention.

Yao Xiaoyue was also used to winning people’s hearts, so in just half a month, she has become the deputy captain of the superpower team. The people on the team praised and trusted her.

After Qin Yue received the report made by Li MIing, he even more wanted to eliminate Yao Xiaoyue. This woman was pretending and cruel, and keeping her alive would only lead to endless trouble.

It was a pity that there had been no chance to get rid of her until a few days later, when the safe zone experienced a crisis of security throughout the district: mutant zombie rats, that no one knew from where they emerged, invaded the southern part of the city. They went to clean up the zombies and save the survivors. The whole region was almost annihilated! Fortunately, the grid was in place, otherwise the consequences of running north of the city would have been disastrous.

However, the grid was not a long-term solution. Hundreds of thousands of people in the north area were facing danger, so General Shen made a crucial decision. Not only did he send troops, but he also invited a team of supernatural ability wielders in the safe area to fight together. The scale was huge.

Jiang Nian, Qin Yue, and Li Ming were naturally among them.

Yao Xiaoyue also came with the team. She was not afraid of zombie rats, as they were only level one or two at most. They are fast and fight in groups, but her water ability can spread across a large area, so when an ability user releases thunder and lightning, a group of zombie rats can be electrocuted. Level three rats ones are be more powerful, as the bones and fur will be harder than before. When they reach the level four, they are at the level of the rat king, but this is only the beginning of the apocalypse. These smelly mice will not evolve so fast.

So she promised herself that this time, she wanted to let more people see her how good and powerful she was, and let them know that she was no worse than Jiang Nian.

But this time she was really wrong. Although the main threat was the hordes of zombie rats, she had forgotten that this was a danger zone. In addition to mice, there were cats and dogs, as there were two zoos in the southern part of the city and countless pet shops… Besides these, of course there were zombies!

So she was destined to pay for her neglect.

Just after she led a group of people to lure the zombie rat into the big dirt pit that the earth-type ability users stepped on and the fire-type ones burned to death, she led her team to go deep in. There were some people who reminded her of the army instructions to always act together, not to go deep alone and brave the danger.

Yao Xiaoyue only lightly retorted: “It’s just zombie rats. We should just continue using our strategy like we did back then. Just attract the nearby rats and kill them all. Don’t be afraid.”

They attracted two waves. Sure enough, they didn’t encounter any major problems, so their alertness naturally subsided a lot. Unfortunately, when they went deeper and set up traps to wait for the rats to throw themselves into the net, they suddenly saw the rats towards them, alongside a few bigger animals!

The situation suddenly reversed!

“F̲u̲c̲k̲, so big! Is that a tiger? Is it a zombie tiger?”

“What to do now, zombie cats and dogs are extremely powerful, isn’t the tiger even more powerful?”

“Damn, why don’t you just run, stupid!”

Yao Xiaoyue stepped back when the zombie tiger appeared, and ran away before the man had finished speaking. A dozen people in her group did not dare to delay and retreated, but they did not run far. They stopped again, because there was another zombie tiger in front of them!

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Yao Xiaoyue’s heart tighened, it’s over!

Qin Yue had Li Ming pay attention to Yao Xiaoyue’s movements. Li Ming had already left for a while. When he finally returned, he whispered in his ear, and Qin Yue’s eyes flashed brightly and asked: “Where are they now?”

Li Ming sneered: “Yao Xiaoyue wanted to claim credit and took the people deeper inside. She also met two zombie tigers, and is now waiting for her death.”

Qin Yue thoughtfully said: “I’ll go over first, and you go inform the Li team.”

“Okay, be careful.”

“I know.”

It would take time for Li Ming to come back, and Qin Yue knew it as he also experienced it in the past, so he had plenty of time to act. When he arrived, there was fighting over there. The situation was critical, and there are several dead bodies lying on the ground. Yao Xiaoyue was teaming up with a man to deal with a zombie tiger, and the man was distracted dealing with the zombie rat at his feet, his maneuver becoming more and more difficult.

Yao Xiaoyue was shocked, if she continued to hold on like this, she would be the one who would die.

So when the zombie tiger pounced again, she formed a water curtain to block the blow. The man condensed the fire power in the long knife and swung it, but Yao Xiaoyue used this time to set up the water curtain, turn around and jump into the side alley! The man’s face changed drastically, and he was under pressure, but because of the threat of the zombie tiger, he didn’t dare to look back and could only fight desperately! But he didn’t want to make Yao Xiaoyueto pay cheap, so he followed Yao Xiaoyue after he retreated.

Qin Yue felt cold. Yao Xiaoyue really did not repent. Of course, the man was not a good thing either. In the apocalypse, he had done a lot of bad things relying on his abilities. Qin Yue teleported and chased after him.

There Yao Xiaoyue finally got rid of the zombie tiger. She just breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the zombie tiger was still chasing the man, his body was scarred, and he looked like he wanted to chop her up to pieces: “You betrayed me?”

Yao Xiaoyue looked at him coldly, and sarcastically said: “Didn’t you also betray your brother? Can someone like you be trusted?”

“You want me to die, and I want you to die all the same!”

However, at this time, the zombie tiger pounced on him, so the man could only swing his knife and slash while shouting for help. Yao Xiaoyue threw a few water polo ball and hit the zombie tiger, making it back a few steps. The man seized the opportunity and kicked the zombie tiger to Yao Xiaoyueis side. Yao Xiaoyue cursed at him secretly and immediately dodged. However, she suddenly felt that she could not move, as if she was bound by something!

Space confinement!

She was very familiar with it. Space confinement was a skill that only a space ability wielder could use. In the apocalypse of her previous life, this method had long been known. Although space ability users were scarce, they not only have storage space, but they can also teleport out of thin air, and when the ability level is higher, the space can be used to imprison, and all the laws in the space are determined by the space ability user.

In the space the ability user creates, he is the law.

The zombie tiger rushed towards her, she screamed frantically, raised her head suddenly, and saw Qin Yue standing on the roof at a glance.

Hey there! So I decided to post one full chapter a week and to include ko-fi chapters. If you like my work, please comment and consider supporting me through Ko-fi or Patreon. See you next week!

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