Raider System

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Struggle in the Wealthy Family (1)

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[Welcome to the Raider System, I am Assistant Elf 123.]

The man smiles lazily, “Hm~ What is that?”

[You just need to wait for the raider to come, no need to do anything special, the favorability of the target person will increase or decrease accordingly to the behavior, until the favorability reaches full value, the strategy is completed, and the transaction is successful.]

“What is the criteria for selecting the raider?” Bai Luo believes in “God rewards hard work(2)” and “Conservation Law,” this kind of successful achievements for doing nothing makes him feel uneasy, like there is a taste of conspiracy.

[The target person will actively approach you, you have what they want, in exchange for love. It’s a fair transaction.] The sound without fluctuations, listening to it makes one feel shockingly cold.

“Fair? The strategy involved my emotions, wouldn’t the raider exchange my feelings for my things?”

[Everything in the world regenerates and restrains each other, a heart for a heart, only sincerity can get your likes, there is no one absolute. The process of the raider attacking you is also a form of self-trapping, that is the reason why I said to exchange things for love, please be at ease, we do fair transactions.]

The dull electronic sound rang again, [Do you want to start the transaction?]


His consciousness has been blank for a while. Bai Luo opened his eyes, and his eyes reflect the low-key luxurious office. Bai Luo didn’t expect the experience of teleportation, the feeling when opening his eyes and changing a place is dizzying, he can’t even tell the surrounding situation. Looking at the name plate on the table, “General Manager Bai Luo” flipped through the things on the table, and can roughly infer some information.

Bai Luo is the son of an influential family, after graduation,  he entered the family’s company. High status, young and handsome, Bai Luo is slightly curious, don’t know who the target person is, and what does he wants from him?

[You only need to do what you likes, and you will know when the target person appears.]

“Interesting.” Bai Luo flipped through the documents on the table, get a rough idea about the original owner’s work.

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There was a knock on the door, Bai Luo raised his head and said, “Please come in.” Then his eyes lit up, the young man holding the file was very handsome, tall but not thin, his eyebrows was cold, calm, gentle, very pleasing to the eye.

[Favorability +10.] It seems that it knows Bai Luo’s doubts, the system immediately explained: [Beauty raider is the easiest fastest way, it is detected that you like his appearance, so it gave favorability.]

That’s why, it’s no wonder the target person is good at attacking using just their own appearance, it is a good way to get twice the results with half the effort. Although the raider did nothing, his favorability increased, but, Bai Luo smiled freely. Compared to those with unsatisfactory appearance, he still likes attractive people, at the very least he will be happy when looking at them.

“General Manager, this is the new plan made by the planning department.” Ye Zhuo put the file on the desk, his fingers holding the file were white and slender, his nails were round, the joints were distinct, and he looks very beautiful and strong.

After some contact, Bai Luo found that Ye Zhuo was very capable of working, his affairs and time arrangements were organized in an orderly manner, and he knew the staffs in various departments well. He was a very useful assistant. Shouldn’t he be someone who wants to attack him? Whether it’s his appearance or character, it fits him very well. This young man’s every move is a little sultry, Bai Luo’s mind is slightly moved.

After work, Bai Luo drove home. A beautiful woman was sitting on the sofa, when she saw Bai Luo coming back, she told the servant on the side, “Eldest Young Master is back, go and prepare some fruit snacks.” She looked at Bai Luo, “Is there anything you want to eat at night? I will tell the kitchen to cook it for you.”

“Thank you auntie, just the usual is fine.”

The roar of the sports car sounds in the room, and a very dazzling man came in through the door, wearing a ripped denim and jacket, with a shiny purple stud on his right ear, and chestnut-colored hair, full of vitality and stubbornness.

“Mom, I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat?”

The woman frowned and accused, “Look at yourself, you have nothing to do all day. You only know to make trouble with those unconventional people, you can’t learn from your big brother.”

Seeing Bai Luo, Bai Yi immediately greeted him enthusiastically, “Big Brother, you are back, are you tired? I’ll massage your shoulders.”

Bai Yi is Bai Luo’s younger brother, Bai Luo’s biological mother died, and his father married Bai Yi’s mother, and brought back the ten-year-old Bai Yi. Bai Luo is four years older than Bai Yi, Bai Luo is used to being lonely, suddenly there is a younger brother, it is very strange. Bai Yi was restrained and shy when he first came, he looks exquisite and cute. Bai Luo subconsciously protected him, causing Bai Yi to be very sticky to him, and the relationship between the two brothers became closer.

Bai Luo keep his careful thoughts and go into the room, keeping him away from the woman’s nagging. “You are about to graduate, do you have any plans for the future?”

Bai Yi slumped on the sofa, wrinkling his face childishly, “Brother, when did you become an aunt? I haven’t had enough fun and don’t want to work. Brother is so capable, what’s wrong with raising me?”

“Can you live like this for a lifetime? Not doing business all day.” Before finishing speaking, he was interrupted by a cry, “I thought I could hide here with you peacefully for a while, brother, I misunderstood you.” Bai Yi said angrily with a face full of grieve.

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“If you don’t like it, then I won’t say anything, so someone don’t get provoke and fed up.”

“Who dares to be fed up with you, brother. My brother is so good, it’s not enough to like it.” Then, Bai Yi approached with a gossip face, and formed a wretched expression on that handsome face. “Brother, you are not young anymore, is there anyone you like?”

Bai Luo couldn’t bear to look directly at him and use his hand to move Bai Yi’s head aside, “Take care of yourself, play around less.”

Bai Yi rubbed his nose embarrassedly when he heard these words, and said with a smile: “It’s all those people who called me, I am but a new and good man.”

“To be more convincing, next time don’t let my assistant deal with your messy things again.”

After dinner, Bai Luo read an English original book, went to the gym for half an hour, and got ready to sleep after taking a shower. This is the rhythm of Bai Luo’s usual life. Even if he changes to another world, it is almost the same as his original one, unexpectedly there is no sense of disparity.

The phone flashed to indicate a notification, Bai Luo wiped his hair and opened it. Ye Zhuo sent, “General Manager, remember to blow your hair after the shower. Good night.”

Bai Luo ignored it after reading it, dried his hair, turned on the computer, processed some emails, browsed the web for a while, read the Interested(3) for a while, and fell asleep when his hair was almost dry.

The next day, Bai Luo returned from morning exercise, and was about to go out after breakfast, but Bai Yi hadn’t gotten up yet. Bai Luo have no other choice, he tell the nanny to leave a portion of breakfast for Bai Yi, and put it in the heat preservation pot.

Bai Luo looked at the proposed plan in his hands, there is a piece of land in the suburbs of the city to be re-planned. Bai Luo wants to build a resort. Currently, there is only a prototype, and the details need to be carefully planned. While thinking, suddenly there was a sharp pain in his stomach. Bai Luo held his abdomen with his hand, his fingertips turned white, he couldn’t even recall where the medicine was. Ye Zhuo, who opened the door, saw this scene. He hurriedly put the papers and coffee aside, and stepped forward to support Bai Luo, “General Manager, what’s wrong with you?”

Stomach medicine, in the drawer, bring it to me.” Ye Zhuo hurriedly turned the drawer and saw a medicine bottle in the drawer on the left hand side. Seeing that it was for treating stomach problems, he poured out three pills according to the instructions and poured a glass of water.

It is unknown if Ye Zhuo was too flustered, the medicine in his palm was not handed to Bai Luo, but directly fed to him. His lips inadvertently touched Ye Zhuo’s palm. It was hot and dry. Bai Luo was in too much pain and didn’t care about the ambiguousness of this matter.

The pain subsided, Ye Zhuo’s eyes were worried: “General Manager, do you want to go to the hospital?” Bai Luo waved his hand, “No need, it’s an old problem. You can get back to work.”

Ye Zhuo wanted to say something, his lips moved, he went out, and took away the coffee he brought as well.

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Bai Luo looked at Ye Zhuo who had gone back and forth in silence. Ye Zhuo’s face was a little cramped, he put down the tea in his hand, “Coffee is not good for the stomach, so, so,” The atmosphere was a little cold, and the corners of Bai Luo’s mouth raised slightly, “Thank you. Make tea from now on.”

The cold youth’s face softened and he seemed very happy.

When Bai Luo went to work the next morning, as soon as Bai Luo laid down his jacket, he saw Ye Zhuo carrying a food box, with a slightly unnatural face, “I got up early today and there’s nothing to do, so I made a soup. It’s pretty easy on the stomach. General Manager, do you want to drink?”

Bai Luo opened the lid, took a sip, and said, “Thank you, it’s delicious.” The smell is rich, the taste is mellow, just like  the flavor of Bai Wei Xuan(4).

Every morning after that, Ye Zhuo would bring various kinds of porridge or soup to Bai Luo.

粥 Porridge, with fermented duck eggs and cut up Chinese doughnut stick

汤 Soup, corn, carrots, chopped pork ribs, and probably ginger

As the work day is ending, Bai Luo stopped Ye Zhuo who was about to leave, “Do you have plans after work?”

“No, I don’t. Do you need me to work overtime? I have time.”

“No, I wanted to invite you to dinner.” Ye Zhuo brought him so many breakfasts. In return, he should also invite him to dinner.

Ye Zhuo paused, and agreed.

They went to a restaurant that Bai Luo liked very much. The environment was elegant and quiet, and the taste was refreshing and delicious. There are long tassels between the seats, which are very shadowy, as if the restaurant have separated many small worlds.

Bai Luo passed the menu to Ye Zhuo, and Ye Zhuo ordered a few dishes.

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“General Manager,” Bai Luo interrupted Ye Zhuo as soon as he called out.

“I am off work now.”

Ye Zhuo had doubts in his eyes.

“Call me Bai Luo.” Bai Luo’s personal affairs and business affairs have always been separated. Since it’s not working hours, he doesn’t like being addressed by the work title.

“Bai Luo,” May be because it’s the first time he called his name, Ye Zhuo’s tone was a little unnatural, “I thought you would prefer Western restaurants.”

The food was served very quickly, and the waiter in uniform brought the food in while they were talking. Bai Luo swallowed what was in his mouth and asked, “Why?”

“I think Western restaurants match your temperament better.” Elegant and noble.

“I thought you would like it more here.” Bai Luo likes the taste and decoration very much, and of course also thinks that others have the same opinions as his, and he has not noticed any ambiguity in his words.

The sky was already dark when they came out, Bai Luo, as the host, naturally sent Ye Zhuo home.

“Bai Luo, I can just take a taxi myself.” Ye Zhuo’s face was a little cramped.

“No trouble, it’s on the way, I will see you off. What is your address?”

He didn’t know the address and still said it’s on the way, Ye Zhuo thought to himself. But he still sat in the co-pilot and reported the address.

(1) 黄粱一梦: huáng liáng yī mèng—yellow beam one dream; a dream that is beaming yellow, an illusory dream, a dream that will not come true.

(2) 天道酬勤: tiāndào chóu qín—heaven road reward diligent; God/heaven will rewards those who works hard.

(3) 感兴趣: găn xìngqù—feel rise interest; I guess the popular news that occupied the top spot in social media?

(4) 百味轩: băiwèi xuān—hundred taste pavillion; either this have some other meaning, or if it’s the name of a restaurant, Bai Luo is suggesting that the soup smell like the soup from over there and Ye Zhou was lying when he said he made it.

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