Raider System

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Struggle in the Wealthy Family (3)

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Ye Zhuo was taken aback. He didn’t expect the general manager to ask about this kind of private matter. The general manager in his impression has always kept a distance from others in public and private, and never paid attention to other people’s private affairs. “I am going to the company in the afternoon. I have been on leave for two days, and works have piled up a lot.”

Bai Luo was silent for a while, “Wait for me to change my clothes, we will go together.” He doesn’t want to be alone now. When he was particularly uncomfortable last night, the thought of whether he died, and others would only find out after a few days has been lingering in his mind. He could tolerate that level last night. If it was so severe that he was unconscious, wouldn’t there be no one around him to call for the emergency room?

Ye Zhuo shook his head disapprovingly, “Bai Luo, you are not in a good health now, you should take a good rest. Otherwise it will be more serious, it will delay work even more. Work is important, but your body is even more important.”

Bai Luo was very unhappy, and finally nodded. After hesitating for a few seconds, he still said: “Will you come after work?” Ye Zhuo looked a little strange, and Bai Luo added a few more words, “I don’t have a person to make dinner yet. I didn’t hire a nanny.”

Ye Zhuo nodded, “I’ll be here after work. Remember to take your temperature and call me whenever you feel uncomfortable. Is there anything you want for dinner? I will go to the supermarket to buy food when I come back.”

Bai Luo reported a few dish names, but Ye Zhuo denied two of them, saying it was too oily, and it’s not good for the stomach. When Bai Luo recovers, he will cook it for him.

Bai Luo was a little happy, his face still collapsed, “You hurry go to work, don’t leave early.”

Bai Luo listened to music, and found a movie to watch. Remembering Ye Zhuo’s words, he took the thermometer to measure his body temperature. During this time, he received a call of concern from his younger brother.

“Brother, why didn’t you tell me when you are sick? Are you better now? Why don’t you go to the hospital?”

“You asked so many questions, how do you want me to answer. Bai shao(1) is so busy, how can I dare to trouble you? I am already fine now, I only have a little fever. Now my fever has gone down, I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

“Hehe(2), what can be more important than you, big brother. You must tell me next time you feel sick.”

After Bai Luo repeatedly assured him, Bai Yi hung up the phone.

Ye Zhuo came to the apartment in the evening and made dinner for Bai Luo. When Ye Zhuo used Bai Luo’s car when he went to work in the afternoon and just drove it back. The night was dark, and Bai Luo’s apartment only have this car. It’s not easy to take a taxi outside. The apartment is in the opposite direction where Ye Zhuo lived. If Ye Zhuo drove the car and pick up Bai Luo to work tomorrow’s morning, it would be very troublesome. The company’s location is between the two of them, and it is not convenient.

Bai Luo proposed to let Ye Zhuo stay here for one night and go to work together tomorrow. Ye Zhuo thought for a moment and agreed.

Only Bai Yi who rarely comes, live in the guest room. Bai Luo asked a part-time worker to clean it regularly, so it is still very clean and livable.

There was a time when Bai Luo went to the place where Ye Zhuo lived. The environment was not good and the space was small. Bai Luo was surprised, “Do you have a low salary?”

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“No,” Ye Zhuo was a little embarrassed. “My salary is very impressive, but the rent in the city is already high. I will send money to my family every month, so I live alone and don’t pay much attention to it.”

Bai Luo suggested, “I live in the apartment alone, you can move in.”

“I live here very well.”

“You won’t live there for free. You cook the meals, and the part-time worker comes by on a regular basis to clean.” Bai Luo thought for a while and said, “We will take turns driving to work.”

“No, I will drive.”

Bai Luo smiled, “Let’s do it like this then. Go and pack your belongings.”

Ye Zhuo was stunned. Originally he declined to move, how did he ended up going?

To integrate another person into his life, Bai Luo adjusted for a week before getting used to the current mode. In the morning, they would eat breakfast at home and go to the company together. Ye Zhou also made dinner. They ate regularly every day, and even his stomach didn’t hurt for a long time. Bai Luo doesn’t have to drive himself to and from work everyday. Sometimes, if Ye Zhuo is too tired, Bai Luo will drive.

Bai Luo touched his chin, he wanted to raise Ye Zhuo’s salary. Ye Zhuo was not only his assistant, he also took care of the meals and the drive. Bai Luo have to pay two more salaries. Otherwise, if such an omnipotent talent get squeezed away by him, where can he finds him.

Bai Luo heard the voice of the system when reading the document, [Favorability +20.]

Bai Luo put down the pen in his hand. According to the system’s favorability, it is now 90. Does he like Ye Zhuo so much? It is undeniable that Ye Zhuo fits him very well. He has a tacit understanding with him at work and also in life. Ye Zhuo takes care of his life tirelessly, takes care of all his things in an orderly manner, and can always be by his side. Thinking about it like this, it’s no big deal to like him.

Bai Luo contacted a friend who is a jewelry designer to designed a couple’s rings for him.

“Which family’s daughter(3) is this ah? Can capture our Bai da gongzi(4).”

“Not a daughter.”

There was a sneer from the phone, “Not a daughter, or is it Cinderella(5). Our upright Bai gongzi is conforming to the setting of the president male lead.”

“I want two men rings, I will send you the size data.”

The other party’s phone was not held firmly, and almost slipped. He choked on saliva for a while, “Bai Luo, I didn’t misheard you right? Did you really find a boyfriend?”

“Yes, we are living together now. When I finish this project, we will go register.”

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“Wait a minute, Bai Luo, did you confess? Does he know you want to register with him?”

“No confession, he doesn’t know.”

“Then you? Does he like you?”

“Like, he has been pursuing me. But his face is too thin, he is embarrassed to confess, but I can feel it.”

“If I knew you like men, long ago I would have,”

“What did you say? The sound is too small, I can’t hear it.”

“It’s nothing, Bai Luo. I have been very busy lately and have no time to return to China. After the ring is designed, it will be sent to you. I will not attend your banquet. When I return to China, you must treat me to a meal alone.”

Bai Luo was a little disappointed, “Busy person, don’t come if you can’t. I will be very busy when you get married in the future and won’t have time to attend.”

“You are still the same as before.” Don’t accept grievances one bit.

Bai Luo and his friend chatted for a while and then hung up. Before finish reading a document, the phone rang again.

The police station called. Bai Yi was illegally racing and was detained by the police station. He asked his family to vouch for him. Bai Luo rubbed his forehead, dialed the company’s internal line, and asked Ye Zhuo to come to his office. Bai Yi haven’t caused trouble for a long time, and he really thought that kid had changed his ways.

“Assistant Ye, please go to the police station. Bai Yi has been detained for racing.”

“Yes, General Manager.”

“Wait, remember to take him to the hotel for dinner after the matter is settled. He probably didn’t have any good meal from last night until now.”


Ye Zhuo handled this matter with ease. After a while, Bai Yi followed the policeman out and followed Ye Zhuo sloppily to the font passenger seat. After the door is closed, he sat up straight, and the frivolous expression on his face disappeared.

“Assistant Ye is really busy, I have to use this method to see you.”

“Bai Yi!”

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Bai Yi raised his hand, “Okay, okay, I know you are doing this all for me. Concentrate on driving, I don’t want to kill two people with one car.”

The two parked the car and entered the hotel room one after the other. As soon as the door was closed, Bai Yi immediately pressed Ye Zhuo onto the door frame, pulled Ye Zhuo’s shirt out of his pants, and put his hand in.

“Baby, did you miss me? My big guy misses you to death.”

Ye Zhuo was frozen by Bai Yi’s hand, and he catered to Bai Yi’s kiss even more.

Bai Yi took off Ye Zhuo’s belt and his pants, “It seems that baby misses me too. I’m so excited.”

“Go, go to bed.”

“I can’t help it.” Bai Yi turned Ye Zhuo over.

Ye Zhuo was pressed on the ice cold door. His stomach was cold, and he inhaled a mouthful of air to relieve the pain.

Bai Yi moved slowly and firmly. After a while, a familiar pleasure came from the pain, Ye Zhuo couldn’t help but urge Bai Yi to hurry up.

“Let’s go to bed.”

Zhuo stooped to lift up the pants at his ankle. When he got up, he became stiff, and gave Bai Yi an angry look.

Bai Yi held his hands and whistled, “Baby, clamp on to it. It’s hard to clean up if it flows all the way.”

“It seems that my brother can’t satisfy my baby?”

Ye Zhuo slapped Bai Yi’s face, and both of them were stunned.

Bai Yi let go of the person, sat up, took a cigarette from the bedside, took two breaths, and there was silence between the two. Bai Yi smoked a full cigarette before turning his face and saying, “Sorry, I’m too jealous and doesn’t speak well.”

Ye Zhuo leaned on the head of the bed, lowered his head, “The one I like is you. For whose sake do I stay by his side for?”

“I know. You eat and live together, and is inseparable all day long. I am afraid that you will turn the fake act into a real one and fall in love with him. After this is over, we will be together in the open, okay?”

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Ye Zhuo hugs Bai Yi’s back, “He has no other thoughts on me. I try to get close to him. He trusts me now. I have access to confidential documents and I can also find a chance to enter the study room. It will not be long before your goal can be achieved.” When Ye Zhuo said these words, his heart was blank. He was not sure whether this emotion was against Bai Yi or Bai Luo. “We have not done anything.”

“Bai Luo has never been close to people. He hates others entering his territory, even a housekeeper can’t do it. If it wasn’t for him to be unable to stand the mess, I’m afraid even the part-time worker can’t set foot in his place. He treats you differently.” Bai Yi said sourly. Not knowing who the sourness in his words is aimed at.

“Otherwise I will move out and transfer to another department?”

“Our affection has lasted for several years, how can I not believe you? There is only the last step, I can’t fall short at the last moment.”

The land was half built, and the funds were not enough. The company he cooperated with withdrew the capital. The workers’ wages are behind for one month, and they were on strike, making the situation worse. Bai Luo rubbed his forehead, “Assistant Ye, did you contact the other company? Have you found out why they withdrew?”

The company’s people are panicked, and their minds restless. Ye Zhuo is still calm, and there is no mess. Bai Luo appreciates Ye Zhuo’s calmness more and more.

“I found out that the other party is cooperating with a company called Yicheng.”

“Yicheng Company?” Bai Luo never heard the name, “What is its origin?”

“At first it was a small company with an unknown name, but the owner haven’t been found.”

(1) 白少: bái shăo; Bai for family name, Shao for … Young Master? But if so then there will be too many “Young Master”ish-meaning words later.

(2) 嘿嘿: hēihēi; hey or hehe, mischievous laughter sound.

(3) 千金: qiānjīn—thousand gold; also daughter, a rich one.

(4) 白大公子: bái dà gōngzǐ—Bai Eldest …(son of nobility); I am tired of wrecking my brain for English’s equivalent. Years of reading mtl has smoothed out my brain.

(5) 灰姑娘: hūi gūniang—ash young lady; Cinderella, a rags-to-riches celebrity.

The author has something to say:

Both the gong and shou are clean, therefore the unclean one is definitely not the true shou.

T/N: Thank you for those who voted, but too bad for those who picked yes.

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