that cold-faced and domineering ascetic brother 1

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"Miss, please eat this thing quickly. Your stomach is not good. If you don't eat, you won't be able to sleep at night and the master will be worried."    Xia Yichu opened her eyes and saw the servant in costume talking to her kindly.    Xia Yichu blinked, her eyes fluttered with confusion. She glanced at the steaming meals on the small round table and her look remained unchanged. She looked up at her domestic servant worriedly: "You go out first, I want to stay alone." It was not the first time Xia Yichu diverted her like this.    "Yes, Miss." Aunt Zhang sighed and just wanted to persuade the elder lady again but looking at the eyelashes drooping and her expression showing a trace of tiredness. Xia Yichu finally turned and went out. Plus after going out, she closed the door.    Xia Yichu and sat on the soft bed. She looked at this modern and luxurious room. She raised her hand and rubbed her tired eyebrows. The system said: "System, send me the mission information of this world."

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    "Okay." The anthropomorphic voice of the system echoed in Xia Yichu's mind. Then, a strange message suddenly appeared in Xia Yichu's mind like a surging wave.    It felt like something was forcibly stuffed into my head, which was very uncomfortable.    It took a while for Xia Yichu to adapt to this feeling, and at the same time, she also made her current situation clear from the strange information.    The body she currently occupies, named Xia Kui, is the daughter of Xia Zhengming, the richest man in N City. Xia Kui has just turned 22 this year. On top of her, there is a brother Shen Jiaye who is six years old.    From the information just now, Xia Yichu knew that Xia Kui's life was simply a matter of sadness and grief, directly a poor female cannon fodder.    Xia Kui grew up like a moon by a small crowd of stars. At the age of seventeen, she fell in love with the high-cold talent Zhou Qing in school. It's just that regardless of her love letter or the heart-warming way of sending breakfast and knitting scarf, Zhou Qing didn't get a good impression on her.however, under the cold face of Zhou Qing, she became frustrated and more courageous. Even to attend the same university as Zhou Qing, she directly enrolled in the central theatre that Zhou Qing wanted to take. After that, she used the power of Xia's family to directly assign herself and Zhou Qing to the same class. Xia Kui, who took Zhou Qing's elective courses, had a complete check.    Where there is Zhou Qing, there must be Xia Kui. Xia Kwai is a small tail of Zhou Qing, and this small tail comes with green bean paste in hot days and comes with a kettle in winter, it is extremely intimate.    However, even in this case, Xia Kui did not get Zhou Qing's favour but instead, he became more and more disgusted with Xia Kui.    Zhou Qing is an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage from an early age. He had no affection for Xia Kui, a rich and charming girl.    Moreover, Zhou Qing has a bright moonlight in his heart, that is Yu Xue who grew up with him from the orphanage.    She was not only beautiful people but also has a kind heart, and more importantly, they are not only sweethearts but also have a common dream, that is to be a star.    When he was with Yuxue, Zhou Qing had no worries and nothing to talk about, and the two had a perfect understanding, which was simply not comparable to Xia Kui.    Zhou Qing even had the idea of ​​confessing directly to Xia Kui, but he was caught by Yu Xue.    Yuxue said that Xia Kui's life experience was not something that an orphan like them could offend and that it would still be involved in an orphanage. Since Xia Kwai came to the door automatically, don't let it go in vain. Instead, take Xia Kui's resources and advance the entertainment circle first.    So, after Yu Xue's persuasion, Zhou Qing's attitude towards Xia Kui finally got better when he was a junior. Even more, he took advantage of Xia Kui's liking for him and asked for various acting channels    Xia Kui is very happy because of Zhou Qing's attitude towards her. Where can he think of the dark thought concealed under Zhou Qing's handsome appearance? When I heard what Zhou Qing wanted, I immediately called Zhou Qing to grab resources by my identity as Miss Xia.    Some people will look at Xia Kui's identity and give the resources to Zhou Qing, while others don't, Xia Kui calls Dad Xia and asks Dad Xia for help.    Xia Zheng spoiled her so much because he has just a daughter and son, and that son is still a guy with a cold face all day long, the gas field is so powerful that he is a little scared, and the two fathers and sons have nothing to talk about.    So for Xia Kui's coquettish behaviour, Xia Zhengming pampered her to the bones. Although he was dissatisfied with Xia Kui's help to an outsider, he couldn't stand Xia Kuii's soft look and he agreed every time.    So much so, with the help of Xia Kui, Zhou Qing's career is flourishing in the entertainment circle. Moreover, Zhou Qing himself is not stupid. He speaks very well and can be a man. While he is prosperous in his career, he does not forget to pull Yu Xue in the dark.    By the time Xia Kui discovered that the two were not right, Yuxue had already gotten some fame in the entertainment industry.    Although Xia Kui is very popular, her thoughts were not vulgar and were with a touch of innocence. Even if she was angry about Zhou Qing's help to Yuxue, she never thought of using her status in secret to trip Yuxue. But he also joined the entertainment industry, intending to make a difference with Yuxue.    It's just that Xia Kui, who was sought after from a young age to the eldest young lady, where is Yu Xue, who grew up in an orphanage since childhood. Almost every time she was forced to retreat by Yu Xue.    Especially when I looked at Yuxue's miserable look every time when she admitted to her that she was wrong but it made everyone's impression of her getting worse and worse and she didn't know how to argue. Xia Kui would be so irritated every time.    And Xia Kui's angry expression will be photographed and posted online. This is a lot of black powder for Xia Kui. Also, Yu Xue always "explains" Xia Kui's innocence to everyone, and Zhou Qing, who has become a film emperor with the help of the Xia family Supported Yuxue.    Zhou Qing just said a few words and immediately made his powerful fans in the camp anger at Xia Kui, and some "drug" "****" about Xia Kui All sorts of black-faced news, such as the director's curse of "oppressing newcomers," have spread all over the place.

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