Act 3-30.1: Wacky Battle in The Sweet Castle 1

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Kuroki was speechless, he suddenly got a really bad premonition.


When he came out upon hearing that the ogres were coming from Daigan, he ended up seeing the image of Kuna challenging Shirone, followed by the spectacle of Shirone flying toward the Sweet Castle a few seconds later.


Kuroki was completely unprepared for this kind of development.


「Crap, I’m too late to stop them… The two of them have probably already started fighting.」


Kuroki jumped up, and transformed into his Dark Knight form to go after Shirone.


「What the?!」


Just when he was about to go over the rampart to chase Shirone.


Kuroki twisted his body as he felt an incoming attack from his blindspot. A figure appeared in front of him, blocking his path.


Kuroki quickly descended to the ground. Following that, the one who blocked his path also descended from the air.


The identity of the other party was a girl of Kuroki’s age. Kuroki had seen her before.

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(Her name is Kaya.)


Kaya glared with a cold, piercing gaze toward Kuroki.


「I never expected you to have already infiltrated this place. You planned to use that Silver-Haired girl as a decoy to draw our attention while you go to save Regena, right? Unfortunately for you, I’m here exactly to always keep an eye on you and block you.」


Kaya spoke while pointing her fist toward Kuroki.


(Uh, that’s a huge misunderstanding though.)


Kuroki was flustered. He had to go as fast as possible to stop Kuna and Shirone.


「Your actions are a bit strange. You seem to have some degree of freedom, so why are you serving under the Demon King?」


Kaya asked Kuroki with a sharp voice.


「Ehm, how should I say…」




Kaya spoke with an enraged voice.

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「Y-You’re mistaken. The Demon King has no intention to make humans suffer. In the first place, how can he make humans suffer when he never even leaves Nargol?」


Kuroki retorted since Modes got slandered.


「Yeah, it’s true that the Demon King never leaves Nargol. But, the monsters are still attacking humans. Isn’t that the same as him directly tormenting human beings?」


「The Demon King never gave such orders though…」


「Ordering his subordinates should be a simple matter for him… Doesn’t that mean he’s way too irresponsible? Why isn’t he controlling the monsters even though he can do that? He’s only causing more suffering by doing nothing.」


Kuroki couldn’t say anything when Kaya asked that question. Not all monsters in this world were Modes’ subordinates. He could give such a reply, but he really couldn’t say anything back when Kaya said that monsters weren’t regulated properly, because Modes did have the capability of ruling most monsters in the world. The only reason he didn’t do that was because there was no reason to do so.


Kuroki also felt that Modes had the power to control monsters. The same goes for Elios. Elios’ Gods had the power to control humans. Yet, they didn’t use that on humans.


If he had to guess the reason, it would be because doing that was troublesome. For example, if a human committed a crime, the God who ruled over that human would be blamed. In the end, imposing control on humans would make humans no different from robots.


Should Modes use his authority to prevent monsters from attacking humans?


Why should he do that? He didn’t exist for humans.


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The fact that he didn’t feel like harming humans was already generous enough.


Modes had only a simple wish. He wanted to protect the place where he lived with his wife. Though that reason sounds too egoistic for someone hailed as the Demon King of Nargol, someone who lived outside of Nargol didn’t have the right to criticize him.


But still, Kuroki knew why Kaya thought that way.


(Maybe I would’ve said the same thing as her if I had been summoned by Rena instead of Modes.)


Kuroki couldn’t help but ponder about that matter. But, there was no changing things, Kuroki was summoned by the monster side instead of the human side.

Though he wouldn’t go as far as declaring himself as humanity’s enemy, he simply just couldn’t see the humans of this world’s perspective.


「My bad about that, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing that he didn’t regulate the monsters… That’s why I have no intention to listen to your claim.」


「I see… Then, let’s go back to my first question. Why are you taking the Demon King’s side? Is there any merit in you following him? Or else, is it because of that Silver-Haired Girl?」


Kuroki nodded as if confirming Kaya’s suspicion. Kuna was the reward Kuroki received for working under Modes. He decided to become Modes’ ally because the latter promised him a beautiful girl.


(The Silver-Haired girl, she must be referring to Kuna. Surely, I chose to side with the Demon King due to Kuna.)


Kuroki’s wish was as simple as Modes’ wish.


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Kuroki recalled the spectacle he saw back in the Holy Dragon King’s mountain.


Reiji and co seemed to really enjoy the fact that they beat him to pulp.


(I’m so envious of them dammit.)


Kuroki cried under his helmet. He did not have any allies when he had just arrived in this world. Modes and Nut were a different case. But, what Kuroki really wanted was to enjoy traveling with someone like Reiji and co. He wanted to have an important comrade who could support him and love him while he supported them and loved them back. And of course, it would be best if the comrade was a beautiful girl.


His wish came true in the form of a beautiful Silver-Haired girl called Kuna.


(I wouldn’t have been able to meet Kuna if I hadn’t come to this world. I would definitely be alone by myself if I had stayed in my original world. That’s why I’m truly cherishing my time with Kuna.)


Kuroki’s face formed a wide grin under his helmet as he recalled his adventures with Kuna.


Yes, nothing can beat the pleasure of traveling with a beautiful girl.




Kuroki replied to Kaya.


「So that’s your answer? So that girl is really the cause. Then, the only way to bring you back is to defeat that Silver-Haired girl called Kuna.」


Kuroki felt dark emotions swell within him the moment he heard Kaya’s remark.

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