Reality System

Chapter 2

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'Let's do that quest which coincides with what I wanna do' Ren thought as he went beside an ordinary npc with ragged clothes, he looked like a beggar and no other player tried to talk to him, and while one or two did he didnt give any response so they went away.

"I know you, you're the famous paladin Azmir" said Ren.

Azmir was shocked a little that somebody knew him with these clothes, also he was in a village of little importance... he was literaly in the middle of nowhere... so how could anyone know him?

"Who are you? How do you know me?" asked Azmir a little worried.

"Relax, I have no bad intentions...I know you because you are really famous and I saw a portrait of you somewhere before... I'm one of the newly ascended immortals. I wanted to know if I can do anything for you?" Ren couldn't say he almost knew everyone or he was a reincarnated ghost from the future... so he created some nonsense bullshit which made sense.

"You're too weak to do what I want to be done. go come back when you recieve your first class... and from what I see of you... it would be impossible for you to do what I want to be done... so go away..." said Azmir.

"I thought the great paladin Azmir treats everyone equally it seems this reputation of yours is nonsense... okay I'll go away..." said Ren as he turned around to pretend to be going away.

Azmir was indeed a person who treated everyone equally and he didn't want his reputation to be ruined so he called "Wait... it's not because I'm looking down on you... it's just impossible for you... ."

This was exactly what Ren wanted to hear so he said "nothing is impossible... how would you know It's impossible for me if I don't try? I'll try to do it once and if I fail... who cares its not like I'm gonna die for real as you know I'm one of the immortals."

As Azmir thought his words made a lot of sense he gave him the secret quest "okay then... bring me a Blue Grass... It's said it drops only from a monster called Demin ... but I have no idea where you can find one... ."

[You have recieved a hidden quest.]

[Difficulty Level: S

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Request: give Azmir one Blue Grass.

Reward: 100,000 Experience point + 10 gold coins + Azmir's Ring

Quest failure: Player won't be able to log in for 24 hours real time.]

Ren grinned as this was what he wanted... he went to a shop and and first sold every basic Item he had and then bought the basic bow with lot's of arrows untill he was broke in game.

Then he dashed out of the village carefully as he didn't want to be killed by the wandering monster. After 1.5 hours of careful dashing he finally got to the Valley of Death... a ground for level 20 or above players to kill monsters and gain experience. he ran for 5 more minutes untill he found a somewhat hidden cave in a bush... he went in as this was where he wanted to go.

Now 30 meters in front of him was a level 25 Boss monster.


Health: 10,000

A level 25 Boss monster with ghoul bloodline with extremely high attack power.


Ren grinned as he carefully went on one huge rock and then from there jumped to another higher rock and from there he jumped on a higher cliff on the walls. this was a trick a newbie player found 2 years after game had started and was fixed at that time by the game AI immediately. But that player was able to kill Demin with this trick once with this trick and that was exactly what Ren wanted to do.

He took out his basic bow and arrows and started to shoot very skillfully as he was already very familiar with the game.


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he did this little damage but he was very satisfied with it as he could almost shoot 2 arrows every second which was very fast as other new players could almost shoot just one arrow every second.

Demin roared and tried to climb the cliff but as it was too high and he didnt have much intelligence ot was impossible for him to do anything as he could just roar.

After 2 hours of shooting Ren killed Demin and as he killed Demin...

[You have successfully killed the boss monster Demin]

[You will recieve x12 times experience because you have killed a monster which is at least 12 levels higher than you(maximum is 12 levels x12)]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

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[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

The golden light shone on his body and he received the level up notification 13 times as he became level 13. This speed of level up was insane. other players were still level 1 or 2 while the first person on the level up ranking was 3.

[As you have killed the first Level 25 Boss monster your name will be announced in the world announcement system. Do you want to hide your name?]

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"... Hiideee it.." Ren responded immediately a little scared as he didn't want to be public number one enemy.


[World Announcement system: player xxx has successfully killed the first level 25 Boss monster alone. As he is the first person to kill the boss monster he will receive the one and only title [The First Killer].]

Number one player on the level up ranking "...."

Number two on world ranking ".....Fuck."

Everyone else "FUCK THIS SHIT..."

person A "he must have cheated."

person B "definitely...."

person C "but it's not possible to cheat it is a bugless game and an all powerfull AI beauty is watching over the game... ."

person B " that's true too -_-."

The world was in disorder for a while as everyone was talking about the person who did a miracle or may have cheated.


[Do you want to be listed in the world level ranking?]

"No need for now..." Replied Ren leisurely without realizing what a huge disorder he had created without realizing the scale of this mess.

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