Reality System

Chapter 37

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After what seemed an eternity later Ren finally opened his eyes, he didn't know how much time had passed as he had completely lost his sense of time, it felt both like an eternity and just like a moment to him.

The first thing he saw the moment he opened his eyes was a notification that had popped in front of his eyes together with the robotic voice of the Reality System.

[The Reality System has been upgraded.]

Seeing and hearing this Ren became happy as the system got upgraded finally but his stomach hurt the next moment before continuing his happiness, he was extremely hungry.

First, before anything else he decided to come out of the game capsule as he had been in there for God knows how much.

Before seeing the changes that have taken place in the Reality System, he decided to eat something as he felt like he was dying of hunger.

"How much time has passed boss?" Ren asked the Reality System the moment he came out of the game capsule.

[Two days.] The System answered.

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"No wonder I'm feeling so hungry..." Ren said placing his left hand on his stomach.

"Did anyone come to my room while I was passed out boss?" Ren asked the system again.

[Well, both your mom and dad came like dozen times but seeing you inside the game capsule, even though they were worried they didn't disturb you as they thought you were focusing on the game. They brought food too but I made the food disappear and the next time they came seeing the empty plates they were at least relieved you were fine.] the system said.

Then it continued, [Your little sister also came a lot but she went away harrumphing every time with a disappointed face while pouting her lips.]

"I see, thanks for making the foods disappear then boss." Ren told the system.

[I did that just because I didn't want you to be taken away to the hospital again.]

"Anyway, thanks," Ren said with a smile on his face.

His stomach made a loud noise as it hurt really bad making Ren groan as he thought, "Ouch!" 'it hurts and I feel like I'm running out of energy. let's go eat something.'

After that he went out of his bedroom where his game capsule was placed at, the moment he opened the door he saw little Cassandra sitting on the floor staring at her brother's room door while pouting.

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Seeing him open the door and come out of the room she was excited at first as a smile came on her face as her eyes shined.

"haha, hey my beautiful little Cassie... you've been waiting for Oppa to stop playing?" Ren said laughing.

Hearing him talk and remembering how much she had waited for her brother as her brother seemed to be only playing games without playing with him she harrumphed as she stormed away with a cute angry face without saying anything.

Seeing his little sister storm away Ren thought while smiling 'She seems to be mad at me huh...ouch... let's eat first.'

Then he stormed to the kitchen as he went straight to the refrigerator, opening its door he started eating whatever that came to his hands without a care of what it was, what he cared was if the thing on his hands were edible or not.

As he was stuffing himself with whatever food that came to his hands, his mom came and seeing him eat like that she said "Son, it's been only some hour hours since you had lunch why are you stuffing food like you've been starved for days?"

'Cuz I've been starved for days.' Ren thought.

But then he said "I don't know mom, I just feel so hungry..."

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Hearing this her mom sighed as she said "Okay, let mom warm some leftover food for you then, eat that instead of emptying the refrigerator, I need those stuff you're eating to make dinner later you know?"

'So you were worried about the refrigerator being emptied out.' Ren thought but didn't dare say it out loud as he stopped eating and closed the refrigerator's door as he said "Okay mom." Then he sat on the chair waiting for the food to be ready.

"Where's dad mom?" Ren asked seeing his dad wasn't around.

"He went out to meet a friend of his, he should be back soon." Ren's mom said.

"Okay," Ren said nodding his head.

Then while his mom was warming the leftover food she started talking "Son, stop playing that game too much! you're gonna harm your body! and also start exercising a little. also, do something about your college! Most of my friends' sons are studying at some nice university, I envy them so much when they talk about their son with that face like their son's the most perfect man in the world..." his mother continued complaining and talking about different things, she never stopped.

"Okay, mom."


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"Of course"

"that couldn't be truer"

"I agree"

"I'll do as you say."

The only thing Ren could do was accept everything her mother said because if he denied it, worse, he had to listen to a more longer speech about why he was wrong, so he just kept accepting whatever he mom was saying and at some point he wasn't even listening anymore as he just agreed without knowing what it was, he thought while agreeing mindlessly without thinking, 'When is this damn food going to be ready... '

And after what seemed like an eternity of speech later to Ren the food was ready, but in truth, only 15 to 20 minutes had passed.

After that he started wolfing down the food, seeing how hungry his son seemed, his mom decided to leave his son alone, and probably that was the best choice as Ren might've choked to death with this speed eating if she continued her talk.

After he was done eating he was ready to go to his own room in order to check how much the upgrade had changed the Reality System.

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