Chapter 24.3 – Admission

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Su Qin felt that in addition to the photo stickers, adolescents must also go to a place.

__ Internet cafes.

She took Yun Fei into an internet cafe in the back street, which was filled with youngsters who were not very old, but were smoking on the chairs which led to smokiness inside.

The two asked for the same row seats and sat next to each other.

This is the first time Su Qin played games since her rebirth.

She found the ‘Audition Dance Battle’ icon on the desktop, clicked into the main interface and registered an account. Entering the game hall, Yun Fei was stunned by the captivating sight.

He opened his eyes wide and asked Su Qin, “How to get in?”

Yun Fei has a computer at home, but he has only played the ‘Minesweeper’ game. This was the first time he saw such a colorful game and felt novel.

Su Qin chose the 85 slow number and said, “Watch me play it once and you try it yourself later.”

“En.” Yun Fei leaned over and watched Su Qin play the game seriously.

Although Su Qin chose a very slow tune, her hands speed was not slow; ‘up, down, left and right keys’ were quickly pressed and each round was ‘perfect’.


Su Qin’s character danced perfectly on the screen, which was cool and sassy. Watching it, Yun Fei got excited and inexplicably wanted to dance too.

This was the coolest dance he had ever seen and none other.

After completing the dance, Su Qin leaned over and held Yun Fei’s mouse to click on the game for him.

Yun Fei learned very quickly. He first chose the ‘65’ slow speed number and after familiarizing himself with the maneuver, he began to dance the ‘85’ number. Dancing a few in a row, Yun Fei was carefree and had never felt so happy.

The two of them spent 3 hours in the internet cafe, during which the driver called three times. Only after the driver found the internet cafe and stared at them did they quit.

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When Su Qin exited QQ, she found that Yun Fei had changed his username and profile picture. She clicked on it and saw that Yun Fei had changed his username from ‘Feifei’ to ‘Prince of Superiority’ and his punchline was also very distinctive:

“The world is so filthy, who has the right to act aggrieved.”

Su Qin: ……… QAQ …. Feifei …. really fly.

On the way to sending Su Qin home, Yun Fei was still immersed in the joy of the game. His fingers couldn’t help tapping on his thigh, imitating the action of clicking the ‘up, down, left and right keys’ while his other hand was striking the ‘spacebar’ action.

Su Qin was a little worried about making Yun Fei into a nonconformist internet addicted youth.

She … is not a qualified elder sister.

When approaching Su Qin’s home, Yun Fei turned and asked her, “Su-su, I will learn to dance and show you once I master it, okay?”

“Street dance? Street dancing is very tiring.”

“It’s okay.” Yun Fei arched his eyebrows and revealed his cute little canine teeth, “I’m not afraid of being tired.”

Su Qin only thought he was on a whim and didn’t take it seriously.

The driver sent her to the downstairs of the district.

Since this was her parents’ home, she didn’t let Yun Fei go upstairs but asked him to go home first.

Walking to the door, Su Qin took a deep breath. She knew today’s trip would definitely be hostile and she was mentally prepared.

She has made a copy of the household register booklet and won’t have to go home to get it again for university. Standing at the door, she put the household register booklet back in her bag before knocking on the door.

“Thud, thud, thud __ “

It was already 7 pm and her father had already got off work. The person who came to the door was her father, Su Zhengguo.

Opening the door and seeing Su Qin standing outside the door, Su Zhengguo was stunned, “Su-su?”

Wang Lin had promised not to tell her husband about Su Qin’s current situation. Su Zhenggo, who was busy with work these days, didn’t even realize that the household register booklet had been taken away.

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Su Qin walked into the house and spoke immediately after her father had closed the door, “Dad, I got into Yunzhong.”

She calmly recounted what she had told her mother to Su Zhengguo again.

As expected, Su Zhengguo was not only unhappy, he was instead so angry that he raised his hand to slap her as he spoke angrily, “You’ve grown up and become capable? Lying about going to work to your family yet you’ve been hiding in Yunyang? Even went behind our back to take the Yunzhong exam? Stinky brat, do you think I, your father is dead!”

Su Qin deemed she should endure this slap.

This slap would sever the last bit of father and daughter’s affection.

The younger son, Su Wu who was sitting and playing with toys on the sofa, stared blankly at them.

Cooking in the kitchen, Wang Lin hastily turned off the flame and came out when she heard the commotion outside. She pulled Su Qin to shield her behind her back, “It’s good that Su-su got into Yunzhong. Why did you hit her? Isn’t this an honor ah? You should be happy ah. Getting into Yunzhong will definitely enable Su-su to get into a university in the future and will surely find a good job that makes money.”

“Bullshit.” Su Zhengguo was shaking with anger as he pointed at Su Qin and said, “What can this stinky brat do even if she goes to university? Can she still find a good husband? Why do girls go to university? For the sake of finding a good man to marry! Who in the neighborhood doesn’t know her situation now? Even if she gets into a good university, will her in-laws give us the betrothal gift with her situation? Dream on!”

Su Qin, “ ….. “

With her husband acting out violently, Wang Lin’s shoulders shuddered with fear, but she remembered what her daughter said to her that day. Mustering up her courage, she spoke a word or two on behalf of Su Qin, “I have nothing to say if you said she couldn’t find a good husband studying in the former high school. But this is Yunzhong ah, how many children bend over yet couldn’t get into the place and Su-su got in with great difficulty, so just let her study. Besides … Xiao Wu is only 4 years old now, you can let him attend a substandard kindergarten and put Su-su through university first, what do you think?”

“Do you know how much it costs to attend high school and university? What if she can’t get married in the future, won’t this money of mine be wasted?” Su Zhengguo sat down on the sofa angrily and held his son on his lap “Okay, don’t talk about it. You’re not allowed to go even if you pass the exam.”

Frightened, Wang LIn’s hands were shaking when she spoke to her husband.

Su Qin grasped her hand and she regained her courage, “Zhengguo. You just let Su-su go, Yunzhong is the school that turned out female astronauts. What if Su-su becomes a female astronaut in the future? At that time, she can also subsidize the family with the money she earns, so you just let her go … “

She still wanted to speak more when Su Zhengguo grabbed the enamel cup on the coffee table and smashed it at Wang Lin. This time, it hit Wang Lin’s eye socket causing her to let out a painful cry and she couldn’t open her eyes for a long time.

This was the first time Su Qin saw her father lay hands on her mother and her heart palpitated wildly.

Su Qin finally knew why her mother was always submissive. She was afraid, afraid of getting beaten by her husband, afraid of losing her ‘comfortable’ life being abandoned by her husband.

Although Su Qin had hated her mother, she began to sympathize with her this time and felt sorry for her.

She hugged her mother and yelled at her father, “Dad, you are going too far. Let me ask you, do you still acknowledge me as your daughter hereafter?”

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“Scram!” Su Zhengguo roared irritably.

Su Qin revealed a relieved smile and blocked her father’s view with her body. She took out the household register booklet and stuffed it into her mother’s apron composedly.

She turned around and looked at Su Zhengguo, “I won’t ask the family for help in the future. Dad, I’ll call you Dad for the last time. From now on, I’m no longer your daughter and you don’t come look for me either. I will remember what you said today and your ‘Scram’ will be engraved in my heart. Also, I’ve never thought that a woman must depend on a man to live. If a woman can only live relying on a man, she is doomed to become a maggot who is unable to see the glory and radiance of the outside world.”

Su Qin left home and Wang Lin didn’t even dare to chase after her. Staring at her daughter’s departing back, she suddenly felt a sense of sorrow in her heart.

What had she done after all? Forcing her daughter away to stay by the side of a devil-like husband and acting as a maggot to help him take care of his mistress’ child.

What … exactly had she done?

Late at night.

The husband beside her began to snore while Wang Lin’s eye socket hurt so much that she couldn’t sleep.

Wang Lin got up and went to the kitchen. She took out the household register booklet that Su Qin stuffed into her apron pocket and noticed that the thickness was amiss. Unfolding it, she found a thousand yuan stuffed inside.

There was also her daughter’s handwritten note inside.

“A mother who abandons her daughter is not qualified to be a mother. If you want to be a maggot, stay. If you don’t want to be a maggot, then leave.”

Wang Lin was stunned. She then squatted in the kitchen and cried silently.

When the 2006 high school admission results were announced, it was exactly time for the Dongchuan Province’s junior high exams.

Many students who participated in the special admission exams of Yunyang High School participated in the junior high exams again in order to get a sense of achievement and Yun Fei was no exception too.

On the first day after junior high exams, Su Qin received a QQ message from Wen Mei while she was chatting online with the customers.

[A stem of plum]: Su-su, I got into Yunyang University and also the top liberal arts’ scholar this year!

Su Qin didn’t reply to Wen Mei immediately after receiving her message as she forgot to type in front of the computer screen and smiled like a big fool.

The lady boss came over and slapped the back of her head, “What are you doing Qin’er? Cyber-dating?”

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Su Qin shook her head, “No, I saw a joke.”


The lady boss didn’t believe her nonsense, so she sat next to her and asked her, “Su-su, have you thought about the part-time job? We can talk about the salary?”

“I don’t want the salary.” Su Qin said.

“No salary?” The lady boss reached out to touch her forehead and spoke in surprise, “You having a fever? Even if you don’t want to get paid, I can’t be that stingy either?”

Su Qin shook her head and said, “After spending my effort on setting up Taobao, I will still come to help sell clothes in the shop during the winter and summer vacations, but I will not take a cent of your salary. I want 30% of Taobao’s shares. In other words, you will give me a 30% cut on every Taobao finalized order and I don’t want a cent of your basic salary, how about that?”

Chen Meixin lowered her head to calculate.

She agreed to set up a Taobao store initially, mainly for the convenience of those regular customers who were too lazy to go out shopping. The first month’s transaction volume was indeed good with 30 orders in a single month.

But the courier was slow and the postage was high too. Those regular customers would rather come to the shop to buy after finding it suitable browsing the style and price on Taobao.

So, the Taobao sales for this month was only 2. Looking at such dismal sales, Chen Meixin has gradually lost interest in Taobao.

Su Qin continued, “Lady boss, I told you before when we started Taobao that I would build up Taobao and make profit for you, but the Taobao sales now are not as good as the beginning and this is considered the goal I set for myself. You give me full control of Taobao. As for the sales, I will not let you lose money. If the clothes are sold for 100 in the retail shop, I will sell it at 125 in Taobao. I will get the money if that’s profit and if there’s no profit, I will have no money then. What do you think?”

Chen Meixin believes the monthly turnover volume will not exceed 10 at most and each piece of clothing calculated based on a 100 yuan, her cuts will only be 300 yuan, while her monthly minimum wage of summer job will be 1,500.

Chen Meixin felt that Su Qin is crazy. Seeing the girl’s stubbornness, she agreed yet she didn’t have much expectations for this Taobao.

But Su Qin already has a plan in mind.

In the afternoon, Su Qin went out to type up a contract and brought it back for the lady boss to sign.

Chen Meixin didn’t even bother to read the contract and signed it ‘swishly’.

Chen Meixin felt that Su Qin, this Yatou, had begun to go over the top and became whimsical after getting into Yunzhong.

She doesn’t believe that she can sell 100 yuan clothes for 125 on Taobao.

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