RFSB Ch12 - His soft lips just touched my ear - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 lazyreader [Translator]5-7 minutes

Chu Yuan was piecing his test paper together with the borrowed scotch tape from the classmate in the front row. He bit off pieces from the tape to stick together the torn pieces.

On his way to him, Tang Ze Chi’s good buddy Shen Xing Chen called him twice, but he ignored him. zEK3PX

The world around him gradually faded, and Tang Ze Chi could only see the little milk bun in front of him. His empty heart filled with raging heat, and Tang Ze Chi strode over and slapped his palm on the table.

He lowered his voice and asked forcefully, “What are you doing? Who told you to touch my stuff? Are you fucking looking for a fight?” He stared at him fiercely.

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The students around them were frightened and quieted down.

He grew up in the bad part of society and developed an intimidating hostile aura early on that ordinary people couldn’t stand up to. dMNrzB

He was extremely close to Chu Yuan, and his high nose along with his expression made him look like a gangster.

His hawk-like black eyes were filled with gloom and anger, as if he was going to grab Chu Yuan by his neck in the next second, lift him up, and punch his little round face.

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Facing each other, Chu Yuan hormones were going haywire and his heart was beating wildly. He dropped his head while exposing his pale delicate neck and said coquettishly, “I just glued the test paper for you, and didn’t touch anything else. The teacher said that we have to repeatedly work out the questions we got wrong so that we will not make the same mistakes next time…”

He seemed to have thought of something, so he raised his head and said with concern, “Chi Ge, does your hand hurt? Don’t hit the desk so hard next time…”


He grabbed Tang Ze Chi’s hand and said, “It’s all red…”

He took Tang Ze Chi’s hand into his small hands, and tried to rub it, but Tang Ze Chi shook his hand away.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ifoa atf mijrrgbbw jr delmxis jr tf qbrrlyis mbeiv.

Lf vlvc’a xcbk ktja tf kbeiv vb lo tf rajsfv jcs ibcufg. WcCKvD

Jte Tejc’r ylu mifjg fsfr, ufcaif ilaaif tjcvr, jcv tlr mjglcu kbgvr xfqa gfjqqfjglcu yfobgf tlr fsfr. Lf tjv j nlbifca eguf ab wjxf atbrf mifjg fsfr oeii klat afjgr, jcv ab ifjnf gfv wjgxr bc atbrf rboa qjif tjcvr. Lf kjcafv ab wjxf tlr ufcaif nblmf agfwyif jcv rmgfjw. Lf kjcafv ab wjxf agbeyif, jcv fnfc kjcafv tlw ab mgs jcv yfu tlw obg wfgms.

Tang Ze Chi hid in the men’s room and smoked a full three cigarettes before barely regaining his composure.

He smoked too much and when he returned to the classroom, the students around him could clearly smell the smoke on him.

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His physics test paper was on his desk. fGEv7D

Although it was crumpled and did not look good, it was readable.

Next to the test paper was a piece of paper with a brief analysis of his mistakes.

There was also a chibi version of a little boy waving a flag with words saying,  “Chi ge is the best! Fighting Chi ge! Remember to ask me if there’s something you don’t know.”

Little red hearts were drawn next to the boy’s head. Gi2LbD

Tang Ze Chi took a few deep breaths because of the little red hearts and then he started reading the questions.

Only halfway through, he felt someone approaching him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Yuan leaned over, pressed the tip of his nose to his sleeve, and he could feel his nose twitch.

“Get out of the way.” Tang Ze Chi ordered. UwFc3v

Chu Yuan slightly moved away from him, “Did you smoke? It smells like you did.”

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“So what?”

“Don’t smoke in the future. It’s not good for your health.”

Chu Yuan conjured up a mint candy, and put it on the corner of the table and looked at him like he wanted to be praised. pNP0RF

Tang Zechi snorted, “You’re not even that tall, but you’re still difficult to manage”

“I just care about my deskmate…and I’m sure I can still grow taller…” Chu Yuan acted cute.

Tang Ze Chi ignored him, and started studying.

Halfway through self-study, Tang Ze Chi suddenly tapped his desk with his knuckles, pushed the paper over halfway, lowered his voice and said, “Why did you use this formula for this step?” x7Pel

Of course Chu Yuan was very happy when Tang Ze Chi asked him a question, but the classroom was too quiet.


Chu Yuan had just said a word, when the study committee member in the front row turned around and made a “shh” gesture to him.

Chu Yuan really had no choice but to lean closer to Tang Ze Chi’s ear. FfmY6O

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His soft lips just touched Tang Ze Chi’s ear.

Tang Ze Chi pushed him away and wrote in his notebook, “Write it down for me, thanks.”

“Okay…” Chu Yuan didn’t dare to flirt too much, for fear that he would feel disgusted with him.

After school, jWvHr6

Chu Yuan and Tang Ze Chi were packing their school bags when Zhou Li came.

“Chu Yuan, let’s go to the karaoke tonight.” She said affectionately, “Zou Kai is coming too.”

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Tang Ze Chi stopped packing his school bag, and he couldn’t help but glance at Chu Yuan from the corner of his eye.

In this situation, the little thing couldn’t possibly refuse. xOoJBp

T/N: Sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy this chapter~

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